Certification Problem

Input (COPS 360)

The rewrite relation of the following conditional TRS is considered.

g(x) k(y) | h(x) ≈ d, h(x) ≈ c(y)
h(d) c(a)
h(d) c(b)
f(k(a),k(b),x) f(x,x,x)

Property / Task

Prove or disprove confluence.

Answer / Result


Proof (by ConCon @ CoCo 2020)

1 Removal of Infeasible Rules

We may safely remove rules with infeasible conditions. They do not influence the rewrite relation in any way.

1.1 Rules with Infeasible Conditions

1.2 Non-Joinable Fork

The system is not confluent due to the following forking derivations.
h(d) * c(a)
h(d) * c(b)
The two resulting terms cannot be joined for the following reason: