Certification Problem

Input (COPS 883)

The rewrite relation of the following (conditional) TRS is considered.

f(c(x),c(c(y))) a(a(x)) | c(f(x,y)) ≈ c(a(b))
f(c(c(c(x))),y) a(y) | c(f(c(x),c(c(y)))) ≈ c(a(a(b)))
h(b) b |
h(a(a(x))) a(b) | h(x) ≈ b

The question is whether the following conditions are infeasible, i.e., there is no substitution σ such that all of the following is true:

Property / Task

Prove or disprove an infeasibility problem.

Answer / Result


Proof (by nonreach @ CoCo 2023)

h(a(a(x))) a(b) | h(x) ≈ b
h(b) b |

1 Infeasible Compound Conditions

We collect the conditions in the fresh compound-symbol |.

1.1 Non-reachability

We show non-reachability w.r.t. the underlying TRS.

1.1.1 Non-reachability by TCAP

Non-reachability is shown by the TCAP approximation.