Certification Problem

Input (TPDB TRS_Standard/AotoYamada_05/022)

The rewrite relation of the following TRS is considered.

app(app(mapt,f),app(leaf,x)) app(leaf,app(f,x)) (1)
app(app(mapt,f),app(node,xs)) app(node,app(app(maptlist,f),xs)) (2)
app(app(maptlist,f),nil) nil (3)
app(app(maptlist,f),app(app(cons,x),xs)) app(app(cons,app(app(mapt,f),x)),app(app(maptlist,f),xs)) (4)

Property / Task

Prove or disprove termination.

Answer / Result


Proof (by AProVE @ termCOMP 2023)

1 Uncurrying

We uncurry the binary symbol app in combination with the following symbol map which also determines the applicative arities of these symbols.

mapt is mapped to mapt, mapt1(x1), mapt2(x1, x2)
leaf is mapped to leaf, leaf1(x1)
node is mapped to node, node1(x1)
maptlist is mapped to maptlist, maptlist1(x1), maptlist2(x1, x2)
nil is mapped to nil
cons is mapped to cons, cons1(x1), cons2(x1, x2)

There are no uncurry rules.
No rules have to be added for the eta-expansion.

Uncurrying the rules and adding the uncurrying rules yields the new set of rules
mapt2(f,leaf1(x)) leaf1(app(f,x)) (13)
mapt2(f,node1(xs)) node1(maptlist2(f,xs)) (14)
maptlist2(f,nil) nil (15)
maptlist2(f,cons2(x,xs)) cons2(mapt2(f,x),maptlist2(f,xs)) (16)
app(mapt,y1) mapt1(y1) (5)
app(mapt1(x0),y1) mapt2(x0,y1) (6)
app(leaf,y1) leaf1(y1) (7)
app(node,y1) node1(y1) (8)
app(maptlist,y1) maptlist1(y1) (9)
app(maptlist1(x0),y1) maptlist2(x0,y1) (10)
app(cons,y1) cons1(y1) (11)
app(cons1(x0),y1) cons2(x0,y1) (12)

1.1 Rule Removal

Using the
prec(mapt2) = 4 stat(mapt2) = mul
prec(app) = 4 stat(app) = mul
prec(maptlist2) = 4 stat(maptlist2) = mul
prec(nil) = 0 stat(nil) = mul
prec(cons2) = 1 stat(cons2) = mul
prec(mapt) = 5 stat(mapt) = mul
prec(mapt1) = 2 stat(mapt1) = mul
prec(leaf) = 6 stat(leaf) = mul
prec(node) = 7 stat(node) = mul
prec(maptlist) = 8 stat(maptlist) = mul
prec(maptlist1) = 3 stat(maptlist1) = mul
prec(cons) = 9 stat(cons) = mul

π(mapt2) = [1,2]
π(leaf1) = 1
π(app) = [1,2]
π(node1) = 1
π(maptlist2) = [1,2]
π(nil) = []
π(cons2) = [1,2]
π(mapt) = []
π(mapt1) = [1]
π(leaf) = []
π(node) = []
π(maptlist) = []
π(maptlist1) = [1]
π(cons) = []
π(cons1) = 1

all of the following rules can be deleted.
maptlist2(f,nil) nil (15)
maptlist2(f,cons2(x,xs)) cons2(mapt2(f,x),maptlist2(f,xs)) (16)
app(mapt,y1) mapt1(y1) (5)
app(mapt1(x0),y1) mapt2(x0,y1) (6)
app(leaf,y1) leaf1(y1) (7)
app(node,y1) node1(y1) (8)
app(maptlist,y1) maptlist1(y1) (9)
app(maptlist1(x0),y1) maptlist2(x0,y1) (10)
app(cons,y1) cons1(y1) (11)
app(cons1(x0),y1) cons2(x0,y1) (12)

1.1.1 Rule Removal

Using the Knuth Bendix order with w0 = 1 and the following precedence and weight functions
prec(leaf1) = 0 weight(leaf1) = 1
prec(node1) = 2 weight(node1) = 1
prec(mapt2) = 3 weight(mapt2) = 0
prec(app) = 1 weight(app) = 0
prec(maptlist2) = 4 weight(maptlist2) = 0
all of the following rules can be deleted.
mapt2(f,leaf1(x)) leaf1(app(f,x)) (13)
mapt2(f,node1(xs)) node1(maptlist2(f,xs)) (14) R is empty

There are no rules in the TRS. Hence, it is terminating.