 1) Files & Directories
 2) Compilation
 3) Dependencies

Files & Directories
Following files are included in the distribution:

- COPYING: The GNU GPL license.
- COPYING.LESSER: The GNU LGPL license (based on the GPL).
- Makefile: GNU make build rules for CeTA.
- README: This file.
- generated: Contains all source files that have been automatically
  extracted from IsaFoR (for Haskell).
- src: Contains sources that are not automatically generated.
- examples: Contains example problems and proofs.
- xml: Contains all XML related files.

In order to compile CeTA you need: 

 * GHC (the Haskell compiler)

To build CeTA on your own, just type


This will create the binary 'ceta.' To test the binary on some proofs, use

  make test

To manually call ceta use something like

  ./ceta examples/div.proof.xml

If you want to generate the CeTA sources from the IsaFoR formalization, you
need mercurial (hg). Download the IsaFoR mercurial repository via

  hg clone -r v3.3

and follow the instructions in the accompanying README or README_devel file.

IsaFoR:   v3.3
Isabelle: Isabelle 2024
AFP:      any version for Isabelle 2024