Require Import ADPUnif. Require Import ADecomp. Require Import ADuplicateSymb. Require Import AGraph. Require Import APolyInt_MA. Require Import ATrs. Require Import List. Require Import LogicUtil. Require Import MonotonePolynom. Require Import Polynom. Require Import SN. Require Import VecUtil. Open Scope nat_scope. (* termination problem *) Module M. Inductive symb : Type := | add : symb | app : symb | nil : symb | reverse : symb | shuffle : symb. End M. Lemma eq_symb_dec : forall f g : M.symb, {f=g}+{~f=g}. Proof. decide equality. Defined. Open Scope nat_scope. Definition ar (s : M.symb) : nat := match s with | M.add => 2 | => 2 | M.nil => 0 | M.reverse => 1 | M.shuffle => 1 end. Definition s0 := ASignature.mkSignature ar eq_symb_dec. Definition s0_p := s0. Definition V0 := @ATerm.Var s0. Definition F0 := @ATerm.Fun s0. Definition R0 := @ATrs.mkRule s0. Module S0. Definition add x2 x1 := F0 M.add (Vcons x2 (Vcons x1 Vnil)). Definition app x2 x1 := F0 (Vcons x2 (Vcons x1 Vnil)). Definition nil := F0 M.nil Vnil. Definition reverse x1 := F0 M.reverse (Vcons x1 Vnil). Definition shuffle x1 := F0 M.shuffle (Vcons x1 Vnil). End S0. Definition E := @nil (@ATrs.rule s0). Definition R := R0 ( S0.nil (V0 0)) (V0 0) :: R0 ( (S0.add (V0 0) (V0 1)) (V0 2)) (S0.add (V0 0) ( (V0 1) (V0 2))) :: R0 (S0.reverse S0.nil) S0.nil :: R0 (S0.reverse (S0.add (V0 0) (V0 1))) ( (S0.reverse (V0 1)) (S0.add (V0 0) S0.nil)) :: R0 (S0.shuffle S0.nil) S0.nil :: R0 (S0.shuffle (S0.add (V0 0) (V0 1))) (S0.add (V0 0) (S0.shuffle (S0.reverse (V0 1)))) :: @nil (@ATrs.rule s0). Definition rel := ATrs.red_mod E R. (* symbol marking *) Definition s1 := dup_sig s0. Definition s1_p := s0. Definition V1 := @ATerm.Var s1. Definition F1 := @ATerm.Fun s1. Definition R1 := @ATrs.mkRule s1. Module S1. Definition hadd x2 x1 := F1 (hd_symb s1_p M.add) (Vcons x2 (Vcons x1 Vnil)). Definition add x2 x1 := F1 (int_symb s1_p M.add) (Vcons x2 (Vcons x1 Vnil)). Definition happ x2 x1 := F1 (hd_symb s1_p (Vcons x2 (Vcons x1 Vnil)). Definition app x2 x1 := F1 (int_symb s1_p (Vcons x2 (Vcons x1 Vnil)). Definition hnil := F1 (hd_symb s1_p M.nil) Vnil. Definition nil := F1 (int_symb s1_p M.nil) Vnil. Definition hreverse x1 := F1 (hd_symb s1_p M.reverse) (Vcons x1 Vnil). Definition reverse x1 := F1 (int_symb s1_p M.reverse) (Vcons x1 Vnil). Definition hshuffle x1 := F1 (hd_symb s1_p M.shuffle) (Vcons x1 Vnil). Definition shuffle x1 := F1 (int_symb s1_p M.shuffle) (Vcons x1 Vnil). End S1. (* graph decomposition 1 *) Definition cs1 : list (list (@ATrs.rule s1)) := ( R1 (S1.happ (S1.add (V1 0) (V1 1)) (V1 2)) (S1.happ (V1 1) (V1 2)) :: nil) :: ( R1 (S1.hreverse (S1.add (V1 0) (V1 1))) (S1.happ (S1.reverse (V1 1)) (S1.add (V1 0) (S1.nil))) :: nil) :: ( R1 (S1.hreverse (S1.add (V1 0) (V1 1))) (S1.hreverse (V1 1)) :: nil) :: ( R1 (S1.hshuffle (S1.add (V1 0) (V1 1))) (S1.hreverse (V1 1)) :: nil) :: ( R1 (S1.hshuffle (S1.add (V1 0) (V1 1))) (S1.hshuffle (S1.reverse (V1 1))) :: nil) :: nil. (* polynomial interpretation 1 *) Module PIS1 (*<: TPolyInt*). Definition sig := s1. Definition trsInt f := match f as f return poly (@ASignature.arity s1 f) with | (hd_symb => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: nil | (int_symb => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 1 Vnil))) :: nil | (hd_symb M.nil) => nil | (int_symb M.nil) => nil | (hd_symb M.add) => nil | (int_symb M.add) => (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 1 Vnil))) :: nil | (hd_symb M.reverse) => nil | (int_symb M.reverse) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil | (hd_symb M.shuffle) => nil | (int_symb M.shuffle) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil end. Lemma trsInt_wm : forall f, pweak_monotone (trsInt f). Proof. pmonotone. Qed. End PIS1. Module PI1 := PolyInt PIS1. (* polynomial interpretation 2 *) Module PIS2 (*<: TPolyInt*). Definition sig := s1. Definition trsInt f := match f as f return poly (@ASignature.arity s1 f) with | (hd_symb => nil | (int_symb => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 1 Vnil))) :: nil | (hd_symb M.nil) => nil | (int_symb M.nil) => nil | (hd_symb M.add) => nil | (int_symb M.add) => (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 1 Vnil))) :: nil | (hd_symb M.reverse) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil | (int_symb M.reverse) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil | (hd_symb M.shuffle) => nil | (int_symb M.shuffle) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil end. Lemma trsInt_wm : forall f, pweak_monotone (trsInt f). Proof. pmonotone. Qed. End PIS2. Module PI2 := PolyInt PIS2. (* polynomial interpretation 3 *) Module PIS3 (*<: TPolyInt*). Definition sig := s1. Definition trsInt f := match f as f return poly (@ASignature.arity s1 f) with | (hd_symb => nil | (int_symb => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 1 Vnil))) :: nil | (hd_symb M.nil) => nil | (int_symb M.nil) => nil | (hd_symb M.add) => nil | (int_symb M.add) => (2%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 0 Vnil))) :: (1%Z, (Vcons 0 (Vcons 1 Vnil))) :: nil | (hd_symb M.reverse) => nil | (int_symb M.reverse) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil | (hd_symb M.shuffle) => (1%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil | (int_symb M.shuffle) => (2%Z, (Vcons 1 Vnil)) :: nil end. Lemma trsInt_wm : forall f, pweak_monotone (trsInt f). Proof. pmonotone. Qed. End PIS3. Module PI3 := PolyInt PIS3. (* termination proof *) Lemma termination : WF rel. Proof. unfold rel. dp_trans. mark. let D := fresh "D" in let R := fresh "R" in set_rules_to D; set_mod_rules_to R; graph_decomp (dpg_unif_N 100 R D) cs1; subst D; subst R. dpg_unif_N_correct. right. PI1.prove_termination. termination_trivial. left. co_scc. right. PI2.prove_termination. termination_trivial. left. co_scc. right. PI3.prove_termination. termination_trivial. Qed.