Certification Problem
Input (COPS 90)
We consider the TRS containing the following rules:
The underlying signature is as follows:
{f/1, g/1}Property / Task
Prove or disprove confluence.Answer / Result
Yes.Proof (by csi @ CoCo 2020)
1 Critical Pair Closing System
Confluence is proven using the following terminating critical-pair-closing-system R:
1.1 Rule Removal
Using the
linear polynomial interpretation over (2 x 2)-matrices with strict dimension 1
over the naturals
[g(x1)] |
= |
· x1 +
[f(x1)] |
= |
· x1 +
all of the following rules can be deleted.
1.1.1 R is empty
There are no rules in the TRS. Hence, it is terminating.