Certification Problem

Input (TPDB Runtime_Complexity_Innermost_Rewriting/raML/flatten.raml)

The relative rewrite relation R/S is considered where R is the following TRS

#less(@x,@y) #cklt(#compare(@x,@y)) (1)
append(@l1,@l2) append#1(@l1,@l2) (2)
append#1(::(@x,@xs),@l2) ::(@x,append(@xs,@l2)) (3)
append#1(nil,@l2) @l2 (4)
flatten(@t) flatten#1(@t) (5)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten#1(node(@l,@t1,@t2)) append(@l,append(flatten(@t1),flatten(@t2))) (7)
flattensort(@t) insertionsort(flatten(@t)) (8)
insert(@x,@l) insert#1(@l,@x) (9)
insert#1(::(@y,@ys),@x) insert#2(#less(@y,@x),@x,@y,@ys) (10)
insert#1(nil,@x) ::(@x,nil) (11)
insert#2(#false,@x,@y,@ys) ::(@x,::(@y,@ys)) (12)
insert#2(#true,@x,@y,@ys) ::(@y,insert(@x,@ys)) (13)
insertionsort(@l) insertionsort#1(@l) (14)
insertionsort#1(::(@x,@xs)) insert(@x,insertionsort(@xs)) (15)
insertionsort#1(nil) nil (16)

and S is the following TRS.

#cklt(#EQ) #false (17)
#cklt(#GT) #false (18)
#cklt(#LT) #true (19)
#compare(#0,#0) #EQ (20)
#compare(#0,#neg(@y)) #GT (21)
#compare(#0,#pos(@y)) #LT (22)
#compare(#0,#s(@y)) #LT (23)
#compare(#neg(@x),#0) #LT (24)
#compare(#neg(@x),#neg(@y)) #compare(@y,@x) (25)
#compare(#neg(@x),#pos(@y)) #LT (26)
#compare(#pos(@x),#0) #GT (27)
#compare(#pos(@x),#neg(@y)) #GT (28)
#compare(#pos(@x),#pos(@y)) #compare(@x,@y) (29)
#compare(#s(@x),#0) #GT (30)
#compare(#s(@x),#s(@y)) #compare(@x,@y) (31)
The evaluation strategy is innermost.

Property / Task

Determine bounds on the runtime complexity.

Answer / Result

An upperbound for the complexity is O(n2).

Proof (by AProVE @ termCOMP 2023)

1 Dependency Tuples

We get the following set of dependency tuples:
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
originates from
#less(z0,z1) #cklt(#compare(z0,z1)) (32)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
originates from
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
originates from
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
originates from
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
originates from
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
originates from
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
originates from
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
originates from
flattensort(z0) insertionsort(flatten(z0)) (45)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
originates from
insert(z0,z1) insert#1(z1,z0) (47)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
originates from
insert#1(::(z0,z1),z2) insert#2(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1) (49)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
originates from
insert#1(nil,z0) ::(z0,nil) (51)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
originates from
insert#2(#false,z0,z1,z2) ::(z0,::(z1,z2)) (53)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
originates from
insert#2(#true,z0,z1,z2) ::(z1,insert(z0,z2)) (55)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
originates from
insertionsort(z0) insertionsort#1(z0) (57)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
originates from
insertionsort#1(::(z0,z1)) insert(z0,insertionsort(z1)) (59)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
originates from
insertionsort#1(nil) nil (16)
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
originates from
#cklt(#EQ) #false (17)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
originates from
#cklt(#GT) #false (18)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
originates from
#cklt(#LT) #true (19)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
originates from
#compare(#0,#0) #EQ (20)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
originates from
#compare(#0,#neg(z0)) #GT (66)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
originates from
#compare(#0,#pos(z0)) #LT (68)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
originates from
#compare(#0,#s(z0)) #LT (70)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
originates from
#compare(#neg(z0),#0) #LT (72)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
originates from
#compare(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) #compare(z1,z0) (74)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
originates from
#compare(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) #LT (76)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
originates from
#compare(#pos(z0),#0) #GT (78)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
originates from
#compare(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) #GT (80)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
originates from
#compare(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) #compare(z0,z1) (82)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
originates from
#compare(#s(z0),#0) #GT (84)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
originates from
#compare(#s(z0),#s(z1)) #compare(z0,z1) (86)
Moreover, we add the following terms to the innermost strategy.

1.1 Usable Rules

We remove the following rules since they are not usable.
flattensort(z0) insertionsort(flatten(z0)) (45)

1.1.1 Rule Shifting

The rules
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#cklt(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 1
[#0] = 1
[#EQ] = 1
[#neg(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[leaf] = 1
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61) Rule Shifting

The rules
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#cklt(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 1
[#0] = 1
[#EQ] = 1
[#neg(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[leaf] = 1
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61) Rule Shifting

The rules
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[flatten(x1)] = 1
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[#less(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#cklt(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[nil] = 1
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 1
[#0] = 1
[#EQ] = 1
[#neg(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[leaf] = 1
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#cklt(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 1
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 1
[#0] = 1
[#EQ] = 1
[#neg(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[leaf] = 1
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#cklt(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 1
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 1
[#0] = 1
[#EQ] = 1
[#neg(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[leaf] = 1
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 0
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[#cklt(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x2 + 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 1
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 1
[#0] = 1
[#EQ] = 0
[#neg(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#GT] = 0
[#pos(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[#LT] = 0
[#s(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[leaf] = 1
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
#compare(#0,#neg(z0)) #GT (66)
#compare(#0,#pos(z0)) #LT (68)
#compare(#0,#s(z0)) #LT (70)
#compare(#pos(z0),#0) #GT (78)
#compare(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) #compare(z1,z0) (74)
#compare(#s(z0),#s(z1)) #compare(z0,z1) (86)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
#compare(#0,#0) #EQ (20)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
#compare(#s(z0),#0) #GT (84)
#compare(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) #LT (76)
#compare(#neg(z0),#0) #LT (72)
#compare(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) #compare(z0,z1) (82)
#compare(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) #GT (80)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
are strictly oriented by the following linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 3 + 3 · x1 + 3 · x2
[append(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 3 + 3 · x1
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 3 + 3 · x1 + 3 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 0
[#cklt(x1)] = 3
[insertionsort(x1)] = 3 + 2 · x1
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 3 + 3 · x1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 3 + 3 · x1
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 3 + 3 · x1 + 3 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 3 + 3 · x2 + 3 · x3 + 3 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 2 + 1 · x1
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[flattensort#(x1)] = 3 + 1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 0
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 3
[#true] = 0
[#0] = 0
[#EQ] = 3
[#neg(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[#GT] = 3
[#pos(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[#LT] = 3
[#s(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[leaf] = 3
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 3 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61) Rule Shifting

The rules
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
are strictly oriented by the following non-linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 0
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 0
[#cklt(x1)] = 1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 0
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 2 + 2 · x1 + 2 · x1 · x1
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x2 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4 + 1 · x4 · x4 + 1 · x3 · x4 + 1 · x2 · x4 + 1 · x3 · x3 + 1 · x2 · x3 + 1 · x2 · x2
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 2 · x1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 2 · x1 · x1 + 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 2 · x1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 0
[#0] = 2
[#EQ] = 2
[#neg(x1)] = 0
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 0
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 0
[leaf] = 0
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 2 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
are strictly oriented by the following non-linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 0
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 0
[#cklt(x1)] = 1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 2 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 1
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 2 · x1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x2 + 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x1 + 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 2 · x4 + 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1 · x1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 · x1 + 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 0
[#true] = 0
[#0] = 2
[#EQ] = 2
[#neg(x1)] = 0
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 0
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 0
[leaf] = 0
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
insert#2(#false,z0,z1,z2) ::(z0,::(z1,z2)) (53)
insert#1(::(z0,z1),z2) insert#2(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1) (49)
insert#2(#true,z0,z1,z2) ::(z1,insert(z0,z2)) (55)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
insertionsort#1(nil) nil (16)
insert(z0,z1) insert#1(z1,z0) (47)
insertionsort#1(::(z0,z1)) insert(z0,insertionsort(z1)) (59)
insert#1(nil,z0) ::(z0,nil) (51)
insertionsort(z0) insertionsort#1(z0) (57)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
are strictly oriented by the following non-linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 0
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 2 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 2 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 0
[#cklt(x1)] = 1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 0
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 2 · x1 + 1 · x1 · x1
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x2 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4 + 1 · x4 · x4 + 1 · x3 · x4 + 1 · x2 · x4 + 1 · x3 · x3 + 1 · x2 · x3 + 1 · x2 · x2
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x1 + 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x1 + 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1 · x1
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 1 · x1 · x1 + 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 2 + 2 · x1 + 2 · x1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 0
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 2 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 1
[#true] = 0
[#0] = 2
[#EQ] = 2
[#neg(x1)] = 0
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 0
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 0
[leaf] = 0
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 2 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
are strictly oriented by the following non-linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 0
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 0
[#cklt(x1)] = 1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 2 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 1
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 1
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 2 · x1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x2 + 0 + 2 · x1 · x2
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x1 + 0 + 2 · x1 · x2
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 2 · x4 + 2 · x2 · x4
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x1 · x1
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x1 · x1
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 0
[#true] = 0
[#0] = 2
[#EQ] = 2
[#neg(x1)] = 0
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 0
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 0
[leaf] = 0
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
insert#2(#false,z0,z1,z2) ::(z0,::(z1,z2)) (53)
insert#1(::(z0,z1),z2) insert#2(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1) (49)
insert#2(#true,z0,z1,z2) ::(z1,insert(z0,z2)) (55)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
insertionsort#1(nil) nil (16)
insert(z0,z1) insert#1(z1,z0) (47)
insertionsort#1(::(z0,z1)) insert(z0,insertionsort(z1)) (59)
insert#1(nil,z0) ::(z0,nil) (51)
insertionsort(z0) insertionsort#1(z0) (57)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) Rule Shifting

The rules
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
are strictly oriented by the following non-linear polynomial interpretation over the naturals
[c] = 0
[c1] = 0
[c2] = 0
[c3] = 0
[c4] = 0
[c5] = 0
[c6] = 0
[c7] = 0
[c8(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c9] = 0
[c10] = 0
[c11] = 0
[c12(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c13] = 0
[c14(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c15(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c16(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c17(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c18] = 0
[c19(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c20] = 0
[c21(x1,...,x4)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3 + 1 · x4
[c22(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c23(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c24(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c25] = 0
[c26] = 0
[c27(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c28(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[c29(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[c30] = 0
[#compare(x1, x2)] = 0
[append(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[flatten(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[flatten#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[append#1(x1, x2)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2
[#less(x1, x2)] = 0
[#cklt(x1)] = 1
[insertionsort(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1(x1)] = 1 · x1 + 0
[insert(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[insert#1(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x1
[insert#2(x1,...,x4)] = 2 + 1 · x4
[#cklt#(x1)] = 0
[#compare#(x1, x2)] = 0
[#less#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#(x1, x2)] = 0
[append#1#(x1, x2)] = 0
[flatten#(x1)] = 0
[flatten#1#(x1)] = 0
[flattensort#(x1)] = 2 + 2 · x1 + 2 · x1 · x1
[insert#(x1, x2)] = 1 + 2 · x2
[insert#1#(x1, x2)] = 2 · x1 + 0
[insert#2#(x1,...,x4)] = 1 + 2 · x4
[insertionsort#(x1)] = 2 · x1 · x1 + 0
[insertionsort#1#(x1)] = 2 · x1 · x1 + 0
[::(x1, x2)] = 1 + 1 · x2
[nil] = 0
[#false] = 0
[#true] = 0
[#0] = 2
[#EQ] = 1
[#neg(x1)] = 0
[#GT] = 1
[#pos(x1)] = 0
[#LT] = 1
[#s(x1)] = 0
[leaf] = 0
[node(x1, x2, x3)] = 1 · x1 + 0 + 1 · x2 + 1 · x3
which has the intended complexity. Here, only the following usable rules have been considered:
#cklt#(#EQ) c (62)
#cklt#(#GT) c1 (63)
#cklt#(#LT) c2 (64)
#compare#(#0,#0) c3 (65)
#compare#(#0,#neg(z0)) c4 (67)
#compare#(#0,#pos(z0)) c5 (69)
#compare#(#0,#s(z0)) c6 (71)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#0) c7 (73)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#neg(z1)) c8(#compare#(z1,z0)) (75)
#compare#(#neg(z0),#pos(z1)) c9 (77)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#0) c10 (79)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#neg(z1)) c11 (81)
#compare#(#pos(z0),#pos(z1)) c12(#compare#(z0,z1)) (83)
#compare#(#s(z0),#0) c13 (85)
#compare#(#s(z0),#s(z1)) c14(#compare#(z0,z1)) (87)
#less#(z0,z1) c15(#cklt#(#compare(z0,z1)),#compare#(z0,z1)) (33)
append#(z0,z1) c16(append#1#(z0,z1)) (35)
append#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c17(append#(z1,z2)) (37)
append#1#(nil,z0) c18 (39)
flatten#(z0) c19(flatten#1#(z0)) (41)
flatten#1#(leaf) c20 (42)
flatten#1#(node(z0,z1,z2)) c21(append#(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))),append#(flatten(z1),flatten(z2)),flatten#(z1),flatten#(z2)) (44)
flattensort#(z0) c22(insertionsort#(flatten(z0)),flatten#(z0)) (46)
insert#(z0,z1) c23(insert#1#(z1,z0)) (48)
insert#1#(::(z0,z1),z2) c24(insert#2#(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1),#less#(z0,z2)) (50)
insert#1#(nil,z0) c25 (52)
insert#2#(#false,z0,z1,z2) c26 (54)
insert#2#(#true,z0,z1,z2) c27(insert#(z0,z2)) (56)
insertionsort#(z0) c28(insertionsort#1#(z0)) (58)
insertionsort#1#(::(z0,z1)) c29(insert#(z0,insertionsort(z1)),insertionsort#(z1)) (60)
insertionsort#1#(nil) c30 (61)
flatten#1(leaf) nil (6)
flatten(z0) flatten#1(z0) (40)
insert#2(#false,z0,z1,z2) ::(z0,::(z1,z2)) (53)
insert#1(::(z0,z1),z2) insert#2(#less(z0,z2),z2,z0,z1) (49)
insert#2(#true,z0,z1,z2) ::(z1,insert(z0,z2)) (55)
append(z0,z1) append#1(z0,z1) (34)
append#1(nil,z0) z0 (38)
flatten#1(node(z0,z1,z2)) append(z0,append(flatten(z1),flatten(z2))) (43)
insertionsort#1(nil) nil (16)
insert(z0,z1) insert#1(z1,z0) (47)
insertionsort#1(::(z0,z1)) insert(z0,insertionsort(z1)) (59)
insert#1(nil,z0) ::(z0,nil) (51)
insertionsort(z0) insertionsort#1(z0) (57)
append#1(::(z0,z1),z2) ::(z0,append(z1,z2)) (36) R is empty

There are no rules in the TRS R. Hence, R/S has complexity O(1).