Certification Problem

Input (TPDB TRS_Standard/CiME_04/mucrl1)

The rewrite relation of the following TRS is considered.

There are 377 ruless (increase limit for explicit display).

Property / Task

Prove or disprove termination.

Answer / Result


Proof (by AProVE @ termCOMP 2023)

1 Rule Removal

Using the
prec(or) = 0 stat(or) = lex
prec(T) = 7 stat(T) = mul
prec(F) = 2 stat(F) = mul
prec(and) = 3 stat(and) = mul
prec(imp) = 8 stat(imp) = lex
prec(not) = 7 stat(not) = lex
prec(if) = 9 stat(if) = mul
prec(eq) = 10 stat(eq) = lex
prec(eqt) = 7 stat(eqt) = mul
prec(nil) = 11 stat(nil) = mul
prec(undefined) = 12 stat(undefined) = mul
prec(cons) = 7 stat(cons) = mul
prec(tuple) = 2 stat(tuple) = lex
prec(a) = 13 stat(a) = mul
prec(excl) = 14 stat(excl) = mul
prec(false) = 2 stat(false) = mul
prec(lock) = 11 stat(lock) = mul
prec(locker) = 15 stat(locker) = mul
prec(mcrlrecord) = 12 stat(mcrlrecord) = mul
prec(ok) = 16 stat(ok) = mul
prec(pending) = 11 stat(pending) = mul
prec(release) = 2 stat(release) = mul
prec(request) = 7 stat(request) = mul
prec(resource) = 11 stat(resource) = mul
prec(tag) = 7 stat(tag) = mul
prec(true) = 21 stat(true) = mul
prec(element) = 22 stat(element) = lex
prec(0) = 23 stat(0) = mul
prec(record_new) = 12 stat(record_new) = lex
prec(record_extract) = 17 stat(record_extract) = lex
prec(record_update) = 2 stat(record_update) = lex
prec(record_updates) = 4 stat(record_updates) = lex
prec(locker2_map_promote_pending) = 26 stat(locker2_map_promote_pending) = mul
prec(locker2_promote_pending) = 25 stat(locker2_promote_pending) = mul
prec(locker2_map_claim_lock) = 27 stat(locker2_map_claim_lock) = mul
prec(locker2_claim_lock) = 27 stat(locker2_claim_lock) = mul
prec(locker2_map_add_pending) = 28 stat(locker2_map_add_pending) = mul
prec(case0) = 24 stat(case0) = mul
prec(locker2_remove_pending) = 29 stat(locker2_remove_pending) = lex
prec(subtract) = 11 stat(subtract) = lex
prec(locker2_add_pending) = 31 stat(locker2_add_pending) = mul
prec(case1) = 30 stat(case1) = mul
prec(member) = 2 stat(member) = lex
prec(append) = 18 stat(append) = mul
prec(locker2_release_lock) = 34 stat(locker2_release_lock) = mul
prec(case2) = 32 stat(case2) = lex
prec(gen_modtageq) = 33 stat(gen_modtageq) = mul
prec(excllock) = 19 stat(excllock) = mul
prec(case4) = 35 stat(case4) = lex
prec(locker2_obtainables) = 21 stat(locker2_obtainables) = lex
prec(case5) = 21 stat(case5) = lex
prec(andt) = 5 stat(andt) = mul
prec(locker2_obtainable) = 20 stat(locker2_obtainable) = lex
prec(locker2_check_available) = 21 stat(locker2_check_available) = lex
prec(case6) = 21 stat(case6) = lex
prec(equal) = 1 stat(equal) = lex
prec(locker2_check_availables) = 21 stat(locker2_check_availables) = lex
prec(locker2_adduniq) = 36 stat(locker2_adduniq) = mul
prec(delete) = 11 stat(delete) = lex
prec(case8) = 11 stat(case8) = lex
prec(gen_tag) = 37 stat(gen_tag) = mul
prec(case9) = 2 stat(case9) = lex
prec(eqs) = 38 stat(eqs) = mul
prec(empty) = 39 stat(empty) = mul
prec(stack) = 40 stat(stack) = mul
prec(pushs) = 40 stat(pushs) = mul
prec(istops) = 7 stat(istops) = mul
prec(eqc) = 38 stat(eqc) = mul
prec(nocalls) = 41 stat(nocalls) = mul
prec(calls) = 6 stat(calls) = lex
prec(push) = 43 stat(push) = mul
prec(push1) = 42 stat(push1) = mul

π(or) = [2,1]
π(T) = []
π(F) = []
π(and) = [1,2]
π(imp) = [2,1]
π(not) = [1]
π(if) = [1,2,3]
π(eq) = [2,1]
π(eqt) = [1,2]
π(nil) = []
π(undefined) = []
π(pid) = 1
π(int) = 1
π(cons) = [1,2]
π(tuple) = [1,2]
π(tuplenil) = 1
π(a) = []
π(excl) = []
π(false) = []
π(lock) = []
π(locker) = []
π(mcrlrecord) = []
π(ok) = []
π(pending) = []
π(release) = []
π(request) = []
π(resource) = []
π(tag) = []
π(true) = []
π(element) = [1,2]
π(s) = 1
π(0) = []
π(record_new) = [1]
π(record_extract) = [2,1,3]
π(record_update) = [1,2,4,3]
π(record_updates) = [3,1,2]
π(locker2_map_promote_pending) = [1,2]
π(locker2_promote_pending) = [1,2]
π(locker2_map_claim_lock) = [1,2,3]
π(locker2_claim_lock) = [1,2,3]
π(locker2_map_add_pending) = [1,2,3]
π(case0) = [1,2,3]
π(locker2_remove_pending) = [1,2]
π(subtract) = [2,1]
π(locker2_add_pending) = [1,2,3]
π(case1) = [1,2,3,4]
π(member) = [2,1]
π(append) = [1,2]
π(locker2_release_lock) = [1,2]
π(case2) = [1,3,2]
π(gen_modtageq) = [1,2]
π(excllock) = []
π(case4) = [3,2,1]
π(locker2_obtainables) = [1,2]
π(case5) = [2,1,4,3]
π(andt) = [1,2]
π(locker2_obtainable) = [2,1]
π(locker2_check_available) = [1,2]
π(case6) = [3,1,2,4]
π(equal) = [1,2]
π(locker2_check_availables) = [1,2]
π(locker2_adduniq) = [1,2]
π(delete) = [1,2]
π(case8) = [3,1,4,2]
π(gen_tag) = [1]
π(case9) = [1,3,2,4]
π(eqs) = [1,2]
π(empty) = []
π(stack) = [1,2]
π(pushs) = [1,2]
π(pops) = 1
π(tops) = 1
π(istops) = [1,2]
π(eqc) = [1,2]
π(nocalls) = []
π(calls) = [2,1,3]
π(push) = [1,2,3]
π(push1) = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

all of the following rules can be deleted.

There are 374 ruless (increase limit for explicit display).

1.1 Rule Removal

Using the Knuth Bendix order with w0 = 1 and the following precedence and weight functions
prec(pid) = 1 weight(pid) = 1
prec(tuplenil) = 4 weight(tuplenil) = 0
prec(pushs) = 3 weight(pushs) = 0
prec(stack) = 2 weight(stack) = 0
prec(eqt) = 0 weight(eqt) = 0
all of the following rules can be deleted.
eqt(pid(N1),pid(N2)) eqt(N1,N2) (246)
eqt(tuplenil(H1),tuplenil(H2)) eqt(H1,H2) (314)
pushs(E1,S1) stack(E1,S1) (366)

1.1.1 R is empty

There are no rules in the TRS. Hence, it is terminating.