section ‹Gram-Schmidt›
theory Gram_Schmidt_2
hide_const (open) Determinants.det
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.row
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.rows
hide_const (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec
hide_const (open) Path_Connected.outside
hide_const (open) Linear_Algebra.orthogonal
hide_type (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec
hide_fact (open) Linear_Algebra.real_inner_class.orthogonal_def
hide_fact (open) Finite_Cartesian_Product.rows_def
hide_fact (open) Determinants.det_transpose
no_notation Inner_Product.real_inner_class.inner (infix "∙" 70)
no_notation Finite_Cartesian_Product.vec.vec_nth (infixl "$" 90)
lemma map_mat_transpose: "(map_mat f A)⇧T = map_mat f A⇧T"
by auto
lemma rev_unsimp: "rev xs @ (r # rs) = rev (r#xs) @ rs" by(induct xs,auto)
no_notation Gram_Schmidt.cscalar_prod (infix "∙c" 70)
lemma vec_conjugate_connect[simp]: "Gram_Schmidt.vec_conjugate = conjugate"
by (auto simp: vec_conjugate_def conjugate_vec_def)
lemma corthogonal_is_orthogonal[simp]:
"corthogonal (xs :: 'a :: trivial_conjugatable_ordered_field vec list) = orthogonal xs"
unfolding corthogonal_def orthogonal_def by simp
lemma vec_right_zero[simp]:
"(v :: 'a :: monoid_add vec) ∈ carrier_vec n ⟹ v + 0⇩v n = v"
by auto
context vec_module begin
lemma sumlist_dim: assumes "⋀ x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ x ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "dim_vec (sumlist xs) = n"
using sumlist_carrier assms
by fastforce
lemma sumlist_vec_index: assumes "⋀ x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ x ∈ carrier_vec n"
and "i < n"
shows "sumlist xs $ i = sum_list (map (λ x. x $ i) xs)"
unfolding M.sumlist_def using assms(1) proof(induct xs)
case (Cons a xs)
hence cond:"⋀ x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ x ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from Cons(1)[OF cond] have IH:"foldr (+) xs (0⇩v n) $ i = (∑x←xs. x $ i)" by auto
have "(a + foldr (+) xs (0⇩v n)) $ i = a $ i + (∑x←xs. x $ i)"
apply(subst index_add_vec) unfolding IH
using sumlist_dim[OF cond,unfolded M.sumlist_def] assms by auto
then show ?case by auto next
case Nil thus ?case using assms by auto
lemma scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib:
assumes vs: "⋀ v. v ∈ set vvs ⟹ v ∈ carrier_vec n" and w: "w ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "sumlist vvs ∙ w = sum_list (map (λ v. v ∙ w) vvs)"
using vs
proof (induct vvs)
case (Cons v vs)
from Cons have v: "v ∈ carrier_vec n" and vs: "sumlist vs ∈ carrier_vec n"
by (auto intro!: sumlist_carrier)
have "sumlist (v # vs) ∙ w = sumlist ([v] @ vs) ∙ w " by auto
also have "… = (v + sumlist vs) ∙ w"
by (subst sumlist_append, insert Cons v vs, auto)
also have "… = v ∙ w + (sumlist vs ∙ w)"
by (rule add_scalar_prod_distrib[OF v vs w])
finally show ?case using Cons by auto
qed (insert w, auto)
lemma scalar_prod_right_sum_distrib:
assumes vs: "⋀ v. v ∈ set vvs ⟹ v ∈ carrier_vec n" and w: "w ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "w ∙ sumlist vvs = sum_list (map (λ v. w ∙ v) vvs)"
by (subst comm_scalar_prod[OF w sumlist_carrier], insert vs w, force,
subst scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib[OF vs w], force,
rule arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list], rule nth_equalityI,
auto simp: set_conv_nth intro!: comm_scalar_prod)
definition lattice_of :: "'a vec list ⇒ 'a vec set" where
"lattice_of fs = range (λ c. sumlist (map (λ i. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) [0 ..< length fs]))"
lemma in_latticeE: assumes "f ∈ lattice_of fs" obtains c where
"f = sumlist (map (λ i. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) [0 ..< length fs])"
using assms unfolding lattice_of_def by auto
lemma in_latticeI: assumes "f = sumlist (map (λ i. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) [0 ..< length fs])"
shows "f ∈ lattice_of fs"
using assms unfolding lattice_of_def by auto
lemma basis_in_latticeI: assumes fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and f: "f ∈ set fs"
shows "f ∈ lattice_of fs"
proof -
from f obtain i where f: "f = fs ! i" and i: "i < length fs" unfolding set_conv_nth by auto
let ?c = "λ j. if j = i then 1 else 0"
have id: "[0 ..< length fs] = [0 ..< i] @ [i] @ [Suc i ..< length fs]"
by (rule nth_equalityI, insert i, auto simp: nth_append, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", auto)
from fs have fs[intro!]: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth by auto
have [simp]: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ dim_vec (fs ! i) = n" using fs by auto
show ?thesis unfolding f
apply (rule in_latticeI[of _ ?c], unfold id map_append, insert i)
apply (subst sumlist_append,force,force, subst sumlist_append, force, force)
by (subst sumlist_neutral, force, subst sumlist_neutral, force, auto)
lemma lattice_of_swap: assumes fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and ij: "i < length fs" "j < length fs" "i ≠ j"
and gs: "gs = fs[ i := fs ! j, j := fs ! i]"
shows "lattice_of gs = lattice_of fs"
proof -
fix i j and fs :: "'a vec list"
assume *: "i < j" "j < length fs" and fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
let ?gs = "fs[ i := fs ! j, j := fs ! i]"
let ?len = "[0..<i] @ [i] @ [Suc i..<j] @ [j] @ [Suc j..<length fs]"
have "[0 ..< length fs] = [0 ..< j] @ [j] @ [Suc j ..< length fs]" using *
by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 less_Suc_eq_le less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append
upt_conv_Cons zero_less_Suc)
also have "[0 ..< j] = [0 ..< i] @ [i] @ [Suc i ..< j]" using *
by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 less_Suc_eq_le less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append
upt_conv_Cons zero_less_Suc)
finally have len: "[0..<length fs] = ?len" by simp
from fs have fs: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth by auto
fix f
assume "f ∈ lattice_of fs"
from in_latticeE[OF this, unfolded len] obtain c where
f: "f = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) ?len)" by auto
define sc where "sc = (λ xs. sumlist (map (λi. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) xs))"
define d where "d = (λ k. if k = i then c j else if k = j then c i else c k)"
define sd where "sd = (λ xs. sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) xs))"
have isc: "set is ⊆ {0 ..< length fs} ⟹ sc is ∈ carrier_vec n" for "is"
unfolding sc_def by (intro sumlist_carrier, auto simp: fs)
let ?a = "sc [0..<i]" let ?b = "sc [i]" let ?c = "sc [Suc i ..< j]" let ?d = "sc [j]"
let ?e = "sc [Suc j ..< length fs]"
let ?A = "sd [0..<i]" let ?B = "sd [i]" let ?C = "sd [Suc i ..< j]" let ?D = "sd [j]"
let ?E = "sd [Suc j ..< length fs]"
let ?CC = "carrier_vec n"
have ae: "?a ∈ ?CC" "?b ∈ ?CC" "?c ∈ ?CC" "?d ∈ ?CC" "?e ∈ ?CC"
using * by (auto intro: isc)
have sc_sd: "{i,j} ∩ set is ⊆ {} ⟹ sc is = sd is" for "is"
unfolding sc_def sd_def by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ sumlist], rule map_cong, auto simp: d_def)
have "f = ?a + (?b + (?c + (?d + ?e)))"
unfolding f map_append sc_def using fs *
by ((subst sumlist_append, force, force)+, simp)
also have "… = ?a + (?d + (?c + (?b + ?e)))" using * by auto
also have "… = ?A + (?d + (?C + (?b + ?E)))"
using * by (auto simp: sc_sd)
also have "?b = ?D" unfolding sd_def sc_def d_def using * by (auto simp: d_def)
also have "?d = ?B" unfolding sd_def sc_def using * by (auto simp: d_def)
finally have "f = ?A + (?B + (?C + (?D + ?E)))" .
also have "… = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) ?len)"
unfolding f map_append sd_def using fs *
by ((subst sumlist_append, force, force)+, simp)
also have "… = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) [0 ..< length ?gs])"
unfolding len[symmetric] by simp
finally have "f = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) [0 ..< length ?gs])" .
from in_latticeI[OF this] have "f ∈ lattice_of ?gs" .
hence "lattice_of fs ⊆ lattice_of ?gs" by blast
} note main = this
fix i j and fs :: "'a vec list"
assume *: "i < length fs" "j < length fs" "i ≠ j" and fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
let ?gs = "fs[ i := fs ! j, j := fs ! i]"
have "lattice_of fs ⊆ lattice_of ?gs"
proof (cases "i < j")
case True
from main[OF this *(2) fs] show ?thesis .
case False
with *(3) have "j < i" by auto
from main[OF this *(1) fs]
have "lattice_of fs ⊆ lattice_of (fs[j := fs ! i, i := fs ! j])" .
also have "fs[j := fs ! i, i := fs ! j] = ?gs" using *
by (metis list_update_swap)
finally show ?thesis .
} note sub = this
from sub[OF ij fs]
have one: "lattice_of fs ⊆ lattice_of gs" unfolding gs .
have "lattice_of gs ⊆ lattice_of (gs[i := gs ! j, j := gs ! i])"
by (rule sub, insert ij fs, auto simp: gs)
also have "gs[i := gs ! j, j := gs ! i] = fs" unfolding gs using ij
by (intro nth_equalityI, force, intro allI,
rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", force, case_tac "k = j", auto)
finally show ?thesis using one by auto
lemma lattice_of_add: assumes fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and ij: "i < length fs" "j < length fs" "i ≠ j"
and gs: "gs = fs[ i := fs ! i + of_int l ⋅⇩v fs ! j]"
shows "lattice_of gs = lattice_of fs"
proof -
fix i j l and fs :: "'a vec list"
assume *: "i < j" "j < length fs" and fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
note * = ij(1) *
let ?gs = "fs[ i := fs ! i + of_int l ⋅⇩v fs ! j]"
let ?len = "[0..<i] @ [i] @ [Suc i..<j] @ [j] @ [Suc j..<length fs]"
have "[0 ..< length fs] = [0 ..< j] @ [j] @ [Suc j ..< length fs]" using *
by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 less_Suc_eq_le less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append
upt_conv_Cons zero_less_Suc)
also have "[0 ..< j] = [0 ..< i] @ [i] @ [Suc i ..< j]" using *
by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 less_Suc_eq_le less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append
upt_conv_Cons zero_less_Suc)
finally have len: "[0..<length fs] = ?len" by simp
from fs have fs: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth by auto
from fs have fsd: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ dim_vec (fs ! i) = n" by auto
from fsd[of i] fsd[of j] * have fsd: "dim_vec (fs ! i) = n" "dim_vec (fs ! j) = n" by auto
fix f
assume "f ∈ lattice_of fs"
from in_latticeE[OF this, unfolded len] obtain c where
f: "f = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) ?len)" by auto
define sc where "sc = (λ xs. sumlist (map (λi. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) xs))"
define d where "d = (λ k. if k = j then c j - c i * l else c k)"
define sd where "sd = (λ xs. sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) xs))"
have isc: "set is ⊆ {0 ..< length fs} ⟹ sc is ∈ carrier_vec n" for "is"
unfolding sc_def by (intro sumlist_carrier, auto simp: fs)
have isd: "set is ⊆ {0 ..< length fs} ⟹ sd is ∈ carrier_vec n" for "is"
unfolding sd_def using * by (intro sumlist_carrier, auto, rename_tac k,
case_tac "k = i", auto simp: fs)
let ?a = "sc [0..<i]" let ?b = "sc [i]" let ?c = "sc [Suc i ..< j]" let ?d = "sc [j]"
let ?e = "sc [Suc j ..< length fs]"
let ?A = "sd [0..<i]" let ?B = "sd [i]" let ?C = "sd [Suc i ..< j]" let ?D = "sd [j]"
let ?E = "sd [Suc j ..< length fs]"
let ?CC = "carrier_vec n"
have ae: "?a ∈ ?CC" "?b ∈ ?CC" "?c ∈ ?CC" "?d ∈ ?CC" "?e ∈ ?CC"
using * by (auto intro: isc)
have AE: "?A ∈ ?CC" "?B ∈ ?CC" "?C ∈ ?CC" "?D ∈ ?CC" "?E ∈ ?CC"
using * by (auto intro: isd)
have sc_sd: "{i,j} ∩ set is ⊆ {} ⟹ sc is = sd is" for "is"
unfolding sc_def sd_def by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ sumlist], rule map_cong, auto simp: d_def,
rename_tac k, case_tac "i = k", auto)
have "f = ?a + (?b + (?c + (?d + ?e)))"
unfolding f map_append sc_def using fs *
by ((subst sumlist_append, force, force)+, simp)
also have "… = ?a + ((?b + ?d) + (?c + ?e))" using ae by auto
also have "… = ?A + ((?b + ?d) + (?C + ?E))"
using * by (auto simp: sc_sd)
also have "?b + ?d = ?B + ?D" unfolding sd_def sc_def d_def sumlist_def
by (rule eq_vecI, insert * fsd, auto simp: algebra_simps)
finally have "f = ?A + (?B + (?C + (?D + ?E)))" using AE by auto
also have "… = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) ?len)"
unfolding f map_append sd_def using fs *
by ((subst sumlist_append, force, force)+, simp)
also have "… = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) [0 ..< length ?gs])"
unfolding len[symmetric] by simp
finally have "f = sumlist (map (λi. of_int (d i) ⋅⇩v ?gs ! i) [0 ..< length ?gs])" .
from in_latticeI[OF this] have "f ∈ lattice_of ?gs" .
hence "lattice_of fs ⊆ lattice_of ?gs" by blast
} note main = this
fix i j and fs :: "'a vec list"
assume *: "i < j" "j < length fs" and fs: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
let ?gs = "fs[ i := fs ! i + of_int l ⋅⇩v fs ! j]"
define gs where "gs = ?gs"
from main[OF * fs, of l, folded gs_def]
have one: "lattice_of fs ⊆ lattice_of gs" .
have *: "i < j" "j < length gs" "set gs ⊆ carrier_vec n" using * fs unfolding gs_def set_conv_nth
by (auto, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", (force intro!: add_carrier_vec)+)
from fs have fs: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth by auto
from fs have fsd: "⋀ i. i < length fs ⟹ dim_vec (fs ! i) = n" by auto
from fsd[of i] fsd[of j] * have fsd: "dim_vec (fs ! i) = n" "dim_vec (fs ! j) = n" by (auto simp: gs_def)
from main[OF *, of "-l"]
have "lattice_of gs ⊆ lattice_of (gs[i := gs ! i + of_int (- l) ⋅⇩v gs ! j])" .
also have "gs[i := gs ! i + of_int (- l) ⋅⇩v gs ! j] = fs" unfolding gs_def
by (rule nth_equalityI, auto, insert * fsd, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", auto)
ultimately have "lattice_of fs = lattice_of ?gs" using one unfolding gs_def by auto
} note main = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "i < j")
case True
from main[OF this ij(2) fs] show ?thesis unfolding gs by simp
case False
with ij have ji: "j < i" by auto
define hs where "hs = fs[i := fs ! j, j := fs ! i]"
define ks where "ks = hs[j := hs ! j + of_int l ⋅⇩v hs ! i]"
from ij fs have ij': "i < length hs" "set hs ⊆ carrier_vec n" unfolding hs_def by auto
hence ij'': "set ks ⊆ carrier_vec n" "i < length ks" "j < length ks" "i ≠ j"
using ji unfolding ks_def set_conv_nth by (auto, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i",
force, case_tac "k = j", (force intro!: add_carrier_vec)+)
from lattice_of_swap[OF fs ij refl]
have "lattice_of fs = lattice_of hs" unfolding hs_def by auto
also have "… = lattice_of ks"
using main[OF ji ij'] unfolding ks_def .
also have "… = lattice_of (ks[i := ks ! j, j := ks ! i])"
by (rule sym, rule lattice_of_swap[OF ij'' refl])
also have "ks[i := ks ! j, j := ks ! i] = gs" unfolding gs ks_def hs_def
by (rule nth_equalityI, insert ij, auto,
rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", force, case_tac "k = j", auto)
finally show ?thesis by simp
definition "orthogonal_complement W = {x. x ∈ carrier_vec n ∧ (∀y ∈ W. x ∙ y = 0)}"
lemma orthogonal_complement_subset:
assumes "A ⊆ B"
shows "orthogonal_complement B ⊆ orthogonal_complement A"
unfolding orthogonal_complement_def using assms by auto
context vec_space
lemma in_orthogonal_complement_span[simp]:
assumes [intro]:"S ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "orthogonal_complement (span S) = orthogonal_complement S"
show "orthogonal_complement (span S) ⊆ orthogonal_complement S"
by(fact orthogonal_complement_subset[OF in_own_span[OF assms]])
{fix x :: "'a vec"
fix a fix A :: "'a vec set"
assume x [intro]:"x ∈ carrier_vec n" and f: "finite A" and S:"A ⊆ S"
assume i0:"∀y∈S. x ∙ y = 0"
have "x ∙ lincomb a A = 0"
unfolding comm_scalar_prod[OF x lincomb_closed[OF subset_trans[OF S assms]]]
proof(insert S,atomize(full),rule finite_induct[OF f],goal_cases)
case 1 thus ?case using assms x by force
case (2 f F)
{ assume i:"insert f F ⊆ S"
hence F:"F ⊆ S" and f: "f ∈ S" by auto
from F f assms
have [intro]:"F ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and fc[intro]:"f ∈ carrier_vec n"
and [intro]:"x ∈ F ⟹ x ∈ carrier_vec n" for x by auto
have laf:"lincomb a F ∙ x = 0" using F 2 by auto
have [simp]:"(∑u∈F. (a u ⋅⇩v u) ∙ x) = 0"
by(insert laf[unfolded lincomb_def],atomize(full),subst finsum_scalar_prod_sum) auto
from f i0 have [simp]:"f ∙ x = 0" by (subst comm_scalar_prod) auto
from lincomb_closed[OF subset_trans[OF i assms]]
have "lincomb a (insert f F) ∙ x = 0" unfolding lincomb_def
apply(subst finsum_scalar_prod_sum,force,force)
using 2(1,2) smult_scalar_prod_distrib[OF fc x] by auto
} thus ?case by auto
thus "orthogonal_complement S ⊆ orthogonal_complement (span S)"
unfolding orthogonal_complement_def span_def by auto
lemma lincomb_list_add_vec_2: assumes us: "set us ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and x: "x = lincomb_list lc (us [i := us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j])"
and i: "j < length us" "i < length us" "i ≠ j"
shows "x = lincomb_list (lc (j := lc j + lc i * c)) us" (is "_ = ?x")
proof -
let ?xx = "lc j + lc i * c"
let ?i = "us ! i"
let ?j = "us ! j"
let ?v = "?i + c ⋅⇩v ?j"
let ?ws = "us [i := us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j]"
from us have usk: "k < length us ⟹ us ! k ∈ carrier_vec n" for k by auto
from usk i have ij: "?i ∈ carrier_vec n" "?j ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
hence v: "c ⋅⇩v ?j ∈ carrier_vec n" "?v ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
with us have ws: "set ?ws ⊆ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth using i
by (auto, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", auto)
from us have us': "∀w∈set us. dim_vec w = n" by auto
from ws have ws': "∀w∈set ?ws. dim_vec w = n" by auto
have mset: "mset_set {0..<length us} = {#i#} + {#j#} + (mset_set ({0..<length us} - {i,j}))"
by (rule multiset_eqI, insert i, auto, rename_tac x, case_tac "x ∈ {0 ..< length us}", auto)
define M2 where "M2 = M.summset
{#lc ia ⋅⇩v ?ws ! ia. ia ∈# mset_set ({0..<length us} - {i, j})#}"
define M1 where "M1 = M.summset {#(if i = j then ?xx else lc i) ⋅⇩v us ! i. i ∈# mset_set ({0..<length us} - {i, j})#}"
have M1: "M1 ∈ carrier_vec n" unfolding M1_def using usk by fastforce
have M2: "M1 = M2" unfolding M2_def M1_def
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ M.summset], rule multiset.map_cong0, insert i usk, auto)
have x1: "x = lc j ⋅⇩v ?j + (lc i ⋅⇩v ?i + lc i ⋅⇩v (c ⋅⇩v ?j) + M1)"
unfolding x lincomb_list_def M2 M2_def
apply (subst sumlist_as_summset, (insert us ws i v ij, auto simp: set_conv_nth)[1], insert i ij v us ws usk,
simp add: mset smult_add_distrib_vec[OF ij(1) v(1)])
by (subst M.summset_add_mset, auto)+
have x2: "?x = ?xx ⋅⇩v ?j + (lc i ⋅⇩v ?i + M1)"
unfolding x lincomb_list_def M1_def
apply (subst sumlist_as_summset, (insert us ws i v ij, auto simp: set_conv_nth)[1], insert i ij v us ws usk,
simp add: mset smult_add_distrib_vec[OF ij(1) v(1)])
by (subst M.summset_add_mset, auto)+
show ?thesis unfolding x1 x2 using M1 ij
by (intro eq_vecI, auto simp: field_simps)
lemma lincomb_list_add_vec_1: assumes us: "set us ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and x: "x = lincomb_list lc us"
and i: "j < length us" "i < length us" "i ≠ j"
shows "x = lincomb_list (lc (j := lc j - lc i * c)) (us [i := us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j])" (is "_ = ?x")
proof -
let ?i = "us ! i"
let ?j = "us ! j"
let ?v = "?i + c ⋅⇩v ?j"
let ?ws = "us [i := us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j]"
from us have usk: "k < length us ⟹ us ! k ∈ carrier_vec n" for k by auto
from usk i have ij: "?i ∈ carrier_vec n" "?j ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
hence v: "c ⋅⇩v ?j ∈ carrier_vec n" "?v ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
with us have ws: "set ?ws ⊆ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth using i
by (auto, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", auto)
from us have us': "∀w∈set us. dim_vec w = n" by auto
from ws have ws': "∀w∈set ?ws. dim_vec w = n" by auto
have mset: "mset_set {0..<length us} = {#i#} + {#j#} + (mset_set ({0..<length us} - {i,j}))"
by (rule multiset_eqI, insert i, auto, rename_tac x, case_tac "x ∈ {0 ..< length us}", auto)
define M2 where "M2 = M.summset
{#(if ia = j then lc j - lc i * c else lc ia) ⋅⇩v ?ws ! ia
. ia ∈# mset_set ({0..<length us} - {i, j})#}"
define M1 where "M1 = M.summset {#lc i ⋅⇩v us ! i. i ∈# mset_set ({0..<length us} - {i, j})#}"
have M1: "M1 ∈ carrier_vec n" unfolding M1_def using usk by fastforce
have M2: "M1 = M2" unfolding M2_def M1_def
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ M.summset], rule multiset.map_cong0, insert i usk, auto)
have x1: "x = lc j ⋅⇩v ?j + (lc i ⋅⇩v ?i + M1)"
unfolding x lincomb_list_def M1_def
apply (subst sumlist_as_summset, (insert us ws i v ij, auto simp: set_conv_nth)[1], insert i ij v us ws usk,
simp add: mset smult_add_distrib_vec[OF ij(1) v(1)])
by (subst M.summset_add_mset, auto)+
have x2: "?x = (lc j - lc i * c) ⋅⇩v ?j + (lc i ⋅⇩v ?i + lc i ⋅⇩v (c ⋅⇩v ?j) + M1)"
unfolding x lincomb_list_def M2 M2_def
apply (subst sumlist_as_summset, (insert us ws i v ij, auto simp: set_conv_nth)[1], insert i ij v us ws usk,
simp add: mset smult_add_distrib_vec[OF ij(1) v(1)])
by (subst M.summset_add_mset, auto)+
show ?thesis unfolding x1 x2 using M1 ij
by (intro eq_vecI, auto simp: field_simps)
lemma add_vec_span: assumes us: "set us ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and i: "j < length us" "i < length us" "i ≠ j"
shows "span (set us) = span (set (us [i := us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j]))" (is "_ = span (set ?ws)")
proof -
let ?i = "us ! i"
let ?j = "us ! j"
let ?v = "?i + c ⋅⇩v ?j"
from us i have ij: "?i ∈ carrier_vec n" "?j ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
hence v: "?v ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
with us have ws: "set ?ws ⊆ carrier_vec n" unfolding set_conv_nth using i
by (auto, rename_tac k, case_tac "k = i", auto)
have "span (set us) = span_list us" unfolding span_list_as_span[OF us] ..
also have "… = span_list ?ws"
proof -
fix x
assume "x ∈ span_list us"
then obtain lc where "x = lincomb_list lc us" by (metis in_span_listE)
from lincomb_list_add_vec_1[OF us this i, of c]
have "x ∈ span_list ?ws" unfolding span_list_def by auto
fix x
assume "x ∈ span_list ?ws"
then obtain lc where "x = lincomb_list lc ?ws" by (metis in_span_listE)
from lincomb_list_add_vec_2[OF us this i]
have "x ∈ span_list us" unfolding span_list_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
also have "… = span (set ?ws)" unfolding span_list_as_span[OF ws] ..
finally show ?thesis .
lemma prod_in_span[intro!]:
assumes "b ∈ carrier_vec n" "S ⊆ carrier_vec n" "a = 0 ∨ b ∈ span S"
shows "a ⋅⇩v b ∈ span S"
proof(cases "a = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis by (auto simp:lmult_0[OF assms(1)] span_zero)
case False with assms have "b ∈ span S" by auto
from this[THEN in_spanE]
obtain aa A where a[intro!]: "b = lincomb aa A" "finite A" "A ⊆ S" by auto
hence [intro!]:"(λv. aa v ⋅⇩v v) ∈ A → carrier_vec n" using assms by auto
show ?thesis proof
show "a ⋅⇩v b = lincomb (λ v. a * aa v) A" using a(1) unfolding lincomb_def smult_smult_assoc[symmetric]
by(subst finsum_smult[symmetric]) force+
qed auto
lemma det_nonzero_congruence:
assumes eq:"A * M = B * M" and det:"det (M::'a mat) ≠ 0"
and M: "M ∈ carrier_mat n n" and carr:"A ∈ carrier_mat n n" "B ∈ carrier_mat n n"
shows "A = B"
proof -
have "1⇩m n ∈ carrier_mat n n" by auto
from det_non_zero_imp_unit[OF M det] gauss_jordan_check_invertable[OF M this]
have gj_fst:"(fst (gauss_jordan M (1⇩m n)) = 1⇩m n)" by metis
define Mi where "Mi = snd (gauss_jordan M (1⇩m n))"
with gj_fst have gj:"gauss_jordan M (1⇩m n) = (1⇩m n, Mi)"
unfolding fst_def snd_def by (auto split:prod.split)
from gauss_jordan_compute_inverse(1,3)[OF M gj]
have Mi: "Mi ∈ carrier_mat n n" and is1:"M * Mi = 1⇩m n" by metis+
from arg_cong[OF eq, of "λ M. M * Mi"]
show "A = B" unfolding carr[THEN assoc_mult_mat[OF _ M Mi]] is1 carr[THEN right_mult_one_mat].
context cof_vec_space
definition lin_indpt_list :: "'a vec list ⇒ bool" where
"lin_indpt_list fs = (set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n ∧ distinct fs ∧ lin_indpt (set fs))"
definition basis_list :: "'a vec list ⇒ bool" where
"basis_list fs = (set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n ∧ length fs = n ∧ carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set fs))"
lemma upper_triangular_imp_lin_indpt_list:
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat n n"
and tri: "upper_triangular A"
and diag: "0 ∉ set (diag_mat A)"
shows "lin_indpt_list (rows A)"
using upper_triangular_imp_distinct[OF assms]
using upper_triangular_imp_lin_indpt_rows[OF assms] A
unfolding lin_indpt_list_def by (auto simp: rows_def)
lemma basis_list_basis: assumes "basis_list fs"
shows "distinct fs" "lin_indpt (set fs)" "basis (set fs)"
proof -
from assms[unfolded basis_list_def]
have len: "length fs = n" and C: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and span: "carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set fs)" by auto
show b: "basis (set fs)"
proof (rule dim_gen_is_basis[OF finite_set C])
show "card (set fs) ≤ dim" unfolding dim_is_n unfolding len[symmetric] by (rule card_length)
show "span (set fs) = carrier_vec n" using span C by auto
thus "lin_indpt (set fs)" unfolding basis_def by auto
show "distinct fs"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ distinct fs"
hence "card (set fs) < length fs" using antisym_conv1 card_distinct card_length by auto
also have "… = dim" unfolding len dim_is_n ..
finally have "card (set fs) < dim" by auto
also have "… ≤ card (set fs)" using span finite_set[of fs]
using b basis_def gen_ge_dim by auto
finally show False by simp
lemma basis_list_imp_lin_indpt_list: assumes "basis_list fs" shows "lin_indpt_list fs"
using basis_list_basis[OF assms] assms unfolding lin_indpt_list_def basis_list_def by auto
lemma mat_of_rows_mult_as_finsum:
assumes "v ∈ carrier_vec (length lst)" "⋀ i. i < length lst ⟹ lst ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
defines "f l ≡ sum (λ i. if l = lst ! i then v $ i else 0) {0..<length lst}"
shows mat_of_cols_mult_as_finsum:"mat_of_cols n lst *⇩v v = lincomb f (set lst)"
proof -
from assms have "∀ i < length lst. lst ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" by blast
note an = all_nth_imp_all_set[OF this] hence slc:"set lst ⊆ carrier_vec n" by auto
hence dn [simp]:"⋀ x. x ∈ set lst ⟹ dim_vec x = n" by auto
have dl [simp]:"dim_vec (lincomb f (set lst)) = n" using an by (intro lincomb_dim,auto)
show ?thesis proof
show "dim_vec (mat_of_cols n lst *⇩v v) = dim_vec (lincomb f (set lst))" using assms(1,2) by auto
fix i assume i:"i < dim_vec (lincomb f (set lst))" hence i':"i < n" by auto
with an have fcarr:"(λv. f v ⋅⇩v v) ∈ set lst → carrier_vec n" by auto
from i' have "(mat_of_cols n lst *⇩v v) $ i = row (mat_of_cols n lst) i ∙ v" by auto
also have "… = (∑ia = 0..<dim_vec v. lst ! ia $ i * v $ ia)"
unfolding mat_of_cols_def row_def scalar_prod_def
apply(rule sum.cong[OF refl]) using i an assms(1) by auto
also have "… = (∑ia = 0..<length lst. lst ! ia $ i * v $ ia)" using assms(1) by auto
also have "… = (∑x∈set lst. f x * x $ i)"
unfolding f_def sum_distrib_right apply (subst sum.swap)
apply(rule sum.cong[OF refl])
unfolding if_distrib if_distrib_ap mult_zero_left[OF finite_set] by auto
also have "… = (∑x∈set lst. (f x ⋅⇩v x) $ i)"
apply(rule sum.cong[OF refl],subst index_smult_vec) using i slc by auto
also have "… = (⨁⇘V⇙v∈set lst. f v ⋅⇩v v) $ i"
unfolding finsum_index[OF i' fcarr slc] by auto
finally show "(mat_of_cols n lst *⇩v v) $ i = lincomb f (set lst) $ i"
by (auto simp:lincomb_def)
lemma basis_det_nonzero:
assumes db:"basis (set G)" and len:"length G = n"
shows "det (mat_of_rows n G) ≠ 0"
proof -
have M_car1:"mat_of_rows n G ∈ carrier_mat n n" using assms by auto
hence M_car:"(mat_of_rows n G)⇧T ∈ carrier_mat n n" by auto
have li:"lin_indpt (set G)"
and inc_2:"set G ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and issp:"carrier_vec n = span (set G)"
and RG_in_carr:"⋀i. i < length G ⟹ G ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
using assms[unfolded basis_def] by auto
hence "basis_list G" unfolding basis_list_def using len by auto
from basis_list_basis[OF this] have di:"distinct G" by auto
have "det ((mat_of_rows n G)⇧T) ≠ 0" unfolding det_0_iff_vec_prod_zero[OF M_car]
assume "∃v. v ∈ carrier_vec n ∧ v ≠ 0⇩v n ∧ (mat_of_rows n G)⇧T *⇩v v = 0⇩v n"
then obtain v where v:"v ∈ span (set G)"
"v ≠ 0⇩v n" "(mat_of_rows n G)⇧T *⇩v v = 0⇩v n"
unfolding issp by blast
from finite_in_span[OF finite_set inc_2 v(1)] obtain a
where aA: "v = lincomb a (set G)" by blast
from v(1,2)[folded issp] obtain i where i:"v $ i ≠ 0" "i < n" by fastforce
hence inG:"G ! i ∈ set G" using len by auto
have di2: "distinct [0..<length G]" by auto
define f where "f = (λl. ∑i ∈ set [0..<length G]. if l = G ! i then v $ i else 0)"
hence f':"f (G ! i) = (∑ia←[0..<n]. if G ! ia = G ! i then v $ ia else 0)"
unfolding f_def sum.distinct_set_conv_list[OF di2] unfolding len by metis
from v have "mat_of_cols n G *⇩v v = 0⇩v n"
unfolding transpose_mat_of_rows by auto
with mat_of_cols_mult_as_finsum[OF v(1)[folded issp len] RG_in_carr]
have f:"lincomb f (set G) = 0⇩v n" unfolding len f_def by auto
note [simp] = list_trisect[OF i(2)[folded len],unfolded len]
note x = i(2)[folded len]
have [simp]:"(∑x←[0..<i]. if G ! x = G ! i then v $ x else 0) = 0"
by (rule sum_list_0,auto simp: nth_eq_iff_index_eq[OF di less_trans[OF _ x] x])
have [simp]:"(∑x←[Suc i..<n]. if G ! x = G ! i then v $ x else 0) = 0"
apply (rule sum_list_0) using nth_eq_iff_index_eq[OF di _ x] len by auto
from i(1) have "f (G ! i) ≠ 0" unfolding f' by auto
from lin_dep_crit[OF finite_set subset_refl TrueI inG this f]
have "lin_dep (set G)".
thus False using li by auto
thus det0:"det (mat_of_rows n G) ≠ 0" by (unfold det_transpose[OF M_car1])
lemma lin_indpt_list_add_vec: assumes
i: "j < length us" "i < length us" "i ≠ j"
and indep: "lin_indpt_list us"
shows "lin_indpt_list (us [i := us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j])" (is "lin_indpt_list ?V")
proof -
from indep[unfolded lin_indpt_list_def] have us: "set us ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and dist: "distinct us" and indep: "lin_indpt (set us)" by auto
let ?E = "set us - {us ! i}"
let ?us = "insert (us ! i) ?E"
let ?v = "us ! i + c ⋅⇩v us ! j"
from us i have usi: "us ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" "us ! i ∉ ?E" "us ! i ∈ set us"
and usj: "us ! j ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from usi usj have v: "?v ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
have fin: "finite ?E" by auto
have id: "set us = insert (us ! i) (set us - {us ! i})" using i(2) by auto
from dist i have diff': "us ! i ≠ us ! j" unfolding distinct_conv_nth by auto
from subset_li_is_li[OF indep] have indepE: "lin_indpt ?E" by auto
have Vid: "set ?V = insert ?v ?E" using set_update_distinct[OF dist i(2)] by auto
have E: "?E ⊆ carrier_vec n" using us by auto
have V: "set ?V ⊆ carrier_vec n" using us v unfolding Vid by auto
from dist i have diff: "us ! i ≠ us ! j" unfolding distinct_conv_nth by auto
have vspan: "?v ∉ span ?E"
assume mem: "?v ∈ span ?E"
from diff i have "us ! j ∈ ?E" by auto
hence "us ! j ∈ span ?E" using E by (metis span_mem)
hence "- c ⋅⇩v us ! j ∈ span ?E" using smult_in_span[OF E] by auto
from span_add1[OF E mem this] have "?v + (- c ⋅⇩v us ! j) ∈ span ?E" .
also have "?v + (- c ⋅⇩v us ! j) = us ! i" using usi usj by auto
finally have mem: "us ! i ∈ span ?E" .
from in_spanE[OF this] obtain a A where lc: "us ! i = lincomb a A" and A: "finite A"
"A ⊆ set us - {us ! i}"
by auto
let ?a = "a (us ! i := -1)" let ?A = "insert (us ! i) A"
from A have fin: "finite ?A" by auto
have lc: "lincomb ?a A = us ! i" unfolding lc
by (rule lincomb_cong, insert A us lc, auto)
have "lincomb ?a ?A = 0⇩v n"
by (subst lincomb_insert2[OF A(1)], insert A us lc usi diff, auto)
from not_lindepD[OF indep _ _ _ this] A usi
show False by auto
hence vmem: "?v ∉ ?E" using span_mem[OF E, of ?v] by auto
from lin_dep_iff_in_span[OF E indepE v this] vspan
have indep1: "lin_indpt (set ?V)" unfolding Vid by auto
from vmem dist have "distinct ?V" by (metis distinct_list_update)
with indep1 V show ?thesis unfolding lin_indpt_list_def by auto
lemma scalar_prod_lincomb_orthogonal: assumes ortho: "orthogonal gs" and gs: "set gs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "k ≤ length gs ⟹ sumlist (map (λ i. g i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0 ..< k]) ∙ sumlist (map (λ i. h i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0 ..< k])
= sum_list (map (λ i. g i * h i * (gs ! i ∙ gs ! i)) [0 ..< k])"
proof (induct k)
case (Suc k)
note ortho = orthogonalD[OF ortho]
let ?m = "length gs"
from gs Suc(2) have gsi[simp]: "⋀ i. i ≤ k ⟹ gs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from Suc have kn: "k ≤ ?m" and k: "k < ?m" by auto
let ?v1 = "sumlist (map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<k])"
let ?v2 = "(g k ⋅⇩v gs ! k)"
let ?w1 = "sumlist (map (λi. h i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<k])"
let ?w2 = "(h k ⋅⇩v gs ! k)"
from Suc have id: "[0 ..< Suc k] = [0 ..< k] @ [k]" by simp
have id: "sumlist (map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<Suc k]) = ?v1 + ?v2"
"sumlist (map (λi. h i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<Suc k]) = ?w1 + ?w2"
unfolding id map_append
by (subst sumlist_append, insert Suc(2), auto)+
have v1: "?v1 ∈ carrier_vec n" by (rule sumlist_carrier, insert Suc(2), auto)
have v2: "?v2 ∈ carrier_vec n" by (insert Suc(2), auto)
have w1: "?w1 ∈ carrier_vec n" by (rule sumlist_carrier, insert Suc(2), auto)
have w2: "?w2 ∈ carrier_vec n" by (insert Suc(2), auto)
have gsk: "gs ! k ∈ carrier_vec n" by simp
have v12: "?v1 + ?v2 ∈ carrier_vec n" using v1 v2 by auto
have w12: "?w1 + ?w2 ∈ carrier_vec n" using w1 w2 by auto
have 0: "⋀ g h. i < k ⟹ (g ⋅⇩v gs ! i) ∙ (h ⋅⇩v gs ! k) = 0" for i
by (subst scalar_prod_smult_distrib[OF _ gsk], (insert k, auto)[1],
subst smult_scalar_prod_distrib[OF _ gsk], (insert k, auto)[1], insert ortho[of i k] k, auto)
have 1: "?v1 ∙ ?w2 = 0"
by (subst scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib[OF _ w2], (insert Suc(2), auto)[1], rule sum_list_neutral,
insert 0, auto)
have 2: "?v2 ∙ ?w1 = 0" unfolding comm_scalar_prod[OF v2 w1]
apply (subst scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib[OF _ v2])
apply ((insert gs, force)[1])
apply (rule sum_list_neutral)
by (insert 0, auto)
show ?case unfolding id
unfolding scalar_prod_add_distrib[OF v12 w1 w2]
add_scalar_prod_distrib[OF v1 v2 w1]
add_scalar_prod_distrib[OF v1 v2 w2]
scalar_prod_smult_distrib[OF w2 gsk]
smult_scalar_prod_distrib[OF gsk gsk]
unfolding Suc(1)[OF kn]
by (simp add: 1 2 comm_scalar_prod[OF v2 w1])
qed auto
locale gram_schmidt = cof_vec_space n f_ty
for n :: nat and f_ty :: "'a :: {trivial_conjugatable_linordered_field} itself"
definition Gramian_matrix where
"Gramian_matrix G k = (let M = mat k n (λ (i,j). (G ! i) $ j) in M * M⇧T)"
lemma Gramian_matrix_alt_def: "k ≤ length G ⟹
Gramian_matrix G k = (let M = mat_of_rows n (take k G) in M * M⇧T)"
unfolding Gramian_matrix_def Let_def
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λ x. x * x⇧T"], unfold mat_of_rows_def, intro eq_matI, auto)
definition Gramian_determinant where
"Gramian_determinant G k = det (Gramian_matrix G k)"
lemma Gramian_determinant_0 [simp]: "Gramian_determinant G 0 = 1"
unfolding Gramian_determinant_def Gramian_matrix_def Let_def
by (simp add: times_mat_def)
lemma orthogonal_imp_lin_indpt_list:
assumes ortho: "orthogonal gs" and gs: "set gs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "lin_indpt_list gs"
proof -
from corthogonal_distinct[of gs] ortho have dist: "distinct gs" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding lin_indpt_list_def
proof (intro conjI gs dist finite_lin_indpt2 finite_set)
fix lc
assume 0: "lincomb lc (set gs) = 0⇩v n" (is "?lc = _")
have lc: "?lc ∈ carrier_vec n" by (rule lincomb_closed[OF gs])
let ?m = "length gs"
from 0 have "0 = ?lc ∙ ?lc" by simp
also have "?lc = lincomb_list (λi. lc (gs ! i)) gs"
unfolding lincomb_as_lincomb_list_distinct[OF gs dist] ..
also have "… = sumlist (map (λi. lc (gs ! i) ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..< ?m])"
unfolding lincomb_list_def by auto
also have "… ∙ … = (∑i←[0..<?m]. (lc (gs ! i) * lc (gs ! i)) * sq_norm (gs ! i))" (is "_ = sum_list ?sum")
unfolding scalar_prod_lincomb_orthogonal[OF ortho gs le_refl]
by (auto simp: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod power2_eq_square)
finally have sum_0: "sum_list ?sum = 0" ..
have nonneg: "⋀ x. x ∈ set ?sum ⟹ x ≥ 0"
using zero_le_square[of "lc (gs ! i)" for i] sq_norm_vec_ge_0[of "gs ! i" for i] by auto
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ set gs"
then obtain i where i: "i < ?m" and x: "x = gs ! i" unfolding set_conv_nth
by auto
hence "lc x * lc x * sq_norm x ∈ set ?sum" by auto
with sum_list_nonneg_eq_0_iff[of ?sum, OF nonneg] sum_0
have "lc x = 0 ∨ sq_norm x = 0" by auto
with orthogonalD[OF ortho, OF i i, folded x]
have "lc x = 0" by (auto simp: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
thus "∀v∈set gs. lc v = 0" by auto
lemma orthocompl_span:
assumes "⋀ x. x ∈ S ⟹ v ∙ x = 0" "S ⊆ carrier_vec n" and [intro]: "v ∈ carrier_vec n"
and "y ∈ span S"
shows "v ∙ y = 0"
proof -
{fix a A
assume "y = lincomb a A" "finite A" "A ⊆ S"
note assms = assms this
hence [intro!]:"lincomb a A ∈ carrier_vec n" "(λv. a v ⋅⇩v v) ∈ A → carrier_vec n" by auto
have "∀x∈A. (a x ⋅⇩v x) ∙ v = 0" proof fix x assume "x ∈ A" note assms = assms this
hence x:"x ∈ S" by auto
with assms have [intro]:"x ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from assms(1)[OF x] have "x ∙ v = 0" by(subst comm_scalar_prod) force+
thus "(a x ⋅⇩v x) ∙ v = 0"
apply(subst smult_scalar_prod_distrib) by force+
hence "v ∙ lincomb a A = 0" apply(subst comm_scalar_prod) apply force+ unfolding lincomb_def
apply(subst finsum_scalar_prod_sum) by force+
thus ?thesis using ‹y ∈ span S› unfolding span_def by auto
lemma orthogonal_sumlist:
assumes ortho: "⋀ x. x ∈ set S ⟹ v ∙ x = 0" and S: "set S ⊆ carrier_vec n" and v: "v ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "v ∙ sumlist S = 0"
by (rule orthocompl_span[OF ortho S v sumlist_in_span[OF S span_mem[OF S]]])
lemma oc_projection_alt_def:
assumes carr:"(W::'a vec set) ⊆ carrier_vec n" "x ∈ carrier_vec n"
and alt1:"y1 ∈ W" "x - y1 ∈ orthogonal_complement W"
and alt2:"y2 ∈ W" "x - y2 ∈ orthogonal_complement W"
shows "y1 = y2"
proof -
have carr:"y1 ∈ carrier_vec n" "y2 ∈ carrier_vec n" "x ∈ carrier_vec n" "- y1 ∈ carrier_vec n"
"0⇩v n ∈ carrier_vec n"
using alt1 alt2 carr by auto
hence "y1 - y2 ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
note carr = this carr
from alt1 have "ya∈W ⟹ (x - y1) ∙ ya = 0" for ya
unfolding orthogonal_complement_def by blast
hence "(x - y1) ∙ y2 = 0" "(x - y1) ∙ y1 = 0" using alt2 alt1 by auto
hence eq1:"y1 ∙ y2 = x ∙ y2" "y1 ∙ y1 = x ∙ y1" using carr minus_scalar_prod_distrib by force+
from this(1) have eq2:"y2 ∙ y1 = x ∙ y2" using carr comm_scalar_prod by force
from alt2 have "ya∈W ⟹ (x - y2) ∙ ya = 0" for ya
unfolding orthogonal_complement_def by blast
hence "(x - y2) ∙ y1 = 0" "(x - y2) ∙ y2 = 0" using alt2 alt1 by auto
hence eq3:"y2 ∙ y2 = x ∙ y2" "y2 ∙ y1 = x ∙ y1" using carr minus_scalar_prod_distrib by force+
with eq2 have eq4:"x ∙ y1 = x ∙ y2" by auto
have "∥(y1 - y2)∥⇧2 = 0" unfolding sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod cscalar_prod_is_scalar_prod using carr
apply(subst minus_scalar_prod_distrib) apply force+
apply(subst (0 0) scalar_prod_minus_distrib) apply force+
unfolding eq1 eq2 eq3 eq4 by auto
with sq_norm_vec_eq_0[of "(y1 - y2)"] carr have "y1 - y2 = 0⇩v n" by fastforce
hence "y1 - y2 + y2 = y2" using carr by fastforce
also have "y1 - y2 + y2 = y1" using carr by auto
finally show "y1 = y2" .
definition weakly_reduced :: "'a ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a vec list ⇒ bool"
where "weakly_reduced α k gs = (∀ i. Suc i < k ⟶
sq_norm (gs ! i) ≤ α * sq_norm (gs ! (Suc i)))"
definition reduced :: "'a ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a vec list ⇒ (nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a) ⇒ bool"
where "reduced α k gs mu = (weakly_reduced α k gs ∧
(∀ i j. i < k ⟶ j < i ⟶ abs (mu i j) ≤ 1/2))"
"is_oc_projection w S v = (w ∈ carrier_vec n ∧ v - w ∈ span S ∧ (∀ u. u ∈ S ⟶ w ∙ u = 0))"
lemma is_oc_projection_sq_norm: assumes "is_oc_projection w S v"
and S: "S ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and v: "v ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "sq_norm w ≤ sq_norm v"
proof -
from assms[unfolded is_oc_projection_def]
have w: "w ∈ carrier_vec n"
and vw: "v - w ∈ span S" and ortho: "⋀ u. u ∈ S ⟹ w ∙ u = 0" by auto
have "sq_norm v = sq_norm ((v - w) + w)" using v w
by (intro arg_cong[of _ _ sq_norm_vec], auto)
also have "… = ((v - w) + w) ∙ ((v - w) + w)" unfolding sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod
by simp
also have "… = (v - w) ∙ ((v - w) + w) + w ∙ ((v - w) + w)"
by (rule add_scalar_prod_distrib, insert v w, auto)
also have "… = ((v - w) ∙ (v - w) + (v - w) ∙ w) + (w ∙ (v - w) + w ∙ w)"
by (subst (1 2) scalar_prod_add_distrib, insert v w, auto)
also have "… = sq_norm (v - w) + 2 * (w ∙ (v - w)) + sq_norm w"
unfolding sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod using v w by (auto simp: comm_scalar_prod[of w _ "v - w"])
also have "… ≥ 2 * (w ∙ (v - w)) + sq_norm w" using sq_norm_vec_ge_0[of "v - w"] by auto
also have "w ∙ (v - w) = 0" using orthocompl_span[OF ortho S w vw] by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
definition oc_projection where
"oc_projection S fi ≡ (SOME v. is_oc_projection v S fi)"
lemma inv_in_span:
assumes incarr[intro]:"U ⊆ carrier_vec n" and insp:"a ∈ span U"
shows "- a ∈ span U"
proof -
from insp[THEN in_spanE] obtain aa A where a:"a = lincomb aa A" "finite A" "A ⊆ U" by auto
with assms have [intro!]:"(λv. aa v ⋅⇩v v) ∈ A → carrier_vec n" by auto
from a(1) have e1:"- a = lincomb (λ x. - 1 * aa x) A" unfolding smult_smult_assoc[symmetric] lincomb_def
by(subst finsum_smult[symmetric]) force+
show ?thesis using e1 a span_def by blast
lemma non_span_det_zero:
assumes len: "length G = n"
and nonb:"¬ (carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set G))"
and carr:"set G ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "det (mat_of_rows n G) = 0" unfolding det_0_iff_vec_prod_zero
proof -
let ?A = "(mat_of_rows n G)⇧T" let ?B = "1⇩m n"
from carr have carr_mat:"?A ∈ carrier_mat n n" "?B ∈ carrier_mat n n" "mat_of_rows n G ∈ carrier_mat n n"
using len mat_of_rows_carrier(1) by auto
from carr have g_len:"⋀ i. i < length G ⟹ G ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from nonb obtain v where v:"v ∈ carrier_vec n" "v ∉ span (set G)" by fast
hence "v ≠ 0⇩v n" using span_zero by auto
obtain B C where gj:"gauss_jordan ?A ?B = (B,C)" by force
note gj = carr_mat(1,2) gj
hence B:"B = fst (gauss_jordan ?A ?B)" by auto
from gauss_jordan[OF gj] have BC:"B ∈ carrier_mat n n" by auto
from gauss_jordan_transform[OF gj] obtain P where
P:"P∈Units (ring_mat TYPE('a) n ?B)" "B = P * ?A" by fast
hence PC:"P ∈ carrier_mat n n" unfolding Units_def by (simp add: ring_mat_simps)
from mat_inverse[OF PC] P obtain PI where "mat_inverse P = Some PI" by fast
from mat_inverse(2)[OF PC this]
have PI:"P * PI = 1⇩m n" "PI * P = 1⇩m n" "PI ∈ carrier_mat n n" by auto
have "B ≠ 1⇩m n" proof
assume "B = ?B"
hence "?A * P = ?B" unfolding P
using PC P(2) carr_mat(1) mat_mult_left_right_inverse by blast
hence "?A * P *⇩v v = v" using v by auto
hence "?A *⇩v (P *⇩v v) = v" unfolding assoc_mult_mat_vec[OF carr_mat(1) PC v(1)].
hence v_eq:"mat_of_cols n G *⇩v (P *⇩v v) = v"
unfolding transpose_mat_of_rows by auto
have pvc:"P *⇩v v ∈ carrier_vec (length G)" using PC v len by auto
from mat_of_cols_mult_as_finsum[OF pvc g_len,unfolded v_eq] obtain a where
"v = lincomb a (set G)" by auto
hence "v ∈ span (set G)" by (intro in_spanI[OF _ finite_set subset_refl])
thus False using v by auto
with det_non_zero_imp_unit[OF carr_mat(1)] show ?thesis
unfolding gauss_jordan_check_invertable[OF carr_mat(1,2)] B det_transpose[OF carr_mat(3)]
by metis
lemma span_basis_det_zero_iff:
assumes "length G = n" "set G ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set G) ⟷ det (mat_of_rows n G) ≠ 0" (is ?q1)
"carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set G) ⟷ basis (set G)" (is ?q2)
"det (mat_of_rows n G) ≠ 0 ⟷ basis (set G)" (is ?q3)
proof -
have dc:"det (mat_of_rows n G) ≠ 0 ⟹ carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set G)"
using assms non_span_det_zero by auto
have cb:"carrier_vec n ⊆ span (set G) ⟹ basis (set G)" using assms basis_list_basis
by (auto simp: basis_list_def)
have bd:"basis (set G) ⟹ det (mat_of_rows n G) ≠ 0" using assms basis_det_nonzero by auto
show ?q1 ?q2 ?q3 using dc cb bd by metis+
lemma lin_indpt_list_nonzero:
assumes "lin_indpt_list G"
shows "0⇩v n ∉ set G"
from assms[unfolded lin_indpt_list_def] have "lin_indpt (set G)" by auto
from vs_zero_lin_dep[OF _ this] assms[unfolded lin_indpt_list_def] show zero: "0⇩v n ∉ set G" by auto
lemma is_oc_projection_eq:
assumes ispr:"is_oc_projection a S v" "is_oc_projection b S v"
and carr: "S ⊆ carrier_vec n" "v ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "a = b"
proof -
from carr have c2:"span S ⊆ carrier_vec n" "v ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
have a:"v - (v - a) = a" using carr ispr by auto
have b:"v - (v - b) = b" using carr ispr by auto
have "(v - a) = (v - b)"
apply(rule oc_projection_alt_def[OF c2])
using ispr a b unfolding in_orthogonal_complement_span[OF carr(1)]
unfolding orthogonal_complement_def is_oc_projection_def by auto
hence "v - (v - a) = v - (v - b)" by metis
thus ?thesis unfolding a b.
fun adjuster_wit :: "'a list ⇒ 'a vec ⇒ 'a vec list ⇒ 'a list × 'a vec"
where "adjuster_wit wits w [] = (wits, 0⇩v n)"
| "adjuster_wit wits w (u#us) = (let a = (w ∙ u)/ sq_norm u in
case adjuster_wit (a # wits) w us of (wit, v)
⇒ (wit, -a ⋅⇩v u + v))"
fun sub2_wit where
"sub2_wit us [] = ([], [])"
| "sub2_wit us (w # ws) =
(case adjuster_wit [] w us of (wit,aw) ⇒ let u = aw + w in
case sub2_wit (u # us) ws of (wits, vvs) ⇒ (wit # wits, u # vvs))"
definition main :: "'a vec list ⇒ 'a list list × 'a vec list" where
"main us = sub2_wit [] us"
locale gram_schmidt_fs = gram_schmidt n f_ty
for n :: nat and f_ty :: "'a :: {trivial_conjugatable_linordered_field} itself" +
fixes fs :: "'a vec list"
fun gso and μ where
"gso i = fs ! i + sumlist (map (λ j. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0 ..< i])"
| "μ i j = (if j < i then (fs ! i ∙ gso j)/ sq_norm (gso j) else if i = j then 1 else 0)"
declare gso.simps[simp del]
declare μ.simps[simp del]
lemma gso_carrier'[intro]:
assumes "⋀ i. i ≤ j ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "gso j ∈ carrier_vec n"
using assms proof(induct j rule:nat_less_induct[rule_format])
case (1 j)
then show ?case unfolding gso.simps[of j] by (auto intro!:sumlist_carrier add_carrier_vec)
lemma adjuster_wit: assumes res: "adjuster_wit wits w us = (wits',a)"
and w: "w ∈ carrier_vec n"
and us: "⋀ i. i ≤ j ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
and us_gs: "us = map gso (rev [0 ..< j])"
and wits: "wits = map (μ i) [j ..< i]"
and j: "j ≤ n" "j ≤ i"
and wi: "w = fs ! i"
shows "adjuster n w us = a ∧ a ∈ carrier_vec n ∧ wits' = map (μ i) [0 ..< i] ∧
(a = sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<j]))"
using res us us_gs wits j
proof (induct us arbitrary: wits wits' a j)
case (Cons u us wits wits' a j)
note us_gs = Cons(4)
note wits = Cons(5)
note jn = Cons(6-7)
from us_gs obtain jj where j: "j = Suc jj" by (cases j, auto)
from jn j have jj: "jj ≤ n" "jj < n" "jj ≤ i" "jj < i" by auto
have zj: "[0 ..< j] = [0 ..< jj] @ [jj]" unfolding j by simp
have jjn: "[jj ..< i] = jj # [j ..< i]" using jj unfolding j by (metis upt_conv_Cons)
from us_gs[unfolded zj] have ugs: "u = gso jj" and us: "us = map gso (rev [0..<jj])" by auto
let ?w = "w ∙ u / (u ∙ u)"
have muij: "?w = μ i jj" unfolding μ.simps[of i jj] ugs wi sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod using jj by auto
have wwits: "?w # wits = map (μ i) [jj..<i]" unfolding jjn wits muij by simp
obtain wwits b where rec: "adjuster_wit (?w # wits) w us = (wwits,b)" by force
from Cons(1)[OF this Cons(3) us wwits jj(1,3),unfolded j] have IH:
"adjuster n w us = b" "wwits = map (μ i) [0..<i]"
"b = sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<jj])"
and b: "b ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from Cons(2)[simplified, unfolded Let_def rec split sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod
have id: "wits' = wwits" and a: "a = - ?w ⋅⇩v u + b" by auto
have 1: "adjuster n w (u # us) = a" unfolding a IH(1)[symmetric] by auto
from id IH(2) have wits': "wits' = map (μ i) [0..<i]" by simp
have carr:"set (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<j]) ⊆ carrier_vec n"
"set (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<jj]) ⊆ carrier_vec n" and u:"u ∈ carrier_vec n"
using Cons j by (auto intro!:gso_carrier')
from u b a have ac: "a ∈ carrier_vec n" "dim_vec (-?w ⋅⇩v u) = n" "dim_vec b = n" "dim_vec u = n" by auto
show ?case
apply (intro conjI[OF 1] ac exI conjI wits')
unfolding carr a IH zj muij ugs[symmetric] map_append
apply (subst sumlist_append)
using Cons.prems j apply force
using b u ugs IH(3) by auto
qed auto
lemma sub2_wit:
assumes "set us ⊆ carrier_vec n" "set ws ⊆ carrier_vec n" "length us + length ws = m"
and "ws = map (λ i. fs ! i) [i ..< m]"
and "us = map gso (rev [0 ..< i])"
and us: "⋀ j. j < m ⟹ fs ! j ∈ carrier_vec n"
and mn: "m ≤ n"
shows "sub2_wit us ws = (wits,vvs) ⟹ gram_schmidt_sub2 n us ws = vvs
∧ vvs = map gso [i ..< m] ∧ wits = map (λ i. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [i ..< m]"
using assms(1-6)
proof (induct ws arbitrary: us vvs i wits)
case (Cons w ws us vs)
note us = Cons(3) note wws = Cons(4)
note wsf' = Cons(6)
note us_gs = Cons(7)
from wsf' have "i < m" "i ≤ m" by (cases "i < m", auto)+
hence i_m: "[i ..< m] = i # [Suc i ..< m]" by (metis upt_conv_Cons)
from ‹i < m› mn have "i < n" "i ≤ n" "i ≤ m" by auto
hence i_n: "[i ..< n] = i # [Suc i ..< n]" by (metis upt_conv_Cons)
from wsf' i_m have wsf: "ws = map (λ i. fs ! i) [Suc i ..< m]"
and fiw: "fs ! i = w" by auto
from wws have w: "w ∈ carrier_vec n" and ws: "set ws ⊆ carrier_vec n" by auto
have list: "map (μ i) [i ..< i] = []" by auto
let ?a = "adjuster_wit [] w us"
obtain wit a where a: "?a = (wit,a)" by force
obtain wits' vv where gs: "sub2_wit ((a + w) # us) ws = (wits',vv)" by force
from adjuster_wit[OF a w Cons(8) us_gs list[symmetric] ‹i ≤ n› _ fiw[symmetric]] us wws ‹i < m›
have awus: "set ((a + w) # us) ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and aa: "adjuster n w us = a" "a ∈ carrier_vec n"
and aaa: "a = sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i])"
and wit: "wit = map (μ i) [0..<i]"
by auto
have aw_gs: "a + w = gso i" unfolding gso.simps[of i] fiw aaa[symmetric] using aa(2) w by auto
with us_gs have us_gs': "(a + w) # us = map gso (rev [0..<Suc i])" by auto
from Cons(1)[OF gs awus ws _ wsf us_gs' Cons(8)] Cons(5)
have IH: "gram_schmidt_sub2 n ((a + w) # us) ws = vv"
and vv: "vv = map gso [Suc i..<m]"
and wits': "wits' = map (λi. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [Suc i ..< m]" by auto
from gs a aa IH Cons(5)
have gs_vs: "gram_schmidt_sub2 n us (w # ws) = vs" and vs: "vs = (a + w) # vv" using Cons(2)
by (auto simp add: Let_def snd_def split:prod.splits)
from Cons(2)[unfolded sub2_wit.simps a split Let_def gs] have wits: "wits = wit # wits'" by auto
from vs vv aw_gs have vs: "vs = map gso [i ..< m]" unfolding i_m by auto
with gs_vs show ?case unfolding wits wit wits' by (auto simp: i_m)
qed auto
lemma partial_connect: fixes vs
assumes "length fs = m" "k ≤ m" "m ≤ n" "set us ⊆ carrier_vec n" "snd (main us) = vs"
"us = take k fs" "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "gram_schmidt n us = vs"
"vs = map gso [0..<k]"
proof -
have [simp]: "map ((!) fs) [0..<k] = take k fs" using assms(1,2) by (intro nth_equalityI, auto)
have carr: "j < m ⟹ fs ! j ∈ carrier_vec n" for j using assms by auto
note assms(5)[unfolded main_def]
have "gram_schmidt_sub2 n [] (take k fs) = vvs ∧ vvs = map gso [0..<k] ∧ wits = map (λi. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [0..<k]"
if "vvs = snd (sub2_wit [] (take k fs))" "wits = fst (sub2_wit [] (take k fs))" for vvs wits
using assms that by (intro sub2_wit) (auto)
with assms main_def
show "gram_schmidt n us = vs" "vs = map gso [0..<k]" unfolding gram_schmidt_code
by (auto simp add: main_def case_prod_beta')
lemma adjuster_wit_small:
"(adjuster_wit v a xs) = (x1,x2)
⟷ (fst (adjuster_wit v a xs) = x1 ∧ x2 = adjuster n a xs)"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: a v x1 x2)
case (Cons a xs)
then show ?case
by (auto simp:Let_def sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod split:prod.splits)
qed auto
lemma sub2: "rev xs @ snd (sub2_wit xs us) = rev (gram_schmidt_sub n xs us)"
proof -
have "sub2_wit xs us = (x1, x2) ⟹ rev xs @ x2 = rev (gram_schmidt_sub n xs us)"
for x1 x2 xs us
apply(induct us arbitrary: xs x1 x2)
by (auto simp:Let_def rev_unsimp adjuster_wit_small split:prod.splits simp del:rev.simps)
thus ?thesis
apply (cases us)
by (auto simp:Let_def rev_unsimp adjuster_wit_small split:prod.splits simp del:rev.simps)
lemma gso_connect: "snd (main us) = gram_schmidt n us" unfolding main_def gram_schmidt_def
using sub2[of Nil us] by auto
locale gram_schmidt_fs_Rn = gram_schmidt_fs +
assumes fs_carrier: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
abbreviation (input) m where "m ≡ length fs"
definition M where "M k = mat k k (λ (i,j). μ i j)"
lemma f_carrier[simp]: "i < m ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
using fs_carrier unfolding set_conv_nth by force
lemma gso_carrier[simp]: "i < m ⟹ gso i ∈ carrier_vec n"
using gso_carrier' f_carrier by auto
lemma gso_dim[simp]: "i < m ⟹ dim_vec (gso i) = n" by auto
lemma f_dim[simp]: "i < m ⟹ dim_vec (fs ! i) = n" by auto
lemma fs0_gso0: "0 < m ⟹ fs ! 0 = gso 0"
unfolding gso.simps[of 0] using f_dim[of 0]
by (cases fs, auto simp add: upt_rec)
lemma fs_by_gso_def :
assumes i: "i < m"
shows "fs ! i = gso i + M.sumlist (map (λja. μ i ja ⋅⇩v gso ja) [0..<i])" (is "_ = _ + ?sum")
proof -
fix f
have a: "M.sumlist (map (λja. f ja ⋅⇩v gso ja) [0..<i]) ∈ carrier_vec n"
using gso_carrier i by (intro M.sumlist_carrier, auto)
hence "dim_vec (M.sumlist (map (λja. f ja ⋅⇩v gso ja) [0..<i])) = n" by auto
note a this
} note sum_carrier = this
note [simp] = sum_carrier(2)
have f: "fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" using i by simp
have "gso i + ?sum = fs ! i + M.sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i]) + ?sum "
(is "_ = _ + ?minus_sum + _")
unfolding gso.simps[of i] by simp
also have "?minus_sum = - ?sum"
using gso_carrier i sum_carrier
by (intro eq_vecI, auto simp: sumlist_nth sum_negf)
also have "fs ! i + (-?sum) + ?sum = fs ! i"
using sum_carrier fs_carrier f by simp
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma main_connect:
assumes "m ≤ n"
shows "gram_schmidt n fs = map gso [0..<m]"
proof -
obtain vs where snd_main: "snd (main fs) = vs" by auto
have "gram_schmidt_sub2 n [] fs = snd (sub2_wit [] fs) ∧ snd (sub2_wit [] fs) = map gso [0..<length fs]
∧ wits = map (λi. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [0..<length fs]"
if "wits = fst (sub2_wit [] fs)" for wits
using assms that fs_carrier by (intro sub2_wit) (auto simp add: map_nth)
then have "gram_schmidt_sub2 n [] fs = vs ∧ vs = map gso [0..<m]"
using snd_main main_def by auto
thus "gram_schmidt n fs = map gso [0..<m]" by (auto simp: gram_schmidt_code)
lemma reduced_gso_E: "weakly_reduced α k (map gso [0..<m]) ⟹ k ≤ m ⟹ Suc i < k ⟹
sq_norm (gso i) ≤ α * sq_norm (gso (Suc i))"
unfolding weakly_reduced_def by auto
abbreviation (input) FF where "FF ≡ mat_of_rows n fs"
abbreviation (input) Fs where "Fs ≡ mat_of_rows n (map gso [0..<m])"
lemma FF_dim[simp]: "dim_row FF = m" "dim_col FF = n" "FF ∈ carrier_mat m n"
unfolding mat_of_rows_def by (auto)
lemma Fs_dim[simp]: "dim_row Fs = m" "dim_col Fs = n" "Fs ∈ carrier_mat m n"
unfolding mat_of_rows_def by (auto simp: main_connect)
lemma M_dim[simp]: "dim_row (M m) = m" "dim_col (M m) = m" "(M m) ∈ carrier_mat m m"
unfolding M_def by auto
lemma FF_index[simp]: "i < m ⟹ j < n ⟹ FF $$ (i,j) = fs ! i $ j"
unfolding mat_of_rows_def by auto
lemma M_index[simp]:"i < m ⟹ j < m ⟹ (M m) $$ (i,j) = μ i j"
unfolding M_def by auto
lemma matrix_equality: "FF = (M m) * Fs"
proof -
let ?P = "(M m) * Fs"
have dim: "dim_row FF = m" "dim_col FF = n" "dim_row ?P = m" "dim_col ?P = n" "dim_row (M m) = m" "dim_col (M m) = m"
"dim_row Fs = m" "dim_col Fs = n"
by (auto simp: mat_of_rows_def mat_of_rows_list_def main_connect)
show ?thesis
proof (rule eq_matI; unfold dim)
fix i j
assume i: "i < m" and j: "j < n"
from i have split: "[0 ..< m] = [0 ..< i] @ [i] @ [Suc i ..< m]"
by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 less_Suc_eq_le less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append upt_rec zero_less_Suc)
let ?prod = "λ k. μ i k * gso k $ j"
have dim2: "dim_vec (col Fs j) = m" using j dim by auto
define idx where "idx = [0..<i]"
have idx: "set idx ⊆ {0 ..< i}" unfolding idx_def using i by auto
let ?vec = "sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) idx)"
have vec: "?vec ∈ carrier_vec n" by (rule sumlist_carrier, insert idx gso_carrier i, auto)
hence dimv: "dim_vec ?vec = n" by auto
have "?P $$ (i,j) = row (M m) i ∙ col Fs j" using dim i j by auto
also have "… = (∑ k = 0..<m. row (M m) i $ k * col Fs j $ k)"
unfolding scalar_prod_def dim2 by auto
also have "… = (∑ k = 0..<m. ?prod k)"
by (rule sum.cong[OF refl], insert i j dim, auto simp: mat_of_rows_list_def mat_of_rows_def)
also have "… = sum_list (map ?prod [0 ..< m])"
by (subst sum_list_distinct_conv_sum_set, auto)
also have "… = sum_list (map ?prod idx) + ?prod i + sum_list (map ?prod [Suc i ..< m])"
unfolding split idx_def by auto
also have "?prod i = gso i $ j" unfolding μ.simps by simp
also have "… = fs ! i $ j + sum_list (map (λk. - μ i k * gso k $ j) idx)" unfolding gso.simps[of i] idx_def[symmetric]
by (subst index_add_vec, unfold dimv, rule j, subst sumlist_vec_index[OF _ j], insert idx gso_carrier i j,
auto simp: o_def intro!: arg_cong[OF map_cong])
also have "sum_list (map (λk. - μ i k * gso k $ j) idx) = - sum_list (map (λk. μ i k * gso k $ j) idx)"
by (induct idx, auto)
also have "sum_list (map ?prod [Suc i ..< m]) = 0"
by (rule sum_list_neutral, auto simp: μ.simps)
finally have "?P $$ (i,j) = fs ! i $ j" by simp
with FF_index[OF i j]
show "FF $$ (i,j) = ?P $$ (i,j)" by simp
qed auto
lemma fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso: assumes i: "i < m"
shows "fs ! i = sumlist (map (λ j. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0 ..< Suc i])"
proof -
let ?l = "sumlist (map (λ j. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0 ..< Suc i])"
have "?l ∈ carrier_vec n" by (rule sumlist_carrier, insert gso_carrier i, auto)
hence dim: "dim_vec ?l = n" by (rule carrier_vecD)
show ?thesis
proof (rule eq_vecI, unfold dim f_dim[OF i])
fix j
assume j: "j < n"
from i have split: "[0 ..< m] = [0 ..< Suc i] @ [Suc i ..< m]"
by (metis Suc_lessI append.assoc append_same_eq less_imp_add_positive order_refl upt_add_eq_append zero_le)
let ?prod = "λ k. μ i k * gso k $ j"
have "fs ! i $ j = FF $$ (i,j)" using i j by simp
also have "… = ((M m) * Fs) $$ (i,j)" using matrix_equality by simp
also have "… = row (M m) i ∙ col Fs j" using i j by auto
also have "… = (∑ k = 0..<m. row (M m) i $ k * col Fs j $ k)"
unfolding scalar_prod_def by auto
also have "… = (∑ k = 0..<m. ?prod k)"
by (rule sum.cong[OF refl], insert i j dim, auto simp: mat_of_rows_list_def mat_of_rows_def)
also have "… = sum_list (map ?prod [0 ..< m])"
by (subst sum_list_distinct_conv_sum_set, auto)
also have "… = sum_list (map ?prod [0 ..< Suc i]) + sum_list (map ?prod [Suc i ..< m])"
unfolding split by auto
also have "sum_list (map ?prod [Suc i ..< m]) = 0"
by (rule sum_list_neutral, auto simp: μ.simps)
also have "sum_list (map ?prod [0 ..< Suc i]) = ?l $ j"
by (subst sumlist_vec_index[OF _ j], (insert i, auto simp: intro!: gso_carrier)[1],
rule arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list], insert i j, auto)
finally show "fs ! i $ j = ?l $ j" by simp
qed simp
lemma gi_is_fi_minus_sum_mu_gso:
assumes i: "i < m"
shows "gso i = fs ! i - sumlist (map (λ j. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0 ..< i])" (is "_ = _ - ?sum")
proof -
have sum: "?sum ∈ carrier_vec n"
by (rule sumlist_carrier, insert gso_carrier i, auto)
show ?thesis unfolding fs_by_gso_def[OF i]
by (intro eq_vecI, insert gso_carrier[OF i] sum, auto)
lemma det: assumes m: "m = n" shows "det FF = det Fs"
unfolding matrix_equality
apply (subst det_mult[OF M_dim(3)], (insert Fs_dim(3) m, auto)[1])
apply (subst det_lower_triangular[OF _ M_dim(3)])
by (subst M_index, (auto simp: μ.simps)[3], unfold prod_list_diag_prod, auto simp: μ.simps)
locale gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt = gram_schmidt_fs_Rn +
assumes lin_indpt: "lin_indpt (set fs)" and dist: "distinct fs"
lemmas loc_assms = lin_indpt dist
lemma mn:
shows "m ≤ n"
proof -
have n: "n = dim" by (simp add: dim_is_n)
have m: "m = card (set fs)"
using distinct_card loc_assms by metis
from m n have mn: "m ≤ n ⟷ card (set fs) ≤ dim" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding mn
by (rule li_le_dim, use loc_assms fs_carrier in auto)
shows span_gso: "span (gso ` {0..<m}) = span (set fs)"
and orthogonal_gso: "orthogonal (map gso [0..<m])"
and dist_gso: "distinct (map gso [0..<m])"
using gram_schmidt_result[OF fs_carrier _ _ main_connect[symmetric]] loc_assms mn by auto
lemma gso_inj[intro]:
assumes "i < m"
shows "inj_on gso {0..<i}"
proof -
{ fix x y assume assms': "i < m" "x ∈ {0..<i}" "y ∈ {0..<i}" "gso x = gso y"
have "distinct (map gso [0..<m])" "x < length (map gso [0..<m])" "y < length (map gso [0..<m])"
using dist_gso assms mn assms' by (auto intro!: dist_gso)
from nth_eq_iff_index_eq[OF this] assms' have "x = y" by auto }
then show ?thesis
using assms by (intro inj_onI) auto
lemma partial_span:
assumes i: "i ≤ m"
shows "span (gso ` {0 ..< i}) = span (set (take i fs))"
proof -
let ?f = "λ i. fs ! i"
let ?us = "take i fs"
have len: "length ?us = i" using i by auto
from fs_carrier i have us: "set ?us ⊆ carrier_vec n"
by (meson set_take_subset subset_trans)
obtain vi where main: "snd (main ?us) = vi" by force
from dist have dist: "distinct ?us" by auto
from lin_indpt have indpt: "lin_indpt (set ?us)"
using supset_ld_is_ld[of "set ?us", of "set (?us @ drop i fs)"]
by (auto simp: set_take_subset)
from partial_connect[OF _ i mn us main refl fs_carrier] assms
have gso: "vi = gram_schmidt n ?us" and vi: "vi = map gso [0 ..< i]" by auto
from cof_vec_space.gram_schmidt_result(1)[OF us dist indpt gso, unfolded vi]
show ?thesis by auto
lemma partial_span':
assumes i: "i ≤ m"
shows "span (gso ` {0 ..< i}) = span ((λ j. fs ! j) ` {0 ..< i})"
unfolding partial_span[OF i]
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ span], subst nth_image, insert i loc_assms, auto)
lemma orthogonal:
assumes "i < m" "j < m" "i ≠ j"
shows "gso i ∙ gso j = 0"
using assms mn orthogonal_gso[unfolded orthogonal_def] by auto
lemma same_base:
shows "span (set fs) = span (gso ` {0..<m})"
using span_gso loc_assms by simp
lemma sq_norm_gso_le_f:
assumes i: "i < m"
shows "sq_norm (gso i) ≤ sq_norm (fs ! i)"
proof -
have id: "[0 ..< Suc i] = [0 ..< i] @ [i]" by simp
let ?sum = "sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i])"
have sum: "?sum ∈ carrier_vec n" and gsoi: "gso i ∈ carrier_vec n" using i
by (auto intro!: sumlist_carrier gso_carrier)
from fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso[OF i, unfolded id]
have "sq_norm (fs ! i) = sq_norm (sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i] @ [gso i]))" by (simp add: μ.simps)
also have "… = sq_norm (?sum + gso i)"
by (subst sumlist_append, insert gso_carrier i, auto)
also have "… = (?sum + gso i) ∙ (?sum + gso i)" by (simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
also have "… = ?sum ∙ (?sum + gso i) + gso i ∙ (?sum + gso i)"
by (rule add_scalar_prod_distrib[OF sum gsoi], insert sum gsoi, auto)
also have "… = (?sum ∙ ?sum + ?sum ∙ gso i) + (gso i ∙ ?sum + gso i ∙ gso i)"
by (subst (1 2) scalar_prod_add_distrib[of _ n], insert sum gsoi, auto)
also have "?sum ∙ ?sum = sq_norm ?sum" by (simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
also have "gso i ∙ gso i = sq_norm (gso i)" by (simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
also have "gso i ∙ ?sum = ?sum ∙ gso i" using gsoi sum by (simp add: comm_scalar_prod)
finally have "sq_norm (fs ! i) = sq_norm ?sum + 2 * (?sum ∙ gso i) + sq_norm (gso i)" by simp
also have "… ≥ 2 * (?sum ∙ gso i) + sq_norm (gso i)" using sq_norm_vec_ge_0[of ?sum] by simp
also have "?sum ∙ gso i = (∑v←map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i]. v ∙ gso i)"
by (subst scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib[OF _ gsoi], insert i gso_carrier, auto)
also have "… = 0"
proof (rule sum_list_neutral, goal_cases)
case (1 x)
then obtain j where j: "j < i" and x: "x = (μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) ∙ gso i" by auto
from j i have gsoj: "gso j ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
have "x = μ i j * (gso j ∙ gso i)" using gsoi gsoj unfolding x by simp
also have "gso j ∙ gso i = 0"
by (rule orthogonal, insert j i assms, auto)
finally show "x = 0" by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma oc_projection_exist:
assumes i: "i < m"
shows "fs ! i - gso i ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i})"
let ?A = "gso ` {0..<i}"
show finA:"finite ?A" by auto
have carA[intro!]:"?A ⊆ carrier_vec n" using gso_dim assms by auto
let "?a v" = "∑n←[0..<i]. if v = gso n then μ i n else 0"
have d:"(sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i])) ∈ carrier_vec n"
using gso.simps[of i] gso_dim[OF i] unfolding carrier_vec_def by auto
note [intro] = f_carrier[OF i] gso_carrier[OF i] d
have [intro!]:"(λv. ?a v ⋅⇩v v) ∈ gso ` {0..<i} → carrier_vec n"
using gso_carrier assms by auto
{fix ia assume ia[intro]:"ia < n"
have "(∑x∈gso ` {0..<i}. (?a x ⋅⇩v x) $ ia) =
- (∑x←map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i]. x $ ia)"
unfolding map_map comm_monoid_add_class.sum.reindex[OF gso_inj[OF assms]]
unfolding atLeastLessThan_upt sum_set_upt_conv_sum_list_nat uminus_sum_list_map o_def
proof(rule arg_cong[OF map_cong, OF refl],goal_cases)
case (1 x) hence x:"x < m" "x < i" using assms by auto
hence d:"insert x (set [0..<i]) = {0..<i}"
"count (mset [0..<i]) x = 1" by auto
hence "inj_on gso (insert x (set [0..<i]))" using gso_inj[OF assms] by auto
from inj_on_filter_key_eq[OF this,folded replicate_count_mset_eq_filter_eq]
have "[n←[0..<i] . gso x = gso n] = [x]" using x assms d replicate.simps(2)[of 0] by auto
hence "(∑n←[0..<i]. if gso x = gso n then μ i n else 0) = μ i x"
unfolding sum_list_map_filter'[symmetric] by auto
with ia gso_dim x show ?case apply(subst index_smult_vec) by force+
hence "(⨁⇘V⇙v∈gso ` {0..<i}. ?a v ⋅⇩v v) $ ia =
(- local.sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i])) $ ia"
using d assms
apply (subst (0 0) finsum_index index_uminus_vec) apply force+
apply (subst sumlist_vec_index) by force+
hence id: "(⨁⇘V⇙v∈?A. ?a v ⋅⇩v v) = - sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<i])"
using d lincomb_dim[OF finA carA,unfolded lincomb_def] by(intro eq_vecI,auto)
show "fs ! i - gso i = lincomb ?a ?A" unfolding lincomb_def gso.simps[of i] id
by (rule eq_vecI, auto)
qed auto
lemma oc_projection_unique:
assumes "i < m"
"v ∈ carrier_vec n"
"⋀ x. x ∈ gso ` {0..<i} ⟹ v ∙ x = 0"
"fs ! i - v ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i})"
shows "v = gso i"
proof -
from assms have carr_span:"span (gso ` {0..<i}) ⊆ carrier_vec n" by(intro span_is_subset2) auto
from assms have carr: "gso ` {0..<i} ⊆ carrier_vec n" by auto
from assms have eq:"fs ! i - (fs ! i - v) = v" for v by auto
from orthocompl_span[OF _ carr] assms
have "y ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i}) ⟹ v ∙ y = 0" for y by auto
hence oc1:"fs ! i - (fs ! i - v) ∈ orthogonal_complement (span (gso ` {0..< i}))"
unfolding eq orthogonal_complement_def using assms by auto
have "x ∈ gso ` {0..<i} ⟹ gso i ∙ x = 0" for x using assms orthogonal by auto
hence "y ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i}) ⟹ gso i ∙ y = 0" for y
by (rule orthocompl_span) (use carr gso_carrier assms in auto)
hence oc2:"fs ! i - (fs ! i - gso i) ∈ orthogonal_complement (span (gso ` {0..< i}))"
unfolding eq orthogonal_complement_def using assms by auto
note pe= oc_projection_exist[OF assms(1)]
note prerec = carr_span f_carrier[OF assms(1)] assms(4) oc1 oc_projection_exist[OF assms(1)] oc2
note prerec = carr_span f_carrier[OF assms(1)] assms(4) oc1 oc_projection_exist[OF assms(1)] oc2
have gsoi: "gso i ∈ carrier_vec n" "fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
by (rule gso_carrier[OF ‹i < m›], rule f_carrier[OF ‹i < m›])
note main = arg_cong[OF oc_projection_alt_def[OF carr_span f_carrier[OF assms(1)] assms(4) oc1 pe oc2],
of "λ v. - v $ j + fs ! i $ j" for j]
show "v = gso i"
proof (intro eq_vecI)
fix j
show "j < dim_vec (gso i) ⟹ v $ j = gso i $ j"
using assms gsoi main[of j] by (auto)
qed (insert assms gsoi, auto)
lemma gso_oc_projection:
assumes "i < m"
shows "gso i = oc_projection (gso ` {0..<i}) (fs ! i)"
unfolding oc_projection_def is_oc_projection_def
proof (rule some_equality[symmetric,OF _ oc_projection_unique[OF assms]])
have orthogonal:"⋀ xa. xa < i ⟹ gso i ∙ gso xa = 0" by (rule orthogonal,insert assms, auto)
show "gso i ∈ carrier_vec n ∧
fs ! i - gso i ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i}) ∧
(∀x. x ∈ gso ` {0..<i} ⟶ gso i ∙ x = 0)"
using gso_carrier oc_projection_exist assms orthogonal by auto
qed auto
lemma gso_oc_projection_span:
assumes "i < m"
shows "gso i = oc_projection (span (gso ` {0..<i})) (fs ! i)"
and "is_oc_projection (gso i) (span (gso ` {0..<i})) (fs ! i)"
unfolding oc_projection_def is_oc_projection_def
proof (rule some_equality[symmetric,OF _ oc_projection_unique[OF assms]])
let ?P = "λv. v ∈ carrier_vec n ∧ fs ! i - v ∈ span (span (gso ` {0..<i}))
∧ (∀x. x ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i}) ⟶ v ∙ x = 0)"
have carr:"gso ` {0..<i} ⊆ carrier_vec n" using assms by auto
have *: "⋀ xa. xa < i ⟹ gso i ∙ gso xa = 0" by (rule orthogonal,insert assms, auto)
have orthogonal:"⋀x. x ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i}) ⟹ gso i ∙ x = 0"
apply(rule orthocompl_span) using assms * by auto
show "?P (gso i)" "?P (gso i)" unfolding span_span[OF carr]
using gso_carrier oc_projection_exist assms orthogonal by auto
fix v assume p:"?P v"
then show "v ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from p show "fs ! i - v ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i})" unfolding span_span[OF carr] by auto
fix xa assume "xa ∈ gso ` {0..<i}"
hence "xa ∈ span (gso ` {0..<i})" using in_own_span[OF carr] by auto
thus "v ∙ xa = 0" using p by auto
lemma gso_is_oc_projection:
assumes "i < m"
shows "is_oc_projection (gso i) (set (take i fs)) (fs ! i)"
proof -
have [simp]: "v ∈ carrier_vec n" if "v ∈ set (take i fs)" for v
using that by (meson contra_subsetD fs_carrier in_set_takeD)
have "span (gso ` {0..<i}) = span (set (take i fs))"
by (rule partial_span) (auto simp add: assms less_or_eq_imp_le)
moreover have "is_oc_projection (gso i) (span (gso ` {0..<i})) (fs ! i)"
by (rule gso_oc_projection_span) (auto simp add: assms less_or_eq_imp_le)
ultimately have "is_oc_projection (gso i) (span (set (take i fs))) (fs ! i)"
by auto
moreover have "set (take i fs) ⊆ span (set (take i fs))"
by (auto intro!: span_mem)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding is_oc_projection_def by (subst (asm) span_span) (auto)
lemma fi_scalar_prod_gso:
assumes i: "i < m" and j: "j < m"
shows "fs ! i ∙ gso j = μ i j * ∥gso j∥⇧2"
proof -
let ?mu = "λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j"
from i have list1: "[0..< m] = [0..< Suc i] @ [Suc i ..< m]"
by (intro nth_equalityI, auto simp: nth_append, rename_tac j, case_tac "j - i", auto)
from j have list2: "[0..< m] = [0..< j] @ [j] @ [Suc j ..< m]"
by (intro nth_equalityI, auto simp: nth_append, rename_tac k, case_tac "k - j", auto)
have "fs ! i ∙ gso j = sumlist (map ?mu [0..<Suc i]) ∙ gso j"
unfolding fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso[OF i] by simp
also have "… = (∑v←map ?mu [0..<Suc i]. v ∙ gso j) + 0"
by (subst scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib, insert gso_carrier assms, auto)
also have "… = (∑v←map ?mu [0..<Suc i]. v ∙ gso j) + (∑v←map ?mu [Suc i..<m]. v ∙ gso j)"
by (subst (3) sum_list_neutral, insert assms gso_carrier, auto intro!: orthogonal simp: μ.simps)
also have "… = (∑v←map ?mu [0..< m]. v ∙ gso j)"
unfolding list1 by simp
also have "… = (∑v←map ?mu [0..< j]. v ∙ gso j) + ?mu j ∙ gso j + (∑v←map ?mu [Suc j..< m]. v ∙ gso j)"
unfolding list2 by simp
also have "(∑v←map ?mu [0..< j]. v ∙ gso j) = 0"
by (rule sum_list_neutral, insert assms gso_carrier, auto intro!: orthogonal)
also have "(∑v←map ?mu [Suc j..< m]. v ∙ gso j) = 0"
by (rule sum_list_neutral, insert assms gso_carrier, auto intro!: orthogonal)
also have "?mu j ∙ gso j = μ i j * sq_norm (gso j)"
using gso_carrier[OF j] by (simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma gso_scalar_zero:
assumes "k < m" "i < k"
shows "(gso k) ∙ (fs ! i) = 0"
by (subst comm_scalar_prod[OF gso_carrier]; (subst fi_scalar_prod_gso)?,
insert assms, auto simp: μ.simps)
lemma scalar_prod_lincomb_gso:
assumes k: "k ≤ m"
shows "sumlist (map (λ i. g i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< k]) ∙ sumlist (map (λ i. h i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< k])
= sum_list (map (λ i. g i * h i * (gso i ∙ gso i)) [0 ..< k])"
proof -
have id1: "map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v map (gso) [0..<m] ! i) [0..<k] = map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0..<k]" for g using k
by auto
have id2: "(∑i←[0..<k]. g i * h i * (map (gso) [0..<m] ! i ∙ map (gso) [0..<m] ! i))
= (∑i←[0..<k]. g i * h i * (gso i ∙ gso i))" using k
by (intro arg_cong[OF map_cong], auto)
define gs where "gs = map (gso) [0..<m]"
have gs_gso: "gs ! i = gso i" if "i < k" for i
using that assms unfolding gs_def by auto
have "M.sumlist (map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<k]) ∙ M.sumlist (map (λi. h i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<k]) =
(∑i←[0..<k]. g i * h i * (gs ! i ∙ gs ! i))"
unfolding gs_def using assms orthogonal_gso
by (intro scalar_prod_lincomb_orthogonal) auto
also have "map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<k] = map (λi. g i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0..<k]"
using gs_gso by (intro map_cong) (auto)
also have "map (λi. h i ⋅⇩v gs ! i) [0..<k] = map (λi. h i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0..<k]"
using gs_gso by (intro map_cong) (auto)
also have "map (λi. g i * h i * (gs ! i ∙ gs ! i)) [0..<k] = map (λi. g i * h i * (gso i ∙ gso i)) [0..<k]"
using gs_gso by (intro map_cong) (auto)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma gso_times_self_is_norm:
assumes "j < m"
shows "fs ! j ∙ gso j = sq_norm (gso j)"
by (subst fi_scalar_prod_gso, insert assms, auto simp: μ.simps)
lemma gram_schmidt_short_vector:
assumes in_L: "h ∈ lattice_of fs - {0⇩v n}"
shows "∃ i < m. ∥h∥⇧2 ≥ ∥gso i∥⇧2"
proof -
from in_L have non_0: "h ≠ 0⇩v n" by auto
from in_L[unfolded lattice_of_def] obtain lam where
h: "h = sumlist (map (λ i. of_int (lam i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) [0 ..< length fs])"
by auto
have in_L: "h = sumlist (map (λ i. of_int (lam i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) [0 ..< m])" unfolding length_map h
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ sumlist], rule map_cong, auto)
let ?n = "[0 ..< m]"
let ?f = "(λ i. of_int (lam i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i)"
let ?vs = "map ?f ?n"
let ?P = "λ k. k < m ∧ lam k ≠ 0"
define k where "k = (GREATEST kk. ?P kk)"
assume *: "∀ i < m. lam i = 0"
have vs: "?vs = map (λ i. 0⇩v n) ?n"
by (rule map_cong, insert f_dim *, auto)
have "h = 0⇩v n" unfolding in_L vs
by (rule sumlist_neutral, auto)
with non_0 have False by auto
then obtain kk where "?P kk" by auto
from GreatestI_nat[of ?P, OF this, of m] have Pk: "?P k" unfolding k_def by auto
hence kn: "k < m" by auto
let ?gso = "(λi j. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j)"
have k: "k < i ⟹ i < m ⟹ lam i = 0" for i
using Greatest_le_nat[of ?P i m, folded k_def] by auto
define l where "l = lam k"
from Pk have l: "l ≠ 0" unfolding l_def by auto
define idx where "idx = [0 ..< k]"
have idx: "⋀ i. i ∈ set idx ⟹ i < k" "⋀ i. i ∈ set idx ⟹ i < m" unfolding idx_def using kn by auto
from Pk have split: "[0 ..< m] = idx @ [k] @ [Suc k ..< m]" unfolding idx_def
by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 less_Suc_eq_le less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append
upt_rec zero_less_Suc)
define gg where "gg = sumlist
(map (λi. of_int (lam i) ⋅⇩v fs ! i) idx) + of_int l ⋅⇩v sumlist (map (λj. μ k j ⋅⇩v gso j) idx)"
have "h = sumlist ?vs" unfolding in_L ..
also have "… = sumlist ((map ?f idx @ [?f k]) @ map ?f [Suc k ..< m])" unfolding split by auto
also have "… = sumlist (map ?f idx @ [?f k]) + sumlist (map ?f [Suc k ..< m])"
by (rule sumlist_append, auto intro!: f_carrier, insert Pk idx, auto)
also have "sumlist (map ?f [Suc k ..< m]) = 0⇩v n" by (rule sumlist_neutral, auto simp: k)
also have "sumlist (map ?f idx @ [?f k]) = sumlist (map ?f idx) + ?f k"
by (subst sumlist_append, auto intro!: f_carrier, insert Pk idx, auto)
also have "fs ! k = sumlist (map (?gso k) [0..<Suc k])" using fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso[OF kn] by simp
also have "… = sumlist (map (?gso k) idx @ [gso k])" by (simp add: μ.simps[of k k] idx_def)
also have "… = sumlist (map (?gso k) idx) + gso k"
by (subst sumlist_append, auto intro!: f_carrier, insert Pk idx, auto)
also have "of_int (lam k) ⋅⇩v … = of_int (lam k) ⋅⇩v (sumlist (map (?gso k) idx))
+ of_int (lam k) ⋅⇩v gso k"
unfolding idx_def
by (rule smult_add_distrib_vec[OF sumlist_carrier], auto intro!: gso_carrier, insert kn, auto)
finally have "h = sumlist (map ?f idx) +
(of_int (lam k) ⋅⇩v sumlist (map (?gso k) idx) + of_int (lam k) ⋅⇩v gso k) + 0⇩v n " by simp
also have "… = gg + of_int l ⋅⇩v gso k" unfolding gg_def l_def
by (rule eq_vecI, insert idx kn, auto simp: sumlist_vec_index,
subst index_add_vec, auto simp: sumlist_dim kn, subst sumlist_dim, auto)
finally have hgg: "h = gg + of_int l ⋅⇩v gso k" .
let ?k = "[0 ..< k]"
define R where "R = {gg. ∃ nu. gg = sumlist (map (λ i. nu i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx)}"
fix nu
have "dim_vec (sumlist (map (λ i. nu i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx)) = n"
by (rule sumlist_dim, insert kn, auto simp: idx_def)
} note dim_nu[simp] = this
define kk where "kk = ?k"
fix v
assume "v ∈ R"
then obtain nu where v: "v = sumlist (map (λ i. nu i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx)" unfolding R_def by auto
have "dim_vec v = n" unfolding gg_def v by simp
} note dim_R = this
fix v1 v2
assume "v1 ∈ R" "v2 ∈ R"
then obtain nu1 nu2 where v1: "v1 = sumlist (map (λ i. nu1 i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx)" and
v2: "v2 = sumlist (map (λ i. nu2 i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx)"
unfolding R_def by auto
have "v1 + v2 ∈ R" unfolding R_def
by (standard, rule exI[of _ "λ i. nu1 i + nu2 i"], unfold v1 v2, rule eq_vecI,
(subst sumlist_vec_index, insert idx, auto intro!: gso_carrier simp: o_def)+,
unfold sum_list_addf[symmetric], induct idx, auto simp: algebra_simps)
} note add_R = this
have "gg ∈ R" unfolding gg_def
proof (rule add_R)
show "of_int l ⋅⇩v sumlist (map (λj. μ k j ⋅⇩v gso j) idx) ∈ R"
unfolding R_def
by (standard, rule exI[of _ "λi. of_int l * μ k i"], rule eq_vecI,
(subst sumlist_vec_index, insert idx, auto intro!: gso_carrier simp: o_def)+,
induct idx, auto simp: algebra_simps)
show "sumlist (map ?f idx) ∈ R" using idx
proof (induct idx)
case Nil
show ?case by (simp add: R_def, intro exI[of _ "λ i. 0"], rule eq_vecI,
(subst sumlist_vec_index, insert idx, auto intro!: gso_carrier simp: o_def)+,
induct idx, auto)
case (Cons i idxs)
have "sumlist (map ?f (i # idxs)) = sumlist ([?f i] @ map ?f idxs)" by simp
also have "… = ?f i + sumlist (map ?f idxs)"
by (subst sumlist_append, insert Cons(3), auto intro!: f_carrier)
finally have id: "sumlist (map ?f (i # idxs)) = ?f i + sumlist (map ?f idxs)" .
show ?case unfolding id
proof (rule add_R[OF _ Cons(1)[OF Cons(2-3)]])
from Cons(2-3) have i: "i < m" "i < k" by auto
hence idx_split: "idx = [0 ..< Suc i] @ [Suc i ..< k]" unfolding idx_def
by (metis Suc_lessI append_Nil2 less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append upt_rec zero_le)
fix j
assume j: "j < n"
define idxs where "idxs = [0 ..< Suc i]"
let ?f = "λ x. ((if x < Suc i then of_int (lam i) * μ i x else 0) ⋅⇩v gso x) $ j"
have "(∑x←idx. ?f x) = (∑x←[0 ..< Suc i]. ?f x) + (∑x← [Suc i ..< k]. ?f x)"
unfolding idx_split by auto
also have "(∑x← [Suc i ..< k]. ?f x) = 0" by (rule sum_list_neutral, insert j kn, auto)
also have "(∑x←[0 ..< Suc i]. ?f x) = (∑x←idxs. of_int (lam i) * (μ i x ⋅⇩v gso x) $ j)"
unfolding idxs_def by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list], rule map_cong[OF refl],
subst index_smult_vec, insert j i kn, auto)
also have "… = of_int (lam i) * ((∑x←[0..<Suc i]. (μ i x ⋅⇩v gso x) $ j))"
unfolding idxs_def[symmetric] by (induct idxs, auto simp: algebra_simps)
finally have "(∑x←idx. ?f x) = of_int (lam i) * ((∑x←[0..<Suc i]. (μ i x ⋅⇩v gso x) $ j))"
by simp
} note main = this
show "?f i ∈ R" unfolding fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso[OF i(1)] R_def
apply (standard, rule exI[of _ "λ j. if j < Suc i then of_int (lam i) * μ i j else 0"], rule eq_vecI)
apply (subst sumlist_vec_index, insert idx i, auto intro!: gso_carrier sumlist_dim simp: o_def)
apply (subst index_smult_vec, subst sumlist_dim, auto)
apply (subst sumlist_vec_index, auto, insert idx i main, auto simp: o_def)
qed auto
then obtain nu where gg: "gg = sumlist (map (λ i. nu i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx)" unfolding R_def by auto
let ?ff = "sumlist (map (λi. nu i ⋅⇩v gso i) idx) + of_int l ⋅⇩v gso k"
define hh where "hh = (λ i. (if i < k then nu i else of_int l))"
let ?hh = "sumlist (map (λ i. hh i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< Suc k])"
have ffhh: "?hh = sumlist (map (λ i. hh i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< k] @ [hh k ⋅⇩v gso k])"
by simp
also have "… = sumlist (map (λ i. hh i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< k]) + sumlist [hh k ⋅⇩v gso k]"
by (rule sumlist_append, insert kn, auto)
also have "sumlist [hh k ⋅⇩v gso k] = hh k ⋅⇩v gso k" using kn by auto
also have "… = of_int l ⋅⇩v gso k" unfolding hh_def by auto
also have "map (λ i. hh i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< k] = map (λ i. nu i ⋅⇩v gso i) [0 ..< k]"
by (rule map_cong, auto simp: hh_def)
finally have ffhh: "?ff = ?hh" by (simp add: idx_def)
from hgg[unfolded gg]
have h: "h = ?ff" by auto
have "gso k ∙ gso k ≤ 1 * (gso k ∙ gso k)" by simp
also have "… ≤ of_int (l * l) * (gso k ∙ gso k)"
proof (rule mult_right_mono)
from l have "l * l ≥ 1" by (meson eq_iff int_one_le_iff_zero_less mult_le_0_iff not_le)
thus "1 ≤ (of_int (l * l) :: 'a)" by presburger
show "0 ≤ gso k ∙ gso k" by (rule scalar_prod_ge_0)
also have "… = 0 + of_int (l * l) * (gso k ∙ gso k)" by simp
also have "… ≤ sum_list (map (λ i. (nu i * nu i) * (gso i ∙ gso i)) idx) + of_int (l * l) * (gso k ∙ gso k)"
by (rule add_right_mono, rule sum_list_nonneg, auto, rule mult_nonneg_nonneg, auto simp: scalar_prod_ge_0)
also have "map (λ i. (nu i * nu i) * (gso i ∙ gso i)) idx = map (λ i. hh i * hh i * (gso i ∙ gso i)) [0..<k]"
unfolding idx_def by (rule map_cong, auto simp: hh_def)
also have "of_int (l * l) = hh k * hh k" unfolding hh_def by auto
also have "(∑i←[0..<k]. hh i * hh i * (gso i ∙ gso i)) + hh k * hh k * (gso k ∙ gso k)
= (∑i←[0..<Suc k]. hh i * hh i * (gso i ∙ gso i))" by simp
also have "… = ?hh ∙ ?hh" by (rule sym, rule scalar_prod_lincomb_gso, insert kn assms, auto)
also have "… = ?ff ∙ ?ff" by (simp add: ffhh)
also have "… = h ∙ h" unfolding h ..
finally show ?thesis using kn unfolding sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod by auto
lemma weakly_reduced_imp_short_vector:
assumes "weakly_reduced α m (map gso [0..<m])"
and in_L: "h ∈ lattice_of fs - {0⇩v n}" and α_pos:"α ≥ 1"
shows "fs ≠ [] ∧ sq_norm (fs ! 0) ≤ α^(m-1) * sq_norm h"
proof -
from gram_schmidt_short_vector assms obtain i where
i: "i < m" and le: "sq_norm (gso i) ≤ sq_norm h" by auto
have small: "sq_norm (fs ! 0) ≤ α^i * sq_norm (gso i)" using i
proof (induct i)
case 0
show ?case unfolding fs0_gso0[OF 0] by auto
case (Suc i)
hence "sq_norm (fs ! 0) ≤ α^i * sq_norm (gso i)" by auto
also have "… ≤ α^i * (α * (sq_norm (gso (Suc i))))"
using reduced_gso_E[OF assms(1) le_refl Suc(2)] α_pos by auto
finally show ?case unfolding class_semiring.nat_pow_Suc[of α i] by auto
also have "… ≤ α^(m-1) * sq_norm h"
by (rule mult_mono[OF power_increasing le], insert i α_pos, auto)
finally show ?thesis using i by (cases fs, auto)
lemma sq_norm_pos:
assumes j: "j < m"
shows "sq_norm (gso j) > 0"
proof -
from j have jj: "j < m - 0" by simp
from orthogonalD[OF orthogonal_gso, unfolded length_map length_upt, OF jj jj] assms
have "sq_norm (gso j) ≠ 0" using j by (simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
moreover have "sq_norm (gso j) ≥ 0" by auto
ultimately show "0 < sq_norm (gso j)" by auto
lemma Gramian_determinant:
assumes k: "k ≤ m"
shows "Gramian_determinant fs k = (∏ j<k. sq_norm (gso j))"
"Gramian_determinant fs k > 0"
proof -
define Gk where "Gk = mat k n (λ (i,j). fs ! i $ j)"
have Gk: "Gk ∈ carrier_mat k n" unfolding Gk_def by auto
define Mk where "Mk = mat k k (λ (i,j). μ i j)"
have Mk_μ: "i < k ⟹ j < k ⟹ Mk $$ (i,j) = μ i j" for i j
unfolding Mk_def using k by auto
have Mk: "Mk ∈ carrier_mat k k" and [simp]: "dim_row Mk = k" "dim_col Mk = k" unfolding Mk_def by auto
have "det Mk = prod_list (diag_mat Mk)"
by (rule det_lower_triangular[OF _ Mk], auto simp: Mk_μ μ.simps)
also have "… = 1"
by (rule prod_list_neutral, auto simp: diag_mat_def Mk_μ μ.simps)
finally have detMk: "det Mk = 1" .
define Gsk where "Gsk = mat k n (λ (i,j). gso i $ j)"
have Gsk: "Gsk ∈ carrier_mat k n" unfolding Gsk_def by auto
have Gsk': "Gsk⇧T ∈ carrier_mat n k" using Gsk by auto
let ?Rn = "carrier_vec n"
have id: "Gk = Mk * Gsk"
proof (rule eq_matI)
from Gk Mk Gsk
have dim: "dim_row Gk = k" "dim_row (Mk * Gsk) = k" "dim_col Gk = n" "dim_col (Mk * Gsk) = n" by auto
from dim show "dim_row Gk = dim_row (Mk * Gsk)" "dim_col Gk = dim_col (Mk * Gsk)" by auto
fix i j
assume "i < dim_row (Mk * Gsk)" "j < dim_col (Mk * Gsk)"
hence ij: "i < k" "j < n" and i: "i < m" using dim k by auto
have Gi: "fs ! i ∈ ?Rn" using i by simp
have "Gk $$ (i, j) = fs ! i $ j" unfolding Gk_def using ij k Gi by auto
also have "... = FF $$ (i,j)" using ij i by simp
also have "FF = (M m) * Fs" by (rule matrix_equality)
also have "… $$ (i,j) = row (M m) i ∙ col Fs j"
by (rule index_mult_mat(1), insert i ij, auto simp: mat_of_rows_list_def)
also have "row (M m) i = vec m (λ j. if j < k then Mk $$ (i,j) else 0)"
(is "_ = vec m ?Mk")
unfolding Mk_def using ij i
by (auto simp: mat_of_rows_list_def μ.simps)
also have "col Fs j = vec m (λ i'. if i' < k then Gsk $$ (i',j) else (Fs $$ (i',j)))"
(is "_ = vec m ?Gsk")
unfolding Gsk_def using ij i by (auto simp: mat_of_rows_def)
also have "vec m ?Mk ∙ vec m ?Gsk = (∑ i ∈ {0 ..< m}. ?Mk i * ?Gsk i)"
unfolding scalar_prod_def by auto
also have "… = (∑ i ∈ {0 ..< k} ∪ {k ..< m}. ?Mk i * ?Gsk i)"
by (rule sum.cong, insert k, auto)
also have "… = (∑ i ∈ {0 ..< k}. ?Mk i * ?Gsk i) + (∑ i ∈ {k ..< m}. ?Mk i * ?Gsk i)"
by (rule sum.union_disjoint, auto)
also have "(∑ i ∈ {k ..< m}. ?Mk i * ?Gsk i) = 0"
by (rule sum.neutral, auto)
also have "(∑ i ∈ {0 ..< k}. ?Mk i * ?Gsk i) = (∑ i' ∈ {0 ..< k}. Mk $$ (i,i') * Gsk $$ (i',j))"
by (rule sum.cong, auto)
also have "… = row Mk i ∙ col Gsk j" unfolding scalar_prod_def using ij
by (auto simp: Gsk_def Mk_def)
also have "… = (Mk * Gsk) $$ (i, j)" using ij Mk Gsk by simp
finally show "Gk $$ (i, j) = (Mk * Gsk) $$ (i, j)" by simp
have cong: "⋀ a b c d. a = b ⟹ c = d ⟹ a * c = b * d" by auto
have "Gramian_determinant fs k = det (Gk * Gk⇧T)"
unfolding Gramian_determinant_def Gramian_matrix_def Let_def
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ det], rule cong, insert k, auto simp: Gk_def)
also have "Gk⇧T = Gsk⇧T * Mk⇧T" (is "_ = ?TGsk * ?TMk") unfolding id
by (rule transpose_mult[OF Mk Gsk])
also have "Gk = Mk * Gsk" by fact
also have "… * (?TGsk * ?TMk) = Mk * (Gsk * (?TGsk * ?TMk))"
by (rule assoc_mult_mat[OF Mk Gsk, of _ k], insert Gsk Mk, auto)
also have "det … = det Mk * det (Gsk * (?TGsk * ?TMk))"
by (rule det_mult[OF Mk], insert Gsk Mk, auto)
also have "… = det (Gsk * (?TGsk * ?TMk))" using detMk by simp
also have "Gsk * (?TGsk * ?TMk) = (Gsk * ?TGsk) * ?TMk"
by (rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF Gsk], insert Gsk Mk, auto)
also have "det … = det (Gsk * ?TGsk) * det ?TMk"
by (rule det_mult, insert Gsk Mk, auto)
also have "… = det (Gsk * ?TGsk)" using detMk det_transpose[OF Mk] by simp
also have "Gsk * ?TGsk = mat k k (λ (i,j). if i = j then sq_norm (gso j) else 0)" (is "_ = ?M")
proof (rule eq_matI)
show "dim_row (Gsk * ?TGsk) = dim_row ?M" unfolding Gsk_def by auto
show "dim_col (Gsk * ?TGsk) = dim_col ?M" unfolding Gsk_def by auto
fix i j
assume "i < dim_row ?M" "j < dim_col ?M"
hence ij: "i < k" "j < k" and ijn: "i < m" "j < m" using k by auto
fix i
assume "i < k"
hence "i < m" using k by auto
hence Gs: "gso i ∈ ?Rn" by auto
have "row Gsk i = gso i" unfolding row_def Gsk_def
by (rule eq_vecI, insert Gs ‹i < k›, auto)
} note row = this
have "(Gsk * ?TGsk) $$ (i,j) = row Gsk i ∙ row Gsk j" using ij Gsk by auto
also have "… = gso i ∙ gso j" using row ij by simp
also have "… = (if i = j then sq_norm (gso j) else 0)"
proof (cases "i = j")
assume "i = j"
thus ?thesis by (simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
assume "i ≠ j"
from ‹i ≠ j› orthogonalD[OF orthogonal_gso] ijn assms
show ?thesis by auto
also have "… = ?M $$ (i,j)" using ij by simp
finally show "(Gsk * ?TGsk) $$ (i,j) = ?M $$ (i,j)" .
also have "det ?M = prod_list (diag_mat ?M)"
by (rule det_upper_triangular, auto)
also have "diag_mat ?M = map (λ j. sq_norm (gso j)) [0 ..< k]" unfolding diag_mat_def by auto
also have "prod_list … = (∏ j < k. sq_norm (gso j))"
by (subst prod.distinct_set_conv_list[symmetric], force, rule prod.cong, auto)
finally show "Gramian_determinant fs k = (∏j<k. ∥gso j∥⇧2)" .
also have "… > 0"
by (rule prod_pos, intro ballI sq_norm_pos, insert k assms, auto)
finally show "0 < Gramian_determinant fs k" by auto
lemma Gramian_determinant_div:
assumes "l < m"
shows "Gramian_determinant fs (Suc l) / Gramian_determinant fs l = ∥gso l∥⇧2"
proof -
note gram = Gramian_determinant(1)[symmetric]
from assms have le: "Suc l ≤ m" "l ≤ m" by auto
have "(∏j<Suc l. ∥gso j∥⇧2) = (∏j ∈ {0..<l} ∪ {l}. ∥gso j∥⇧2)"
using assms by (intro prod.cong) (auto)
also have "… = (∏j<l. ∥gso j∥⇧2) * ∥gso l∥⇧2"
using assms by (subst prod_Un) (auto simp add: atLeast0LessThan)
finally show ?thesis unfolding gram[OF le(1)] gram[OF le(2)]
using Gramian_determinant(2)[OF le(2)] assms by auto
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_Rn) Gramian_determinant_Ints:
assumes "k ≤ m" "⋀i j. i < n ⟹ j < m ⟹ fs ! j $ i ∈ ℤ"
shows "Gramian_determinant fs k ∈ ℤ"
proof -
let ?oi = "of_int :: int ⇒ 'a"
from assms have "⋀ i. i < n ⟹ ∀j. ∃ c. j < m ⟶ fs ! j $ i = ?oi c" unfolding Ints_def by auto
from choice[OF this] have "∀ i. ∃ c. ∀ j. i < n ⟶ j < m ⟶ fs ! j $ i = ?oi (c j)" by blast
from choice[OF this] obtain c where c: "⋀ i j. i < n ⟹ j < m ⟹ fs ! j $ i = ?oi (c i j)" by blast
define d where "d = map (λ j. vec n (λ i. c i j)) [0..<m]"
have fs: "fs = map (map_vec ?oi) d"
unfolding d_def by (rule nth_equalityI, auto intro!: eq_vecI c)
have id: "mat k n (λ(i, y). map (map_vec ?oi) d ! i $ y) = map_mat of_int (mat k n (λ(i, y). d ! i $ y))"
by (rule eq_matI, insert ‹k ≤ m›, auto simp: d_def o_def)
show ?thesis unfolding fs Gramian_determinant_def Gramian_matrix_def Let_def id
by (subst of_int_hom.mat_hom_mult[symmetric], auto)
locale gram_schmidt_fs_int = gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt +
assumes fs_int: "⋀i j. i < n ⟹ j < m ⟹ fs ! j $ i ∈ ℤ"
lemma Gramian_determinant_ge1:
assumes "k ≤ m"
shows "1 ≤ Gramian_determinant fs k"
proof -
have "0 < Gramian_determinant fs k"
by (simp add: assms Gramian_determinant(2) less_or_eq_imp_le)
moreover have "Gramian_determinant fs k ∈ ℤ"
by (simp add: Gramian_determinant_Ints assms fs_int)
ultimately show ?thesis
using Ints_nonzero_abs_ge1 by fastforce
lemma mu_bound_Gramian_determinant:
assumes "l < k" "k < m"
shows "(μ k l)⇧2 ≤ Gramian_determinant fs l * ∥fs ! k∥⇧2"
proof -
have "(μ k l)⇧2 = (fs ! k ∙ gso l)⇧2 / (∥gso l∥⇧2)⇧2"
using assms by (simp add: power_divide μ.simps)
also have "… ≤ (∥fs ! k∥⇧2 * ∥gso l∥⇧2) / (∥gso l∥⇧2)⇧2"
using assms by (auto intro!: scalar_prod_Cauchy divide_right_mono)
also have "… = ∥fs ! k∥⇧2 / ∥gso l∥⇧2"
by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
also have "… = ∥fs ! k∥⇧2 / (Gramian_determinant fs (Suc l) / Gramian_determinant fs l)"
using assms by (subst Gramian_determinant_div[symmetric]) auto
also have "… = Gramian_determinant fs l * ∥fs ! k∥⇧2 / Gramian_determinant fs (Suc l)"
by (auto simp add: field_simps)
also have "… ≤ Gramian_determinant fs l * ∥fs ! k∥⇧2 / 1"
by (rule divide_left_mono, insert Gramian_determinant_ge1[of l] Gramian_determinant_ge1[of "Suc l"] assms,
auto intro!: mult_nonneg_nonneg)
finally show ?thesis
by simp
context gram_schmidt
lemma gso_cong:
fixes f1 f2 :: "'a vec list"
assumes "⋀ i. i ≤ x ⟹ f1 ! i = f2 ! i"
shows "gram_schmidt_fs.gso n f1 x = gram_schmidt_fs.gso n f2 x"
using assms
proof(induct x rule:nat_less_induct[rule_format])
case (1 x)
interpret f1: gram_schmidt_fs n f_ty f1 .
interpret f2: gram_schmidt_fs n f_ty f2 .
have *: "map (λj. - f1.μ x j ⋅⇩v f1.gso j) [0..<x] = map (λj. - f2.μ x j ⋅⇩v f2.gso j) [0..<x]"
using 1 by (intro map_cong) (auto simp add: f1.μ.simps f2.μ.simps)
show ?case
using 1 by (subst f1.gso.simps, subst f2.gso.simps, subst *) auto
lemma μ_cong:
fixes f1 f2 :: "'a vec list"
assumes "⋀ k. j < i ⟹ k ≤ j ⟹ f1 ! k = f2 ! k"
and "j < i ⟹ f1 ! i = f2 ! i"
shows "gram_schmidt_fs.μ n f1 i j = gram_schmidt_fs.μ n f2 i j"
proof -
interpret f1: gram_schmidt_fs n f_ty f1 .
interpret f2: gram_schmidt_fs n f_ty f2 .
from gso_cong[of j f1 f2] assms have id: "j < i ⟹ f1.gso j = f2.gso j" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding f1.μ.simps f2.μ.simps using assms id by auto
lemma prod_list_le_mono: fixes us :: "'a :: {linordered_nonzero_semiring,ordered_ring} list"
assumes "length us = length vs"
and "⋀ i. i < length vs ⟹ 0 ≤ us ! i ∧ us ! i ≤ vs ! i"
shows "0 ≤ prod_list us ∧ prod_list us ≤ prod_list vs"
using assms
proof (induction us vs rule: list_induct2)
case (Cons u us v vs)
have "0 ≤ prod_list us ∧ prod_list us ≤ prod_list vs"
by (rule Cons.IH, insert Cons.prems[of "Suc i" for i], auto)
moreover have "0 ≤ u ∧ u ≤ v" using Cons.prems[of 0] by auto
ultimately show ?case by (auto intro: mult_mono)
qed simp
lemma lattice_of_of_int: assumes G: "set F ⊆ carrier_vec n"
and "f ∈ vec_module.lattice_of n F"
shows "map_vec rat_of_int f ∈ vec_module.lattice_of n (map (map_vec of_int) F)"
(is "?f ∈ vec_module.lattice_of _ ?F")
proof -
let ?sl = "abelian_monoid.sumlist (module_vec TYPE('a::semiring_1) n)"
note d = vec_module.lattice_of_def
note dim = vec_module.sumlist_dim
note sumlist_vec_index = vec_module.sumlist_vec_index
from G have Gi: "⋀ i. i < length F ⟹ F ! i ∈ carrier_vec n" by auto
from Gi have Gid: "⋀ i. i < length F ⟹ dim_vec (F ! i) = n" by auto
from assms(2)[unfolded d]
obtain c where
ffc: "f = ?sl (map (λi. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v F ! i) [0..<length F])" (is "_ = ?g") by auto
have "?f = ?sl (map (λi. of_int (c i) ⋅⇩v ?F ! i) [0..<length ?F])" (is "_ = ?gg")
proof -
have d1[simp]: "dim_vec ?g = n" by (subst dim, auto simp: Gi)
have d2[simp]: "dim_vec ?gg = n" unfolding length_map by (subst vec_module.sumlist_dim, auto simp: Gi G)
show ?thesis
unfolding ffc length_map
apply (rule eq_vecI)
apply (insert d1 d2, auto)[2]
apply (subst (1 2) sumlist_vec_index, auto simp: o_def Gi G)
apply (unfold of_int_hom.hom_sum_list)
apply (intro arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list] map_cong)
by (auto simp: G Gi, (subst index_smult_vec, simp add: Gid)+,
subst index_map_vec, auto simp: Gid)
thus "?f ∈ vec_module.lattice_of n ?F" unfolding d by auto
lemma Hadamard's_inequality:
fixes A::"real mat"
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat n n"
shows "abs (det A) ≤ sqrt (prod_list (map sq_norm (rows A)))"
proof -
let ?us = "map (row A) [0 ..< n]"
interpret gso: gram_schmidt_fs n "TYPE(real)" ?us .
have len: "length ?us = n" by simp
have us: "set ?us ⊆ carrier_vec n" using A by auto
let ?vs = "map gso.gso [0..<n]"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "carrier_vec n ⊆ gso.span (set ?us)")
case True
with us len have basis: "gso.basis_list ?us" unfolding gso.basis_list_def by auto
note in_dep = gso.basis_list_imp_lin_indpt_list[OF basis]
interpret gso: gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt n "TYPE(real)" ?us
by (standard) (use in_dep gso.lin_indpt_list_def in auto)
have last: "0 ≤ prod_list (map sq_norm ?vs) ∧ prod_list (map sq_norm ?vs) ≤ prod_list (map sq_norm ?us)"
proof (rule prod_list_le_mono, force, unfold length_map length_upt)
fix i
assume "i < n - 0"
hence i: "i < n" by simp
have vsi: "map sq_norm ?vs ! i = sq_norm (?vs ! i)" using i by simp
have usi: "map sq_norm ?us ! i = sq_norm (row A i)" using i by simp
have zero: "0 ≤ sq_norm (?vs ! i)" by auto
have le: "sq_norm (?vs ! i) ≤ sq_norm (row A i)"
using gso.sq_norm_gso_le_f i by simp
show "0 ≤ map sq_norm ?vs ! i ∧ map sq_norm ?vs ! i ≤ map sq_norm ?us ! i"
unfolding vsi usi using zero le by auto
have Fs: "gso.FF ∈ carrier_mat n n" by auto
have A_Fs: "A = gso.FF"
by (rule eq_matI, subst gso.FF_index, insert A, auto)
hence "abs (det A) = abs (det (gso.FF))" by simp
also have "… = abs (sqrt (det (gso.FF) * det (gso.FF)))" by simp
also have "det (gso.FF) * det (gso.FF) = det (gso.FF) * det (gso.FF)⇧T"
unfolding det_transpose[OF Fs] ..
also have "… = det (gso.FF * (gso.FF)⇧T)"
by (subst det_mult[OF Fs], insert Fs, auto)
also have "… = gso.Gramian_determinant ?us n"
unfolding gso.Gramian_matrix_def gso.Gramian_determinant_def Let_def A_Fs[symmetric]
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ det], rule arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "( * )"], insert A, auto)
also have "… = (∏j ∈ set [0 ..< n]. ∥?vs ! j∥⇧2)"
by (subst gso.Gramian_determinant) (auto intro!: prod.cong)
also have "… = prod_list (map (λ i. sq_norm (?vs ! i)) [0 ..< n])"
by (subst prod.distinct_set_conv_list, auto)
also have "map (λ i. sq_norm (?vs ! i)) [0 ..< n] = map sq_norm ?vs"
by (intro nth_equalityI, auto)
also have "abs (sqrt (prod_list …)) ≤ sqrt (prod_list (map sq_norm ?us))"
using last by simp
also have "?us = rows A" unfolding rows_def using A by simp
finally show ?thesis .
case False
from mat_of_rows_rows[unfolded rows_def,of A] A gram_schmidt.non_span_det_zero[OF len False us]
have zero: "det A = 0" by auto
have ge: "prod_list (map sq_norm (rows A)) ≥ 0"
by (rule prod_list_nonneg, auto simp: sq_norm_vec_ge_0)
show ?thesis unfolding zero using ge by simp
definition "gram_schmidt_wit = gram_schmidt.main"
lemmas gram_schmidt_wit = gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt.weakly_reduced_imp_short_vector[folded gram_schmidt_wit_def]
declare gram_schmidt.adjuster_wit.simps[code]
declare gram_schmidt.sub2_wit.simps[code]
declare gram_schmidt.main_def[code]
definition gram_schmidt_int :: "nat ⇒ int vec list ⇒ rat list list × rat vec list" where
"gram_schmidt_int n us = gram_schmidt_wit n (map (map_vec of_int) us)"
lemma snd_gram_schmidt_int : "snd (gram_schmidt_int n us) = gram_schmidt n (map (map_vec of_int) us)"
unfolding gram_schmidt_int_def gram_schmidt_wit_def gram_schmidt_fs.gso_connect by metis
text ‹Faster implementation for rational vectors which also avoid recomputations
of square-norms›
fun adjuster_triv :: "nat ⇒ rat vec ⇒ (rat vec × rat) list ⇒ rat vec"
where "adjuster_triv n w [] = 0⇩v n"
| "adjuster_triv n w ((u,nu)#us) = -(w ∙ u)/ nu ⋅⇩v u + adjuster_triv n w us"
fun gram_schmidt_sub_triv
where "gram_schmidt_sub_triv n us [] = us"
| "gram_schmidt_sub_triv n us (w # ws) = (let u = adjuster_triv n w us + w in
gram_schmidt_sub_triv n ((u, sq_norm_vec_rat u) # us) ws)"
definition gram_schmidt_triv :: "nat ⇒ rat vec list ⇒ (rat vec × rat) list"
where "gram_schmidt_triv n ws = rev (gram_schmidt_sub_triv n [] ws)"
lemma adjuster_triv: "adjuster_triv n w (map (λ x. (x,sq_norm x)) us) = adjuster n w us"
by (induct us, auto simp: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod)
lemma gram_schmidt_sub_triv: "gram_schmidt_sub_triv n ((map (λ x. (x,sq_norm x)) us)) ws =
map (λ x. (x, sq_norm x)) (gram_schmidt_sub n us ws)"
by (rule sym, induct ws arbitrary: us, auto simp: adjuster_triv o_def Let_def)
lemma gram_schmidt_triv[simp]: "gram_schmidt_triv n ws = map (λ x. (x,sq_norm x)) (gram_schmidt n ws)"
unfolding gram_schmidt_def gram_schmidt_triv_def rev_map[symmetric]
by (auto simp: gram_schmidt_sub_triv[symmetric])
context gram_schmidt
fun mus_adjuster :: "'a vec ⇒ ('a vec × 'a) list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a vec ⇒ 'a list × 'a vec"
"mus_adjuster f [] mus g' = (mus, g')" |
"mus_adjuster f ((g, ng)#n_gs) mus g' = (let a = (f ∙ g) / ng in
mus_adjuster f n_gs (a # mus) (-a ⋅⇩v g + g'))"
fun norms_mus' where
"norms_mus' [] n_gs mus = (map snd n_gs, mus)" |
"norms_mus' (f # fs) n_gs mus =
(let (mus_row, g') = mus_adjuster f n_gs [] (0⇩v n);
g = g' + f in
norms_mus' fs ((g, sq_norm_vec g) # n_gs) (mus_row#mus))"
lemma adjuster_wit_carrier_vec:
assumes "f ∈ carrier_vec n" "set gs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "snd (adjuster_wit mus f gs) ∈ carrier_vec n"
using assms
by (induction mus f gs rule: adjuster_wit.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
lemma adjuster_wit'':
assumes "adjuster_wit mus_acc f gs = (mus, g')" "n_gs = map (λx. (x, sq_norm_vec x)) gs"
"f ∈ carrier_vec n" "acc ∈ carrier_vec n" "set gs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "mus_adjuster f n_gs mus_acc acc = (mus, acc + g')"
using assms proof(induction f n_gs mus_acc acc arbitrary: g' gs mus rule: mus_adjuster.induct)
case (1 mus' f acc g)
then show ?case
by auto
case (2 f g n_g n_gs mus_acc acc g' gs mus)
let ?gg = "snd (adjuster_wit (f ∙ g / n_g # mus_acc) f (tl gs))"
from 2 have l: "gs = g # tl gs"
by auto
have gg: "?gg ∈ carrier_vec n"
using 2 by (auto intro!: adjuster_wit_carrier_vec)
then have [simp]: "g' = (- (f ∙ g / ∥g∥⇧2) ⋅⇩v g + ?gg)"
using 2 by (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
have "mus_adjuster f ((g, n_g) # n_gs) mus_acc acc =
mus_adjuster f n_gs (f ∙ g / n_g # mus_acc) (- (f ∙ g / n_g) ⋅⇩v g + acc)"
by (auto simp add: Let_def)
also have "… = (mus, - (f ∙ g / n_g) ⋅⇩v g + acc + ?gg)"
proof -
have "adjuster_wit (f ∙ g / n_g # mus_acc) f (tl gs) = (mus, ?gg)"
using 2 by (subst (asm) l) (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
then show ?thesis
using 2 by (subst 2(1)[of _ "tl gs"]) (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
finally show ?case
using 2 gg by auto
lemma adjuster_wit':
assumes "n_gs = map (λx. (x, sq_norm_vec x)) gs" "f ∈ carrier_vec n" "set gs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "mus_adjuster f n_gs mus_acc (0⇩v n) = adjuster_wit mus_acc f gs"
proof -
let ?g = "snd (adjuster_wit mus_acc f gs)"
let ?mus = "fst (adjuster_wit mus_acc f gs)"
have "?g ∈ carrier_vec n"
using assms by (auto intro!: adjuster_wit_carrier_vec)
then show ?thesis
using assms by (subst adjuster_wit''[of _ _ gs ?mus ?g]) (auto simp add: case_prod_beta')
lemma sub2_wit_norms_mus':
assumes "n_gs' = map (λv. (v, sq_norm_vec v)) gs'"
"sub2_wit gs' fs = (mus, gs)" "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n" "set gs' ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "norms_mus' fs n_gs' mus_acc = (map sq_norm_vec (rev gs @ gs'), rev mus @ mus_acc)"
using assms proof (induction fs n_gs' mus_acc arbitrary: gs' mus gs rule: norms_mus'.induct)
case (1 n_gs mus_acc)
then show ?case by (auto simp add: rev_map)
case (2 f fs n_gs mus_acc)
note aw1 = conjunct1[OF conjunct2[OF gram_schmidt_fs.adjuster_wit]]
let ?aw = "mus_adjuster f n_gs [] (0⇩v n)"
have aw: "?aw = adjuster_wit [] f gs'"
apply(subst adjuster_wit') using 2 by auto
have "sub2_wit ((snd ?aw + f) # gs') fs = sub2_wit ((snd (adjuster_wit [] f gs') + f) # gs') fs"
apply(subst adjuster_wit') using 2 by auto
also have "… = (tl mus, tl gs)"
using 2 by (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
finally have sub_tl: "sub2_wit ((snd ?aw + f) # gs') fs = (tl mus, tl gs)"
by simp
have aw_c: "snd ?aw ∈ carrier_vec n"
apply(subst adjuster_wit'[of _ gs'])
using 2 adjuster_wit_carrier_vec by (auto)
have gs: "gs = (snd ?aw + f) # tl gs"
apply(subst aw) using 2 by (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
have mus: "mus = fst ?aw # tl mus"
apply(subst aw) using 2 by (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
show ?case apply(simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
apply(subst 2(1)[of _ _ _ _ "(snd ?aw + f)#gs'" "tl mus" "tl gs"]) apply(simp) defer apply(simp)
apply (simp add: "2.prems"(1))
using sub_tl apply(simp)
using 2 apply(simp)
subgoal using 2 aw_c by (auto)
using gs
apply(subst gs) apply(subst (2) gs)
apply (metis list.simps(9) rev.simps(2) rev_map)
using mus
by (metis rev.simps(2))
lemma sub2_wit_gram_schmidt_sub_triv'':
assumes "sub2_wit [] fs = (mus, gs)" "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "norms_mus' fs [] [] = (map sq_norm_vec (rev gs), rev mus)"
using assms by (subst sub2_wit_norms_mus') (simp)+
definition norms_mus where
"norms_mus fs = (let (n_gs, mus) = norms_mus' fs [] [] in (rev n_gs, rev mus))"
lemma sub2_wit_gram_schmidt_norm_mus:
assumes "sub2_wit [] fs = (mus, gs)" "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
shows "norms_mus fs = (map sq_norm_vec gs, mus)"
unfolding norms_mus_def using assms sub2_wit_gram_schmidt_sub_triv''
by (auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta' rev_map)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_Rn) norms_mus: assumes "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n" "length fs ≤ n"
shows "norms_mus fs = (map (λj. ∥gso j∥⇧2) [0..<length fs], map (λi. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [0..<length fs])"
proof -
let ?s = "sub2_wit [] fs"
have "gram_schmidt_sub2 n [] fs = snd ?s ∧ snd ?s = map (gso) [0..<length fs] ∧ fst ?s = map (λi. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [0..<length fs]"
using assms by (intro sub2_wit) (auto simp add: map_nth)
then have 1: "snd ?s = map (gso) [0..<length fs]" and 2: "fst ?s = map (λi. map (μ i) [0..<i]) [0..<length fs]"
by auto
have s: "?s = (fst ?s, snd ?s)" by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding sub2_wit_gram_schmidt_norm_mus[OF s assms(1)]
unfolding 1 2 o_def map_map by auto
fun mus_adjuster_rat :: "rat vec ⇒ (rat vec × rat) list ⇒ rat list ⇒ rat vec ⇒ rat list × rat vec"
"mus_adjuster_rat f [] mus g' = (mus, g')" |
"mus_adjuster_rat f ((g, ng)#n_gs) mus g' = (let a = (f ∙ g) / ng in
mus_adjuster_rat f n_gs (a # mus) (-a ⋅⇩v g + g'))"
fun norms_mus_rat' where
"norms_mus_rat' n [] n_gs mus = (map snd n_gs, mus)" |
"norms_mus_rat' n (f # fs) n_gs mus =
(let (mus_row, g') = mus_adjuster_rat f n_gs [] (0⇩v n);
g = g' + f in
norms_mus_rat' n fs ((g, sq_norm_vec g) # n_gs) (mus_row#mus))"
definition norms_mus_rat where
"norms_mus_rat n fs = (let (n_gs, mus) = norms_mus_rat' n fs [] [] in (rev n_gs, rev mus))"
lemma norms_mus_rat_norms_mus:
"norms_mus_rat n fs = gram_schmidt.norms_mus n fs"
proof -
have "mus_adjuster_rat f n_gs mus_acc g_acc = gram_schmidt.mus_adjuster f n_gs mus_acc g_acc"
for f n_gs mus_acc g_acc
by(induction f n_gs mus_acc g_acc rule: mus_adjuster_rat.induct)
(auto simp add: gram_schmidt.mus_adjuster.simps)
then have "norms_mus_rat' n fs n_gs mus = gram_schmidt.norms_mus' n fs n_gs mus" for n fs n_gs mus
by(induction n fs n_gs mus rule: norms_mus_rat'.induct)
(auto simp add: gram_schmidt.norms_mus'.simps case_prod_beta')
then show ?thesis
unfolding norms_mus_rat_def gram_schmidt.norms_mus_def by auto
definition "replace_col_hma A b k = (χ i j. if j = k then b $h i else A $h i $h j)"
definition "replace_col A b k = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) (λ (i,j). if j = k then b $ i else A $$ (i,j))"
lemma HMA_M_replace_col[transfer_rule]:
"(HMA_M ===> HMA_V ===> HMA_I ===> HMA_M) replace_col replace_col_hma"
unfolding rel_fun_def replace_col_def replace_col_hma_def HMA_M_def HMA_V_def HMA_I_def
by (auto simp: from_hma⇩m_def from_hma⇩v_def to_nat_from_nat_id intro!: eq_matI)
lemma cramer_lemma_mat: fixes A :: "'a::{field} mat"
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat n n"
and x: "x ∈ carrier_vec n"
and k: "k < n"
shows "det (replace_col A (A *⇩v x) k) = x $v k * det A"
using cramer_lemma[folded replace_col_hma_def, untransferred, cancel_card_constraint] assms
by auto
lemma of_int_dvd:
assumes "b ≠ 0" "of_int a / (of_int b :: 'a :: field_char_0) ∈ ℤ"
shows "b dvd a"
using assms apply(elim Ints_cases)
unfolding dvd_def
by (metis nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left of_int_0_eq_iff of_int_eq_iff of_int_simps(4) times_divide_eq_right)
lemma denom_dvd_ints:
fixes i::int
assumes "quotient_of r = (z, n)" "of_int i * r ∈ ℤ"
shows "n dvd i"
proof -
have "rat_of_int i * (rat_of_int z / rat_of_int n) ∈ ℤ"
using assms quotient_of_div by blast
then have "n dvd i * z"
using quotient_of_denom_pos assms by (auto intro!: of_int_dvd)
then show "n dvd i"
using assms algebraic_semidom_class.coprime_commute
quotient_of_coprime coprime_dvd_mult_left_iff by blast
lemma quotient_of_bounds:
assumes "quotient_of r = (n, d)" "rat_of_int i * r ∈ ℤ" "0 < i" "¦r¦ ≤ b"
shows "of_int ¦n¦ ≤ of_int i * b" "d ≤ i"
proof -
show ni: "d ≤ i"
using assms denom_dvd_ints by (intro zdvd_imp_le) blast+
have "¦r¦ = ¦rat_of_int n / rat_of_int d¦"
using assms quotient_of_div by blast
also have "… = rat_of_int ¦n¦ / rat_of_int d"
using assms using quotient_of_denom_pos by force
finally have "of_int ¦n¦ = rat_of_int d * ¦r¦"
using assms by auto
also have "… ≤ rat_of_int d * b"
using assms quotient_of_denom_pos by auto
also have "… ≤ rat_of_int i * b"
using ni assms of_int_le_iff by (auto intro!: mult_right_mono)
finally show "rat_of_int ¦n¦ ≤ rat_of_int i * b"
by simp
context gram_schmidt_fs_Rn
lemma ex_κ:
assumes "i < length fs" "l ≤ i"
shows "∃κ. sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0 ..< l]) =
sumlist (map (λj. κ j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0 ..< l])" (is "∃κ. ?Prop l i κ")
using assms
proof (induction l arbitrary: i)
case (Suc l)
then obtain κ⇩i where κ⇩i_def: "?Prop l i κ⇩i"
by force
from Suc obtain κ⇩l where κ⇩l_def: "?Prop l l κ⇩l"
by force
have [simp]: "dim_vec (M.sumlist (map (λj. f j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<y])) = n" if "y ≤ Suc l" for f y
using Suc that by (auto intro!: dim_sumlist)
define κ where "κ = (λx. (if x < l then κ⇩i x - κ⇩l x * μ i l else - μ i l))"
let ?sum = "λi. sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<l])"
have "M.sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<Suc l]) =
M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩i j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) + - μ i l ⋅⇩v gso l"
using Suc by (subst κ⇩i_def[symmetric], subst sumlist_snoc[symmetric]) (auto)
also have "gso l = fs ! l + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l])"
by (subst gso.simps) (auto simp add: κ⇩l_def)
also have "M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩i j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) +
- μ i l ⋅⇩v (fs ! l + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]))
= M.sumlist (map (λj. κ j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<Suc l])" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs $ k = ?rhs $ k" if "k < n" for k
proof -
have "(M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩i j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) +
- μ i l ⋅⇩v (fs ! l + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]))) $ k
= (M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩i j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) $ k +
- μ i l * (fs ! l $ k + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ⇩l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) $ k))"
using that by auto
also have "… = (∑j = 0..<l. κ⇩i j * fs ! j $ k)
+ (- μ i l * (∑j = 0..<l. κ⇩l j * fs ! j $ k)) - μ i l * fs ! l $ k"
using that Suc by (auto simp add: algebra_simps sumlist_nth)
also have "- μ i l * (∑j = 0..<l. κ⇩l j * fs ! j $ k)
= (∑j = 0..<l. - μ i l * (κ⇩l j * fs ! j $ k))"
using sum_distrib_left by blast
also have "(∑j = 0..<l. κ⇩i j * fs ! j $ k) + (∑j = 0..<l. - μ i l * (κ⇩l j * fs ! j $ k)) =
(∑x = 0..<l. (κ⇩i x - κ⇩l x * μ i l) * fs ! x $ k)"
by (subst sum.distrib[symmetric]) (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "… = (∑x = 0..<l. κ x * fs ! x $ k)"
unfolding κ_def by (rule sum.cong) (auto)
also have "(∑x = 0..<l. κ x * fs ! x $ k) - μ i l * fs ! l $ k =
(∑x = 0..<l. κ x * fs ! x $ k) + (∑x = l..<Suc l. κ x * fs ! x $ k)"
unfolding κ_def by auto
also have "… = (∑x = 0..<Suc l. κ x * fs ! x $ k)"
by (subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric]) auto
also have "… = (∑x = 0..<Suc l. (κ x ⋅⇩v fs ! x) $ k)"
using that Suc by auto
also have "… = M.sumlist (map (λj. κ j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<Suc l]) $ k"
by (subst sumlist_nth, insert that Suc, auto simp: nth_append)
finally show ?thesis by simp
then show ?thesis
using Suc by (auto simp add: dim_sumlist)
finally show ?case by (intro exI[of _ κ]) simp
qed auto
definition κ_SOME_def:
"κ = (SOME κ. ∀i l. i < length fs ⟶ l ≤ i ⟶
sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<l]) =
sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]))"
lemma κ_def:
assumes "i < length fs" "l ≤ i"
shows "sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<l]) =
sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l])"
proof -
let ?P = "λ i l κ. (i < length fs ⟶ l ≤ i ⟶
sumlist (map (λj. - μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<l]) =
sumlist (map (λj. κ j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]))"
from ex_κ have "⋀ i. ∀ l. ∃κ. ?P i l κ" by blast
from choice[OF this] have "∀i. ∃κ. ∀ l. ?P i l (κ l)" by blast
from choice[OF this] have "∃κ. ∀i l. ?P i l (κ i l)" by blast
from someI_ex[OF this] show ?thesis
unfolding κ_SOME_def using assms by blast
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt) fs_i_sumlist_κ:
assumes "i < m" "l ≤ i" "j < l"
shows "(fs ! i + sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l])) ∙ fs ! j = 0"
proof -
have "fs ! i + sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l])
= fs ! i - M.sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<l])"
using assms gso_carrier assms
by (subst κ_def[symmetric]) (auto simp add: dim_sumlist sumlist_nth sum_negf)
also have "… = M.sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [l..<Suc i])"
proof -
have "fs ! i = M.sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<Suc i])"
using assms by (intro fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso) auto
also have "… = M.sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [0..<l]) +
M.sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [l..<Suc i])"
proof -
have *: "[0..<Suc i] = [0..<l] @ [l..<Suc i]"
using assms by (metis diff_zero le_imp_less_Suc length_upt list_trisect upt_conv_Cons)
show ?thesis
by (subst *, subst map_append, subst sumlist_append) (use gso_carrier assms in auto)
finally show ?thesis
using assms gso_carrier assms by (auto simp add: algebra_simps dim_sumlist)
finally have "fs ! i + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) =
M.sumlist (map (λj. μ i j ⋅⇩v gso j) [l..<Suc i])"
by simp
moreover have "… ∙ (fs ! j) = 0"
using assms gso_carrier assms unfolding lin_indpt_list_def
by (subst scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib)
(auto simp add: algebra_simps dim_sumlist gso_scalar_zero intro!: sum_list_zero)
ultimately show ?thesis using assms by auto
lemma Ints_sum:
assumes "⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ f a ∈ ℤ"
shows "sum f A ∈ ℤ"
using assms by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
lemma Ints_prod:
assumes "⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ f a ∈ ℤ"
shows "prod f A ∈ ℤ"
using assms by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
lemma Ints_scalar_prod:
"v ∈ carrier_vec n ⟹ w ∈ carrier_vec n
⟹ (⋀ i. i < n ⟹ v $ i ∈ ℤ) ⟹ (⋀ i. i < n ⟹ w $ i ∈ ℤ) ⟹ v ∙ w ∈ ℤ"
unfolding scalar_prod_def by (intro Ints_sum Ints_mult, auto)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_Rn) Gramian_matrix_alt_alt_def:
assumes "k < m"
shows "Gramian_matrix fs k = mat k k (λ(i,j). fs ! i ∙ fs ! j)"
proof -
have *: "vec n (($v) (fs ! i)) = fs ! i" if "i < m" for i
using that by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding Gramian_matrix_def using assms
by (intro eq_matI) (auto simp add: Let_def)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_int) fs_scalar_Ints:
assumes "i < m" "j < m"
shows "fs ! i ∙ fs ! j ∈ ℤ"
by (rule Ints_scalar_prod[of _ n], insert fs_int assms, auto)
abbreviation (in gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt) d where "d ≡ Gramian_determinant fs"
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt) fs_i_fs_j_sum_κ :
assumes "i < m" "l ≤ i" "j < l"
shows "- (fs ! i ∙ fs ! j) = (∑t = 0..<l. fs ! t ∙ fs ! j * κ i l t)"
proof -
have [simp]: "M.sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) ∈ carrier_vec n"
using assms by (auto intro!: sumlist_carrier simp add: dim_sumlist)
have "0 = (fs ! i + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l])) ∙ fs ! j"
using fs_i_sumlist_κ assms by simp
also have "… = fs ! i ∙ fs ! j + M.sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) ∙ fs ! j"
using assms by (subst add_scalar_prod_distrib[of _ n]) (auto)
also have "M.sumlist (map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]) ∙ fs ! j =
(∑v←map (λj. κ i l j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<l]. v ∙ fs ! j)"
using assms by (intro scalar_prod_left_sum_distrib) (auto)
also have "… = (∑t←[0..<l]. (κ i l t ⋅⇩v fs ! t) ∙ fs ! j)"
by (rule arg_cong[where f=sum_list]) (auto)
also have "… = (∑t = 0..<l. (κ i l t ⋅⇩v fs ! t) ∙ fs ! j) "
by (subst interv_sum_list_conv_sum_set_nat) (auto)
also have "… = (∑t = 0..<l. fs ! t ∙ fs ! j * κ i l t)"
using assms by (intro sum.cong) auto
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: field_simps)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt) Gramian_matrix_times_κ :
assumes "i < m" "l ≤ i"
shows "Gramian_matrix fs l *⇩v (vec l (λt. κ i l t)) = (vec l (λj. - (fs ! i ∙ fs ! j)))"
proof -
have "- (fs ! i ∙ fs ! j) = (∑t = 0..<l. fs ! t ∙ fs ! j * κ i l t)" if "j < l" for j
using fs_i_fs_j_sum_κ assms that by simp
then show ?thesis using assms
by (subst Gramian_matrix_alt_alt_def) (auto simp add: scalar_prod_def algebra_simps)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_int) d_κ_Ints :
assumes "i < m" "l ≤ i" "t < l"
shows "d l * κ i l t ∈ ℤ"
proof -
let ?A = "Gramian_matrix fs l"
let ?B = "replace_col ?A (Gramian_matrix fs l *⇩v vec l (κ i l)) t"
have deteq: "d l = det ?A"
unfolding Gramian_determinant_def
using Gramian_determinant_Ints
by auto
have **: "Gramian_matrix fs l ∈ carrier_mat l l" unfolding Gramian_matrix_def Let_def using fs_carrier by auto
then have " κ i l t * det ?A = det ?B"
using assms fs_carrier cramer_lemma_mat[of ?A l " (vec l (λt. κ i l t))" t]
by auto
also have " ... ∈ ℤ "
proof -
have *: "t<l ⟹ (?A *⇩v vec l (κ i l)) $ t ∈ ℤ" for t
using assms
apply(subst Gramian_matrix_times_κ, force, force)
using fs_int fs_carrier
by (auto intro!: fs_scalar_Ints Ints_minus)
define B where "B = ?B"
have Bint: "t1<l ⟶ s1 < l ⟶ B $$ (t1,s1) ∈ ℤ" for t1 s1
proof (cases "s1 = t")
case True
from * ** this show ?thesis
unfolding replace_col_def B_def
by auto
case False
from * ** Gramian_matrix_def this fs_carrier assms show ?thesis
unfolding replace_col_def B_def
by (auto simp: Gramian_matrix_def Let_def scalar_prod_def intro!: Ints_sum Ints_mult fs_int)
have B: "B ∈ carrier_mat l l"
using ** replace_col_def unfolding B_def
by (auto simp: replace_col_def)
have "det B ∈ ℤ"
using B Bint assms det_col[of B l]
by (auto intro!: Ints_sum Ints_mult Ints_prod simp: signof_def)
thus ?thesis unfolding B_def.
finally show ?thesis using deteq by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_int) Gramian_determinant_times_gso_Ints:
assumes "i < n" "k < m"
shows "(Gramian_determinant fs k ⋅⇩v (gso k)) $ i ∈ ℤ"
proof -
note d_κ_Ints[intro!]
then have "(Gramian_determinant fs k * κ k k j) * fs ! j $v i ∈ ℤ" if "j < k" for j
using that fs_int assms by (auto intro: Ints_mult )
moreover have "(Gramian_determinant fs k * κ k k j) * fs ! j $v i =
Gramian_determinant fs k * κ k k j * fs ! j $v i" for j
by (auto simp add: field_simps)
ultimately have "Gramian_determinant fs k * (∑j = 0..<k. κ k k j * fs ! j $v i) ∈ ℤ"
by (subst sum_distrib_left) (auto simp add: field_simps intro!: Ints_sum)
moreover have "(gso k) $v i = fs ! k $v i + sum (λj. (κ k k j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) $v i) {0..<k}"
proof -
have " i < dim_vec (M.sumlist (map (λj. κ k k j ⋅⇩v fs ! j) [0..<k]))"
using assms by (subst sumlist_dim) auto
then show ?thesis
using assms by (subst gso.simps) (auto simp add: sumlist_nth sumlist_dim κ_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms
by (auto simp add: distrib_left Gramian_determinant_Ints fs_int intro!: Ints_mult Ints_add)
lemma (in gram_schmidt_fs_int) Gramian_determinant_mu_ints:
assumes "l ≤ k" "k < m"
shows "Gramian_determinant fs (Suc l) * μ k l ∈ ℤ"
proof (cases "l < k")
case True
have ll: "Gramian_determinant fs l * gso l $v i = (Gramian_determinant fs l ⋅⇩v gso l) $v i" if "i < n" for i
using that assms by auto
have "Gramian_determinant fs (Suc l) * μ k l = Gramian_determinant fs (Suc l) * (fs ! k ∙ gso l) / ∥gso l∥⇧2 "
using assms True unfolding μ.simps by simp
also have "… = fs ! k ∙ (Gramian_determinant fs l ⋅⇩v gso l)"
using assms Gramian_determinant(2)[of "Suc l"]
by (subst Gramian_determinant_div[symmetric]) (auto)
also have "… ∈ ℤ"
proof -
have "Gramian_determinant fs l * gso l $v i ∈ ℤ" if "i < n" for i
using assms Gramian_determinant_times_gso_Ints that ll by (simp)
then show ?thesis
using assms by (auto intro!: Ints_sum simp add: fs_int scalar_prod_def)
finally show ?thesis
by simp
case False
with assms have l: "l = k" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding l μ.simps using Gramian_determinant_Ints fs_int assms by simp
lemma max_list_Max: "ls ≠ [] ⟹ max_list ls = Max (set ls)"
by (induction ls) (auto simp add: max_list_Cons)
subsection ‹Explicit Bounds for Size of Numbers that Occur During GSO Algorithm ›
context gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt
definition "A = Max (sq_norm ` set fs)"
lemma A_ge_0:
assumes "0 < m"
shows "0 ≤ A"
proof -
have "x ∈ sq_norm ` set fs ⟹ 0 ≤ x" for x
by auto
then show ?thesis
using assms unfolding A_def by auto
lemma A_fs:
assumes "i < m"
shows "∥fs ! i∥⇧2 ≤ A"
using assms unfolding A_def by (auto)
lemma A_gso:
assumes "i < m"
shows "∥gso i∥⇧2 ≤ A"
using assms A_fs sq_norm_gso_le_f by fastforce
lemma A_d:
assumes "i ≤ m"
shows "Gramian_determinant fs i ≤ A ^ i"
proof -
have "(∏j<i. ∥gso j∥⇧2) ≤ (∏j<i. A)"
using assms A_gso by (intro prod_mono) auto
then show ?thesis
using assms Gramian_determinant by auto
lemma ex_MAXIMUM: assumes "finite A" "A ≠ {}"
shows "∃a ∈ A. MAXIMUM A f = f a"
proof -
have "MAXIMUM A f ∈ f ` A"
using assms by (auto intro!: Max_in)
then show ?thesis
using assms imageE by blast
context gram_schmidt_fs_int
lemma fs_int': "k < n ⟹ f ∈ set fs ⟹ f $ k ∈ ℤ"
by (metis fs_int in_set_conv_nth)
assumes "i < m"
shows fs_sq_norm_Ints: "∥fs ! i∥⇧2 ∈ ℤ" and fs_sq_norm_ge_1: "1 ≤ ∥fs ! i∥⇧2"
proof -
show fs_Ints: "∥fs ! i∥⇧2 ∈ ℤ"
using assms fs_int' carrier_vecD fs_carrier
by (auto simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod scalar_prod_def intro!: Ints_sum Ints_mult)
have "fs ! i ≠ 0⇩v n"
using assms fs_carrier loc_assms nth_mem vs_zero_lin_dep by force
then have *: "0 ≠ ∥fs ! i∥⇧2"
using assms sq_norm_vec_eq_0 f_carrier by metis
show "1 ≤ ∥fs ! i∥⇧2"
by (rule Ints_cases[OF fs_Ints]) (use * sq_norm_vec_ge_0[of "fs ! i"] assms in auto)
assumes "set fs ≠ {}"
shows A_Ints: "A ∈ ℤ" and A_1: "1 ≤ A"
proof -
have "∃v⇩m ∈ set fs. A = sq_norm v⇩m"
unfolding A_def using assms by (auto intro!: ex_MAXIMUM)
then obtain v⇩m::"'a vec" where v⇩m_def: "v⇩m ∈ set fs" "A = sq_norm v⇩m"
by blast
then show A_Ints: "A ∈ ℤ"
using fs_int' carrier_vecD fs_carrier
by (auto simp add: sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod scalar_prod_def intro!: Ints_sum Ints_mult)
have *: "0 ≠ A"
using A_gso sq_norm_pos assms by fastforce
show "1 ≤ A"
by (rule Ints_cases[OF A_Ints]) (use * A_ge_0 assms in force)+
lemma A_mu:
assumes "i < m" "j ≤ i"
shows "(μ i j)⇧2 ≤ A ^ (Suc j)"
proof -
{ assume ji: "j < i"
have "(μ i j)⇧2 ≤ Gramian_determinant fs j * ∥fs ! i∥⇧2"
using assms ji by (intro mu_bound_Gramian_determinant) auto
also have "… ≤ A ^ j * ∥fs ! i∥⇧2"
using assms A_d A_ge_0 by (intro mult_mono) fastforce+
also have "A ^ j * ∥fs ! i∥⇧2 ≤ A ^ j * A"
using assms A_fs A_ge_0 by (intro mult_mono) fastforce+
also have "… = A ^ (Suc j)"
by auto
finally have ?thesis
by simp }
{ assume ji: "j = i"
have "(μ i j)⇧2 = 1"
using ji by (simp add: μ.simps)
also have "… ≤ A"
using assms A_1 by fastforce
also have "… ≤ A ^ (Suc j)"
using assms A_1 by fastforce
finally have ?thesis
by simp }
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms by fastforce
lemma vec_hom_Ints:
assumes "i < n" "xs ∈ carrier_vec n"
shows "of_int_hom.vec_hom xs $v i ∈ ℤ"
using assms by auto
lemma division_to_div: "(of_int x :: 'a :: floor_ceiling) = of_int y / of_int z ⟹ x = y div z"
by (metis floor_divide_of_int_eq floor_of_int)
lemma exact_division: assumes "of_int x / (of_int y :: 'a :: floor_ceiling) ∈ ℤ"
shows "of_int (x div y) = of_int x / (of_int y :: 'a)"
using assms by (metis Ints_cases division_to_div)
lemma int_via_rat_eqI: "rat_of_int x = rat_of_int y ⟹ x = y" by auto
locale fs_int =
n :: nat and
fs_init :: "int vec list"
sublocale vec_module "TYPE(int)" n .
abbreviation RAT where "RAT ≡ map (map_vec rat_of_int)"
abbreviation (input) m where "m ≡ length fs_init"
sublocale gs: gram_schmidt_fs n "TYPE(rat)" "RAT fs_init" .
definition d :: "int vec list ⇒ nat ⇒ int" where "d fs k = gs.Gramian_determinant fs k"
definition D :: "int vec list ⇒ nat" where "D fs = nat (∏ i < length fs. d fs i)"
lemma of_int_Gramian_determinant:
assumes "k ≤ length F" "⋀i. i < length F ⟹ dim_vec (F ! i) = n"
shows "gs.Gramian_determinant (map of_int_hom.vec_hom F) k = of_int (gs.Gramian_determinant F k)"
unfolding gs.Gramian_determinant_def of_int_hom.hom_det[symmetric]
proof (rule arg_cong[of _ _ det])
let ?F = "map of_int_hom.vec_hom F"
have cong: "⋀ a b c d. a = b ⟹ c = d ⟹ a * c = b * d" by auto
show "gs.Gramian_matrix ?F k = map_mat of_int (gs.Gramian_matrix F k)"
unfolding gs.Gramian_matrix_def Let_def
proof (subst of_int_hom.mat_hom_mult[of _ k n _ k], (auto)[2], rule cong)
show id: "mat k n (λ (i,j). ?F ! i $ j) = map_mat of_int (mat k n (λ (i, j). F ! i $ j))" (is "?L = map_mat _ ?R")
proof (rule eq_matI, goal_cases)
case (1 i j)
hence ij: "i < k" "j < n" "i < length F" "dim_vec (F ! i) = n" using assms by auto
show ?case using ij by simp
qed auto
show "?L⇧T = map_mat of_int ?R⇧T" unfolding id by (rule eq_matI, auto)
locale fs_int_indpt = fs_int n fs for n fs +
assumes lin_indep: "gs.lin_indpt_list (RAT fs)"
sublocale gs: gram_schmidt_fs_lin_indpt n "TYPE(rat)" "RAT fs"
by (standard) (use lin_indep gs.lin_indpt_list_def in auto)
sublocale gs: gram_schmidt_fs_int n "TYPE(rat)" "RAT fs"
by (standard) (use gs.f_carrier lin_indep gs.lin_indpt_list_def in ‹auto intro!: vec_hom_Ints›)
lemma f_carrier[dest]: "i < m ⟹ fs ! i ∈ carrier_vec n"
and fs_carrier [simp]: "set fs ⊆ carrier_vec n"
using lin_indep gs.f_carrier gs.gso_carrier unfolding gs.lin_indpt_list_def by auto
lemma Gramian_determinant:
assumes k: "k ≤ m"
shows "of_int (gs.Gramian_determinant fs k) = (∏ j<k. sq_norm (gs.gso j))" (is ?g1)
"gs.Gramian_determinant fs k > 0" (is ?g2)
proof -
have hom: "gs.Gramian_determinant (RAT fs) k = of_int (gs.Gramian_determinant fs k)"
using k by (intro of_int_Gramian_determinant) auto
show ?g1
unfolding hom[symmetric] using gs.Gramian_determinant assms by auto
show ?g2
using hom gs.Gramian_determinant assms by fastforce
lemma fs_int_d_pos [intro]:
assumes k: "k ≤ m"
shows "d fs k > 0"
unfolding d_def using Gramian_determinant[OF k] by auto
lemma fs_int_d_Suc:
assumes k: "k < m"
shows "of_int (d fs (Suc k)) = sq_norm (gs.gso k) * of_int (d fs k)"
proof -
from k have k: "k ≤ m" "Suc k ≤ m" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding Gramian_determinant[OF k(1)] Gramian_determinant[OF k(2)] d_def
by (subst prod.remove[of _ k], force+, rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λ x. _ * x"], rule prod.cong, auto)
lemma fs_int_D_pos:
shows "D fs > 0"
proof -
have "(∏ j < m. d fs j) > 0"
by (rule prod_pos, insert fs_int_d_pos, auto)
thus ?thesis unfolding D_def by auto
definition "dμ i j = int_of_rat (of_int (d fs (Suc j)) * gs.μ i j)"
lemma fs_int_mu_d_Z:
assumes j: "j ≤ ii" and ii: "ii < m"
shows "of_int (d fs (Suc j)) * gs.μ ii j ∈ ℤ"
proof -
have id: "of_int (d fs (Suc j)) = gs.Gramian_determinant (RAT fs) (Suc j)"
unfolding d_def
by (rule of_int_Gramian_determinant[symmetric], insert j ii , auto)
have "of_int_hom.vec_hom (fs ! j) $v i ∈ ℤ" if "i < n" "j < length fs" for i j
using that by (intro vec_hom_Ints) auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding id using j ii unfolding gs.lin_indpt_list_def
by (intro gs.Gramian_determinant_mu_ints) (auto)
lemma sq_norm_fs_via_sum_mu_gso: assumes i: "i < m"
shows "of_int ∥fs ! i∥⇧2 = (∑j←[0..<Suc i]. (gs.μ i j)⇧2 * ∥gs.gso j∥⇧2)"
proof -
let ?G = "map (gs.gso) [0 ..< m]"
let ?gso = "λ fs j. ?G ! j"
have "of_int ∥fs ! i∥⇧2 = ∥RAT fs ! i∥⇧2" unfolding sq_norm_of_int[symmetric] using insert i by auto
also have "RAT fs ! i = gs.sumlist (map (λj. gs.μ i j ⋅⇩v gs.gso j) [0..<Suc i])"
using gs.fi_is_sum_of_mu_gso i by auto
also have id: "map (λj. gs.μ i j ⋅⇩v gs.gso j) [0..<Suc i] = map (λj. gs.μ i j ⋅⇩v ?gso fs j) [0..<Suc i]"
by (rule nth_equalityI, insert i, auto simp: nth_append)
also have "sq_norm (gs.sumlist …) = sum_list (map sq_norm (map (λj. gs.μ i j ⋅⇩v gs.gso j) [0..<Suc i]))"
unfolding map_map o_def sq_norm_smult_vec
unfolding sq_norm_vec_as_cscalar_prod cscalar_prod_is_scalar_prod conjugate_id
proof (subst gs.scalar_prod_lincomb_orthogonal)
show "Suc i ≤ length ?G" using i by auto
show "set ?G ⊆ carrier_vec n" using gs.gso_carrier by auto
show "orthogonal ?G" using gs.orthogonal_gso by auto
qed (rule arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list], intro nth_equalityI, insert i, auto simp: nth_append)
also have "map sq_norm (map (λj. gs.μ i j ⋅⇩v gs.gso j) [0..<Suc i]) = map (λj. (gs.μ i j)^2 * sq_norm (gs.gso j)) [0..<Suc i]"
unfolding map_map o_def sq_norm_smult_vec by (rule map_cong, auto simp: power2_eq_square)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma dμ: assumes "j ≤ ii" "ii < m"
shows "of_int (dμ ii j) = of_int (d fs (Suc j)) * gs.μ ii j"
unfolding dμ_def using fs_int_mu_d_Z assms by auto