Towards Mac Lane’s Comparison Theorem for the (co)Kleisli Construction in Coq
Burak Ekici4th Workshop on Formal Mathematics for Mathematicians, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 1 – 5, 2018.
This short paper summarizes an ongoing work on the formalization of Mac Lane’s comparison theorem for the (co)Kleisli construction in the Coq proof assistant.
@inproceedings{BE-FMM18, author = "Burak Ekici", title = "Towards Mac Lane's Comparison Theorem for the (co)Kleisli Construction in Coq", booktitle = "Joint Proceedings of the CME-EI, FMM, CAAT, FVPS, M3SRD, OpenMath Workshops, Doctoral Program and Work in Progress at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2018 co-located with the 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2018)", editor = "Osman Hasan", pages = "1--5", year = "2018", url = "" }