MAYBE Proof: ConCon could not decide confluence of the system. \cite{ALS94}, Theorem 4.1 does not apply. ConCon could not decide whether all critical pairs are joinable or not. ring(sndsplit($6, $2), cons(fstsplit($6, $2), $5), $1, $3, $4, $6) = ring($2, $5, sndsplit($6, $1), cons(fstsplit($6, $1), $3), $4, $6) <= leq($6, length($1)) = true, empty(fstsplit($6, $1)) = false, empty(fstsplit($6, $2)) = false: For all conditions c 'tcap(c.lhs)' is unifiable with c.rhs. \cite{GNG13}, Theorem 9 does not apply. System R transformed to optimized U(R). Call external tool: csi - trs 30 Input: fstsplit(0, x) -> nil fstsplit(s(n), nil) -> nil fstsplit(s(n), cons(h, t)) -> cons(h, fstsplit(n, t)) sndsplit(0, x) -> x sndsplit(s(n), nil) -> nil sndsplit(s(n), cons(h, t)) -> sndsplit(n, t) empty(nil) -> true empty(cons(h, t)) -> false leq(0, m) -> true leq(s(n), 0) -> false leq(s(n), s(m)) -> leq(n, m) length(nil) -> 0 length(cons(h, t)) -> s(length(t)) app(nil, x) -> x app(cons(h, t), x) -> cons(h, app(t, x)) map_f(pid, nil) -> nil map_f(pid, cons(h, t)) -> app(f(pid, h), map_f(pid, t)) head(cons(h, t)) -> h tail(cons(h, t)) -> t ?1(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(sndsplit(m, st_1), cons(fstsplit(m, st_1), in_2), st_2, in_3, st_3, m) ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, in_3, st_3, m) -> ?1(empty(fstsplit(m, st_1)), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ?5(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(st_1, in_2, sndsplit(m, st_2), cons(fstsplit(m, st_2), in_3), st_3, m) ?6(true, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ?5(empty(fstsplit(m, st_2)), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, in_3, st_3, m) -> ?6(leq(m, length(st_2)), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ?4(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(st_1, tail(in_2), sndsplit(m, app(map_f(two, head(in_2)), st_2)), cons(fstsplit(m, app(map_f(two, head(in_2)), st_2)), in_3), st_3, m) ?6(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ?4(empty(fstsplit(m, app(map_f(two, head(in_2)), st_2))), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ?3(true, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(st_1, tail(in_2), st_2, in_3, st_3, m) ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, in_3, st_3, m) -> ?3(empty(map_f(two, head(in_2))), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ?8(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, in_3, sndsplit(m, st_3), m) ?9(true, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ?8(empty(fstsplit(m, st_3)), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, in_3, st_3, m) -> ?9(leq(m, length(st_3)), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ?7(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, tail(in_3), sndsplit(m, app(map_f(three, head(in_3)), st_3)), m) ?9(false, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ?7(empty(fstsplit(m, app(map_f(three, head(in_3)), st_3))), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) ?2(true, st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) -> ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, tail(in_3), st_3, m) ring(st_1, in_2, st_2, in_3, st_3, m) -> ?2(empty(map_f(three, head(in_3))), st_2, in_2, st_3, m, st_1, in_3) The external tool could not decide confluence. \cite{SMI95}, Corollary 4.7 or 5.3 do not apply. Some critical pairs are not trivial and ConCon could not decide whether those all are infeasible. ring($2, $5, $1, tail($3), sndsplit($6, app(map_f(three, head($3)), $4)), $6) = ring($2, $5, sndsplit($6, $1), cons(fstsplit($6, $1), $3), $4, $6) <= leq($6, length($1)) = true, empty(fstsplit($6, $1)) = false, leq($6, length($4)) = false, empty(fstsplit($6, app(map_f(three, head($3)), $4))) = false: For all conditions c 'tcap(c.lhs)' is unifiable with c.rhs.