The tool crest performs a confluence/termination analysis on logical constrained rewrite systems (LCTRSs for short). It is written in Haskell and based on the Haskell term-rewriting library and a fork of the Haskell simple-smt library. As default SMT solver currently Z3 is used. Currently it supports checking if an LCTRS is (non-)confluent using the following methods:
- (weak) orthogonality
- strongly closedness
- (almost) parallel closedness
- (almost) development closedness
- parallel closedness of parallel critical pairs
- non-confluence via finding a non-trivial constrained equation in normal form originating from a CCP
- 29 September 2023 moved (outdated) CADE information to different website
- 21 September 2023 links to related publications (including full version of CADE paper) online
- 22 May 2023 experiments with Newman's lemma (requested by a reviewer)
- 9 March 2023 crest version 0.1 released
Automated Analysis of Logically Constrained Rewrite Systems using crest
arXiv version of the TACAS 2025 paper on crest (link) -
Confluence of Logically Constrained Rewrite Systems Revisited (Full Version)
full version of the IJCAR 2024 paper on arXiv -
Confluence of Logically Constrained Rewrite Systems Revisited
12th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR) 2024 (link) -
Reducing Confluence of LCTRSs to Confluence of TRSs
12th International Workshop on Confluence 2023 (link) -
Confluence Criteria for Logically Constrained Rewrite Systems (Full Version)
full version of the CADE 2023 paper on arXiv -
Confluence Criteria for Logically Constrained Rewrite Systems
29th International Conference on Automated Deduction 2023 (link)
Latest Binaries/Experiments/Source Code version
Below you find fully statically linked linux binaries of crest-cr (crest-sn) and crest-cr-benchmark (crest-sn-benchmark). For other operating system binaries use the contact information below. A dependency of all binaries is a Z3 binary in your path as well as other SMT solvers if they are activated via their respective flag. Furthermore our benchmarking tools need find. Note that "*-cr-*" denotes the confluence tools and "*-sn-*" the termination tools. For more information consult the usage information of the binaries or the README in the source code.- crest-cr Linux Usage
- crest-cr-benchmark Linux Usage
- crest-sn Linux Usage
- crest-sn-benchmark Linux Usage
- benchmark set examples.tar.gz
- source code source-code.tar.gz
The current confluence results (standard output) on the full set of benchmarks with a timeout of 10 seconds using 8 threads for concurrency:The current termination results (standard output) on the full set of benchmarks with a timeout of 10 seconds using 8 threads for concurrency: