YES LCTRS Theories Core Sorts Unit Signature *: (Unit, Unit) -> Unit +: (Unit, Unit) -> Unit Rules *(+(?16, ?17), ?18) -> +(*(?16, ?18), *(?17, ?18)) *(+(?19, ?20), ?21) -> +(*(?20, ?21), *(?19, ?21)) +(?22, ?23) -> +(?23, ?22) Confluent by Parallel Closedness with proof: * Critical Pair Inner Rule *(+(?19', ?20'), ?21') -> +(*(?20', ?21'), *(?19', ?21')) Outer Rule *(+(?16", ?17"), ?18") -> +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) Pair +(*(?17", ?18"), *(?16", ?18")) ≈ +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) which reaches the trivial constrained equation +(*(?17", ?18"), *(?16", ?18")) ≈ +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) -||-> +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) ≈ +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) * Critical Pair Inner Rule +(?22', ?23') -> +(?23', ?22') Outer Rule *(+(?16", ?17"), ?18") -> +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) Pair *(+(?17", ?16"), ?18") ≈ +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) which reaches the trivial constrained equation *(+(?17", ?16"), ?18") ≈ +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) -||-> +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) ≈ +(*(?16", ?18"), *(?17", ?18")) * Critical Pair Inner Rule *(+(?16', ?17'), ?18') -> +(*(?16', ?18'), *(?17', ?18')) Outer Rule *(+(?19", ?20"), ?21") -> +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) Pair +(*(?19", ?21"), *(?20", ?21")) ≈ +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) which reaches the trivial constrained equation +(*(?19", ?21"), *(?20", ?21")) ≈ +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) -||-> +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) ≈ +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) * Critical Pair Inner Rule +(?22', ?23') -> +(?23', ?22') Outer Rule *(+(?19", ?20"), ?21") -> +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) Pair *(+(?20", ?19"), ?21") ≈ +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) which reaches the trivial constrained equation *(+(?20", ?19"), ?21") ≈ +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) -||-> +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) ≈ +(*(?20", ?21"), *(?19", ?21")) Elapsed Time: 79.73 ms