NO LCTRS Theories Core, Ints Sorts Unit Signature a: Unit b: Unit c: Unit f: Int -> Unit g: Int -> Unit h: Int -> Unit Rules f(?13) -> g(?13) [>=(?13, 0)] f(?14) -> h(?14) [<=(?14, 2)] g(?15) -> a [?15 = 1] g(?16) -> b [>=(?16, 2)] g(?17) -> c [<(?17, 1)] h(?18) -> a [<=(?18, 1)] h(?19) -> b [>(?19, 1)] Not confluent by "two different NFs found" with proof: * Critical Pair Inner Rule f(?14') -> h(?14') [<=(?14', 2)] Outer Rule f(?13") -> g(?13") [>=(?13", 0)] Pair h(?13") ≈ g(?13") [<=(?13", 2), >=(?13", 0)] has the following instance Critical Pair Inner Rule f(?14') -> h(?14') [<=(?14', 2)] Outer Rule f(?13") -> g(?13") [>=(?13", 0)] Pair h(?13") ≈ g(?13") [<(?13", 1), <=(?13", 2), >=(?13", 0)] which reaches the non-trivial normal form h(?13") ≈ g(?13") [<(?13", 1), <=(?13", 2), >=(?13", 0)] ->^* a ≈ g(?13") [<(?13", 1), <=(?13", 2), >=(?13", 0)] -> a ≈ c [<(?13", 1), <=(?13", 2), >=(?13", 0)] Elapsed Time: 417.82 ms