NO LCTRS Theories Core, Ints Sorts Unit Signature fastfib: Int -> Unit return: Int -> Unit u: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Unit v: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Unit Rules fastfib(?46) -> u(?46, 1, 0, ?47, ?48) u(?49, ?50, ?51, ?52, ?53) -> return(0) [<=(?49, 0)] u(?54, ?55, ?56, ?57, ?58) -> v(?54, ?55, ?56, ?57, 1) [not(<=(?54, 0))] v(?59, ?60, ?61, ?62, ?63) -> return(?60) [not(<(?63, ?59))] v(?64, ?65, ?66, ?67, ?68) -> v(?64, +(?65, ?66), ?65, +(?65, ?66), +(?68, 1)) [<(?68, ?64)] Not confluent by "two different NFs found" with proof: * Critical Pair Inner Rule fastfib(?46') -> u(?46', 1, 0, ?47', ?48') Outer Rule fastfib(?46") -> u(?46", 1, 0, ?47", ?48") Pair u(?46", 1, 0, ?47', ?48') ≈ u(?46", 1, 0, ?47", ?48") [=(?47', ?47'), =(?48', ?48'), =(?47", ?47"), =(?48", ?48")] reaches the non-trivial normal form u(?46", 1, 0, ?47', ?48') ≈ u(?46", 1, 0, ?47", ?48") [?47' = ?47', ?48' = ?48', ?47" = ?47", ?48" = ?48"] Elapsed Time: 87.82 ms