NO LCTRS Theories Core, Ints Sorts Result, Result1, Result2 Signature hikaku: (Int, Int) -> Int max: (Int, Int) -> Result2 min: (Int, Int) -> Result1 return: Int -> Int return1: Int -> Result1 return2: Int -> Result2 sum2: (Int, Int) -> Int u1: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Int u2: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Result1) -> Int u3: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Result2) -> Int Rules max(?68, ?69) -> return2(?68) [>(?68, ?69)] max(?70, ?71) -> return2(?71) [not(>(?70, ?71))] min(?72, ?73) -> return1(?72) [>(?73, ?72)] min(?74, ?75) -> return1(?75) [not(>(?75, ?74))] sum2(?76, ?77) -> u1(?76, ?77, 0, ?78) u1(?79, ?80, ?81, ?82) -> return(0) [>(?79, ?80)] u1(?83, ?84, ?85, ?86) -> u2(?83, ?84, 0, ?86, min(?83, ?84)) [not(>(?83, ?84))] u2(?87, ?88, ?89, ?90, return1(?91)) -> u3(?87, ?88, ?89, ?91, max(?87, ?88)) u3(?92, ?93, ?94, ?95, return2(?96)) -> return(?94) [<=(?95, ?96)] u3(?97, ?98, ?99, ?100, return2(?101)) -> u3(?97, ?98, +(?99, ?100), +(?100, 1), max(?97, ?98)) [not(<=(?100, ?101))] Not confluent by "two different NFs found" with proof: * Critical Pair Inner Rule sum2(?76', ?77') -> u1(?76', ?77', 0, ?78') Outer Rule sum2(?76", ?77") -> u1(?76", ?77", 0, ?78") Pair u1(?76", ?77", 0, ?78') ≈ u1(?76", ?77", 0, ?78") [=(?78', ?78'), =(?78", ?78")] reaches the non-trivial normal form u1(?76", ?77", 0, ?78') ≈ u1(?76", ?77", 0, ?78") [?78' = ?78', ?78" = ?78"] Elapsed Time: 106.22 ms