YES LCTRS Theories Core, Ints Signature a: Int b: Int c: Int f: Int -> Int g: Int -> Int Rules c -> f(!x) [and(<=(1, !x), <=(!x, 10))] c -> g(!x) [and(<=(1, !x), <=(!x, 10))] f(!x) -> a [and(<=(1, !x), <=(!x, 5))] f(!x) -> b [and(<=(6, !x), <=(!x, 10))] g(!x) -> a [and(<=(1, !x), <=(!x, 5))] g(!x) -> b [and(<=(6, !x), <=(!x, 10))] DPGraph with indexed dependency pairs {1: c# -> f#(!x) [and(<=(1, !x), <=(!x, 10))] , 2: c# -> g#(!x) [and(<=(1, !x), <=(!x, 10))]} and edges 1 -> {} 2 -> {} with 0 SCC(s) Elapsed Time: 14.55 ms