Constrained REwriting Sortware Tool version for analyzing LCTRSs. Usage: crest-cr FILEPATH [-t|--timeout TIMEOUT] [-j|--threads THREADS] [--cps] [--pcps] [--wcr] [-v|--verb] [--debug] [--result] [--z3] [--cvc5] [--yices] [--seq] [-m|--methods [Int]] [--ari] (Non-)Confluence analysis executable of the Constrained REwriting Sortware Tool version Available options: -h,--help Show this help text FILEPATH Path to the source file -t,--timeout TIMEOUT Timeout of the analysis -j,--threads THREADS Number of Threads for the analysis --cps Compute the constrained critical pairs --pcps Compute the constrained parallel critical pairs --wcr Show local confluence (Note: termination is not shown!) -v,--verb Get more verbose output --debug Debug mode which shows also internal errors --result Suppress any output except result and time --z3 Use Z3 as SMT solver (default) --cvc5 Use CVC5 as SMT solver (experimental) --yices Use Yices as SMT solver (experimental) --seq Uses sequential mode of crest without concurrency -m,--methods [Int] Specify an integer list of methods (if not set, all are used): 1 = Orthogonality, 2 = Weak Orthogonality, 3 = Strongly Closedness, 4 = Parallel Closedness, 5 = Almost Parallel Closedness (both sequences parallel steps), 6 = Almost Parallel Closedness (heuristic), 7 = Development Closedness, 8 = Almost Development Closedness (both sequences multi-steps), 9 = Almost Development Closedness (heuristic), 10 = Non Confluence, 11 = Newmans Lemma, 12 = Toyama 81 based on PCPs --ari Prints the LCTRS fully sorted in the ARI format.