Problem: +(x,0()) -> x +(x,s(y)) -> s(+(x,y)) *(x,0()) -> 0() *(x,s(y)) -> +(*(x,y),x) +(+(x,y),z) -> +(x,+(y,z)) +(x,y) -> +(y,x) Proof: AT confluence processor Complete TRS T' of input TRS: +(x,0()) -> x +(x,s(y)) -> s(+(x,y)) *(x,0()) -> 0() *(x,s(y)) -> +(*(x,y),x) +(0(),y) -> y +(s(x93),y) -> s(+(x93,y)) +(+(x,y),z) -> +(x,+(y,z)) +(x,y) -> +(y,x) T' = (P union S) with TRS P:+(+(x,y),z) -> +(x,+(y,z)) +(x,y) -> +(y,x) TRS S:+(x,0()) -> x +(x,s(y)) -> s(+(x,y)) *(x,0()) -> 0() *(x,s(y)) -> +(*(x,y),x) +(0(),y) -> y +(s(x93),y) -> s(+(x93,y)) S is left-linear and P is reversible. CP(S,S) = 0() = 0(), s(x93) = s(+(x93,0())), s(+(0(),x469)) = s(x469), s(+(s(x93),x471)) = s(+(x93,s(x471))), s(y) = s(+(0(),y)), s(+(x474,0())) = s(x474), s(+(x476,s(y))) = s(+(s(x476),y)) CP(S,P union P^-1) = +(x,y) = +(x,+(y,0())), +(x,z) = +(x,+(0(),z)), x = +(0(),x), +(x,y) = +(+(x,y),0()), y = +(0(),y), s(+(+(x,y),x538)) = +(x,+(y,s(x538))), +(s(+(x,x540)),z) = +(x,+(s(x540),z)), s(+(x,x542)) = +(s(x542),x), +(x,s(+(y,x544))) = +(+(x,y),s(x544)), s(+(y,x546)) = +(s(x546),y), +(y,z) = +(0(),+(y,z)), y = +(y,0()), +(y,z) = +(+(0(),y),z), +(x,z) = +(+(x,0()),z), x = +(x,0()), +(s(+(x552,y)),z) = +(s(x552),+(y,z)), s(+(x554,y)) = +(y,s(x554)), s(+(x556,+(y,z))) = +(+(s(x556),y),z), +(x,s(+(x558,z))) = +(+(x,s(x558)),z), s(+(x560,x)) = +(x,s(x560)) PCP_in(P union P^-1,S) = We have to check termination of S: LPO Processor: precedence: * > + > s ~ 0 problem: Qed