Certification Problem

Input (TPDB TRS_Standard/Rubio_04/test4)

The rewrite relation of the following TRS is considered.

f(a,a) f(a,b) (1)
f(a,b) f(s(a),c) (2)
f(s(X),c) f(X,c) (3)
f(c,c) f(a,a) (4)

Property / Task

Prove or disprove termination.

Answer / Result


Proof (by AProVE @ termCOMP 2023)

1 Switch to Innermost Termination

The TRS is overlay and locally confluent:


Hence, it suffices to show innermost termination in the following.

1.1 Dependency Pair Transformation

The following set of initial dependency pairs has been identified.
f#(a,a) f#(a,b) (5)
f#(a,b) f#(s(a),c) (6)
f#(s(X),c) f#(X,c) (7)
f#(c,c) f#(a,a) (8)

1.1.1 Usable Rules Processor

We restrict the rewrite rules to the following usable rules of the DP problem.

There are no rules. Innermost Lhss Removal Processor

We restrict the innermost strategy to the following left hand sides.

There are no lhss. Reduction Pair Processor

Using the Knuth Bendix order with w0 = 1 and the following precedence and weight functions
prec(a) = 0 weight(a) = 1
prec(c) = 1 weight(c) = 2
in combination with the following argument filter

π(f#) = 1
π(a) = []
π(s) = 1
π(c) = []

the pair
f#(c,c) f#(a,a) (8)
could be deleted. Dependency Graph Processor

The dependency pairs are split into 1 component.