Certification Problem

Input (TPDB TRS_Standard/Strategy_removed_CSR_05/Ex1_Zan97)

The rewrite relation of the following TRS is considered.

g(X) h(X) (1)
c d (2)
h(d) g(c) (3)

Property / Task

Prove or disprove termination.

Answer / Result


Proof (by AProVE @ termCOMP 2023)

1 Constant to Unary

Every constant is turned into a unary function symbol to obtain the TRS
g(X) h(X) (1)
c'(x) d'(x) (4)
h(d'(x)) g(c'(x)) (5)

1.1 String Reversal

Since only unary symbols occur, one can reverse all terms and obtains the TRS
g(X) h(X) (1)
c'(x) d'(x) (4)
d'(h(x)) c'(g(x)) (6)

1.1.1 Innermost Lhss Increase

We add the following left hand sides to the innermost strategy.
d'(h(x0)) Dependency Pair Transformation

The following set of initial dependency pairs has been identified.
c'#(x) d'#(x) (7)
d'#(h(x)) c'#(g(x)) (8)
d'#(h(x)) g#(x) (9)
It remains to prove infiniteness of the resulting DP problem. Pair and Rule Removal

Some pairs and rules have been removed and it remains to prove infiniteness of the remaing problem. The following pairs have been deleted.
d'#(h(x)) g#(x) (9)
and the following rules have been deleted. Pair and Rule Removal

Some pairs and rules have been removed and it remains to prove infiniteness of the remaing problem. The following pairs have been deleted. and the following rules have been deleted.
c'(x) d'(x) (4)
d'(h(x)) c'(g(x)) (6) Innermost Lhss Removal Processor

We restrict the innermost strategy to the following left hand sides.

g(x0) Full Strategy Switch Processor

We have a locally confluent overlay TRS, no overlaps between P and R, and the strategy is less than innermost. Hence, it suffices to prove non-termination for the full rewrite relation.

Local Confluence Proof

All critical pairs are joinable within 0 step(s). 0 Loop

The following loop proves infiniteness of the DP problem.

t0 = c'#(g(X))
R c'#(h(X))
P d'#(h(X))
P c'#(g(X))
= t3
where t3 = t0σ and σ = {X/X}