Certification Problem

Input (TPDB TRS_Standard/Transformed_CSR_04/OvConsOS_nosorts-noand_L)

The rewrite relation of the following TRS is considered.

U12(tt) s(length(L)) (1)
U23(tt) cons(N) (2)
zeros cons(0) (3)
U11(tt) U12(tt) (4)
U21(tt) U22(tt) (5)
U22(tt) U23(tt) (6)
length(nil) 0 (7)
length(cons(N)) U11(tt) (8)
take(0,IL) nil (9)
take(s(M),cons(N)) U21(tt) (10)

Property / Task

Prove or disprove termination.

Answer / Result


Proof (by ttt2 @ termCOMP 2023)

1 Loop

The following loop proves nontermination.

t0 = U12(tt)
= t1
where t1 = C[t0σ] and σ = {L/U12(tt)} and C = s(length())