
package term

A term library.

This package contains a library for generating and manipulating terms, various functions on terms and subpackages for parsing terms in the old trs-format as well as the new xml-format, lexicographic path order, and completion.


Term and its subclasses Fun and Var are used to represent terms. Pos implements positions in a term. term.packge.Subst represents substitutions on terms.

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Fun (name: F, args: List[Term]) extends Term with Product with Serializable

    Represents a function.

  2. class Pos extends AnyRef

    Represents a position in a term.

  3. case class Subst (elems: (V, Term)*) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a substitution.

  4. class Term extends AnyRef

    Represents a term which is built recursively from variables and function symbols.

  5. case class Var (name: V) extends Term with Product with Serializable

    Represents a variable.

Value Members

  1. object <:: extends AnyRef

    Factory for Pos instances.

  2. object Fun extends Serializable

    Factory for Fun instances.

  3. object Pos extends AnyRef

    Factory for Pos instances.

  4. object Term extends AnyRef

    This object contains some helping functionality and type definitions for the Term class.

  5. package completion

    Provides functions needed for a completion procedure.

  6. package lpo

    Provides functionality needed for lexicographic path ordering (LPO).

  7. package parser

    Provides some parsing functionality for terms.

  8. package reco

  9. package util

    Contains some useful functionality to work with terms.