Theory Critical_Pairs

theory Critical_Pairs
imports Q_Restricted_Rewriting Unification_More
Author:  Christian Sternagel <> (2011-2015)
Author:  René Thiemann <> (2011-2015)
Author:  Julian Nagele <> (2016-2017)
License: LGPL (see file COPYING.LESSER)

section ‹The Critical Pair Lemma (with variables fixed to type string)›

theory Critical_Pairs

(* we also consider overlaps between the same rule at top level,
   in this way we are not restricted to wf_trss *)
(* we use strings as variables for convenient working with variable renamings *)
  critical_pairs :: "('f, string) trs ⇒ ('f, string) trs ⇒ (bool × ('f, string) rule) set"
  "critical_pairs P R = { (C = □, r ⋅ σ, (C ⋅c σ)⟨r' ⋅ τ⟩) | l r l' r' l'' C σ τ.
    (l, r) ∈ P ∧ (l', r') ∈ R ∧ l = C⟨l''⟩ ∧ is_Fun l'' ∧
    mgu_var_disjoint_string l'' l' = Some (σ, τ) }"

lemma critical_pairsI:
  assumes "(l, r) ∈ P" and "(l', r') ∈ R" and "l = C⟨l''⟩"
    and "is_Fun l''" and "mgu_var_disjoint_string l'' l' = Some (σ, τ)" and "s = r ⋅ σ"
    and "t =  (C ⋅c σ)⟨r' ⋅ τ⟩" and "b = (C = □)"
  shows "(b, s, t) ∈ critical_pairs P R"
  using assms unfolding critical_pairs_def by blast

lemma critical_pairs_mono:
  assumes "S1 ⊆ R1" and "S2 ⊆ R2" shows "critical_pairs S1 S2 ⊆ critical_pairs R1 R2"
unfolding critical_pairs_def using assms by blast

lemma critical_pairs_main:
  fixes R :: "('f, string) trs"
  assumes st1: "(s, t1) ∈ rstep R" and st2: "(s, t2) ∈ rstep R"
  shows "(t1, t2) ∈ join (rstep R) ∨
    (∃ C b l r σ. t1 = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ t2 = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ ∧
    ((b, l, r) ∈ critical_pairs R R ∨ (b, r, l) ∈ critical_pairs R R))"
proof -
  let ?R = "rstep R"
  let ?CP = "critical_pairs R R"
  from st1 obtain C1 l1 r1 σ1 where lr1: "(l1, r1) ∈ R" and s1: "s = C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩" and t1: "t1 = C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩" by auto
  from st2 obtain C2 l2 r2 σ2 where lr2: "(l2, r2) ∈ R" and s2: "s = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" and t2: "t2 = C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by auto
  from s1 s2 have id: "C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by simp
  let ?q = "λ s t. (s, t) ∈ join ?R ∨ (∃ C b l r σ. s = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ t = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ ((b, l, r) ∈ ?CP ∨ (b, r, l) ∈ ?CP))"
  let ?p = "λ (C1, C2). ∀ l1 r1 l2 r2 σ1 σ2. (l1, r1) ∈ R ⟶ (l2, r2) ∈ R ⟶ C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ ⟶ ?q (C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩) (C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩)"
    fix C12
    let ?m = "[λ (C1, C2). size C1 + size C2, λ (C1, C2). size C1]"
    have "?p C12"
    proof (induct rule: wf_induct [OF wf_measures [of ?m], of ?p])
      case (1 C12)
      obtain C1 C2 where C12: "C12 = (C1, C2)" by force
      show "?p C12" unfolding C12 split
      proof (intro allI impI)
        fix l1 r1 l2 r2 σ1 σ2
        assume lr1: "(l1, r1) ∈ R" and lr2: "(l2, r2) ∈ R" and id: "C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩"
        show "?q (C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩) (C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩)"
        proof (cases C1)
          case Hole note C1 = this
          with id have id: "l1 ⋅ σ1 = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by simp
          let ?p = "hole_pos C2"
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "?p ∈ poss l1 ∧ is_Fun (l1 |_ ?p)")
            case True
            hence p: "?p ∈ poss l1" by auto
            from ctxt_supt_id [OF p] obtain D where Dl1: "D⟨l1 |_ ?p⟩ = l1"
              and D: "D = ctxt_of_pos_term (hole_pos C2) l1" by blast
            from arg_cong [OF Dl1, of "λ t. t ⋅ σ1"]
            have "(D ⋅c σ1)⟨(l1 |_ ?p) ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" unfolding id by simp
            from arg_cong [OF this, of "λ t. t |_ ?p"]
            have "l2 ⋅ σ2 = (D ⋅c σ1)⟨(l1 |_ ?p) ⋅ σ1⟩ |_ ?p" by simp
            also have "... = (D ⋅c σ1)⟨(l1 |_ ?p) ⋅ σ1⟩ |_ (hole_pos (D ⋅c σ1))"
              using hole_pos_ctxt_of_pos_term [OF p] unfolding D by simp
            also have "... = (l1 |_ ?p) ⋅ σ1" by (rule subt_at_hole_pos)
            finally have ident: "l2 ⋅ σ2 = l1 |_ ?p ⋅ σ1" by auto
            from mgu_var_disjoint_string_complete [OF ident [symmetric]]
            obtain μ1 μ2 ρ where mgu: "mgu_var_disjoint_string (l1 |_ ?p) l2 = Some (μ1, μ2)" and
              μ1: "σ1 = μ1 ∘s ρ"
              and μ2: "σ2 = μ2 ∘s ρ"
              and ident': "l1 |_ ?p ⋅ μ1 = l2 ⋅ μ2" by blast
            have in_cp: "(D = □, r1 ⋅ μ1, (D ⋅c μ1)⟨r2 ⋅ μ2⟩) ∈ critical_pairs R R"
              by (rule critical_pairsI [OF lr1 lr2 Dl1 [symmetric] True [THEN conjunct2] mgu], auto)
            from hole_pos_ctxt_of_pos_term [OF p] D have pD: "?p = hole_pos D" by simp
            from id have C2: "C2 = ctxt_of_pos_term ?p (l1 ⋅ σ1)" by simp
            have "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = (ctxt_of_pos_term ?p (l1 ⋅ σ1))⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" using C2 by simp
            also have "... = (ctxt_of_pos_term ?p l1 ⋅c σ1)⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" unfolding ctxt_of_pos_term_subst [OF p] ..
            also have "... = (D ⋅c σ1)⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" unfolding D ..
            finally have C2rσ: "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = (D ⋅c σ1)⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" .
            from C1 have C1rσ: "C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = r1 ⋅ σ1" by simp
            show ?thesis unfolding C2rσ C1rσ unfolding μ1 μ2
            proof (rule disjI2, intro exI, intro conjI)
              show "r1 ⋅ μ1 ∘s ρ = □⟨r1 ⋅ μ1 ⋅ ρ⟩" by simp
            qed (insert in_cp, auto)
            case False
            from pos_into_subst [OF id _ False]
            obtain q q' x where p: "?p = q <#> q'" and q: "q ∈ poss l1" and l1q: "l1 |_ q = Var x" by auto
            have "l2 ⋅ σ2 = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ |_ q <#> q'" unfolding p [symmetric] by simp
            also have "... = l1 ⋅ σ1 |_ q <#> q'" unfolding id ..
            also have "... = l1 |_ q ⋅ σ1 |_ q'" using q by simp
            also have "... = σ1 x |_ q'" unfolding l1q by simp
            finally have l2x: "l2 ⋅ σ2 = σ1 x |_ q'" by simp
            have pp: "?p ∈ poss (l1 ⋅ σ1)" unfolding id by simp
            hence "q <#> q' ∈ poss (l1 ⋅ σ1)" unfolding p .
            hence "q' ∈ poss (l1 ⋅ σ1 |_ q)" unfolding poss_append_poss ..
            with q have "q' ∈ poss (l1 |_ q ⋅ σ1)" by auto
            hence q'x: "q' ∈ poss (σ1 x)" unfolding l1q by simp
            from ctxt_supt_id [OF q'x] obtain E where σ1x: "E⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = σ1 x"
              and E: "E = ctxt_of_pos_term q' (σ1 x)"
              unfolding l2x by blast
            let ?e = "E⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩"
            from hole_pos_ctxt_of_pos_term [OF q'x] E have q': "q' = hole_pos E" by simp
            from σ1x have σ1x': "σ1 x = E⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by simp
            let  = "λ y. if y = x then ?e else σ1 y"
            have one: "(r1 ⋅ σ1, r1 ⋅ ?σ) ∈ (rstep R)^*"
            proof (rule subst_qrsteps_imp_qrsteps [where Q = "{}", unfolded qrstep_rstep_conv])
              fix y
              show "(σ1 y, ?σ y) ∈ (rstep R)^*"
              proof (cases "y = x")
                case False thus ?thesis by simp
                case True
                show ?thesis unfolding True σ1x' using lr2 by auto
            show ?thesis
            proof (rule disjI1, rule, unfold C1 ctxt_apply_term.simps, rule one)
              show "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, r1 ⋅ ?σ) ∈ ?R^*"
              proof (rule rtrancl_trans)
                show "(l1 ⋅ ?σ, r1 ⋅ ?σ) ∈ ?R^*" using lr1 by auto
                from q have ql1:  "q ∈ poss (l1 ⋅ σ1)" by simp
                have "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = replace_at (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩) ?p (r2 ⋅ σ2)" by simp
                also have "... = replace_at (l1 ⋅ σ1) ?p (r2 ⋅ σ2)" unfolding id ..
                also have "... = replace_at (l1 ⋅ σ1) q ?e"
                proof -
                  have "E = ctxt_of_pos_term q' (l1 ⋅ σ1 |_ q)"
                    unfolding subt_at_subst [OF q] l1q E by simp
                  thus ?thesis
                    unfolding p
                    unfolding ctxt_of_pos_term_append [OF ql1]
                    by simp
                finally have CR2: "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = replace_at (l1 ⋅ σ1) q ?e" .
                from q l1q have "(replace_at (l1 ⋅ σ1) q ?e, l1 ⋅ ?σ) ∈ ?R^*"
                proof (induct l1 arbitrary: q)
                  case (Var y)
                  thus ?case by simp
                  case (Fun f ls)
                  from Fun(2, 3) obtain i p where q: "q = i <# p" and i: "i < length ls" and p: "p ∈ poss (ls ! i)" and px: "ls ! i |_ p = Var x" by (cases q, auto)
                  from i have "ls ! i ∈ set ls" by auto
                  from Fun(1) [OF this p px] have rec: "(replace_at (ls ! i ⋅ σ1) p ?e, ls ! i ⋅ ?σ) ∈ ?R^*" .
                  let ?lsσ = "map (λ t. t ⋅ σ1) ls"
                  let ?lsσ' = "map (λ t. t ⋅ ?σ) ls"
                  have id: "replace_at (Fun f ls ⋅ σ1) q ?e = Fun f (take i ?lsσ @ replace_at (ls ! i ⋅ σ1) p ?e # drop (Suc i) ?lsσ)" (is "_ = Fun f ?r")
                    unfolding q using i by simp
                  show ?case unfolding id unfolding subst_apply_term.simps
                  proof (rule all_ctxt_closedD [of UNIV])
                    fix j
                    assume j: "j < length ?r"
                    show "(?r ! j, ?lsσ' ! j) ∈ ?R^*"
                    proof (cases "j = i")
                      case True
                      show ?thesis using i True using rec by (auto simp: nth_append)
                      case False
                      have "?r ! j = ?lsσ ! j"
                        by (rule nth_append_take_drop_is_nth_conv, insert False i j, auto)
                      also have "... = ls ! j ⋅ σ1" using j i by auto
                      finally have idr: "?r ! j = ls ! j ⋅ σ1" .
                      from j i have idl: "?lsσ' ! j = ls ! j ⋅ ?σ" by auto
                      show ?thesis unfolding idr idl
                      proof (rule subst_qrsteps_imp_qrsteps [where Q = "{}", unfolded qrstep_rstep_conv])
                        fix y
                        show "(σ1 y, ?σ y) ∈ ?R^*"
                        proof (cases "y = x")
                          case False thus ?thesis by simp
                          case True thus ?thesis using σ1x' lr2 by auto
                  qed (insert i, auto)
                thus "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, l1 ⋅ ?σ) ∈ ?R^*" unfolding CR2 .
          case (More f1 bef1 D1 aft1) note C1 = this
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases C2)
            case Hole note C2 = this
            from id have id: "C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩" by simp
            from C1 C2 have "((C2, C1), C12) ∈ measures ?m" unfolding C12 by auto
            from 1 [rule_format, OF this, unfolded split, rule_format, OF lr2 lr1 id]
            show ?thesis
              assume "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩) ∈ join ?R"
              thus ?thesis by auto
            qed blast
            case (More f2 bef2 D2 aft2) note C2 = this
            let ?n1 = "length bef1"
            let ?n2 = "length bef2"
            note id = id [unfolded C1 C2]
            from id have f: "f1 = f2" by simp
            show ?thesis
            proof (cases "?n1 = ?n2")
              case True
              with id have idb: "bef1 = bef2" and ida: "aft1 = aft2"
                and idD: "D1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = D2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by auto
              let ?C = "More f2 bef2 □ aft2"
              have id1: "C1 = ?C ∘c D1" unfolding C1 f ida idb by simp
              have id2: "C2 = ?C ∘c D2" unfolding C2 by simp
              have "((D1, D2), C12) ∈ measures ?m" unfolding C12 C1 C2
                by auto
              from 1 [rule_format, OF this, unfolded split, rule_format,
                OF lr1 lr2 idD] have "?q (D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩) (D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩)" by auto
              thus ?thesis
                assume "(D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩) ∈ join ?R"
                then obtain s' where seq1: "(D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, s') ∈ ?R^*"
                and seq2: "(D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, s') ∈ ?R^*" by auto
                from rsteps_closed_ctxt [OF seq1, of ?C]
                have seq1: "(C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, ?C⟨s'⟩) ∈ ?R^*" using id1 by auto
                from rsteps_closed_ctxt [OF seq2, of ?C]
                have seq2: "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, ?C⟨s'⟩) ∈ ?R^*" using id2 by auto
                from seq1 seq2 show ?thesis by auto
                assume "∃ C b l r σ. D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ ((b, l, r) ∈ ?CP ∨ (b, r, l) ∈ ?CP)"
                then obtain C b l r σ where idD: "D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩" "D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩" and mem: "((b, l, r) ∈ ?CP ∨ (b, r, l) ∈ ?CP)" by blast
                show ?thesis
                  by (rule disjI2, unfold id1 id2, rule exI [of _ "?C ∘c C"], intro exI, rule conjI [OF _ conjI [OF _ mem]], insert idD, auto)
              case False
              let ?p1 = "?n1 <# hole_pos D1"
              let ?p2 = "?n2 <# hole_pos D2"
              have l2: "C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ |_ ?p2 = l2 ⋅ σ2" unfolding C1 id by simp
              have p12: "?p1  ⊥ ?p2" using False by simp
              have p1: "?p1 ∈ poss (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩)" unfolding C1 by simp
              have p2: "?p2 ∈ poss (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩)" unfolding C1 unfolding id by simp
              let ?one = "replace_at (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩) ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)"
              have one: "C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = ?one" unfolding C1 by simp
              from parallel_qrstep [OF p12 p1 p2 l2 _ lr2, of "{}" True "r1 ⋅ σ1"]
              have "(?one, replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)) ∈ rstep R" by auto
              hence one: "(C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)) ∈ (rstep R)^*" unfolding one by simp
              have l1: "C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ |_ ?p1 = l1 ⋅ σ1" unfolding C2 id [symmetric] by simp
              have p21: "?p2  ⊥ ?p1" using False by simp
              have p1': "?p1 ∈ poss (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩)" unfolding C2 id [symmetric] by simp
              have p2': "?p2 ∈ poss (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩)" unfolding C2 by simp
              let ?two = "replace_at (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩) ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)"
              have two: "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = ?two" unfolding C2 by simp
              from parallel_qrstep [OF p21 p2' p1' l1 _ lr1, of "{}" True "r2 ⋅ σ2"]
              have "(?two, replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)) ∈ rstep R" by auto
              hence two: "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)) ∈ (rstep R)^*" unfolding two by simp
              have "replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2) = replace_at (replace_at (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩) ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)) ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)"
                by (rule parallel_replace_at [OF p12 p1 p2])
              also have "... = replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)" unfolding C1 C2 id ..
              finally have one_two: "replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2) = replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)" .
              show ?thesis
                by (rule disjI1, rule, rule one, unfold one_two, rule two)
  from this [of "(C1, C2)", unfolded split, rule_format, OF lr1 lr2 id]
  show ?thesis unfolding t1 t2 by auto

lemma critical_pairs:
  fixes R :: "('f, string) trs"
  assumes cp: "⋀ l r b. (b, l, r) ∈ critical_pairs R R ⟹ l ≠ r ⟹
    ∃ l' r' s. instance_rule (l, r) (l', r') ∧ (l', s) ∈ (rstep R)* ∧ (r', s) ∈ (rstep R)*"
  shows "WCR (rstep R)"
  let ?R = "rstep R"
  let ?CP = "critical_pairs R R"
  fix s t1 t2
  assume steps: "(s, t1) ∈ ?R" "(s, t2) ∈ ?R"
  let ?p = "λ s'. (t1, s') ∈ ?R^* ∧ (t2, s') ∈ ?R^*"
  from critical_pairs_main [OF steps]
  have "∃ s'. ?p s'"
    assume "∃ C b l r σ. t1 = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ t2 = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ ∧ ((b, l, r) ∈ ?CP ∨ (b, r, l) ∈ ?CP)"
    then obtain C b l r σ where id: "t1 = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩" "t2 = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩"
      and mem: "(b, l, r) ∈ ?CP ∨ (b, r, l) ∈ ?CP" by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "l = r")
      case True
      thus ?thesis unfolding id by auto
      case False
      note sub_ctxt = rsteps_closed_ctxt [OF rsteps_closed_subst [OF rsteps_closed_subst]]
      from mem show ?thesis
        assume mem: "(b, l, r) ∈ ?CP"
        from cp [OF mem False] obtain l' r' s' τ where id2: "l = l' ⋅ τ" "r = r' ⋅ τ" and steps: "(l', s') ∈ ?R^*" "(r', s') ∈ ?R^*"
          unfolding instance_rule_def by auto
        show "∃ s'. ?p s'" unfolding id id2
          by (rule exI [of _ "C⟨s' ⋅ τ ⋅ σ⟩"], rule conjI, rule sub_ctxt [OF steps(1)], rule sub_ctxt [OF steps(2)])
        assume mem: "(b, r, l) ∈ ?CP"
        from cp [OF mem] False obtain l' r' s' τ where id2: "r = l' ⋅ τ" "l = r' ⋅ τ" and steps: "(l', s') ∈ ?R^*" "(r', s') ∈ ?R^*"
          unfolding instance_rule_def by auto
        show "∃ s'. ?p s'" unfolding id id2
          by (rule exI [of _ "C⟨s' ⋅ τ ⋅ σ⟩"], rule conjI, rule sub_ctxt [OF steps(2)], rule sub_ctxt [OF steps(1)])
  qed auto
  thus "(t1, t2) ∈ join ?R" by auto

lemma critical_pairs_fork:
  fixes R :: "('f, string) trs"
  assumes cp: "(b, l, r) ∈ critical_pairs R R"
  shows "(l, r) ∈ (rstep R)¯ O rstep R"
proof -
  from cp [unfolded critical_pairs_def, simplified]
  obtain σ1 σ2 l1 l2 r1 r2 C where id: "l = r1 ⋅ σ1" "r = (C ⋅c σ1)⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩"
    and r1: "(C⟨l1⟩, r1) ∈ R" and r2: "(l2, r2) ∈ R" and mgu: "mgu_var_disjoint_string l1 l2 = Some (σ1, σ2)" by blast
  have one: "(l, C⟨l1⟩ ⋅ σ1) ∈ (rstep R)^-1" unfolding reverseTrs id
    by (rule rstepI [of r1 "C⟨l1⟩" _ _  σ1], insert r1, auto)
  from mgu_var_disjoint_generic_sound [OF mgu] have change: "C⟨l1⟩ ⋅ σ1 = (C ⋅c σ1)⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by simp
  have "(C⟨l1⟩ ⋅ σ1, r) ∈ rstep R" unfolding change id
    by (rule rstepI [OF r2, of _ _ σ2], auto)
  with one show ?thesis by auto

(* in the following lemma infiniteness of strings is crucial, if one restricts to well-formed terms:
   Consider that we only have 5 variables and build the following TRS R = {
     f(g(x1, x2), g(x3, x4)) → h(x1, h(x2, g(x3, x4)))
     f(g(g(x1, x2), g(x3, x4)), x5) → h(x5, h(g(x1, x2), g(x3, x4)))
   the following rules are added to allow a join if one the arguments of
   the g's is a not a variable,
     h(g(k(_, _), _), h(_, _)) → ok for all k ∈ {f, g, h}
     h(g(_, k(_, _)), h(_, _)) → ok for all k ∈ {f, g, h}
     h(_, h(g(k(_, _), _), _)) → ok for all k ∈ {f, g, h}
     h(_, h(g(_, k(_, _)), _)) → ok for all k ∈ {f, g, h}
     h(_, h(_, g(k(_, _), _))) → ok for all k ∈ {f, g, h}
     h(_, h(_, g(_, k(_, _)))) → ok for all k ∈ {f, g, h}
     h(g(ok, _), h(_, _)) → ok
     h(g(_, ok), h(_, _)) → ok
     h(_, h(g(ok, _), _)) → ok
     h(_, h(g(_, ok), _)) → ok
     h(_, h(_, g(ok, _))) → ok
     h(_, h(_, g(_, ok))) → ok
   and we allow a join if two of the six arguments are identical
     h(g(x1, x2), h(g(x3, x4), g(x5, x))) → ok for all x ∈ {x1, .., x5}
     h(g(x1, x2), h(g(x3, x4), g(x, x5))) → ok for all x ∈ {x1, .., x5}
     h(g(x1, x2), h(g(x3, x), g(x4, x5))) → ok for all x ∈ {x1, .., x5}
     h(g(x1, x2), h(g(x, x3), g(x4, x5))) → ok for all x ∈ {x1, .., x5}
     h(g(x1, x), h(g(x2, x3), g(x4, x5))) → ok for all x ∈ {x1, .., x5}
     h(g(x, x1), h(g(x2, x3), g(x4, x5))) → ok for all x ∈ {x1, .., x5}
   moreover, we add one rule to join some other critical pairs
     h(x1, ok) → ok

  note that R is not WCR over the signature {f, g, h, ok} and variables {x1, .., x6} since in the critical pair
  h(g(x1, x2), h(g(x3, x4), g(x5, x6))) ← f(g(g(x1, x2), g(x3, x4)), g(x5, x6)) → h(g(x5, x6), h(g(x1, x2), g(x3, x4)))
  both h-terms are normal forms.
  However, one can prove that R over the signature {f, g, h, ok} and variables {x1, .., x5} is WCR,
  since the critical pair above cannot be build using only 5 variables, and if one of the arguments is chosen
  as non-variable, or if two arguments are identical, then both terms can be reduced to ok.
  Moreover, all over overlaps can easily be reduced to ok, too.
lemma critical_pairs_complete:
  fixes R :: "('f, string) trs"
  assumes cp: "(b, l, r) ∈ critical_pairs R R"
    and no_join: "(l, r) ∉ (rstep R)"
  shows "¬ WCR (rstep R)"
  from critical_pairs_fork [OF cp] obtain u where ul: "(u, l) ∈ rstep R" and ur: "(u, r) ∈ rstep R" by force
  assume wcr: "WCR (rstep R)"
  with ul ur no_join show False unfolding WCR_on_def by auto

lemma critical_pair_lemma:
  fixes R :: "('f, string) trs"
  shows "WCR (rstep R) ⟷
    (∀ (b, s, t) ∈ critical_pairs R R. (s, t) ∈ (rstep R))"
  (is "?l = ?r")
  assume ?l
  with critical_pairs_complete [where R = R] show ?r by auto
  assume ?r
  show ?l
  proof (rule critical_pairs)
    fix b s t
    assume "(b, s, t) ∈ critical_pairs R R"
    with ‹?r› have "(s, t) ∈ join (rstep R)" by auto
    then obtain u where s: "(s, u) ∈ (rstep R)^*"
      and t: "(t, u) ∈ (rstep R)^*" by auto
    show "∃ s' t' u. instance_rule (s, t) (s', t') ∧ (s', u) ∈ (rstep R)^* ∧ (t', u) ∈ (rstep R)^*"
    proof (intro exI conjI)
      show "instance_rule (s, t) (s, t)" by simp
    qed (insert s t, auto)

(* note that the lhss condition is necessary:
   consider R = {x → f(a), x → g(a)} and Q = {x}
   then there are no critical pairs and NF Q ⊆ NF R
   however, f(a) ← x → g(a) and f(a) and g(a) are not joinable *)
lemma critical_pairs_innermost_weak_diamond:
  fixes R :: "('f, string) trs"
  assumes cp: "⋀ l r. (True, l, r) ∈ critical_pairs R R ⟹ l = r"
    and NF_Q_R: "NF_terms Q ⊆ NF_trs R"
    and lhss: "⋀ l r. (l, r) ∈ R ⟹ is_Fun l"
  shows "w◇ (qrstep nfs Q R)"
unfolding weak_diamond_def
  fix t1 t2 :: "('f, string) term"
  let ?R = "qrstep nfs Q R"
  assume "(t1, t2) ∈ ?R^-1 O ?R - Id"
  then obtain s where st1: "(s, t1) ∈ ?R" and st2: "(s, t2) ∈ ?R" and t12: "t1 ≠ t2" by auto
  let ?Q = "NF_terms Q"
  from st1 obtain C1 l1 r1 σ1 where lr1: "(l1, r1) ∈ R" and s1: "s = C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩" and t1: "t1 = C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩"
    and NF1: "∀ u ⊲ l1 ⋅ σ1. u ∈ ?Q" and nfs1: "NF_subst nfs (l1, r1) σ1 Q" by auto
  from st2 obtain C2 l2 r2 σ2 where lr2: "(l2, r2) ∈ R" and s2: "s = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" and t2: "t2 = C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩"
    and NF2: "∀ u ⊲ l2 ⋅ σ2. u ∈ ?Q" and nfs2: "NF_subst nfs (l2, r2) σ2 Q" by auto
  from s1 s2 have id: "C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by simp
  let ?p = "λ (C1, C2). C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ ⟶ (∃ s'. (C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, s') ∈ ?R ∧ (C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, s') ∈ ?R ∨ C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩)"
    fix C12
    let ?m = "λ (C1, C2). size C1 + size C2"
    have "?p C12"
    proof (induct rule: wf_induct [OF wf_measure [of ?m], of ?p])
      case (1 C12)
      obtain C1 C2 where C12: "C12 = (C1, C2)" by force
      show "?p C12" unfolding C12 split
      proof (intro impI)
        assume id: "C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩"
        show "∃ s'. ( (C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, s') ∈ ?R ∧ (C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, s') ∈ ?R ∨ C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩)"
        proof (cases C1)
          case Hole note C1 = this
          with id have id: "l1 ⋅ σ1 = C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by simp
          have C2: "C2 = □"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "C2 ≠ □"
            with id have "l2 ⋅ σ2 ⊲ l1 ⋅ σ1" by auto
            with NF1 NF_Q_R have "l2 ⋅ σ2 ∈ NF_trs R" by auto
            with lr2 show False by auto
          with id have ident: "l1 ⋅ σ1 = l2 ⋅ σ2"  by simp
          from lhss [OF lr1] have nvar: "is_Fun l1" .
          from mgu_var_disjoint_string_complete [OF ident]
          obtain μ1 μ2 ρ where mgu: "mgu_var_disjoint_string l1 l2 = Some (μ1, μ2)" and
            μ1: "σ1 = μ1 ∘s ρ"
            and μ2: "σ2 = μ2 ∘s ρ"
            by blast
          have in_cp: "(True, r1 ⋅ μ1, r2 ⋅ μ2) ∈ critical_pairs R R"
            by (rule critical_pairsI [OF lr1 lr2 _ nvar mgu, of ], auto)
          from C2 have C2rσ: "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = r2 ⋅ σ2" by simp
          from C1 have C1rσ: "C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = r1 ⋅ σ1" by simp
          from cp [OF in_cp, unfolded instance_rule_def] have id: "r1 ⋅ μ1 = r2 ⋅ μ2" .
          from C1rσ have "C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = r2 ⋅ σ2" unfolding μ1 using id μ2 by simp
          also have "... = C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" unfolding C2rσ ..
          finally show ?thesis by simp
          case (More f1 bef1 D1 aft1) note C1 = this
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases C2)
            case Hole
            with id have "l2 ⋅ σ2 = C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩" by auto
            with C1 have "l1 ⋅ σ1 ⊲ l2 ⋅ σ2" by auto
            with NF2 NF_Q_R have "l1 ⋅ σ1 ∈ NF_trs R" by auto
            with lr1 have False by auto
            thus ?thesis ..
            case (More f2 bef2 D2 aft2) note C2 = this
            let ?n1 = "length bef1"
            let ?n2 = "length bef2"
            note id = id [unfolded C1 C2]
            from id have f: "f1 = f2" by simp
            show ?thesis
            proof (cases "?n1 = ?n2")
              case True
              with id have idb: "bef1 = bef2" and ida: "aft1 = aft2"
                and idD: "D1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = D2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩" by auto
              have "((D1, D2), C12) ∈ measure ?m" unfolding C12 C1 C2
                by auto
              from 1 [rule_format, OF this, unfolded split, rule_format,
                OF idD] obtain s'
                where disj: "(D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, s') ∈ ?R ∧ (D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, s') ∈ ?R ∨ D1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = D2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩" (is "?seq1 ∧ ?seq2 ∨ ?id") by auto
              let ?C = "More f2 bef2 □ aft2"
              have id1: "C1 = ?C ∘c D1" unfolding C1 f ida idb by simp
              have id2: "C2 = ?C ∘c D2" unfolding C2 by simp
              from disj show ?thesis
                assume "?seq1 ∧ ?seq2"
                hence seq1: "?seq1" and seq2: "?seq2" by auto
                from qrstep.ctxt [OF seq1, of ?C]
                have seq1: "(C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, ?C⟨s'⟩) ∈ ?R" using id1 by auto
                from qrstep.ctxt [OF seq2, of ?C]
                have seq2: "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, ?C⟨s'⟩) ∈ ?R" using id2 by auto
                from seq1 seq2 show ?thesis by auto
                assume ?id
                thus ?thesis unfolding id1 id2 by simp
              case False
              let ?p1 = "?n1 <# hole_pos D1"
              let ?p2 = "?n2 <# hole_pos D2"
              have l2: "C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩ |_ ?p2 = l2 ⋅ σ2" unfolding C1 id by simp
              have p12: "?p1  ⊥ ?p2" using False by simp
              have p1: "?p1 ∈ poss (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩)" unfolding C1 by simp
              have p2: "?p2 ∈ poss (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩)" unfolding C1 unfolding id by simp
              let ?one = "replace_at (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩) ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)"
              have one: "C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩ = ?one" unfolding C1 by simp
              from parallel_qrstep [OF p12 p1 p2 l2 NF2 lr2 nfs2]
              have "(?one, replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)) ∈ qrstep nfs Q R" .
              hence one: "(C1⟨r1 ⋅ σ1⟩, replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)) ∈ qrstep nfs Q R" unfolding one by simp
              have l1: "C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩ |_ ?p1 = l1 ⋅ σ1" unfolding C2 id [symmetric] by simp
              have p21: "?p2  ⊥ ?p1" using False by simp
              have p1': "?p1 ∈ poss (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩)" unfolding C2 id [symmetric] by simp
              have p2': "?p2 ∈ poss (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩)" unfolding C2 by simp
              let ?two = "replace_at (C2⟨l2 ⋅ σ2⟩) ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)"
              have two: "C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩ = ?two" unfolding C2 by simp
              from parallel_qrstep [OF p21 p2' p1' l1 NF1 lr1 nfs1]
              have "(?two, replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)) ∈ qrstep nfs Q R" .
              hence two: "(C2⟨r2 ⋅ σ2⟩, replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)) ∈ qrstep nfs Q R" unfolding two by simp
              have "replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2) = replace_at (replace_at (C1⟨l1 ⋅ σ1⟩) ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2)) ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)"
                by (rule parallel_replace_at [OF p12 p1 p2])
              also have "... = replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)" unfolding C1 C2 id ..
              finally have one_two: "replace_at ?one ?p2 (r2 ⋅ σ2) = replace_at ?two ?p1 (r1 ⋅ σ1)" .
              show ?thesis
                by (intro exI disjI1 conjI, rule one, unfold one_two, rule two)
  from this [of "(C1, C2)", unfolded split, rule_format, OF id]
  show "(t1, t2) ∈ ?R O ?R^-1" using t12 unfolding t1 t2 by auto

lemma critical_pairs_innermost:
  assumes "⋀ l r. (True, l, r) ∈ critical_pairs R R ⟹ l = r"
    and "NF_terms Q ⊆ NF_trs R"
    and "⋀ l r. (l, r) ∈ R ⟹ is_Fun l"
  shows "CR (qrstep nfs Q R)"
  by (rule weak_diamond_imp_CR [OF critical_pairs_innermost_weak_diamond [OF assms]])

lemma critical_pairs_exI:
  fixes σ :: "('f, string) subst"
  assumes P: "(l, r) ∈ P" and R: "(l', r') ∈ R" and l: "l = C⟨l''⟩"
    and l'': "is_Fun l''" and unif: "l'' ⋅ σ = l' ⋅ τ"
    and b: "b = (C = □)"
  shows "∃ s t. (b, s, t) ∈ critical_pairs P R"
proof -
  from mgu_var_disjoint_string_complete [OF unif]
  obtain μ1 μ2  where mgu: "mgu_var_disjoint_string l'' l' = Some (μ1, μ2)" by blast
  show ?thesis
    by (intro exI, rule critical_pairsI [OF P R l l'' mgu refl refl b])
