Theory LS_Common

theory LS_Common
imports LS_Basics
Author:  Bertram Felgenhauer <> (2015-2017)
Author:  Franziska Rapp <> (2015-2017)
License: LGPL (see file COPYING.LESSER)

text ‹Shared analysis for main results›

theory LS_Common
  imports LS_Basics "Decreasing-Diagrams-II.Decreasing_Diagrams_II"

text ‹"We fix r and assume terms with rank at most r to be confluent."›

locale weakly_layered_induct = weakly_layered  𝔏 
  for  :: "('f × nat) set" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) mctxt set" and  :: "('f, 'v) trs" +
  fixes rk :: nat
  assumes IH_rk: "CR_on (rstep' ℛ) {t ∈ 𝒯. rank t ≤ Suc rk}"

text ‹@{cite ‹Definition 4.7› FMZvO15}, native and short terms›

definition native_terms :: "('f, 'v) term set" where
  "native_terms = {t ∈ 𝒯. rank t ≤ Suc (Suc rk)}"

definition short_terms :: "('f, 'v) term set" where
  "short_terms = {t ∈ 𝒯. rank t ≤ Suc rk}"

definition shorter_terms :: "('f, 'v) term set" where
  "shorter_terms = {t ∈ 𝒯. rank t ≤ rk}"

lemma shorter_imp_short[simp]:
  "t ∈ shorter_terms ⟹ t ∈ short_terms"
  by (auto simp: short_terms_def shorter_terms_def)

lemma native_terms_closed [simp]:
  "s ∈ native_terms ⟹ (s, t) ∈ rstep' ℛ ⟹ t ∈ native_terms"
  unfolding native_terms_def using rank_preservation 𝒯_preservation le_trans by blast

lemma short_terms_closed [simp]:
  "s ∈ short_terms ⟹ (s, t) ∈ rstep' ℛ ⟹ t ∈ short_terms"
  unfolding short_terms_def using rank_preservation 𝒯_preservation le_trans by blast

lemma short_terms_closed':
  assumes "s ∈ short_terms" "(s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" shows "t ∈ short_terms"
  using assms(2,1) by (induct t rule: rtrancl_induct) simp_all

lemma shorter_terms_closed:
  "s ∈ shorter_terms ⟹ (s, t) ∈ rstep' ℛ ⟹ t ∈ shorter_terms"
  unfolding shorter_terms_def using rank_preservation 𝒯_preservation le_trans by blast

lemma shorter_terms_closed':
  assumes "s ∈ shorter_terms" "(s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" shows "t ∈ shorter_terms"
  using assms(2,1) by (induct t rule: rtrancl_induct) (simp_all add: shorter_terms_closed)

lemma shorter_terms_short:
  "shorter_terms ⊆ short_terms"
  by auto

lemma aliens_short_terms:
  assumes "t ∈ native_terms"
  shows "set (aliens t) ⊆ short_terms"
proof -
  note * = assms[unfolded native_terms_def arg_cong[OF rank.simps, of "op ≤"]]
  { fix t' assume t': "t' ∈ set (aliens t)"
    have "t' ∈ 𝒯" using * supt_imp_funas_term_subset[OF unfill_holes_max_top_subt[of t t']] t'
      by (auto simp: 𝒯_def)
    moreover have "rank t' ≤ Suc rk" using t' *
      by auto (metis (no_types, lifting) dual_order.trans imageI max_list set_map)
    moreover note calculation
  then show ?thesis by (auto simp: short_terms_def)

inductive_set mirror_step :: "(('f, 'v) term × ('f, 'v) mctxt) rel" where
  [intro]: "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ ⟹
    (mctxt_term_conv L, mctxt_term_conv M) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ ⟹ ((s, L), (t, M)) ∈ mirror_step"

declare mirror_step.cases[elim]

lemma mirror_step_to_max_top:
  assumes "s ∈ 𝒯" "L ∈ tops s" "((s, L), (t, M)) ∈ mirror_step"
  obtains M' where "M' ∈ 𝔏" "((s, max_top s), (t, M')) ∈ mirror_step"
proof -
  obtain l r p σ τ where *: "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
    "(mctxt_term_conv L, mctxt_term_conv M) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ"
    using mirror_step.cases[OF assms(3)] by metis
  have "t ∈ 𝒯" using 𝒯_preservation[OF assms(1)] *(1) rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s' by metis
  from *(2) obtain C where "(l, r) ∈ ℛ" "p = hole_pos C" "mctxt_term_conv L = C⟨l ⋅ τ⟩" by auto
  then have "p ∈ funposs_mctxt L" using hole_pos_in_filled_funposs[of "l ⋅ τ" C Var] trs
    by (force simp: wf_trs_def' funposs_mctxt_def)
  then have "p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top s)" using max_topC_props(2)[OF assms(2)] funposs_mctxt_mono by metis
  from W[OF `s ∈ 𝒯` `t ∈ 𝒯` this *(1)] obtain M' τ' where
    **: "M' ∈ 𝔏" "(mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv M') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ'"
    by metis
  moreover have "((s, max_top s), (t, M')) ∈ mirror_step" using *(1) **(2) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using **(1) by (intro that)

lemma mirrored_steps_preserve_prefix:
  fixes C :: "('f, 'v) mctxt"
  assumes "C ≤ C'"
    "(mctxt_term_conv C, mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ"
    "(mctxt_term_conv C', mctxt_term_conv D') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ'"
  shows "D ≤ D'"
proof -
  note 1 = assms(3,2)
  have 2: "num_holes C = length (unfill_holes_mctxt C C')" "l ⋅ τ' = mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt C (unfill_holes_mctxt C C')) |_ p"
    using assms(1,3) by (auto simp: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt)
  from rewrite_aliens_mctxt[OF trs 1(2) this] obtain Ds where
    3: "num_holes D = length Ds" "(mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt C (unfill_holes_mctxt C C')), mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt D Ds)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ'"
    by metis
  with fill_holes_mctxt_suffix[OF this(1)[symmetric]] this(2) have [simp]: "D' = fill_holes_mctxt D Ds"
    using 2(1) rstep_r_p_s'_deterministic[OF trs 1(1)] assms(1)
    by (simp add: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt) (metis term_mctxt_conv_inv) 
  show ?thesis using 3(1) 1(2) assms(1)
    by (simp add: mrstep.simps rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')

lemma mirror_step_preserves_prefix:
  assumes "C ≤ mctxt_of_term s" "((s, C), (t, D)) ∈ mirror_step"
  shows "D ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain l r p σ τ where
    1: "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ" "(mctxt_term_conv C, mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ" by auto
  have "(mctxt_term_conv (mctxt_of_term s),mctxt_term_conv (mctxt_of_term t)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p (σ ∘s (Var ∘ Some))"
    using rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF 1(1), of "Var ∘ Some"] by auto
  from mirrored_steps_preserve_prefix[OF assms(1) 1(2) this] show ?thesis .

lemma mirror_steps_preserve_prefix:
  assumes "C ≤ mctxt_of_term s" "((s, C), (t, D)) ∈ mirror_step*"
  shows "D ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
  using assms(2,1)
proof (induct "(t, D)" arbitrary: t D rule: rtrancl_induct)
  case (step tD)
  then show ?case using mirror_step_preserves_prefix[of "snd tD" "fst tD" t D] by auto
qed auto

lemma mirror_step_aliens_mono:
  assumes "length ss = num_holes L" "length ts = num_holes M"
    "((fill_holes L ss, L), (fill_holes M ts, M)) ∈ mirror_step"
  shows "set ts ⊆ set ss"
proof -
  from assms(3) obtain l r p σ τ where
    1: "(fill_holes L ss, fill_holes M ts) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
       "(mctxt_term_conv L, mctxt_term_conv M) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ" by auto
  obtain ts' where ts': "num_holes M = length ts'" "set ts' ⊆ set ss"
    "(fill_holes L ss, fill_holes M ts') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
    using 1(1) assms(1) rewrite_aliens[OF trs 1(2), of ss σ thesis] by auto 
  have "fill_holes M ts = fill_holes M ts'" by (metis 1(1) ts'(3) trs rstep_r_p_s'_deterministic)
  from arg_cong[OF this, of "unfill_holes M"] show ?thesis
    using ts'(1,2) assms(2) by (auto simp: unfill_fill_holes)

lemma mirror_step_stable:
  assumes "length ss = num_holes L" "length ts = num_holes M"
    "((fill_holes L ss, L), (fill_holes M ts, M)) ∈ mirror_step"
  shows "((fill_holes L (map f ss), L), (fill_holes M (map f ts), M)) ∈ mirror_step"
  by (metis assms(3) rewrite_balanced_aliens'[OF trs assms(1,2)] mirror_step.simps)

lemma mirror_step_imp_rstep:
  "(sL, tM) ∈ mirror_step ⟹ (fst sL , fst tM) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
  by (cases sL; cases tM) (auto 0 5 simp: rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')

lemma mirror_step_imp_rstep':
  "(sL, tM) ∈ mirror_step ⟹ (mctxt_term_conv (snd sL) , mctxt_term_conv (snd tM)) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
  by (cases sL; cases tM) (auto 0 5 simp: rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')

lemma mirror_steps_imp_rsteps:
  "((s, L), (t, M)) ∈ mirror_step* ⟹ (s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  by (induct "(s, L)" "(t, M)" arbitrary: t M rule: rtrancl.induct)
    (force dest!: mirror_step_imp_rstep intro: rtrancl_into_rtrancl)+

lemma mirror_steps_imp_rsteps':
  "((s, L), (t, M)) ∈ mirror_step* ⟹ (mctxt_term_conv L, mctxt_term_conv M) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  by (induct "(s, L)" "(t, M)" arbitrary: t M rule: rtrancl.induct)
    (force dest!: mirror_step_imp_rstep' intro: rtrancl_into_rtrancl)+

text ‹@{cite ‹Definition 4.8› FMZvO15}, decomposition into base context and base vector›

definition base_decomp :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt × ('f, 'v) term list" where
  "base_decomp t = (let M = max_top t in let as = unfill_holes M t in
    (fill_holes_mctxt M (map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) as),
     filter (λt. ¬ rank t ≤ rk) as))"

text ‹@{cite ‹Definition 4.10› FMZvO15}, short step›

inductive_set short_step :: "('f, 'v) term rel" where
  "s ∈ native_terms ⟹
   (B, ss) = base_decomp s ⟹
   ((s, B), (t, C)) ∈ mirror_step* ⟹ (s, t) ∈ short_step"

lemmas short_stepI = short_step.intros[unfolded rtranclp_rtrancl_eq case_prod_unfold prod.collapse Collect_mem_eq]
lemmas short_stepE = short_step.cases[unfolded rtranclp_rtrancl_eq case_prod_unfold prod.collapse Collect_mem_eq]

inductive_set short_step_s :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f, 'v) term rel" for s0 where
  "(s0, s) ∈ (rstep ℛ)* ⟹
   s ∈ native_terms ⟹
   (B, ss) = base_decomp s ⟹
   ((s, B), (t, C)) ∈ mirror_step* ⟹ (s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0"

lemmas short_step_sI = short_step_s.intros[unfolded rtranclp_rtrancl_eq case_prod_unfold prod.collapse Collect_mem_eq]
lemmas short_step_sE = short_step_s.cases[unfolded rtranclp_rtrancl_eq case_prod_unfold prod.collapse Collect_mem_eq]

lemma short_step_s_imp_short_step:
  "(s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0 ⟹ (s, t) ∈ short_step"
  by (auto intro: short_stepI elim: short_step_sE)

lemma short_step_implies_short_step_s:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ short_step"
  obtains s0 where "(s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0"
  using short_stepE[OF assms] short_step_sI rtrancl_refl by metis

lemma short_step_iff_short_step_s:
  "(s, t) ∈ short_step ⟷ (∃s0. (s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0)"
  by (auto intro: short_step_s_imp_short_step elim: short_step_implies_short_step_s)

text ‹@{cite ‹Definition 4.11› FMZvO15}, tall step›

inductive_set tall_step :: "('f, 'v) term rel" where
  "s ∈ native_terms ⟹
   (B, ss) = base_decomp s ⟹
   length ts = num_holes B ⟹ t = fill_holes B ts ⟹
   (⋀i. i < num_holes B ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*) ⟹
   (s, t) ∈ tall_step"

inductive_set tall_step_i :: "nat ⇒ ('f, 'v) term rel" for ι where
  "(B, ss) = base_decomp s ⟹
   s ∈ native_terms ⟹
   length ts = num_holes B ⟹ t = fill_holes B ts ⟹
   (⋀i. i < num_holes B ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*) ⟹
   ι = imbalance ts ⟹
   (s, t) ∈ tall_step_i ι"

lemma tall_step_i_imp_tall_step:
  "(s, t) ∈ tall_step_i ι ⟹ (s, t) ∈ tall_step"
  by (auto intro: tall_step.intros elim: tall_step_i.cases)

lemma tall_step_implies_tall_step_i:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ tall_step"
  obtains ι where "(s, t) ∈ tall_step_i ι"
  using tall_step.cases[OF assms] tall_step_i.intros by metis

lemma tall_step_iff_tall_step_i:
  "(s, t) ∈ tall_step ⟷ (∃ι. (s, t) ∈ tall_step_i ι)"
  by (auto intro: tall_step_i_imp_tall_step elim: tall_step_implies_tall_step_i)

lemma short_terms_rsteps:
  assumes "s ∈ short_terms" "(s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  shows "t ∈ short_terms ∧ (s, t) ∈ (Restr (rstep' ℛ) short_terms)*"
  using rtrancl_on_iff_rtrancl_restr[OF _ assms(2,1)] short_terms_closed by metis

lemma native_terms_rsteps:
  assumes "s ∈ native_terms" "(s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  shows "t ∈ native_terms ∧ (s, t) ∈ (Restr (rstep' ℛ) native_terms)*"
  using rtrancl_on_iff_rtrancl_restr[OF _ assms(2,1)] native_terms_closed by metis

lemma short_sequence_rsteps:
  assumes "length ts = length ss" "set ss ⊆ short_terms"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  shows "set ts ⊆ short_terms"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (Restr (rstep' ℛ) short_terms)*"
  using assms short_terms_rsteps[OF subsetD, OF _ nth_mem] by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth)

lemma IH_rk':
  "CR (Restr (rstep' ℛ) short_terms)"
  using IH_rk short_terms_rsteps[OF _ r_into_rtrancl]
  by (subst CR_on_iff_CR_Restr[symmetric]) (auto simp: short_terms_def[symmetric])

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.15› FMZvO15}›

lemma balance_short_sequences:
  assumes "length ts = length ss" "length us = length ss"
    "set ss ⊆ short_terms"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, us ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  obtains (vs) vs where
    "length vs = length ss"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ts ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (us ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "ts ∝ vs" "us ∝ vs"
    "set ts ⊆ short_terms" "set us ⊆ short_terms" "set vs ⊆ short_terms"
proof -
  let ?R' = "Restr (rstep' ℛ) short_terms"
  note * = rtrancl_mono[of ?R' "rstep' ℛ", OF Int_lower1, THEN subsetD]
  from assms have "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ ?R'*"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, us ! i) ∈ ?R'*"
    and s: "set ts ⊆ short_terms" "set us ⊆ short_terms"
    using short_sequence_rsteps by meson+
  from balance_sequences[OF IH_rk' assms(1,2) this(1,2)]
  obtain vs where "length vs = length ss"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ts ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (us ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "ts ∝ vs" "us ∝ vs" 
    by (metis *)
  moreover from this have
    "set vs ⊆ short_terms" using short_sequence_rsteps[of vs ts] assms(1) s by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using s by (intro vs)

text ‹@{cite ‹Definition 4.17› FMZvO15}, shallow context›

inductive_set shallow_context :: "('f, 'v) mctxt set" where
  "L ∈ 𝔏 ⟹ length Cs = num_holes L ⟹ set Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms
   ⟹ C = fill_holes_mctxt L Cs ⟹ C ∈ shallow_context" 

lemma funas_shallow_context:
  "C ∈ shallow_context ⟹ funas_mctxt C ⊆ ℱ"
using 𝔏_sig by (force elim!: shallow_context.cases simp: 𝒞_def 𝒯_def shorter_terms_def)

lemma base_decomp_shallow':
  assumes "t ∈ 𝒯" "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  obtains Ds where "length Ds = num_holes (max_top t)"
    and "set Ds ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms"
    and "B = fill_holes_mctxt (max_top t) Ds"
proof -
  let ?ts = "map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) (aliens t)"
  have "length ?ts = num_holes (max_top t)"
    using assms by (auto intro!: length_unfill_holes simp: max_topC_prefix)
  moreover have "set ?ts ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms"
    using assms subset_trans[OF supteq_imp_funas_term_subset[OF unfill_holes_subt[OF max_topC_prefix]], of _ t ]
    by (force simp: base_decomp_def Let_def image_def 𝒯_def shorter_terms_def)
  moreover have "B = fill_holes_mctxt (max_top t) ?ts"
    using assms by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis ..

lemma base_decomp_shallow:
  assumes "t ∈ 𝒯" "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  shows "B ∈ shallow_context"
  by (metis assms shallow_context.intros base_decomp_shallow' max_top_layer)

lemma base_decomp_aliens:
  assumes "t ∈ 𝒯" "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  shows "set ts ⊆ set (aliens t)"
  using assms by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def)

lemma base_decomp_fill_holes:
  assumes "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  shows "length ts = num_holes B" "fill_holes B ts = t"
proof -
  let ?M = "max_top t"
  define as where [simp]: "as = unfill_holes ?M t"
  let ?as' = "map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) as"
  have B[simp]: "B = fill_holes_mctxt ?M ?as'" and ts[simp]: "ts = filter (λt. ¬ rank t ≤ rk) as"
    using assms by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def)
  show *: "length ts = num_holes B"
    using num_holes_fill_holes_mctxt[of ?M "?as'"]
    by (auto simp: length_unfill_holes[OF max_topC_prefix] length_filter_sum_list comp_def intro: arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list])
  have **: "partition_holes (filter (λt. ¬ rank t ≤ rk) as) ?as' = map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then [] else [t]) as"
    by (induct as) auto
  have ***: "map (λi. fill_holes (map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) as ! i)
                 (map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then [] else [t]) as ! i)) [0..<length as] = as"
    by (intro nth_equalityI) auto
  show "fill_holes B ts = t"
    unfolding B
    apply (subst fill_holes_mctxt_fill_holes)
    subgoal by (auto simp: length_unfill_holes[OF max_topC_prefix])
    subgoal using * by auto
    subgoal unfolding ts ** using ***
      by (auto simp: length_unfill_holes[OF max_topC_prefix] fill_unfill_holes[OF max_topC_prefix])

lemma base_decomp_prefix:
  assumes "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  shows "B ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
  using base_decomp_fill_holes[OF assms] by auto

lemma fill_shallow_context_imp_native:
  assumes "C ∈ shallow_context" "num_holes C = length ts" "set ts ⊆ short_terms"
  shows "fill_holes C ts ∈ native_terms"
proof -
  have "fill_holes C ts ∈ 𝒯" using assms funas_mctxt_fill_holes[of C ts]
    by (auto simp: 𝒯_def short_terms_def funas_shallow_context)
  moreover obtain L Cs where *: "L ∈ 𝔏" "length Cs = num_holes L"
    "set Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" "C = fill_holes_mctxt L Cs"
    using assms(1) by (elim shallow_context.cases) simp
  { fix i assume "i < num_holes L"
    then have "fill_holes (Cs ! i) (partition_holes ts Cs ! i) ∈ short_terms"
    using *(2) subsetD[OF *(3), OF nth_mem, of i] shorter_terms_short subsetD[OF assms(3), OF nth_mem]
      *(4) num_holes_fill_holes_mctxt[OF *(2)[symmetric]]
      sum_list_append[of "take i (map num_holes Cs)" "drop i (map num_holes Cs)", symmetric]
      sum_list_take'[of 1 "drop i (map num_holes Cs)"] assms(2)
    by (force simp: image_def partition_by_nth take1 hd_drop_conv_nth) }
  then have "set (map (λi. fill_holes (Cs ! i) (partition_holes ts Cs ! i)) [0..<num_holes L])
    ⊆ short_terms" by auto
  note subsetD[OF this, OF nth_mem]
  moreover have "L ≤ max_top (fill_holes C ts)" using *(1,2,4) assms(2)
    order.trans[OF fill_holes_mctxt_suffix[of Cs L] fill_holes_mctxt_suffix[of "map mctxt_of_term ts" "fill_holes_mctxt L Cs"]]
    by (auto intro!: max_top_props(2) simp: topsC_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis using assms(2) fill_holes_mctxt_fill_holes[of Cs L ts]
    order.trans[OF rank_by_top[of "fill_holes C ts" L], of "rk+2"]
    by (simp add: *(2,4) short_terms_def native_terms_def unfill_fill_holes max_list_bound_set)

lemma max_topC_max_top_conv:
  "max_top (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) =
   fill_holes_mctxt (map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) (max_topC C)) (map (λD. if D = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole) (aliensC C))"
  (is "max_top ?t = fill_holes_mctxt ?C ?Cs")
proof -
  let ?M = "fill_holes_mctxt ?C ?Cs"
  have [simp]: "length (aliensC C) = num_holes (max_topC C)"
    using max_topC_prefix[of C] by simp
  have "set ?Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ range MVar" by auto
  then have 1: "?M ∈ 𝔏" using vars_to_holes'_layer[of ?M] vars_to_holes'_layer[of "max_topC C"]
    vars_to_holes'_fill_holes[of "?C" "?Cs"] by (auto)
  have "?M ≤ mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt (max_topC C) (aliensC C)) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
    apply (subst mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt, simp)
    apply (subst subst_apply_mctxt_fill_holes, simp)
    apply (subst mctxt_of_term_fill_holes', simp add: subst_apply_mctxt_map_vars_mctxt_conv)
    unfolding subst_apply_mctxt_map_vars_mctxt_conv map_vars_mctxt_map_vars_mctxt
    by (intro less_eq_fill_holesI) simp_all
  then have 2: "?M ≤ mctxt_of_term ?t" using max_topC_prefix[of C] by (auto simp: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt)
  moreover {
    fix D assume 3: "D ∈ 𝔏" "D ≤ mctxt_of_term ?t"
    let ?E = "D ⊔ ?M" and ?C = "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) (max_topC C)"
    have c: "(D, ?M) ∈ comp_mctxt" using 2 3 by (auto simp: prefix_mctxt_sup prefix_comp_mctxt)
    have "vars_to_holes (mctxt_of_term ?t) ≤ C" by (induct C) (auto intro: less_eq_mctxtI1)
    with vars_to_holes'_mono[OF 3(2)] have "vars_to_holes D ≤ C" by simp
    then have "vars_to_holes D ≤ max_topC C" using 3(1) by (simp add: topsC_def vars_to_holes_layer)
    moreover have "vars_to_holes ?M ≤ max_topC C" using vars_to_holes_prefix[of "max_topC C"]
      by (subst vars_to_holes_fill_holes) auto
    ultimately have l': "vars_to_holes ?E ≤ max_topC C" using c by (auto simp: prefix_mctxt_sup vars_to_holes_sup)
    have "?C ≤ ?M" by (subst fill_holes_mctxt_suffix) auto
    then have "?C ≤ ?E" using sup_mctxt_ge2[OF c] using order.trans by blast
    from fill_unfill_holes_mctxt[OF this] length_unfill_holes_mctxt[OF this]
    obtain Es where [simp]: "length Es = num_holes ?C" and *: "?E = fill_holes_mctxt ?C Es" by metis
    have 4: "num_holes C = length Cs ⟹
      vars_to_holes (fill_holes_mctxt (map_vars_mctxt f C) Cs) = vars_to_holes (fill_holes_mctxt C Cs)" for f C Cs
      by (induct C Cs rule: fill_holes_induct) (auto simp: comp_def)
    have 5: "num_holes C = length Cs ⟹ num_holes C = length Ds ⟹
      vars_to_holes (fill_holes_mctxt C Cs) ≤ fill_holes_mctxt C Ds ⟷
      fill_holes_mctxt C (map vars_to_holes Cs) ≤ fill_holes_mctxt C Ds" for C Cs Ds
      by (induct C Cs Ds rule: fill_holes_induct2) (auto intro!: less_eq_mctxtI1 elim!: less_eq_mctxtE1)
    have "num_holes C = length Cs ⟹ mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt C Cs) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) =
         fill_holes_mctxt (map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) C)
            (map (λD. mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))) Cs)"
      for C Cs by (induct C Cs rule: fill_holes_induct) (auto simp: comp_def)
    from this[of "max_topC C" "unfill_holes_mctxt (max_topC C) C"] 3(2) max_topC_prefix[of C]
    have "D ≤ fill_holes_mctxt (map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) (max_topC C)) (map (λD. mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))) (aliensC C))"
      (is "_ ≤ ?U") by (simp add: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt)
    moreover have "?M ≤ ?U" by (subst less_eq_fill_holesI) auto
    ultimately have "?E ≤ ?U" by (auto intro: prefix_mctxt_sup)
    then have "?E ≤ ?M" using l' unfolding *
      apply (subst less_eq_fill_holesI, simp, simp)
      apply (subst (asm) 4, simp)
      apply (subst (asm) (5) fill_holes_mctxt_replicate_MHole[of "max_topC C", symmetric])
      apply (subst (asm) 5, simp, simp)
      apply (subst (asm) less_eq_fill_holes_iff, simp, simp)
      apply (subst (asm) less_eq_fill_holes_iff, simp, simp)
      subgoal premises p for i
        using spec[OF p(1), of i] spec[OF p(2), of i] p(3) aliens_not_varC[of _ C]
        apply (cases "Es ! i"; cases "aliensC C ! i")
        apply (auto simp: set_conv_nth elim: less_eq_mctxtE1)
      apply auto
    then have "D ≤ ?M" using sup_mctxt_ge1[OF c] by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro: max_topCI simp: topsC_def)

lemma shallow_context_decomp:
  assumes "C ∈ shallow_context"
  obtains (1) L Cs where "L = max_topC C" "length Cs = num_holes L"
    "set Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms - MVar ` UNIV" "fill_holes_mctxt L Cs = C"
proof -
  from assms(1) obtain L' Cs' where *: "L' ∈ 𝔏" "length Cs' = num_holes L'"
    "set Cs' ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" "C = fill_holes_mctxt L' Cs'"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) shallow_context.cases)
  then have "C ∈ 𝒞" using 𝔏_sig unfolding shorter_terms_def 𝒞_def 𝒯_def by (auto simp: image_def subset_iff)
  have T: "mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option) ∈ 𝒯"
    using assms(1) by (auto simp: funas_term_subst funas_shallow_context 𝒯_def)
  have aux: "C ≤ term_mctxt_conv t ⟹ unfill_holes (map_vars_mctxt (f ∘ Some) C) (t ⋅ (Var ∘ f)) =
    map (λD. mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ f)) (unfill_holes_mctxt C (term_mctxt_conv t))" for C t f
    by (induct t arbitrary: C rule: term_mctxt_conv.induct; case_tac C)
      (auto elim!: less_eq_mctxtE2 simp: map_concat intro!: arg_cong[of _ _ concat])
  have [simp]: "rank (mctxt_term_conv (mctxt_of_term t) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) = rank t" for t
    by (simp add: rank_var_subst[unfolded comp_def] subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def del: subst_subst_compose)
  have [intro]: "D ∈ set Cs' ⟹ D ≠ MHole ⟹ rank (mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) ≤ rk" for D
    using *(3) by (auto dest!: subsetD simp del: subst_subst_compose simp: shorter_terms_def
      subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def rank_var_subst[unfolded comp_def] rank_var)
  have "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) L' ≤ mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
    using fill_holes_mctxt_suffix[OF *(2)] unfolding *(4)[symmetric]
    by (induct L' C rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct) (auto intro: less_eq_mctxtI1)
  then have "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) L' ≤ max_top (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
    by (auto simp: topsC_def *(1))
  from rank_by_top'[OF T this] have "rank (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))
    ≤ 1 + max_list (map rank (filter is_Fun (map (λD. mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) Cs')))"
    by (subst (asm) (2) *(4), subst (asm) aux)
      (auto simp: fill_holes_mctxt_suffix[OF *(2)] comp_def unfill_fill_holes_mctxt[OF *(2)])
  then have "rank (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) ≤ 1 + rk"
    using max_list_bound_set[of "map rank (filter is_Fun (map (λD. mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)) Cs'))" rk]
    by auto
  from this[unfolded rank.simps[of "mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)"]]
  have rk: "D ∈ set (aliens (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))) ⟹ rank D ≤ rk" for D
    using T by (auto simp: max_list_bound set_conv_nth)
  note [simp] = length_unfill_holes_mctxt[OF max_topC_prefix]
  note fill_holes_mctxt_suffix[OF *(2), folded *(4)]
  then have "L' ≤ max_topC C" by (auto intro!: max_topC_props(2) simp: topsC_def *(1))
  with max_topC_prefix[of C]
     unfill_holes_mctxt_by_prefix'[of L' "unfill_holes_mctxt L' (max_topC C)" C] *(2)
  have "aliensC C = concat (map (λ(x, y). unfill_holes_mctxt x y)
    (zip (unfill_holes_mctxt L' (max_topC C)) Cs'))"
    and "i < num_holes L' ⟹ unfill_holes_mctxt L' (max_topC C) ! i ≤ Cs' ! i" for i
    using less_eq_fill_holes_iff[of "unfill_holes_mctxt L' (max_topC C)" L' Cs']
    by (auto simp: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt *(4) unfill_fill_holes_mctxt[OF *(2)])
  have "D ∈ set (aliensC C) ⟹ D = MHole ∨ mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option) ∈ set (aliens (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)))" for D
    using max_top_prefix[of "mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)"]
    by (auto simp: max_topC_max_top_conv unfill_holes_by_prefix' zip_map1 zip_map2 zip_same_conv_map aux max_topC_prefix)
  moreover {
    fix D
    define E where "E = max_topC C"
    assume D: "mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option) ∈ set (aliens (mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)))" "D ≠ MHole"
    have "num_holes D = 0"
      using *(2)[symmetric] *(3,4) `L' ≤ max_topC C` max_topC_prefix[of C] D
        unfolding max_topC_max_top_conv E_def[symmetric]
      proof (induct L' Cs' arbitrary: C E rule: fill_holes_induct)
        case (MHole C')
        obtain t where C': "C = mctxt_of_term t" using MHole by (auto elim: less_eq_mctxtE2)
        show ?case using MHole(4) C' MHole(5,6)
        proof (induct E C arbitrary: t rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
          case (1 C) show ?case using 1(1,2)
          proof (induct t arbitrary: C D)
            case (Var x) then show ?case
              using surj_imp_inj_inv[OF bij_is_surj, OF bij_from_option]
              by (cases D) (auto simp: inj_on_def from_option_def)
            case (Fun f ts) then show ?case
              by (cases D) (auto simp: map_eq_conv' set_conv_nth, blast)
          case (2 x) then show ?case by (cases t) auto
          case (3 Es Cs f)
          obtain ts where t: "t = Fun f ts" "length Cs = length ts" using 3 by (cases t) auto
          { fix i assume "i < length ts"
            then have "(partition_holes (map (λD. if D = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole)
              (concat (map (λi. unfill_holes_mctxt (Es ! i) (map mctxt_of_term ts ! i)) [0..<length ts]))) Es) ! i =
              map (λD. if D = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole)
              (unfill_holes_mctxt (Es ! i) (map mctxt_of_term ts ! i))"
              unfolding map_map_partition_by[symmetric] using 3(1,2,4) t
              apply (subst (2) nth_map, simp)
              apply (subst partition_holes_concat_id, simp, simp)
              by simp
          } note [simp] = this
          show ?case using 3 t by (auto simp: comp_def)
        case (MFun f Ls xs)
        from MFun(5) obtain Es where [simp]: "E = MFun f Es" "length Ls = length Es" and
          *: "⋀i. i < length Es ⟹ Ls ! i ≤ Es ! i" by (auto elim: less_eq_mctxtE1)
        from MFun(6) obtain Cs where [simp]: "C = MFun f Cs" "length Es = length Cs" and
          **: "⋀i. i < length Cs ⟹ Es ! i ≤ Cs ! i" by (auto elim: less_eq_mctxtE1)
        { fix i assume "i < length Cs"
          then have "partition_holes (map (λD. if D = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole)
            (concat (map (λi. unfill_holes_mctxt (Es ! i) (Cs ! i)) [0..<length Cs]))) Es ! i =
            map (λD. if D = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole)
            (unfill_holes_mctxt (Es ! i) (Cs ! i))"
            unfolding map_map_partition_by[symmetric]
              by (subst partition_holes_concat_id) (auto simp: **)
        } note [simp] = this
        from MFun(7) obtain i where [simp]: "i < length Cs" and
          ***: "mctxt_term_conv D ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option) ∈ set (unfill_holes
             (fill_holes_mctxt (map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) (Es ! i))
               (map (λD. if D = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole)
                 (unfill_holes_mctxt (Es ! i) (Cs ! i))))
             (mctxt_term_conv (Cs ! i) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)))"
          by (auto simp: comp_def)
        show ?case using MFun(1,3,4) nth_subset_concat[of i "partition_holes xs Ls"]
        by (auto intro!: MFun(2)[of i, OF _ _ _ * ** ***]
          simp: MFun(8) dest: arg_cong[of Cs _ "λCs. Cs ! i"])
      qed auto
    then obtain t where D': "D = mctxt_of_term t" by (metis mctxt_of_term_term_of_mctxt_id)
    have [simp]: "t ∈ 𝒯" using `C ∈ 𝒞` D' imageI[OF D(1), of funas_term]
      arg_cong[OF fill_unfill_holes[OF max_topC_prefix, of "mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)"], of funas_term]
      by (auto simp: 𝒯_def 𝒞_def funas_mctxt_fill_holes funas_term_subst length_unfill_holes[OF max_topC_prefix])
    have "D ∈ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" using rk[OF D(1)] D
      by (auto intro!: exI[of _ "term_of_mctxt D"] simp del: subst_subst_compose
        simp: shorter_terms_def subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def rank_var_subst[unfolded comp_def] D')
  ultimately have "D ∈ set (aliensC C) ⟹ D ∈ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms - range MVar" for D
    by (auto simp: aliens_not_varC image_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: 1[of "max_topC C" "aliensC C"] simp: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt[OF max_topC_prefix])

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.18› FMZvO15}›

lemma shallow_context_closed:
  assumes "C ∈ shallow_context" "(mctxt_term_conv C, mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
  shows "D ∈ shallow_context"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain l r p σ where assms2:
    "(mctxt_term_conv C, mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ" by (metis rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')
  from assms(1) obtain L Cs
    where *: "L = max_topC C" "length Cs = num_holes L"
     "set Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms - MVar ` UNIV" "fill_holes_mctxt L Cs = C"
    using shallow_context_decomp by (metis (no_types, lifting))
  then have **: "set Cs ∩ MVar ` UNIV = {}" by auto
  show ?thesis using trs *(2)[symmetric] assms2[folded *(4)]
  proof (cases rule: rewrite_cases_mctxt_wf)
    case outer
    let ?to_c = "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some)"
    let ?to_t = "λC. mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)"
    have "(?to_t C, ?to_t D) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p (σ ∘s (Var ∘ from_option))"
      using assms2 by (intro rstep_r_p_s'_stable)
    moreover have "mctxt_term_conv C ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option) ∈ 𝒯"
      using assms(1) by (elim shallow_context.cases, auto simp: shorter_terms_def 𝒯_def funas_term_subst subset_eq)
        (insert 𝔏_sig, auto simp: 𝒞_def)
    let ?C' = "?to_t C"
    let ?L' = "fill_holes_mctxt (?to_c L) (map (λC. if C = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole) Cs)"
    let ?Cs' = "concat (map (λC. if C = MHole then [] else [?to_t C]) Cs)"
    have "partition_by ?Cs' (map (λC. if C = MHole then 0 else 1) Cs) =
      map (λC. if C = MHole then [] else [?to_t C]) Cs"
      by (auto intro: partition_by_concat_id)
    then have C': "fill_holes ?L' ?Cs' = ?C'" "num_holes ?L' = length ?Cs'"
      using fill_holes_mctxt_fill_holes[of
        "map (λC. if C = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole) Cs" "?to_c L" ?Cs']
        *(2) num_holes_fill_holes_mctxt[of "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) L"
        "map (λC. if C = MHole then MVar (from_option None) else MHole) Cs"]
      by (auto simp: *(4)[symmetric] comp_def length_concat if_distrib mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt
        subst_apply_mctxt_fill_holes subst_apply_mctxt_map_vars_mctxt_conv[unfolded comp_def]
        cong: if_cong intro!: arg_cong[of _ _ "fill_holes _"] nth_equalityI)
    { have "vars_to_holes ?L' = vars_to_holes L" using *(2)[symmetric]
        by (induct L Cs rule: fill_holes_induct) (auto intro!: nth_equalityI simp: comp_def)
      from vars_to_holes_layer[of ?L', unfolded this]
      have "?L' ∈ 𝔏" using *(1) by (simp add: vars_to_holes_layer)
      moreover have "?L' ≤ mctxt_of_term ?C'" using fill_holes_suffix[OF C'(2)] C'(1) by simp
      moreover {
        fix L' assume "L' ∈ tops ?C'"
        hence "L' ∈ 𝔏" "L' ≤ mctxt_of_term ?C'" by (auto simp: topsC_def)
        from vars_to_holes'_mono[OF this(2)] have "vars_to_holes L' ≤ C"
        proof (induct L' arbitrary: C)
          case o: (MFun f Ls) thus ?case
          proof (cases C)
            case (MFun g Cs)
            then show ?thesis using o(1)[of "Ls ! i" "Cs ! i" for i] o(2)
              by (auto intro!: less_eq_mctxtI1(3)[of _ _ Cs] elim: less_eq_mctxtE1)
          qed (auto elim: less_eq_mctxtE1)
        qed auto
        hence "vars_to_holes L' ≤ L"
          using *(1) max_topC_props(2) vars_to_holes_layer topsC_def ‹L' ∈ 𝔏› by blast
        with *(2)[symmetric] `L' ≤ mctxt_of_term ?C'` ** have "L' ≤ ?L'" unfolding *(4)[symmetric]
        proof (induct L Cs arbitrary: L' rule: fill_holes_induct)
          case (MHole C) thus ?case by (cases C; cases L') (auto elim: less_eq_mctxtE1)
          case (MFun f Ls Cs)
          have "i < length Ls ⟹ set (partition_holes Cs Ls ! i) ∩ MVar ` UNIV = {}" for i
            using MFun(1,4) nth_subset_concat[of i "partition_holes Cs Ls"] by auto
          with MFun show ?case
            by (cases L') (auto elim!: less_eq_mctxtE1 intro: less_eq_mctxtI1(3) nth_equalityI simp: comp_def)
        qed auto
      ultimately have "max_top ?C' = ?L'" by (auto intro: max_topCI simp: topsC_def)
    } note max_top_C' = this
    have "p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top ?C')" using *(2)[symmetric] outer(1) unfolding max_top_C'
      by (induct L Cs arbitrary: p rule: fill_holes_induct)
         (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def comp_def)
    ultimately obtain M τ where M: "M ∈ 𝔏"
       "(mctxt_term_conv (max_top ?C'), mctxt_term_conv M)
        ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ"
       by (auto dest: W')
    have ***: "(mctxt_term_conv L, mctxt_term_conv (term_mctxt_conv (mctxt_term_conv M ⋅ (Var ∘ case_option None to_option))))
      ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p (τ ∘s (λx. case x of None ⇒ Var None | Some x ⇒ Var (to_option x)))"
      (is "(_, mctxt_term_conv ?M') ∈ _ p ?τ'")
      using M[unfolded max_top_C'] *(2) fill_holes_mctxt_replicate_MHole[of L]
        mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt[of L "map (λ_. MHole) Cs", symmetric]
      apply (subst (asm) mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt, simp add: C'[folded max_top_C'])
      apply (drule rstep_r_p_s'_stable[where τ = "Var ∘ case_option None to_option"])
      apply (simp add: subst_apply_mctxt_fill_holes subst_apply_mctxt_map_vars_mctxt_conv)
      apply (simp add: comp_def if_distrib if_distrib[of "λx. x _"] option.case_distrib map_replicate_const cong: if_cong)
    have "vars_to_holes ?M' = vars_to_holes M"
    proof (induct M)
      case (MVar x) thus ?case by (cases "to_option x") auto
    qed auto
    then have "?M' ∈ 𝔏" by (metis M(1) vars_to_holes_layer)
    thm rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF ***, where τ = "Var ∘ from_option"]
    from rewrite_aliens_mctxt[OF trs *** *(2)[symmetric], of σ]
    obtain Ds where
      "num_holes (term_mctxt_conv (mctxt_term_conv M ⋅ (Var ∘ case_option None to_option))) = length Ds"
      "(mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt L Cs), mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt (term_mctxt_conv (mctxt_term_conv M ⋅ (Var ∘ case_option None to_option))) Ds)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
      "set Ds ⊆ set Cs"
      using assms2 by (auto simp: *(4) elim!: rstep_r_p_s'.cases) blast
    ultimately show ?thesis using *(3)
      arg_cong[OF rstep_r_p_s'_deterministic[OF trs assms2], where f = term_mctxt_conv]
      by (auto intro!: shallow_context.intros[of "?M'" Ds] simp: *(4))
    case (inner i Ci)
    moreover have "L ∈ 𝔏" using * by auto
    have **: "(term_of_mctxt (Cs ! i), term_of_mctxt Ci) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) (pos_diff p (hole_poss' L ! i)) (σ ∘s term_of_mctxt_subst)"
      using inner(3) unfolding term_of_mctxt_to_mctxt_term_conv by (intro rstep_r_p_s'_stable)
    have "Cs ! i ∈ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms"
      using *(3) nth_mem[OF inner(1)] by auto
    then have ***: "term_of_mctxt (Cs ! i) ∈ shorter_terms" "mctxt_of_term (term_of_mctxt (Cs ! i)) = Cs ! i"
      using inner(3) NF_Var'[OF trs, unfolded rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s'] by force+
    { have "term_of_mctxt Ci ∈ shorter_terms"
        using ** ***(1) rank_preservation[of "term_of_mctxt (Cs ! i)" "term_of_mctxt Ci"]
          𝒯_preservation[of "term_of_mctxt (Cs ! i)" "term_of_mctxt Ci"]
        unfolding rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s' shorter_terms_def by force
      moreover have "mctxt_term_conv (mctxt_of_term (term_of_mctxt Ci)) = mctxt_term_conv Ci"
        using arg_cong[OF ***(2), of mctxt_term_conv] inner(3) trs
          rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF inner(3), of "term_of_mctxt_subst ∘s (Var ∘ Some)"]
        by (auto simp: term_of_mctxt_to_mctxt_term_conv intro: rstep_r_p_s'_deterministic)
      note arg_cong[OF this, of term_mctxt_conv, unfolded term_mctxt_conv_inv]
      ultimately have "Ci ∈ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" by (auto simp: shorter_terms_def image_def)
    then have "set (Cs[i := Ci]) ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms"
      using inner *(3) by (intro set_update_subsetI) auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using * by (intro shallow_context.intros[of L "Cs[i := Ci]"]) auto

lemma shallow_context_closed':
  assumes "C ∈ shallow_context" "(mctxt_term_conv C, mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  shows "D ∈ shallow_context"
  using assms(2,1)
proof (induct "mctxt_term_conv D" arbitrary: D rule: rtrancl_induct)
  case base show ?case by (metis base term_mctxt_conv_inv)
  case (step c') show ?case by (metis step(2-4) shallow_context_closed mctxt_term_conv_inv)

lemma set_aliensC_conv:
  "set (aliensC L) ⊆ {MHole} ∪ (λt. term_mctxt_conv (t ⋅ (Var ∘ to_option))) ` set (aliens (mctxt_term_conv L ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)))"
  unfolding max_topC_max_top_conv using max_topC_prefix[of L]
proof (induct ("max_topC L") L rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
  case (3 Cs Ds f) then show ?case
    apply (auto 0 0 del: subsetI simp del: UN_simps(1) intro!: UN_mono
      simp: image_UN UN_extend_simps(1) map_concat)
    by (subst partition_by_concat_id) auto
qed (auto simp: subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def simp del: subst_subst_compose)

lemma map_vars_mctxt_id[simp]:
  "map_vars_mctxt id = id"
  fix C show "map_vars_mctxt id C = id C" by (induct C) auto

lemma shallow_context_subset_𝒞:
  "shallow_context ⊆ 𝒞"
  by (intro subsetI, elim shallow_context.cases)
    (auto simp: 𝒞_def 𝒯_def shorter_terms_def dest!: subsetD[OF 𝔏_sig] simp: subsetD)

lemma factor_prefix_of_map_vars_mctxt:
  assumes "C ≤ map_vars_mctxt f D"
  obtains C' where "C = map_vars_mctxt f C'" "C' ≤ D"
  using assms
proof (induct C "map_vars_mctxt f D" arbitrary: D thesis rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
  case 1 show ?case by (auto intro: 1[of MHole])
  case (3 Cs fDs g)
  from 3(1,4) obtain Ds where [simp]: "length Cs = length Ds" "D = MFun g Ds" by (cases D) auto
  have "⋀i. i < length Cs ⟹ fDs ! i = map_vars_mctxt f (Ds ! i)" using 3(4) by auto
  from 3(3)[OF _ this] have "⋀i. i < length Cs ⟹ ∃C'. Cs ! i = map_vars_mctxt f C' ∧ C' ≤ Ds ! i" by metis
  then obtain iCs where "⋀i. i < length Cs ⟹ Cs ! i = map_vars_mctxt f (iCs i) ∧ iCs i ≤ Ds ! i" by metis
  then show ?case by (auto intro!: 3(5)[of "MFun g (map iCs [0..<length Cs])"] nth_equalityI intro!: less_eq_mctxtI1)
qed auto

lemma shallow_context_union:
  assumes "C ∈ shallow_context" "D ∈ shallow_context" "(C, D) ∈ comp_mctxt"
  shows "C ⊔ D ∈ shallow_context"
proof -
  obtain L Cs M Ds where
    C: "L ∈ 𝔏" "length Cs = num_holes L" "set Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" "C = fill_holes_mctxt L Cs" and
    D: "M ∈ 𝔏" "length Ds = num_holes M" "set Ds ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" "D = fill_holes_mctxt M Ds" and
    *: "L ≤ C" "M ≤ D"
    using assms(1,2) by (auto elim!: shallow_context.cases)
  from C(1) D(1) * assms(3) have **: "(L, M) ∈ comp_mctxt" "L ⊔ M ≤ C ⊔ D" "L ⊔ M ∈ 𝔏"
    by (meson order.trans dual_order.trans prefix_mctxt_sup prefix_comp_mctxt sup_mctxt_ge1 sup_mctxt_ge2 sup_mctxt_LL)+
  obtain N Es where ***: "N ≤ L ⊔ M" "C ⊔ D = fill_holes_mctxt N Es" "num_holes N = length Es"
    "set Es ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms"
    using **(1) C(2-) D(2-) assms(3)
  proof (induct L M arbitrary: C D Cs Ds thesis rule: comp_mctxt.induct)
    case (MHole1 M)
    then consider (h) "Cs = [MHole]" | (t) t where "t ∈ shorter_terms" "Cs = [mctxt_of_term t]" by (cases Cs) auto
    then show ?case
    proof (cases)
      case h then show ?thesis using MHole1(2-) by (intro MHole1(1)[of M Ds]) auto
      case t then show ?thesis using MHole1(2-)
        by (intro MHole1(1)[of "MHole" "Cs"]) (auto simp: mctxt_of_term_leq_imp_eq less_eq_mctxt_sup_conv2[symmetric])
    case (MHole2 L)
    then consider (h) "Ds = [MHole]" | (t) t where "t ∈ shorter_terms" "Ds = [mctxt_of_term t]" by (cases Ds) auto
    then show ?case
    proof (cases)
      case h then show ?thesis using MHole2(2-) by (intro MHole2(1)[of L Cs]) auto
      case t then show ?thesis using MHole2(2-)
        by (intro MHole2(1)[of "MHole" "Ds"]) (auto simp: mctxt_of_term_leq_imp_eq less_eq_mctxt_sup_conv1[symmetric])
    case (MVar x y)
    show ?case using MVar(1,3,5,6,8) by (intro MVar(2)[of "MVar x" "[]"]) auto
    case (MFun f g Ls Ms)
    { fix i x y assume "i < length Ms"
      note * = MFun(3)[rule_format, OF this, THEN conjunct1]
        MFun(3)[rule_format, OF this, THEN conjunct2, rule_format,
          OF _ _ _ refl _ _ refl,
          of "partition_holes Cs Ls ! i" "partition_holes Ds Ms ! i"]
      have [dest!]: "x ∈ set (partition_holes Cs Ls ! i) ⟹ x ∈ set Cs" for x
        using `i < length Ms` MFun(5)[unfolded num_holes.simps]
        by (metis MFun.hyps(2) in_set_idx length_map length_partition_by_nth partition_by_nth_nth_elem)
      have [dest!]: "x ∈ set (partition_holes Ds Ms ! i) ⟹ x ∈ set Ds" for x
        using `i < length Ms` MFun(8)[unfolded num_holes.simps]
        by (metis MFun.hyps(2) in_set_idx length_map length_partition_by_nth partition_by_nth_nth_elem)
      have "∃Ni Esi. Ni ≤ Ls ! i ⊔ Ms ! i ∧
         fill_holes_mctxt (Ls ! i) (partition_holes Cs Ls ! i) ⊔
         fill_holes_mctxt (Ms ! i) (partition_holes Ds Ms ! i) = fill_holes_mctxt Ni Esi ∧
         num_holes Ni = length Esi ∧
         set Esi ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms"
        using `i < length Ms` MFun(1,2,5-11) by (subst *(2)) (auto dest!: comp_MFunD)
    then obtain Nf Esf where
      *: "i < length Ms ⟹ Nf i ≤ Ls ! i ⊔ Ms ! i ∧
         fill_holes_mctxt (Ls ! i) (partition_holes Cs Ls ! i) ⊔
         fill_holes_mctxt (Ms ! i) (partition_holes Ds Ms ! i) = fill_holes_mctxt (Nf i) (Esf i) ∧
         num_holes (Nf i) = length (Esf i) ∧
         set (Esf i) ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" for i by metis
    let ?Ns = "map Nf [0..<length Ms]" and ?Ess = "map Esf [0..<length Ms]"
    show ?case
      using * MFun(1,2,5-) partition_by_concat_id[of ?Ess "map num_holes ?Ns"]
      apply (intro MFun(4)[OF less_eq_mctxtI1(3), of f "map (λ(x,y). x ⊔ y) (zip Ls Ms)" ?Ns "concat ?Ess"])
      apply (auto intro!: nth_equalityI[of "map _ _"] arg_cong[of _ _ sum_list]
        arg_cong[of _ _ "fill_holes_mctxt (Nf _)"]
        simp: length_concat in_set_conv_nth[of _ ?Ess])
      apply blast
  have "mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option) ∈ 𝒯" using assms
    by (auto simp: 𝒯_def funas_term_subst funas_mctxt_sup_mctxt 𝒞_def dest!: subsetD[OF shallow_context_subset_𝒞])
  moreover {
    have "N ≤ max_topC (C ⊔ D)"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) **(2,3) ***(1) dual_order.trans max_topC_props(2) mem_Collect_eq topsC_def)
    note map_vars_mctxt_mono[OF this, of "from_option ∘ Some"]
    moreover have "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) (max_topC (C ⊔ D)) ≤ mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
      using map_vars_mctxt_mono[OF max_topC_prefix, of "from_option ∘ Some" "C ⊔ D"]
        map_vars_mctxt_mono[OF map_vars_Some_le_mctxt_of_term_mctxt_term_conv, of from_option "C ⊔ D"]
      by (simp add: mctxt_of_term_var_subst)
    then have "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) (max_topC (C ⊔ D)) ∈ tops (mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
      by (simp add: topsC_def)
    note max_topC_props(2)[OF this]
    ultimately have "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) N ≤ max_top (mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
      by simp
  } note N = this
  moreover have "max_list (map rank (filter is_Fun (map (λE. mctxt_term_conv E ⋅ (λx. Var (from_option x))) Es))) ≤ rk"
    using ***(1-3) subsetD[OF ***(4), simplified, dest!]
    by (auto intro!: max_list_mono[of _ "[rk]", unfolded max_list.simps max_0R]
      simp del: subst_subst_compose simp: subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def rank_var_subst[unfolded comp_def] rank_var shorter_terms_def)
  ultimately have rk: "max_list (map rank (aliens (mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)))) ≤ rk"
    using rank_by_top'[of "mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)" "map_vars_mctxt (from_option ∘ Some) N", unfolded rank.simps[of "_ ⋅ _"]]
       *** unfill_holes_var_subst[of "map_vars_mctxt Some N" "mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D)" from_option]
       order.trans[OF map_vars_mctxt_mono[of N "C ⊔ D" Some] map_vars_Some_le_mctxt_of_term_mctxt_term_conv[of "C ⊔ D"]]
    by (auto simp: comp_def unfill_holes_map_vars_mctxt_Some_mctxt_term_conv_conv unfill_fill_holes_mctxt)
  { { fix f s t
      assume "map_vars_term f s ⊵ t" "s ∈ 𝒯"
      then consider s' where "s' ∈ 𝒯" "map_vars_term f s' = t" unfolding 𝒯_def
      proof (induct "map_vars_term f s" t arbitrary: s thesis)
        case (subt u ss t f) then show ?case by (cases s) (auto simp: UN_subset_iff, blast)
      qed simp
    } note [elim] = this
    fix M s t f
    assume x: "M ≤ mctxt_of_term (s ⋅ (Var ∘ f))" "t ∈ set (unfill_holes M (s ⋅ (Var ∘ f)))" "s ∈ 𝒯"
    then have "∃s'. s' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ t = s' ⋅ (Var ∘ f)"
      by (auto dest!: unfill_holes_subt simp: map_vars_term_eq[symmetric])
  } note **** = this[unfolded comp_def]
  { fix s
    define M where "M = max_top (mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt N Es) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option))"
    from max_top_prefix[of "mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt N Es) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)", folded M_def]
      obtain M' where M': "M = map_vars_mctxt from_option M'" "M' ≤ mctxt_of_term (mctxt_term_conv (fill_holes_mctxt N Es))"
      by (auto simp: mctxt_of_term_var_subst elim: factor_prefix_of_map_vars_mctxt)
    assume s: "s ∈ set (aliens (mctxt_term_conv (C ⊔ D) ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option)))"
    have "s = Var (from_option None) ∨ (∃s'. s' ∈ 𝒯 ∧ s = s' ⋅ (Var ∘ from_option ∘ Some))"
      using ***(3) s map_vars_mctxt_mono[OF N, of to_option] M'(2)
      unfolding ***(2) M_def[symmetric] M'(1)
      apply (subst (asm) unfill_holes_var_subst, simp add: M'(2))
      unfolding map_vars_mctxt_map_vars_mctxt comp_def to_from_option map_vars_mctxt_id Multihole_Context.map_vars_mctxt_id
      apply (subst (asm) (2) mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt; (simp; fail)?)
      apply (subst (asm) (1) mctxt_of_term_fill_holes'; (simp; fail)?)
      apply (subst (asm) (1 3) fill_unfill_holes_mctxt[of "map_vars_mctxt Some N" M', symmetric]; (simp; fail)?)
      apply (subst (asm) less_eq_fill_holes_iff; (simp; fail)?)
      apply (subst (asm) unfill_holes_by_prefix'; (simp add: fill_unfill_holes_mctxt M'(2); fail)?)
      using subsetD[OF ***(4), OF nth_mem]
      by (force simp: shorter_terms_def set_conv_nth[of "zip _ _"]
        mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt unfill_fill_holes comp_def
        subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def simp del: subst_subst_compose
        elim!: less_eq_mctxt_MVarE2
        dest!: ****[of "unfill_holes_mctxt (map_vars_mctxt Some N) M' ! _" _ Some]
    with s order.trans[OF imageI[OF s, of rank, folded set_map, THEN max_list] rk]
    have "s ∈ {Var (from_option None)} ∪ (shorter_terms ⋅set (Var ∘ from_option ∘ Some))"
      by (auto simp: shorter_terms_def image_def rank_var_subst[of _ "_ ∘ _", unfolded o_assoc])
  note [dest!] = this show ?thesis
  by (intro shallow_context.intros[of "max_topC (C ⊔ D)" "aliensC (C ⊔ D)"]
    length_unfill_holes_mctxt max_topC_prefix fill_unfill_holes_mctxt[symmetric] max_topC_layer
    subset_trans[OF set_aliensC_conv])
    (auto simp: image_def subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def
    term_mctxt_conv_mctxt_of_term_conv[unfolded comp_def] simp del: subst_subst_compose)

lemma max_top_le_base:
  assumes "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  shows "max_top t ≤ B"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def intro!: fill_holes_mctxt_suffix length_unfill_holes max_top_prefix)

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.19› FMZvO15}›

lemma base_decomp_max:
  assumes t: "t ∈ native_terms" and C: "C ∈ shallow_context" "C ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
    and bd: "(B, ts) = base_decomp t"
  shows "C ≤ B"
proof -
  have B: "B ∈ shallow_context" "B ≤ mctxt_of_term t" using assms(1,4)
    using t C by (auto simp: native_terms_def base_decomp_shallow base_decomp_prefix)
  have c: "(B, C) ∈ comp_mctxt" using B C by (intro prefix_comp_mctxt)
  have mt: "max_topC (B ⊔ C) = max_top t"
    using B C max_top_le_base[OF bd] sup_mctxt_ge1[OF c]
    by (auto intro!: antisym intro: max_topC_mono prefix_mctxt_sup max_topC_props(2) simp: topsC_def)
  have "B ⊔ C ∈ shallow_context" using B C c by (intro shallow_context_union)
  from shallow_context_decomp[OF this]
  obtain Ds where Ds: "length Ds = num_holes (max_top t)"
    "set Ds ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms - range MVar"
    "B ⊔ C = fill_holes_mctxt (max_top t) Ds" by (metis mt)
  note * = trans[OF arg_cong[OF fill_unfill_holes[of "max_top t" t], of mctxt_of_term, symmetric]
      mctxt_of_term_fill_holes'[of "max_top t" "aliens t"], OF max_top_prefix length_unfill_holes[symmetric, OF max_top_prefix]]
  have "B ≥ B ⊔ C"
    using B(2) sup_mctxt_least[OF c B(2) C(2)] max_top_prefix[of t] Ds(1) subsetD[OF Ds(2), OF nth_mem] bd
    unfolding Ds(3)
    apply (simp only: base_decomp_def Let_def prod.inject native_terms_def)
    apply (subst (asm) (3 5) *)
    apply (subst (asm) (1 2) less_eq_fill_holes_iff; (simp; fail)?)
    apply (subst (1) less_eq_fill_holes_iff; (simp; fail)?)
    apply (auto simp: native_terms_def max_list_bound shorter_terms_def image_def intro!: less_eq_mctxtI2)
    by (metis mctxt_of_term_inj mctxt_of_term_leq_imp_eq)
  then show ?thesis using c antisym sup_mctxt_ge2 by fastforce

text ‹This is a refinement of @{cite ‹Lemma 3.8› FMZvO15} (@{thm rank_by_top}}, but seems hard to
  extract from the existing proof.›

lemma shallow_to_base_no_new_holes:
  assumes "C ∈ shallow_context" "num_holes C = length ts" "set ts ⊆ short_terms"
    "(B, ss) = base_decomp (fill_holes C ts)"
  shows "hole_poss B ⊆ hole_poss C"
proof (intro subsetI, rule ccontr)
  let ?t = "fill_holes C ts"
  have t: "?t ∈ native_terms" using assms by (intro fill_shallow_context_imp_native)
  then have "C ≤ B" using assms
    by (auto intro: base_decomp_max[of ?t C B ss])
  fix p assume p: "p ∈ hole_poss B" "p ∉ hole_poss C"
  then obtain q where q: "q ∈ hole_poss C" "q < p"
    by (auto elim: factor_hole_pos_by_prefix[OF `C ≤ B`] simp: less_pos_def)
  then have "fill_holes C ts |_ q ∈ set ts"
    using subt_at_fill_holes[OF assms(2)[symmetric]] set_hole_poss'
    by (metis assms(2) in_set_conv_nth length_hole_poss')
  then have "rank (fill_holes C ts |_ q) ≤ Suc rk" using assms(3) by (auto simp: short_terms_def)
  with q(2) show False
  proof (induct "size p - size q" arbitrary: q rule: less_induct)
    case less note q = less(2,3)
    obtain i where i: "i < num_holes (max_top ?t)" "p = hole_poss' (max_top ?t) ! i"
      "¬ rank (aliens ?t ! i) ≤ rk"
      using assms(2,4) p(1) hole_poss_fill_holes_mctxt[of "max_top ?t"
        "map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) (aliens ?t)"]
      by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def max_top_prefix split: if_splits)
    then have r: "rank (aliens ?t ! i) = Suc rk" and p': "p ∈ hole_poss (max_top ?t)"
      using subsetD[OF aliens_short_terms[OF t], OF nth_mem, of i]
      by (auto simp: short_terms_def max_top_prefix set_hole_poss'[symmetric])
    have "q ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top ?t)" using q(1) i
      proper_prefix_hole_poss_imp_funposs[of p "max_top ?t" q]
      nth_mem[of i "hole_poss' (max_top ?t)", unfolded set_hole_poss']
      by auto
    note x = this subsetD[OF funposs_mctxt_subset_poss_mctxt, OF this]
      subsetD[OF funposs_mctxt_subset_all_poss_mctxt, OF this]
    moreover have y: "q ∈ poss ?t" using q(1) assms(2)
      using all_poss_mctxt_mctxt_of_term all_poss_mctxt_mono max_topC_prefix x(3) by blast
    moreover have "(subm_at (max_top (fill_holes C ts)) q, max_top (fill_holes C ts |_ q)) ∈ comp_mctxt"
      using less_eq_subm_at[OF _ max_top_prefix[of ?t], of q] x
        subm_at_mctxt_of_term[of q ?t]
      by (auto intro!: prefix_comp_mctxt[of _ "mctxt_of_term (?t |_ q)"] max_top_prefix simp: y)
    ultimately have "max_top (fill_holes C ts |_ q) ≤ subm_at (max_top (fill_holes C ts)) q"
      using L3[of "max_top ?t" "max_top (?t |_ q)" q, OF max_top_layer max_top_layer]
      apply (subst less_eq_mctxt_sup_conv2, simp add: comp_mctxt_sym)
      apply (subst (1) sup_mctxt_idem[symmetric, of "subm_at _ _"])
      apply (subst sup_mctxt_assoc; (simp add: comp_mctxt_refl comp_mctxt_sym; fail)?)
      apply (subst less_eq_mctxt_sup_conv2[symmetric])
      apply (intro prefix_comp_mctxt[of _ "subm_at (max_top ?t) q"])
      apply (auto simp: merge_mreplace_at replace_at_subm_at[unfolded all_poss_mctxt_conv, OF UnI1]
        intro!: iffD1[OF compare_mreplace_at[of q "max_top ?t" _ "subm_at _ _"]] max_top_props(2))
      using compare_mreplace_atI[OF max_top_prefix max_top_prefix, of q ?t "?t |_ q"]
        subm_at_mctxt_of_term[of q ?t] replace_at_subm_at[of q "mctxt_of_term ?t"]
      by (auto simp:  topsC_def max_top_prefix intro!: prefix_mctxt_sup)
    moreover have "pos_diff p q ∈ hole_poss (subm_at (max_top (fill_holes C ts)) q)"
      using p' q(1) by (auto intro: pos_diff_hole_possI)
    ultimately obtain "q'" where q': "q' ≤ pos_diff p q" "q' ∈ hole_poss (max_top (?t |_ q))"
      using factor_hole_pos_by_prefix by blast
    moreover have sig: "mctxt_of_term (?t |_ q) ∈ 𝒞" "?t |_ q ∈ 𝒯" using x y t
      by (auto simp: 𝒞_def native_terms_def 𝒯_def funas_term_subt_at)
    ultimately have q'': "q' ≠ ε" using non_empty_max_top_non_empty[of "mctxt_of_term (?t |_ q)"]
      by (cases "max_top (fill_holes C ts |_ q)") auto
    have "?t |_ (q <#> q') ∈ set (aliens (?t |_ q))" using y q'
      by (auto simp: unfill_holes_conv max_top_prefix image_def set_hole_poss')
    then have qq': "rank (?t |_ (q <#> q')) ≤ rk"
      using q(2) sig by (subst (asm) rank.simps) (auto simp: max_list_bound_set)
    show ?case
    proof (cases "q' = pos_diff p q")
      case True
      moreover have "rank (?t |_ p) = Suc rk" using r i by (simp add: unfill_holes_conv max_top_prefix)
      ultimately show ?thesis using qq' q by simp
      case False then show ?thesis using q q' qq' q''
        by (auto intro!: less(1)[of "q <#> q'"] simp: diff_less_mono2)
          (metis less_pos_def less_simps(2) prefix_pos_diff)

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.16› FMZvO15}›

lemma single_step_to_short_step:
  assumes "s ∈ native_terms"
    "(B, ss) = base_decomp s" "p ∈ poss_mctxt B" "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ short_step"
proof -
  note trs
  moreover have "num_holes (max_top s) = length (aliens s)"
    by (simp add: max_top_prefix)
  moreover have "(fill_holes (max_top s) (aliens s), t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
    using assms(4) by (simp add: max_top_prefix fill_unfill_holes)
    obtain τ C where "(mctxt_term_conv B, mctxt_term_conv C) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ"
  proof (cases rule: rewrite_cases_wf)
    case outer
    let ?ss = "map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) (aliens s)"
    have "s ∈ 𝒯" using assms(1) by (auto simp: native_terms_def)
    from W'[OF this outer(1) assms(4)] obtain D τ where
      D: "D ∈ 𝔏" "(mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ"
      by blast
    have x: "l ⋅ σ = s |_ p" "p ∈ poss s" using assms(4) by auto
    have "mctxt_term_conv B = fill_holes (map_vars_mctxt Some (max_top s)) (map mctxt_term_conv ?ss)"
      using assms(2) by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt max_top_prefix)
    moreover have "map (map_vars_term Some) (aliens s) ∝ map mctxt_term_conv ?ss"
      by (intro refines_trans[OF refines_map[of _ "map_vars_term (the_inv Some)"]])
        (auto simp: refines_def inj_map_vars_term_the_inv[OF inj_Some])
    ultimately obtain ts' τ' where "num_holes D = length ts'"
      "(mctxt_term_conv B, mctxt_term_conv (term_mctxt_conv (
         fill_holes (map_vars_mctxt Some D) ts'))) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ'"
      "set ts' ⊆ set (map mctxt_term_conv ?ss)"
      using rewrite_balanced_aliens[OF trs, of
        "map_vars_mctxt Some (max_top s)" "map_vars_mctxt Some D" l r p
        "map_vars_term (map_option Some) ∘ τ" "map (map_vars_term Some) (aliens s)"
        "map_vars_term Some ∘ σ" "map mctxt_term_conv ?ss"]
        rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF D(2), of "Var ∘ map_option Some"]
        arg_cong[OF x(1), of "λt. t ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)"] x(2)
      by (auto simp: subst_compose_def comp_def mctxt_term_conv_map_vars_mctxt_subst
        map_vars_term_eq max_top_prefix map_vars_term_fill_holes[symmetric] fill_unfill_holes
        subst_subst_compose[symmetric] simp del: subst_subst_compose)
    then show ?thesis using that by blast
    case (inner i ti)
    obtain q where *:  "p = hole_poss' (max_top s) ! i <#> q" and [simp]: "pos_diff p (hole_poss' (max_top s) ! i) = q"
      using inner(4) by (auto intro!: that)
    let ?ss' = "map (λt. if rank t ≤ rk then mctxt_of_term t else MHole) (aliens s)"
    have B: "B = fill_holes_mctxt (max_top s) ?ss'" using assms(1,2) by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def)
    have r: "rank (aliens s ! i) ≤ rk"
      using assms(3) inner unfolding B * poss_mctxt_append_poss_mctxt
      by (subst (asm) subm_at_fill_holes_mctxt) (auto simp: max_top_prefix split: if_splits)
    show ?thesis
      apply (intro that[of "fill_holes_mctxt (max_top s) (?ss'[i := mctxt_of_term ti])" "mctxt_term_conv ∘ mctxt_of_term ∘ σ"])
      apply (subst B)
      apply (subst (1 2) mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt; (simp add: max_top_prefix; fail)?)
      unfolding map_update *
      apply (subst hole_poss'_map_vars_mctxt[of Some "max_top s", symmetric])
      apply (subst fill_holes_rstep_r_p_s')
      using inner(1-2) rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF inner(3), of "Var ∘ Some"]
      apply (auto simp: max_top_prefix comp_def subst_compose_def r)
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: mirror_step.intros[OF assms(4)] short_stepI[OF assms(1,2), OF r_into_rtrancl])

lemma single_step_to_tall_step:
  assumes "s ∈ native_terms"
    "(B, ss) = base_decomp s" "p ∉ poss_mctxt B" "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ tall_step"
proof -
  obtain i ti where "i < length ss" "t = fill_holes B (ss[i := ti])"
    "(ss ! i, ti) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) (pos_diff p (hole_poss' B ! i)) σ"
    using assms rewrite_cases[of B ss t  l r p σ]
    by (simp only: base_decomp_fill_holes) metis
  then show ?thesis using assms
    by (intro tall_step.intros[of s B ss "ss[i := ti]" t])
      (fastforce simp: base_decomp_fill_holes nth_list_update rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')+

lemma single_step_to_any_step:
  "s ∈ native_terms ⟹ (s, t) ∈ rstep' ℛ ⟹ (s, t) ∈ short_step ∪ tall_step"
  using single_step_to_short_step[of s] single_step_to_tall_step[of s]
  by (auto simp: rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s') (metis surj_pair)

lemma mirror_step_to_short_step:
  assumes "L ∈ shallow_context" "set ss ⊆ short_terms"
    "length ss = num_holes L" "length ts = num_holes M"
    "((fill_holes L ss, L), (fill_holes M ts, M)) ∈ mirror_step"
  shows "(fill_holes L ss, fill_holes M ts) ∈ short_step"
proof -
  obtain l r p σ τ where *: "(fill_holes L ss, fill_holes M ts) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
    "(mctxt_term_conv L, mctxt_term_conv M) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ"
    using assms(5) by auto
  note ** = fill_shallow_context_imp_native[OF assms(1) assms(3)[symmetric] assms(2)]
  moreover have "p ∈ poss_mctxt L" using  wf_trs_implies_funposs[OF trs *(2)]
    funposs_mctxt_subset_poss_mctxt by (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def[symmetric])
  then have "p ∈ poss_mctxt (fst (base_decomp (fill_holes L ss)))"
    using base_decomp_max[OF ** assms(1) _ prod.collapse] assms(3) poss_mctxt_mono by fastforce
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (intro single_step_to_short_step[OF _ prod.collapse _ *(1)])

lemma mirror_steps_to_short_steps:
  assumes "L ∈ shallow_context" "set ss ⊆ short_terms"
    "length ss = num_holes L" "length ts = num_holes M"
    "((fill_holes L ss, L), (fill_holes M ts, M)) ∈ mirror_step*"
  shows "(fill_holes L ss, fill_holes M ts) ∈ short_step*"
  using assms(5,1-4)
proof (induct "(fill_holes L ss, L)" arbitrary: L ss rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
  case (step z)
  obtain z1 z2 where z: "z = (z1, z2)" by (metis prod.collapse)
  note mirror_step_preserves_prefix[OF _ step(1)[unfolded z]]
  moreover then have "(fill_holes z2 (unfill_holes z2 z1), fill_holes M ts) ∈ short_step*"
    using step(1,4,5,6) assms(4) mirror_step_aliens_mono[OF step(6), of "unfill_holes z2 z1" z2]
    by (intro step(3))
      (auto simp: fill_unfill_holes z rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s' intro!: shallow_context_closed[OF step(4), of z2], blast)
  ultimately show ?case
    using mirror_step_to_short_step[OF step(4,5,6), of "unfill_holes z2 z1" z2] step(1,6)
    by (auto simp: z fill_unfill_holes)
qed auto

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.21› FMZvO15}›

lemma tall_short:
    "C ∈ shallow_context" "set ss ⊆ short_terms"
    "num_holes C = length ss" "num_holes C = length ts"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  obtains ss' ι where
    "num_holes C = length ss'"
    "(fill_holes C ss, fill_holes C ss') ∈ tall_step_i ι" "ι ≤ imbalance ts"
    "(fill_holes C ss', fill_holes C ts) ∈ short_step*"
proof -
  let ?s = "fill_holes C ss"
  have "?s ∈ native_terms" "?s ∈ 𝒯"
    using fill_shallow_context_imp_native[OF assms(1,3,2)] by (simp_all add: native_terms_def)
  obtain B ss0 where B: "(B, ss0) = base_decomp ?s" "hole_poss B ⊆ hole_poss C"
    using shallow_to_base_no_new_holes[OF assms(1,3,2)] by (metis surj_pair)
  let ?Bs = "unfill_holes_mctxt C B"
  have "C ≤ B" using base_decomp_max[OF `?s ∈ native_terms` assms(1) fill_holes_suffix[OF assms(3)] B(1)] .
  let ?ss' = "map (λi. if ?Bs ! i = MHole then ts ! i else ss ! i) [0..<num_holes C]"
  let ?ts' = "map (λi. ts ! i) (filter (λi. ?Bs ! i = MHole) [0..<num_holes C])"
  have hp: "[p←hole_poss' C . subm_at B p = MHole] = hole_poss' B"
    using `C ≤ B` `hole_poss B ⊆ hole_poss C` unfolding set_hole_poss'[symmetric]
  proof (induct C B rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
    case (1 B)
    then show ?case by (cases B, auto simp: UN_subset_iff image_subset_iff)
    case (3 cs ds f) show ?case using 3(1,4)
      by (auto simp: filter_concat filter_map comp_def intro!: arg_cong[of _ _ "concat"] arg_cong[of _ _ "map _"] 3(3))
         (auto simp: image_def dest!: subsetD)
  qed auto
  have ss0: "ss0 = map (op ! ss) [i←[0..<num_holes C] . unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole]"
    using assms(3) filter_map[of "λp. subm_at B p = MHole" "op ! (hole_poss' C)" "[0..<num_holes C]", unfolded comp_def]
      map_nth[of "hole_poss' C"]
    unfolding unfill_holes_mctxt_conv[OF `C ≤ B`] hp[symmetric]
      unfill_fill_holes[OF base_decomp_fill_holes(1)[OF B(1)], symmetric, unfolded filter_map base_decomp_fill_holes(2)[OF B(1)] unfill_holes_conv[OF base_decomp_prefix[OF B(1)]]]
    by (auto simp: comp_def) (auto intro!: map_cong subt_at_fill_holes filter_cong)
  have "p ∈ hole_poss C ⟹ subm_at B p ≠ MHole ⟹ subm_at (mctxt_of_term ?s) p = subm_at B p" for p
    unfolding base_decomp_fill_holes(2)[OF B(1), symmetric] using `C ≤ B` B(2) base_decomp_fill_holes(1)[OF B(1), symmetric]
  proof (induct C B arbitrary: p ss0 rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
    case (1 B) moreover then have "hole_poss B = {}"
      by auto (metis 1(1,2) empty_iff hole_poss.simps(2) subm_at_hole_poss subset_singletonD)
    ultimately show ?case using length_hole_poss'[of B] set_hole_poss'[of B]
      by (auto simp del: length_hole_poss') (metis fill_holes_suffix list.size(3) unfill_by_itselfD unfill_fill_holes)
    case (3 cs ds f) show ?case using 3(1,2,4,5,6,7) by (auto intro!: 3(3)) auto
  qed auto
  from this[OF nth_mem[of _ "hole_poss' C", unfolded set_hole_poss']]
  have B': "B = fill_holes_mctxt C (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then MHole else mctxt_of_term (ss ! i)) [0..<num_holes C])"
    apply (subst fill_unfill_holes_mctxt[OF `C ≤ B`, symmetric])
    using `C ≤ B` subm_at_fill_holes_mctxt[of "map mctxt_of_term ss" C, symmetric]
    by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI arg_cong[of _ _ "fill_holes_mctxt C"] simp: unfill_holes_mctxt_conv assms(3))
  have ts: "set ts ⊆ short_terms" by (metis assms(2-5) short_sequence_rsteps(1))
  show thesis
  proof (intro that[of ?ss' "imbalance ?ts'"], goal_cases)
    case 2 thus ?case
    proof (intro tall_step_i.intros[OF B(1) `?s ∈ native_terms` _ _ _ refl, of ?ts'], goal_cases)
      case 1
      have *: "filter (λp. subm_at B p = MHole) (hole_poss' C) =
        map (op ! (hole_poss' C)) [i←[0..<num_holes C] . map (subm_at B) (hole_poss' C) ! i = MHole]"
        using filter_map[of "λp. subm_at B p = MHole" "op ! (hole_poss' C)" "[0..<num_holes C]"]
        by (auto simp: comp_def length_hole_poss'[of C, symmetric] map_nth simp del: length_hole_poss'
          cong: map_cong intro!: arg_cong[of _ _ "map (op ! (hole_poss' C))"] filter_cong)
      from arg_cong[OF hp, of length] show ?case using `C ≤ B` by (simp add: unfill_holes_mctxt_conv *)
      case 2
      show ?case using `C ≤ B`
        apply (subst (2) B')
        apply (subst fill_holes_mctxt_fill_holes, simp, simp add: num_holes_fill_holes_mctxt comp_def if_distrib length_filter_sum_list cong: if_cong)
        apply (intro arg_cong[of _ _ "fill_holes _"] map_cong refl)
        using arg_cong[OF partition_by_predicate[of _ "[0..<num_holes C]" "λi. unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole"], of _ "map (op ! ts)"]
        by (simp add: comp_def if_distrib cong: if_cong)
      case (3 i)
      show ?case using 3 base_decomp_fill_holes(1)[OF B(1), symmetric] assms(3,4) `C ≤ B`
        nth_mem[of i "[i←[0..<length ss] . unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole]"] by (auto intro!: assms(5) simp: ss0)
    case 3 thus ?case using assms(4) by (auto simp: imbalance_def image_def intro!: card_mono)
    case 4
    have *: "fill_holes_mctxt C (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then MHole else mctxt_of_term (ss ! i)) [0..<num_holes C]) ∈ shallow_context"
      unfolding B'[symmetric] using base_decomp_shallow[OF `?s ∈ 𝒯` B(1)] .
    { fix n
      assume "⋀i. n ≤ i ⟹ i < num_holes C ⟹ ss ! i = ts ! i"
      then have
       "(fill_holes C (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then ts ! i else ss ! i)
        [0..<num_holes C]), fill_holes C ts) ∈ short_step*" (is "?X ss")
        using assms(3,5,2) *
      proof (induct n arbitrary: ss)
        case 0
        then have "(map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then ts ! i else ss ! i) [0..<num_holes C]) = ts"
          using assms(4) by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI)
        then show ?case by simp
        case (Suc n) thus ?case
        proof (cases "n < length ss")
          case True
          from Suc(2) have **: "n ≤ i ⟹ i < num_holes C ⟹ ss[n := ts ! n] ! i = ts ! i"
            "i < length ss ⟹ (ss[n := ts ! n] ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" for i
            using assms(4) Suc(3,4) by (cases "n = i"; simp)+
          moreover have "set (ss[n := ts ! n]) ⊆ short_terms"
            using True Suc(3,5) ts assms(4) by (auto simp: set_conv_nth nth_list_update)
          have *: "fill_holes_mctxt C (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then MHole else mctxt_of_term (ss[n := ts ! n] ! i)) [0..<num_holes C]) ∈ shallow_context"
            using Suc(3) Suc(4)[of n] True
            by (auto simp: mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt nth_list_update intro!: shallow_context_closed'[OF Suc(6)] fill_holes_rsteps rsteps'_stable)
          ultimately have "?X (ss[n := ts ! n])" (is "(?F (ss[n := ts ! n]), _) ∈ _")
            using Suc(1)[of "ss[n := ts ! n]"] Suc(3,5) by auto
          moreover have "(?F ss, ?F (ss[n := ts ! n])) ∈ short_step*"
            using Suc(4)[OF True] True Suc(5,3,6)
          proof (induct "ss ! n" arbitrary: ss rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
            case (step ssn')
            obtain l r p σ where sss: "(ss ! n, ssn') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ"
              using step(1)[unfolded rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s'] by blast 
            have "(?F ss, ?F (ss[n := ssn'])) ∈ short_step="
            proof (cases "unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! n = MHole")
              case True then show ?thesis
                using step(4) by (intro UnI2) (auto simp: nth_list_update intro!: arg_cong[of _ _ "fill_holes _"])
              case False
              then have *: "map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then ts ! i else ss[n := ssn'] ! i) [0..<num_holes C] =
                (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then ts ! i else ss ! i) [0..<num_holes C])[n := ssn']"
                using step(4) by (auto simp: nth_list_update intro!: nth_equalityI)
              show ?thesis using step(4-) ts assms(4) unfolding *
              proof (intro UnI1 single_step_to_short_step[OF _ prod.collapse, of _ "hole_poss' C ! n <#> p" _ l r σ] fill_shallow_context_imp_native, goal_cases)
                case 4
                let ?B' = "fill_holes_mctxt C (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then MHole else mctxt_of_term (ss ! i)) [0..<num_holes C])"
                show ?case
                proof (subst subsetD[OF poss_mctxt_mono[OF base_decomp_max], OF _ _ _ prod.collapse, of _ ?B'], goal_cases)
                  case 1 then show ?case
                    using assms(1,4) step(5,6) ts by (intro fill_shallow_context_imp_native) auto
                  case 2 then show ?case using step(7) .
                  case 4 then show ?case using step(4) step(6)[symmetric] set_hole_poss'[of C]
                    unfolding poss_mctxt_append_poss_mctxt
                    using subsetD[OF _ nth_mem, of _ "hole_poss C"] wf_trs_implies_funposs[OF trs sss] False
                    by (intro conjI subsetD[OF fill_holes_mctxt_extends_all_poss])
                      (auto simp: all_poss_mctxt_conv subm_at_fill_holes_mctxt funposs_imp_poss)
                qed (auto simp: mctxt_of_term_fill_holes' less_eq_fill_holes_iff)
                case 5
                then show ?case using sss False
                  apply (subst replace_at_fill_holes[symmetric], simp, simp)
                  apply (intro HOL.subst[of _ _ "λt. (t, _) ∈ _", OF _ HOL.subst[of _ _ "λp. _ ∈ rstep_r_p_s' _ _ (p <#> _) _", OF _ rstep_r_p_s'_mono]],
                    subst ctxt_supt_id)
                  by (auto simp: hole_poss_in_poss_fill_holes subt_at_fill_holes)
              qed (auto simp: assms(1))
            moreover have "set (ss[n := ssn']) ⊆ short_terms"
              using short_terms_closed[OF _ step(1)] step(4,5) set_update_subset_insert[of ss n ssn']
              by (auto simp: subset_eq)
            moreover note step(7)
            then have "fill_holes_mctxt C (map (λi. if unfill_holes_mctxt C B ! i = MHole then MHole else mctxt_of_term (ss[n := ssn'] ! i)) [0..<num_holes C]) ∈ shallow_context"
              using step(1,4)
              by (auto 0 3 simp: mctxt_term_conv_fill_holes_mctxt nth_list_update
                intro!: shallow_context_closed'[OF step(7)] fill_holes_rsteps rsteps'_stable)
            ultimately show ?case using step(3)[of "ss[n := ssn']"] step(4-6) by (auto cong: if_cong)
          qed (auto cong: if_cong)
          ultimately show ?thesis by auto
        qed auto
    } note this[of "num_holes C"]
    then show ?case by auto
  qed auto

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.23› FMZvO15}›

lemma tall_tall_peak:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ tall_step_i ι" "(s, u) ∈ tall_step_i κ"
  obtains ι' κ' t' u' v where "ι' ≤ ι" "κ' ≤ κ"
    "(t, t') ∈ tall_step_i κ'" "(t', v) ∈ short_step*"
    "(u, u') ∈ tall_step_i ι'" "(u', v) ∈ short_step*"
proof -
  from assms obtain B ss ts us where
    s: "s ∈ native_terms" "(B, ss) = base_decomp s" and
    t: "length ts = num_holes B" "t = fill_holes B ts"
      "⋀i. i < num_holes B ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "ι = imbalance ts" and
    u: "length us = num_holes B" "u = fill_holes B us"
      "⋀i. i < num_holes B ⟹ (ss ! i, us ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "κ = imbalance us"
    by (elim tall_step_i.cases) (auto, metis prod.inject)
  have B: "B ∈ shallow_context" "set ss ⊆ short_terms" "num_holes B = length ss"
    using s aliens_short_terms[of s] base_decomp_aliens[OF _ s(2)]
    by (auto simp: native_terms_def base_decomp_shallow base_decomp_fill_holes)
  then obtain vs where *: "length vs = length ss"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ts ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (us ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "ts ∝ vs" "us ∝ vs"
    "set ts ⊆ short_terms" "set us ⊆ short_terms" "set vs ⊆ short_terms"
    using balance_short_sequences[of ts ss us] t(1-3) u(1-3) by auto
  moreover obtain ts' ι' where "num_holes B = length ts'"
    "(fill_holes B ts, fill_holes B ts') ∈ tall_step_i ι'"
    "ι' ≤ imbalance vs" "(fill_holes B ts', fill_holes B vs) ∈ short_step*"
    using tall_short[OF B(1) *(6) t(1)[symmetric], of vs thesis] *(1,2) t(1) B(3) by auto
  moreover obtain us' κ' where "num_holes B = length us'"
    "(fill_holes B us, fill_holes B us') ∈ tall_step_i κ'"
    "κ' ≤ imbalance vs" "(fill_holes B us', fill_holes B vs) ∈ short_step*"
    using tall_short[OF B(1) *(7) u(1)[symmetric], of vs thesis] *(1,3) u(1) B(3) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (intro that[of κ' ι' "fill_holes B ts'" "fill_holes B vs" "fill_holes B us'"])
      (auto dest!: refines_imbalance_mono simp: t(2,4) u(2,4))

text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.25› FMZvO15}›

lemma base_decomp_short:
  assumes "t ∈ native_terms" "(B, ss) = base_decomp t"
  shows "set ss ⊆ short_terms"
  using aliens_short_terms[OF assms(1)] assms(2) by (auto simp: base_decomp_def Let_def)

lemma tall_short_peak:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ tall_step_i ι" "(s, u) ∈ short_step"
  obtains ι' ι'' t' u' v where "ι' ≤ ι"
    "t = t' ∨ ι'' < ι ∧ (t, t') ∈ tall_step_i ι''" "(t', v) ∈ short_step*"
    "(u, u') ∈ tall_step_i ι'" "(u', v) ∈ short_step*"
proof -
  obtain B ss where B: "base_decomp s = (B, ss)" by (metis prod.exhaust)
  obtain ts where ts: "s ∈ native_terms" "length ts = num_holes B" "t = fill_holes B ts"
    "⋀i. i < num_holes B ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "ι = imbalance ts" "s ∈ 𝒯"
    using assms(1) by (auto simp: B native_terms_def elim!: tall_step_i.cases)
  have ss: "set ss ⊆ short_terms" "length ss = num_holes B" and s: "s = fill_holes B ss"
    using base_decomp_short[OF ts(1)] by (auto simp: B base_decomp_fill_holes[OF B[symmetric]])
  obtain C where C: "((s, B), (u, C)) ∈ mirror_step*"
    using assms(2) by (auto simp: B elim!: short_stepE)
  obtain us where us: "length us = num_holes C" "u = fill_holes C us" "set us ⊆ set ss"
    "((fill_holes B (map f ss), B), (fill_holes C (map f us), C)) ∈ mirror_step*"
    "C ∈ shallow_context" for f
    using C ss(2) base_decomp_shallow[OF `s ∈ 𝒯` B(1)[symmetric]] unfolding s
  proof (induct "(u, C)" arbitrary: u C thesis rule: rtrancl_induct)
    case (step y)
    obtain y1 y2 where [simp]: "y = (y1, y2)" by (metis prod.collapse)
    obtain us where us: "length us = num_holes y2" "y1 = fill_holes y2 us" "set us ⊆ set ss"
      "⋀f. ((fill_holes B (map f ss), B), (fill_holes y2 (map f us), y2)) ∈ mirror_step*"
      "y2 ∈ shallow_context"
      using step(3)[OF prod.collapse[symmetric] _ step(5)] step(6) unfolding `y = (y1, y2)` fst_conv snd_conv by blast
    have "(mctxt_term_conv y2, mctxt_term_conv C) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
      by (metis step(2) `y = (y1, y2)` mirror_step.simps rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')
    moreover have "((fill_holes B (map f ss), B), fill_holes C (map f (unfill_holes C u)), C) ∈ mirror_step*" for f
      using mirror_step_preserves_prefix[of "y2" "y1" u C] step(2) us(1,2,4)
      by simp (metis (no_types, lifting) fill_unfill_holes length_unfill_holes mirror_step_stable rtrancl.simps)
    ultimately show ?case using mirror_step_aliens_mono[of us "y2" "unfill_holes C u" C]
      mirror_step_preserves_prefix[of "y2" "y1" u C] step(2) us(1-3)
      by (auto intro!: step(4)[of "unfill_holes C u"] shallow_context_closed[OF us(5)] simp: fill_unfill_holes)
  qed auto
  obtain vs where vs:
    "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ts ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    "ss ∝ vs" "ts = vs ∨ imbalance vs < imbalance ts"
  proof (cases "ss ∝ ts" rule: case_split)
    case True then show ?thesis by (auto intro: that[of ts])
    case False
    moreover obtain vs where "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ts ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
      "ss ∝ vs" "ts ∝ vs" "set ts ⊆ short_terms"
      by (metis balance_short_sequences[of ss ss ts] ss ts(2,4) rtrancl_refl)
    ultimately show ?thesis using refines_imbalance_strict_mono[of ts vs] refines_trans[of ss vs ts]
      by (auto intro!: that[of vs])
  then have *: "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, vs ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    using ts(2) ts(4) ss(2) by force
  obtain f where f: "vs = map f ss" using `ss ∝ vs` by (auto elim: refines_imp_map)
  have "((fill_holes B (map f ss), B), (fill_holes C (map f us), C)) ∈ mirror_step*" using us(4) .
  have "i < length us ⟹ (us ! i, map f us ! i) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" for i
    using f ss(2) us(1) * subsetD[OF us(3), unfolded in_set_conv_nth] by auto metis
  with tall_short[of C us "map f us", OF us(5) subset_trans[OF us(3) ss(1)]]
  (* right tall-short sequence *)
  obtain us' ι' where us':
    "num_holes C = length us'" "(fill_holes C us, fill_holes C us') ∈ tall_step_i ι'"
    "ι' ≤ imbalance (map f us)"
    "(fill_holes C us', fill_holes C (map f us)) ∈ short_step*" unfolding length_map us(1) by blast
  moreover have "ι' ≤ ι" using us'(3) us(3) ts(5) vs(3) imbalance_mono[of "map f us" "map f ss"]
    by (auto simp: image_mono f)
  (* left tall-short sequence *)
  moreover have "set ts ⊆ short_terms" using ss(1,2) ts(2,4)
    by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth) (metis nth_mem short_terms_closed' subset_code(1))
  then obtain ts' ι'' where ts':
    "num_holes B = length ts'" "(fill_holes B ts, fill_holes B ts') ∈ tall_step_i ι''"
    "ι'' ≤ imbalance vs"
    "(fill_holes B ts', fill_holes B vs) ∈ short_step*"
    using base_decomp_shallow[OF ts(6) B[symmetric]] vs(1) tall_short[of B ts vs thesis]
    unfolding ss(2) ts(2) conjunct1[OF `ss ∝ vs`[unfolded refines_def]] by blast
  moreover have "ts = vs ∨ ι'' < ι" using vs(3) ts'(3) ts(5) by auto
  moreover have "set (map f ss) ⊆ short_terms" using ss(1) short_terms_closed'[OF _ *]
    using "*" f length_map short_sequence_rsteps(1) by blast
  then have "(fill_holes B vs, fill_holes C (map f us)) ∈ short_step*"
    using us(4)[of f] base_decomp_shallow[OF ts(6) B[symmetric]] ss(2) us(1) unfolding f
    by (intro mirror_steps_to_short_steps) simp_all
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (intro that[of ι' "fill_holes B (if ts = vs then vs else ts')" ι'' "fill_holes C (map f us)" "fill_holes C us'"])
      (auto simp: ts(3) us(2))

text ‹Common analysis for short-short peaks.›

lemma rsteps_to_mirror_steps:
  "(s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)* ⟹ ((s ⋅ σ, term_mctxt_conv (s ⋅ τ)), (t ⋅ σ, term_mctxt_conv (t ⋅ τ))) ∈ mirror_step*"
proof (induct t rule: rtrancl_induct)
  case (step t t')
  obtain l r p σ' where "(t, t') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ'"
    using step(2) by (auto simp: rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')
  then show ?case using mirror_step.intros[of "t ⋅ σ" "t' ⋅ σ" l r p "σ' ∘s σ"
      "term_mctxt_conv (t ⋅ τ)" "term_mctxt_conv (t' ⋅ τ)" "σ' ∘s τ"] step(3)
    by (force intro: rstep_r_p_s'_stable)
qed auto

lemma short_term_from_shallow_context:
  assumes "B ∈ shallow_context" "length ss = num_holes B" "⋀s. s ∈ set ss ⟹ is_Var s"
  shows "fill_holes B ss ∈ short_terms"
proof -
  obtain L Cs where L: "L ∈ 𝔏" "length Cs = num_holes L" "B = fill_holes_mctxt L Cs"
    "set Cs ⊆ {MHole} ∪ mctxt_of_term ` shorter_terms" by (metis shallow_context.cases[OF assms(1)])
  have *: "fill_holes B ss ∈ 𝒯" using subsetD[OF funas_shallow_context[OF assms(1)]] assms(2,3)
    by (force simp: 𝒯_def funas_term_fill_holes_iff is_Var_def)
  define ss' where "ss' = map (λi. fill_holes (Cs ! i) (partition_holes ss Cs ! i)) [0..<num_holes L]"
  have s: "fill_holes B ss = fill_holes L ss'" "length ss' = num_holes L"
    using L(2) assms(2) by (auto simp add: fill_holes_mctxt_fill_holes L(3) ss'_def)
  have "i < num_holes L ⟹ is_Fun (ss' ! i) ⟹ ss' ! i ∈ shorter_terms" for i
    unfolding ss'_def using length_partition_by_nth[of "map num_holes Cs" ss i] assms(2,3)
      partition_by_nth_nth_elem[of "map num_holes Cs" ss i 0] subsetD[OF L(4), OF nth_mem, of i]
    by (cases "partition_holes ss Cs ! i") (auto simp: L(2,3) num_holes_fill_holes_mctxt)
  then have "set (filter is_Fun ss') ⊆ shorter_terms" by auto (auto simp: s(2) set_conv_nth)
  from subsetD[OF this] have "rank (fill_holes B ss) ≤ Suc rk" using L(1)
    by (subst le_trans[OF rank_by_top'[OF * max_top_props(2), of L]])
      (auto simp: s shorter_terms_def ss'_def[symmetric] unfill_fill_holes topsC_def max_list_bound_set)
  then show ?thesis using * by (simp add: short_terms_def)

lemma short_short_pre:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0" "(s, u) ∈ short_step_s s1"
  obtains B ss C D E v where
    "s ∈ native_terms" "(B, ss) = base_decomp s"
    "((s, B),(t, C)) ∈ mirror_step*" "((s, B),(u, D)) ∈ mirror_step*"
    "C ∈ shallow_context" "C ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
    "D ∈ shallow_context" "D ≤ mctxt_of_term u"
    "t ∈ native_terms" "(s1, t) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" "((t, C), (v, E)) ∈ mirror_step*"
    "u ∈ native_terms" "(s0, u) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" "((u, D), (v, E)) ∈ mirror_step*"
proof -
  obtain B ss C D where
    st: "(s0, s) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" "((s, B),(t, C)) ∈ mirror_step*" and
    su: "(s1, s) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" "((s, B),(u, D)) ∈ mirror_step*" and
    s: "s ∈ native_terms" "(B, ss) = base_decomp s"
    by (metis short_step_sE[OF assms(1)] short_step_sE[OF assms(2)] Pair_inject)
  have "B ∈ shallow_context" using base_decomp_shallow[OF _ s(2)] s(1)
    by (simp add: native_terms_def)
  have "B ≤ mctxt_of_term s" using base_decomp_prefix[OF s(2)] .
  have "ss = unfill_holes B s"using base_decomp_fill_holes[OF s(2)] by (metis unfill_fill_holes)
  obtain b0 σ where b0: "b0 ⋅ σ = mctxt_term_conv B" "⋀x. σ x ∈ {Var (Some x), Var None}"
    "⋀D. B ≤ D ⟹ ∃τ. b0 ⋅ τ = mctxt_term_conv D ∧ (∀x. σ x = Var None ∨ τ x = Var (Some x))"
    using represent_context_by_term[of B] by blast
  obtain τ where τ: "b0 ⋅ τ = s ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)" "⋀x. σ x = Var None ∨ τ x = Var (Some x)"
    using b0(3)[OF base_decomp_prefix[OF s(2)]] by auto
  define f where "f ≡ λs. Var (SOME x. σ x = Var None ∧ τ x = s ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)) :: ('f, 'v) term"
  define b where "b = fill_holes B (map f ss)"
  have *: "s = b0 ⋅ τ ∘s (Var ∘ the)" using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` τ(1)
    by simp (simp del: subst_subst_compose add: subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def fill_unfill_holes)
  have "b ∈ short_terms" using `B ∈ shallow_context` base_decomp_fill_holes(1)[OF s(2)]
    unfolding b_def f_def by (auto intro!: short_term_from_shallow_context simp: is_Var_def)
  have "b0 ⋅ (τ ∘s (Var ∘ the) ∘s (Var ∘ Some)) = b0 ⋅ τ" using τ
    by simp (simp del: subst_subst_compose add: subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def)
  then have [simp]: "x ∈ vars_term b0 ⟹ σ x = Var None ⟹ τ x ⋅ (λx. Var (Some (the x))) = τ x" for x
    by (auto simp del: subst_subst_compose simp: term_subst_eq_conv subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def)
  have "x ∈ vars_term b0 ⟹ σ x = Var None ⟹ f (τ x ⋅ (Var ∘ the)) ⋅ σ = Var None" for x
    using someI[of "λy. σ y = Var None ∧ τ y = τ x ⋅ (Var ∘ the) ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)" x]
    unfolding f_def subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def by auto
  then have bB: "b ⋅ σ = mctxt_term_conv B"
    unfolding b_def `ss = unfill_holes B s`
    apply (subst alien_map_by_substitution[OF b0(1)[symmetric], of _ "τ ∘s (Var ∘ the)"])
    subgoal using b0(2) by (auto simp: is_Var_def)
    subgoal using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` by simp
    subgoal using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` by (simp add: fill_unfill_holes *)
    using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` b0(2) τ(2)
    unfolding b0(1)[symmetric] subst_subst_compose[symmetric] term_subst_eq_conv
    by (force simp: subst_compose_def)
  have "x ∈ vars_term b0 ⟹ σ x = Var None ⟹ f (τ x ⋅ (Var ∘ the)) ⋅ τ = τ x" for x
    using someI[of "λy. σ y = Var None ∧ τ y = τ x ⋅ (Var ∘ the) ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)" x]
    unfolding f_def subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def by auto
  then have bs: "b ⋅ τ = s ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)"
    unfolding b_def `ss = unfill_holes B s`
    apply (subst alien_map_by_substitution[OF b0(1)[symmetric], of _ "τ ∘s (Var ∘ the)"])
    subgoal using b0(2) by (auto simp: is_Var_def)
    subgoal using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` by simp
    subgoal using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` by (simp add: fill_unfill_holes *)
    using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` b0(2) τ(2)
    unfolding τ(1)[symmetric] subst_subst_compose[symmetric] term_subst_eq_conv
    by (force simp: subst_compose_def)
  { fix t C assume "((s, B),(t, C)) ∈ mirror_step*"
    then have "∃c. (b, c) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)* ∧ c ⋅ σ = mctxt_term_conv C ∧ c ⋅ τ = t ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)"
      using bB bs `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` unfolding b_def `ss = unfill_holes B s`
    proof (induct "(s, B)" arbitrary: s B rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
      case (step sB)
      from step(1) obtain s' B' l r p σ' τ' where
        sB: "sB = (s', B')" and
        ss': "(s, s') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p σ'" and
        BB': "(mctxt_term_conv B, mctxt_term_conv B') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p τ'"
        using mirror_step.cases prod.collapse by metis
      have "B' ≤ mctxt_of_term s'" using mirror_step_preserves_prefix[OF `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` step(1)[unfolded sB]] .
      let ?sf = "fill_holes B (map f (unfill_holes B s))"
      let ?sf' = "fill_holes B' (map f (unfill_holes B' s'))"
      obtain ρ where x: "(?sf, ?sf') ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ (l, r) p ρ"
        using `B ≤ mctxt_of_term s` `B' ≤ mctxt_of_term s'` ss' BB' 
          rewrite_balanced_aliens'[OF trs, of "unfill_holes B s" B "unfill_holes B' s'" B' l r p σ' τ' f]
        by (auto simp: fill_unfill_holes)
      have "(?sf, ?sf') ∈ rstep' ℛ" "?sf' ⋅ σ = mctxt_term_conv B'" "?sf' ⋅ τ = s' ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)"
        using rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF ss', of "Var ∘ Some"] BB'
          rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF x, of σ] rstep_r_p_s'_stable[OF x, of τ] x unfolding step(4,5)
        by (auto intro: rstep_r_p_s'_deterministic[OF trs] simp: rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s')
      then show ?case using step(3)[OF sB] `B' ≤ mctxt_of_term s'` by (meson converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl) 
    qed auto
  from this[OF st(2)] this[OF su(2)] obtain c d where
    c: "(b, c) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "c ⋅ σ = mctxt_term_conv C" "c ⋅ τ = t ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)" and
    d: "(b, d) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "d ⋅ σ = mctxt_term_conv D" "d ⋅ τ = u ⋅ (Var ∘ Some)" by blast
  let ?p = "λt . (t ⋅ (τ ∘s (Var ∘ the)), term_mctxt_conv (t ⋅ σ))"
  obtain e where "(c, e) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "(d, e) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" using c(1) d(1) `b ∈ short_terms`
    by (metis CR_on_def joinE IH_rk' CR_on_iff_CR_Restr[of short_terms "rstep' ℛ", symmetric] short_terms_closed)
  then have "(?p c, ?p e) ∈ mirror_step*" "(?p d, ?p e) ∈ mirror_step*"
    by (metis rsteps_to_mirror_steps)+
  moreover have "C ≤ mctxt_of_term t" "D ≤ mctxt_of_term u"
    using mirror_steps_preserve_prefix[OF base_decomp_prefix, OF s(2)] st(2) su(2) by auto
  moreover have "C ∈ shallow_context" "D ∈ shallow_context" using st(2) su(2)
    shallow_context_closed'[OF `B ∈ shallow_context` mirror_steps_imp_rsteps'] by simp_all
  moreover have "(s, t) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" "(s, u) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    using st(2) su(2) by (auto simp: mirror_steps_imp_rsteps)
  then have "t ∈ native_terms" "u ∈ native_terms" "(s1, t) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" "(s0, u) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
    using native_terms_rsteps[of s t] native_terms_rsteps[of s u] st(1) su(1) s(1)
    unfolding rstep_eq_rstep' by simp_all
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using arg_cong[OF c(3), of "λt. t ⋅ (Var ∘ the)"] arg_cong[OF d(3), of "λt. t ⋅ (Var ∘ the)"]
    unfolding c(2) d(2) subst_subst_compose[symmetric] subst_compose_def
    by (simp add: that[OF s st(2) su(2)])

end (* weakly_layered_induct *)

locale weakly_layered_induct_dd = weakly_layered_induct  𝔏  rk
  for  :: "('f × nat) set" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) mctxt set" and  :: "('f, 'v) trs" 
  and rk :: nat +
  fixes R :: "('f, 'v) term rel"
  assumes wf_R: "wf R" and trans_R: "trans R" and
    short_short_peak: "⋀s t u. (s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0 ⟹ (s, u) ∈ short_step_s s1 ⟹
      (t, u) ∈ ((⋃i∈under R s0. short_step_s i))* O
       (short_step_s s1)= O
       ((⋃i∈under R s0 ∪ under R s1. short_step_s i))* O
       ((short_step_s s0)¯)= O ((⋃i∈under R s1. short_step_s i))*"

inductive_set R' :: "(('f, 'v) term + nat) rel" where
  R'r: "x < y ⟹ (Inr x, Inr y) ∈ R'"
| R's: "(Inl x, Inr y) ∈ R'"
| R'l: "(s, t) ∈ R ⟹ (Inl s, Inl t) ∈ R'"

lemma R'_simps [simp]:
  "(Inr x, Inr y) ∈ R' ⟷ x < y"
  "(Inl s, Inr y) ∈ R'"
  "(Inr x, Inl t) ∉ R'"
  "(Inl s, Inl t) ∈ R' ⟷ (s, t) ∈ R"
  by (auto intro: R'.intros elim: R'.cases)

lemma R'_cases:
  "(x, y) ∈ R' ⟷ (case (x, y) of
     (Inl s, Inl t) ⇒ (s, t) ∈ R
   | (Inr x, Inl t) ⇒ False
   | (Inl s, Inr y) ⇒ True
   | (Inr x, Inr y) ⇒ x < y)"
  by (cases x; cases y; simp)

primrec any_step :: "('f, 'v) term + nat ⇒ ('f, 'v) term rel" where
  "any_step (Inl s0) = short_step_s s0"
| "any_step (Inr ι) = tall_step_i ι"

lemma wf_R':
  "wf R'"
proof -
  have [simp]: "R' = inv_image
     ({(x, y). x < y} <*lex*> (map_prod Inl Inl ` R ∪ map_prod Inr Inr ` {(x, y). x < y}))
     (λi. case i of Inl x ⇒ (0 :: nat, i) | Inr x ⇒ (1, i))"
    by (force split: sum.splits prod.splits simp: map_prod_def image_def)
  show ?thesis by (auto intro!: wf_less wf_Un wf_map_prod_image wf_R)

lemma trans_R':
  "trans R'"
  by (auto simp: trans_def R'_cases split: sum.splits(2)) (metis trans_R trans_def)

lemma under_Inl:
  "(⋃i∈under R' (Inl s0). any_step i) = (⋃i∈under R s0. short_step_s i)"
  by (force simp: under_def elim: R'.cases intro: R'.intros)

lemma under_Inr:
  "(⋃i∈under R' (Inr ι). any_step i) = (⋃i<ι. tall_step_i i) ∪ short_step"
  by (force simp: under_def short_step_iff_short_step_s elim: R'.cases intro: R'.intros)

lemma CR_any_step: "CR (⋃i. any_step i)"
proof (intro dd_cr[OF wf_R' trans_R'], goal_cases peak)
  have [dest!]: "(x, y) ∈ short_step* ⟹ (x, y) ∈ (short_step)*" for x y
    by (simp add: in_rtrancl_UnI)
  have [simp]: "(x, y) ∈ (R)* ⟷ (y, x) ∈ (R)*" for x y R
    by (metis rtrancl_converseI symcl_converse)
  note [intro] = subsetD[OF rtrancl_mono, of "short_step"] 
  have reflcl_refl: "(x, x) ∈ R=" for x R by simp
  case (peak a b s t u)
  show ?case
  proof ((cases a; cases b), goal_cases ll lr rl rr)
    case (rr ι κ)
    from peak tall_tall_peak[of s t ι u κ] obtain ι' κ' t' u' v where
      *: "ι' ≤ ι" "κ' ≤ κ" "(t, t') ∈ tall_step_i κ'" "(t', v) ∈ short_step*"
      "(u, u') ∈ tall_step_i ι'" "(u', v) ∈ short_step*"
      unfolding rr any_step.simps by metis
    then show ?case unfolding rr UN_Un under_Inr order.order_iff_strict
    apply (elim disjE)
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t, OF _ relcompI[of _ u, OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v, OF rtrancl_trans[of _ t']]])
      by auto
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t', OF _ relcompI[of _ u, OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v]])
      by auto
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t, OF _ relcompI[of _ u', OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v, OF rtrancl_trans[of _ t']]])
      by auto
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t', OF _ relcompI[of _ u', OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ v])
      by auto
    case (rl ι s1)
    from peak tall_short_peak[of s t ι u] obtain ι' ι'' t' u' v where
      "ι' ≤ ι" "t = t' ∨ ι'' < ι ∧ (t, t') ∈ tall_step_i ι''" "(t', v) ∈ short_step*"
      "(u, u') ∈ tall_step_i ι'" "(u', v) ∈ short_step*"
      unfolding rl any_step.simps by (metis short_step_s_imp_short_step)
    then show ?case unfolding rl UN_Un under_Inr order.order_iff_strict
    apply (elim disjE[of "_ < _"])
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t, OF _ relcompI[of _ u, OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v, OF rtrancl_trans[of _ t']]])
      by auto
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t, OF _ relcompI[of _ u', OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v, OF rtrancl_trans[of _ t']]])
      by auto
    case (lr s0 κ)
    from peak tall_short_peak[of s u κ t] obtain κ' κ'' t' u' v where
      "κ' ≤ κ" "u = u' ∨ κ'' < κ ∧ (u, u') ∈ tall_step_i κ''" "(u', v) ∈ short_step*"
      "(t, t') ∈ tall_step_i κ'" "(t', v) ∈ short_step*"
      unfolding lr any_step.simps by (metis short_step_s_imp_short_step)
    then show ?case unfolding lr UN_Un under_Inr order.order_iff_strict
    apply (elim disjE[of "_ < _"])
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t, OF _ relcompI[of _ u, OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v, OF rtrancl_trans[of _ t']]])
      by auto
      apply (intro relcompI[of _ t _, OF _ relcompI[of _ t', OF _ relcompI[of _ u, OF _ relcompI[of _ u]]]] rtrancl_refl reflcl_refl)
      apply (subst rtrancl_trans[of _ u', OF rtrancl_trans[of _ v]])
      by auto
    case (ll s0 s1)
    from peak short_short_peak[of s t s0 u s1]
    show ?case by (simp only: ll UN_Un under_Inl any_step.simps)

lemma tall_step_imp_rsteps:
  "(s, t) ∈ tall_step ⟹ (s, t) ∈ (Restr (rstep' ℛ) native_terms)*"
  apply (elim tall_step.cases)
  apply (subst base_decomp_fill_holes(2)[symmetric])
  by (auto intro!: fill_holes_rsteps conjunct2[OF native_terms_rsteps] simp: base_decomp_fill_holes)

lemma short_step_imp_rsteps:
  "(s, t) ∈ short_step ⟹ (s, t) ∈ (Restr (rstep' ℛ) native_terms)*"
  by (auto elim!: short_stepE intro!: conjunct2[OF native_terms_rsteps] dest: mirror_steps_imp_rsteps)

lemma any_step_short_tall:
  "(⋃i. any_step i) = short_step ∪ tall_step"
  by auto (metis short_step_iff_short_step_s tall_step_iff_tall_step_i any_step.simps sum.exhaust)+

lemma any_step_rsteps:
  "short_step ∪ tall_step ⊆ (Restr (rstep' ℛ) native_terms)*"
  by (auto dest: short_step_imp_rsteps tall_step_imp_rsteps)

lemma rstep_any_step:
  "Restr (rstep' ℛ) native_terms ⊆ short_step ∪ tall_step"
  using single_step_to_any_step by blast

lemma CR_Suc_rk:
  "CR_on (rstep' ℛ) native_terms"
  by (auto intro!: CR_between_imp_CR[OF _ rstep_any_step any_step_rsteps]
    CR_any_step[unfolded any_step_short_tall] iffD2[OF CR_on_iff_CR_Restr])


text ‹@{cite ‹Lemma 4.27› FMZvO15}›

lemma (in weakly_layered) CR_main_lemma:
  assumes base: "CR_on (rstep' ℛ) {t. mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏}"
  and step: "⋀rk. CR_on (rstep' ℛ) {t ∈ 𝒯. rank t ≤ Suc rk} ⟹ weakly_layered_induct_dd ℱ 𝔏 ℛ rk (R rk)"
  shows "CR_on (rstep' ℛ) 𝒯"
proof -
  have "CR_on (rstep' ℛ) {t ∈ 𝒯. rank t ≤ Suc rk}" for rk
  proof (induct rk)
    case 0
    have "t ∈ 𝒯 ∧ rank t ≤ Suc 0 ⟷ mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏" for t
      using rank_1[of t] rank_gt_0[of t] 𝔏_sig by (fastforce simp: 𝒞_def 𝒯_def)
    then show ?case using base by simp
    case (Suc rk)
    then interpret weakly_layered_induct_dd  𝔏  rk "R rk" by (rule step)
    show ?case using CR_Suc_rk by (simp only: native_terms_def)
  then show ?thesis by (auto simp: CR_on_def) (metis less_Suc_eq less_Suc_eq_le less_Suc_eq_le) 
