Theory LS_Persistence

theory LS_Persistence
imports LS_General
Author:  Franziska Rapp <> (2015-2017)
Author:  Bertram Felgenhauer <> (2015-2017)
License: LGPL (see file COPYING.LESSER)

section ‹Persistence of confluence›

theory LS_Persistence
  imports LS_General

text ‹Here we instantiate the layer framework for persistence of confluence. 
      See @{cite ‹Section 5.5› FMZvO15}.›

locale many_sorted_terms =
  fixes sigF :: "('f × nat) ⇒ ('t list × 't) option" and sigV :: "'v ⇒ 't option"
  assumes arity: "sigF (f, n) = Some (tys, tr) ⟹ length tys = n"

definition  where "ℱ = { fn . sigF fn ≠ None }"
definition 𝒱 where "𝒱 = { v . sigV v ≠ None }"

inductive 𝒯α :: "'t ⇒ ('f, 'v) term ⇒ bool" where
  var  [intro]: "sigV x = Some α ⟹ 𝒯α α (Var x)"
| funs [intro]: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α) ⟹
                 (∀ i < length ts. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (ts ! i)) ⟹ 𝒯α α (Fun f ts)"

lemma funas_𝒯α:
  assumes "𝒯α α t" "fn ∈ funas_term t"
  shows "fn ∈ ℱ"
  using assms
proof (induction t)
  case (funs f ts tys α)
  hence "fn ∈ {(f, length ts)} ⟶ fn ∈ ℱ" using ℱ_def by blast
  moreover have "fn ∈ ⋃set (map funas_term ts) ⟶ fn ∈ ℱ"
    using funs(2) map_nth_eq_conv[OF length_map[of funas_term ts, symmetric]]
    by auto (metis in_set_idx)
  ultimately show ?thesis using funs(3) unfolding "funas_term.simps" by blast
qed auto

inductive needed_types :: "'t ⇒ 't ⇒ bool" where
  base_type [intro]: "needed_types α α"
| sub_types [intro]: "sigF (f, n) = Some (tys, α) ⟹
                      ty ∈ set tys ⟹ needed_types α ty"
| trans     [intro]: "needed_types α β ⟹ needed_types β γ ⟹ needed_types α γ"


locale persistent_cr = many_sorted_terms sigF sigV for 
        sigF :: "('f × nat) ⇒ ('t list × 't) option" and
        sigV :: "'v :: infinite ⇒ 't option" +
  fixes  :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) trs"
    wf: "wf_trs ℛ" and
    R_def: "(l, r) ∈ ℛ ⟹ ∃α . 𝒯α α l ∧ 𝒯α α r"

definition lhs_types :: "('f × nat) ⇒ 't list" where
  "lhs_types ≡ λ fn. fst (the (sigF fn))"

fun rhs_type :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ 't option" where
  "rhs_type (Var x) = sigV x"
| "rhs_type (Fun f ts) = (let fn = (f, length ts) in
    (if sigF fn = None then None else Some (snd (the (sigF fn)))))"

fun max_top_persistent :: "'t ⇒ ('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt" where
  "max_top_persistent α (Var x) = MVar x"
| "max_top_persistent α (Fun f ts) = (if (∃tys. sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α))
        then MFun f (map (case_prod max_top_persistent) (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts))
        else MHole)"

(* The following definition is just an idea and not used yet. *)
inductive max_top_persistent' :: "'t ⇒ ('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt ⇒ bool" where
  "max_top_persistent' α (Var x) (MVar x)"
| "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α) ⟹ length ms = length ts ⟹
   i < length ts ⟶ max_top_persistent' (tys ! i) (ts ! i) (ms ! i) ⟹ max_top_persistent' α (Fun f ts) (MFun f ms)"
| "sigF (f, length ts) = None ⟹ max_top_persistent' α (Fun f ts) MHole"

inductive 𝔏α :: "'t ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt ⇒ bool" where
  mhole [intro]: "𝔏α α MHole"
| mvar  [intro]: "𝔏α α (MVar x)"
| mfun  [intro]: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α) ⟹
                  (∀ i < length Cs. 𝔏α (tys ! i) (Cs ! i)) ⟹ 𝔏α α (MFun f Cs)"

definition 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v) mctxt set" where
  "𝔏 ≡ { C. ∃α. 𝔏α α C }"

abbreviation α where "ℛα α ≡ { (l, r) ∈ ℛ . 𝒯α α l ∧ 𝒯α α r }"
abbreviation topsC_α where "topsC_α α ≡ layer_system_sig.topsC { L . 𝔏α α L }"
abbreviation max_topC_α where "max_topC_α α ≡ layer_system_sig.max_topC { L . 𝔏α α L }"

lemma α_sub_ℛ: "ℛα α ⊆ ℛ"
using R_def by blast

lemma α_Union_ℛ: "(⋃α. ℛα α) ⊆ ℛ"
using R_def by blast

lemma 𝒯α_𝔏α:
  assumes "𝒯α α t"
  shows "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term t)"
using assms by (induction t) auto

lemma funas_𝔏:
  assumes "L ∈ 𝔏"
  shows "funas_mctxt L ⊆ ℱ"
proof -
  obtain α where "𝔏α α L" using assms 𝔏_def by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms
  proof (induction rule: 𝔏α.induct)
    case (mfun f Cs tys)
      fix i
      assume "i < length Cs"
      hence "funas_mctxt (Cs ! i) ⊆ ℱ" using mfun 𝔏_def ‹i < length Cs› by blast
    } note funas_subts = this
    hence "(f, length Cs) ∈ ℱ" using mfun ℱ_def by simp
    thus ?case using funas_mctxt.simps(1) funas_subts in_set_conv_nth[of _ Cs] by fastforce
  qed auto

lemma subm_at_sig:
  fixes L :: "('f, 'v) mctxt" and p :: pos and  :: "('f × nat) set"
  assumes "funas_mctxt L ⊆ ℱ" and "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt L"
  shows "funas_mctxt (subm_at L p) ⊆ ℱ"
using assms subt_at_imp_ctxt funas_term_ctxt_apply
  unfolding funas_term_mctxt_term_conv[symmetric] subm_at_subt_at_conv[OF assms(2)]
  mctxt_term_conv_inv poss_mctxt_term_conv[symmetric] by (metis le_sup_iff)

lemma fun_poss_subm_at:
  assumes "p ∈ funposs_mctxt C"
  shows "∃f Cs. subm_at C p = MFun f Cs"
using assms by (induction C arbitrary: p) (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def)

lemma fun_poss_all_poss_mctxt:
  assumes "p ∈ funposs_mctxt C"
  shows "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt C"
using assms by (induction C arbitrary: p) (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def)

lemma subm_at_fun:
  assumes "i < length Cs"
  shows "subm_at (MFun f Cs) <i> = Cs ! i" and "<i> ∈ all_poss_mctxt (MFun f Cs)"
using assms by auto

lemma funas_sub_mctxt:
  fixes f :: 'f and Cs :: "('f, 'v) mctxt list"
  assumes "funas_mctxt (MFun f Cs) ⊆ ℱ"
          "i < length Cs"
  shows "funas_mctxt (Cs ! i) ⊆ ℱ"
using assms subm_at_fun[of i Cs f] subm_at_sig[of "MFun f Cs"  "<i>"] by simp

lemma funas_sup_mctxt:
  fixes L N :: "('f, 'v) mctxt"
  assumes cmp: "(L, N) ∈ comp_mctxt" and
      funas_L: "funas_mctxt L ⊆ ℱ" and
      funas_N: "funas_mctxt N ⊆ ℱ"
  shows "funas_mctxt (L ⊔ N) ⊆ ℱ"
proof -
  have "comp_mctxtp L N" using cmp by (auto simp: comp_mctxt_def)
  thus ?thesis using funas_L funas_N
  by (induction L N rule: comp_mctxtp.induct)
     (auto simp: funas_sub_mctxt set_zip, blast)

lemma consistent_𝔏α:
  assumes "𝔏α α (MFun f Cs)"
  shows "∃tys. sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α) ∧ (∀i < length Cs. 𝔏α (tys ! i) (Cs ! i))"
using 𝔏α.cases[OF assms]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mctxt.distinct(3) mctxt.distinct(5) mctxt.inject(2))

(* ??? maybe use only "L ∈ 𝔏" and "N ∈ 𝔏" as assms *)
lemma 𝔏α_sup_mctxt:
  fixes L N :: "('f, 'v) mctxt"
  assumes cmp: "(L, N) ∈ comp_mctxt" and "𝔏α α L" and "𝔏α α N"
  shows "𝔏α α (L ⊔ N)"
proof -
  have "comp_mctxtp L N" using cmp by (auto simp: comp_mctxt_def)
  thus ?thesis using ‹𝔏α α L› ‹𝔏α α N›
  proof (induction L N arbitrary: α rule: comp_mctxtp.induct)
    case (MFun f f' Cs Cs')
    then obtain tys where f_prop: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α)"
      using consistent_𝔏α by blast
    let ?Cs = "map (λ(x, y). x ⊔ y) (zip Cs Cs')"
    have lengths: "length ?Cs = length Cs" using ‹length Cs = length Cs'› by simp
    hence f_Ds_prop: "sigF (f, length ?Cs) = Some (tys, α)" using f_prop by simp
    { fix i
      assume "i < length Cs"
      hence "𝔏α (tys ! i) (Cs ! i ⊔ Cs' ! i)"
        using MFun f_prop consistent_𝔏α by (metis option.inject prod.inject) 
    thus ?case using MFun f_Ds_prop lengths set_zip[of Cs Cs'] by auto
  qed auto

lemma mreplace_at_𝔏α:
  assumes "𝔏α α L" "𝔏α β N" "p ∈ funposs_mctxt L"
          "subm_at L p = MFun f Cs" "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, β)"
  shows "𝔏α α (mreplace_at L p N)"
using assms
proof (induction L p N arbitrary: α f Cs rule: mreplace_at.induct)
  case (1 L N) thus ?case using consistent_𝔏α subm_at.simps(1) by force
  case (2 f' Cs' i p N)
  have "i < length Cs'" using 2(4) funposs_mctxt_def by force
  hence p_in_funposs: "p ∈ funposs_mctxt (Cs' ! i)" using 2(4) unfolding funposs_mctxt_def by simp
  obtain tys' where f_props: "sigF (f', length Cs') = Some (tys', α)"
      "∀j<length Cs'. 𝔏α (tys' ! j) (Cs' ! j)"
      "length Cs' = length tys'" "lhs_types (f', length Cs') = tys'"
    using consistent_𝔏α[OF 2(2)] arity lhs_types_def by fastforce
  hence ith: "𝔏α (tys' ! i) (Cs' ! i)" using ‹i < length Cs'› by force
  let ?Cs'' = "take i Cs' @ mreplace_at (Cs' ! i) p N # drop (i + 1) Cs'"
  have replace_ith: "𝔏α (tys' ! i) (mreplace_at (Cs' ! i) p N)"
    using 2(1)[OF ith 2(3) p_in_funposs _ 2(6)] 2(5) by fastforce
  moreover have "length ?Cs'' = length Cs'"
    using ‹i < length Cs'› by simp
  moreover have "∀j<length ?Cs''. 𝔏α (tys' ! j) (?Cs'' ! j)"
    using f_props(2) replace_ith ‹i < length Cs'› ‹length ?Cs'' = length Cs'›
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq upd_conv_take_nth_drop)
  ultimately show ?case using f_props ‹i < length Cs'› consistent_𝔏α[OF 2(2)] "𝔏α.simps"
    unfolding mreplace_at.simps by metis
qed (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def consistent_𝔏α)

lemma 𝔏_subm:
  assumes "L ∈ 𝔏"
  shows "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt L ⟹ subm_at L p ∈ 𝔏"
using assms
proof -
  assume p_prop: "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt L"
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases L)
    case (MFun f Cs)
      then obtain α where "𝔏α α L" using assms 𝔏_def by blast
      then obtain tys where f_prop: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α)" using consistent_𝔏α MFun by blast
      from ‹𝔏α α L› p_prop show ?thesis using 𝔏_def
      proof (induction "L :: ('f, 'v) mctxt" p arbitrary: α f Cs rule: subm_at.induct)
        case (2 f' Cs' i p)
        hence "∃β. 𝔏α β (Cs' ! i)" using consistent_𝔏α by (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def) blast
        thus ?case using 2 by (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def)
      qed (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def)
  qed (auto simp: 𝔏_def)

lemma 𝔏_sub: "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term C⟨t⟩) ⟹ ∃β. 𝔏α β (mctxt_of_term t)"
proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
  case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
  let ?ts = "map mctxt_of_term (ss1 @ C'⟨t⟩ # ss2)"
  obtain tys where "sigF (f, length ?ts) = Some (tys, α)" using More(2) by (auto elim: 𝔏α.cases)
  with More(2) have "∀i<length ?ts. 𝔏α (tys ! i) (?ts ! i)"
    by (auto elim: 𝔏α.cases)
  hence "𝔏α (tys ! length ss1) (?ts ! length ss1)"
    by (metis length_map add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append less_add_Suc1)
  thus ?case using More(1)
    by (metis list.simps(9) length_map map_append nth_append_length)
qed auto

lemma leq_mctxt_𝔏α_mono:
  assumes "L ≤ N" "𝔏α α L" "L = MFun f ts" "N ∈ 𝔏"
  shows "𝔏α α N"
proof -
  obtain α' where "𝔏α α' N" using assms(4) 𝔏_def by auto
  moreover obtain ts' tys where props:
    "N = MFun f ts'" "length ts' = length ts" "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)"
    using assms less_eq_mctxt_MFunE1 by (metis consistent_𝔏α)
  moreover have "α' = α" using props assms(2,3) ‹𝔏α α' N› consistent_𝔏α by force
  ultimately show ?thesis using 𝔏_def by auto

(* important lemma for C2 *)
lemma mreplace_at_𝔏α':
  assumes "L ≤ N" "𝔏α α L" "N ∈ 𝔏" "𝔏α β (subm_at L p)" "𝔏α β (subm_at N p)" 
          "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt L"
  shows "L = MHole ∨ (∃x. L = MVar x) ∨ 𝔏α α (mreplace_at L p (subm_at N p))"
using assms
proof (induction L N arbitrary: α β p rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct[consumes 0])
  case (4 Cs Ds f)
  then obtain tys where f_props: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α)"
      "∀j<length Cs. 𝔏α (tys ! j) (Cs ! j)"
      "length Cs = length tys" "lhs_types (f, length Cs) = tys"
    using consistent_𝔏α[OF 4(5)] arity lhs_types_def by fastforce
  have "𝔏α α (MFun f Ds)" using leq_mctxt_𝔏α_mono[OF 4(4) 4(5) _ 4(6), of f Cs] by simp
  have Ds_props: "∀j<length Ds. 𝔏α (tys ! j) (Ds ! j)"
    using 4(1) f_props(1) consistent_𝔏α[OF ‹𝔏α α (MFun f Ds)›] by fastforce
  from 4 have "𝔏α α (mreplace_at (MFun f Cs) p (subm_at (MFun f Ds) p))"
  proof (induction p)
    case Empty thus ?case by simp (metis consistent_𝔏α option.sel)
    case (PCons i p')
    have "i < length Cs" using PCons(2,10) by simp
    moreover have "Ds ! i ∈ 𝔏"
      using ‹i < length Cs› PCons(2,7) 𝔏_def Ds_props mem_Collect_eq by auto
    ultimately consider "Cs ! i = MHole ∨ (∃x. Cs ! i = MVar x)" |
          "𝔏α (tys ! i) (mreplace_at (Cs ! i) p' (subm_at (Ds ! i) p'))"
      using PCons(4)[of i "tys ! i" β p'] PCons(2,3,8,9,10) f_props(2) by auto
    thus ?case
    proof (cases)
      case 1
      hence "p' = ε" using PCons(10) by auto
      let ?Cs' = "take i Cs @ Ds ! i # drop (Suc i) Cs"
      have "𝔏α (tys ! i) (Ds ! i)" using Ds_props ‹i < length Cs› PCons(2) by simp
      have length_Cs': "length ?Cs' = length Cs" using ‹i < length Cs› by simp
      { fix j
        assume "j < length ?Cs'"
        hence "𝔏α (tys ! j) (?Cs' ! j)" using f_props(2,3) ‹𝔏α (tys ! i) (Ds ! i)› ‹i < length Cs›
          by (metis length_Cs' less_imp_le_nat nth_append_take nth_append_take_drop_is_nth_conv)
      hence "𝔏α α (MFun f ?Cs')" using f_props(1) 4(1) ‹i < length Cs› length_Cs'
        by (metis 𝔏α.simps)
      thus ?thesis using ‹p' = ε› by simp
      case 2
      let ?Cs' = "take i Cs @ mreplace_at (Cs ! i) p' (subm_at (Ds ! i) p') # drop (Suc i) Cs"
      have length_Cs': "length ?Cs' = length Cs" using ‹i < length Cs› by simp
      { fix j
        assume "j < length ?Cs'"
        hence "𝔏α (tys ! j) (?Cs' ! j)" using f_props(2,3) 2 ‹i < length Cs›
          by (metis length_Cs' less_imp_le_nat nth_append_take nth_append_take_drop_is_nth_conv)
     hence "𝔏α α (MFun f ?Cs')" using f_props(1) 4(1) ‹i < length Cs› length_Cs'
        by (metis 𝔏α.simps)
      thus ?thesis by simp
  thus ?case by blast
qed (auto simp: assms)

lemma mreplace_at_mhole:
  assumes "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt C" and "D ≠ MHole"
  shows "mreplace_at C p D ≠ MHole"
using assms
proof -
  have "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt (mreplace_at C p D)"
    by (simp add: all_poss_mctxt_mreplace_atI1 assms(1))
  thus ?thesis using ‹D ≠ MHole› by force

lemma persistent_layer_system: "layer_system ℱ 𝔏"
  show "𝔏 ⊆ layer_system_sig.𝒞 ℱ"
    fix C :: "('f, 'v) mctxt"
    assume "C ∈ 𝔏"
    thus "C ∈ layer_system_sig.𝒞 ℱ"
      using funas_𝔏 layer_system_sig.𝒞_def by blast
next (* L1 *)
  fix t :: "('f, 'v) term"
  assume funas_t: "funas_term t ⊆ ℱ"
  thus "∃L∈𝔏 . L ≠ MHole ∧ L ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
  proof (cases t)
    case (Fun f ts)
    then obtain tys α where f_in_ℱ: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)"
      using funas_t ℱ_def by fastforce
    let ?top = "MFun f (replicate (List.length ts) MHole)"
    have cond: "?top ≠ MHole ∧ ?top ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
      using Fun by (auto simp: less_eq_mctxt_def o_def map_replicate_const)
    have "?top ∈ 𝔏" using 𝔏_def f_in_ℱ by fastforce
    thus ?thesis using cond by auto
  qed (auto simp: 𝔏_def)
next (* L2 *)
  fix C :: "('f, 'v) mctxt" and p :: pos and x :: 'v
  assume p_in_possC: "p ∈ poss_mctxt C"
  { fix α
    have "𝔏α α (mreplace_at C p (MVar x)) = 𝔏α α (mreplace_at C p MHole)" using p_in_possC
    proof (induction C p "MVar x :: ('f, 'v) mctxt" arbitrary: α rule: mreplace_at.induct)
      case (2 f Cs i p)
      hence p_in_poss_mctxt: "p ∈ poss_mctxt (Cs ! i)" "i < length Cs" by simp+
      let ?Cs' = "take i Cs @ mreplace_at (Cs ! i) p (MVar x) # drop (Suc i) Cs"
      let ?Cs'' = "take i Cs @ mreplace_at (Cs ! i) p MHole # drop (Suc i) Cs"
      have lengths: "length ?Cs' = length Cs" "length ?Cs'' = length Cs"
        using ‹i < length Cs› by simp+
      hence length_Cs: "Suc (min (length Cs) i + (length Cs - Suc i)) = length Cs" by simp
      thus ?case using 2(1)[OF p_in_poss_mctxt(1)] lengths
        by (auto dest!: consistent_𝔏α)
           (metis lengths 𝔏α.simps append_Cons_nth_not_middle nth_append_length)+
    qed auto
  thus "(mreplace_at C p (MVar x) ∈ 𝔏) = (mreplace_at C p MHole ∈ 𝔏)" using 𝔏_def by force
next (* L3 *)
  fix L N :: "('f, 'v) mctxt" and p :: pos
  assume "L ∈ 𝔏" and "N ∈ 𝔏" and p_in_funposs: "p ∈ funposs_mctxt L" and 
         comp_context: "(subm_at L p, N) ∈ comp_mctxt"
  obtain α where "𝔏α α L" using ‹L ∈ 𝔏› 𝔏_def by auto
  thus "mreplace_at L p (subm_at L p ⊔ N) ∈ 𝔏"
  proof -
    have L_p_in_ℱ: "funas_mctxt (subm_at L p) ⊆ ℱ"
      using p_in_funposs subm_at_sig fun_poss_all_poss_mctxt funas_𝔏[OF ‹L ∈ 𝔏›] by blast
    obtain f Cs where subm_L_p: "subm_at L p = MFun f Cs" "comp_mctxtp (MFun f Cs) N"
      using ‹p ∈ funposs_mctxt L› fun_poss_subm_at comp_context
      by (metis comp_mctxtp_comp_mctxt_eq)
    then obtain β tys where root_in_ℱβ: "𝔏α β (MFun f Cs)" "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, β)"
      using 𝔏_def L_p_in_ℱ consistent_𝔏α
            𝔏_subm[OF ‹L ∈ 𝔏› fun_poss_all_poss_mctxt[OF p_in_funposs]] by force
    hence "𝔏α β N"
    proof (cases N)
      case (MFun f' Cs')
      hence "f' = f ∧ length Cs' = length Cs"
        using subm_L_p comp_mctxtp.simps[of "subm_at L p" N] by auto
      thus ?thesis using MFun root_in_ℱβ 𝔏_def ‹N ∈ 𝔏› consistent_𝔏α by force
    qed auto
    have "𝔏α β (subm_at L p ⊔ N)"
      using 𝔏α_sup_mctxt[OF comp_context _ ‹𝔏α β N›] root_in_ℱβ subm_L_p by simp
    have "𝔏α α (mreplace_at L p (subm_at L p ⊔ N))"
      using mreplace_at_𝔏α[OF ‹𝔏α α L› ‹𝔏α β (subm_at L p ⊔ N)› p_in_funposs subm_L_p(1) root_in_ℱβ(2)] .
    thus ?thesis using 𝔏_def by auto

sublocale layer_system "ℱ" "𝔏" using persistent_layer_system .


lemma max_top_persistent_in_layers: "𝔏α α (max_top_persistent α t)"
proof (induction t rule: max_top_persistent.induct)
  case (2 α f ts) thus ?case
  proof (cases "max_top_persistent α (Fun f ts)")
    case (MFun f' Cs)
    then obtain tys where f_prop: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)" by fastforce
    hence "f' = f" using MFun max_top_persistent.simps(2) mctxt.distinct(5) mctxt.inject(2) by simp
    have lengths1: "length (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts) = length ts"
      using arity f_prop lhs_types_def by auto
    hence lengths: "length Cs = length ts"
      "Cs = (map (case_prod max_top_persistent) (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts))"
      using MFun max_top_persistent.simps(2) f_prop by auto
    hence f'_prop: "sigF (f', length Cs) = Some (tys, α)" using MFun ‹f' = f› f_prop by simp
    have tys_def: "lhs_types (f, length ts) = tys" using f_prop lhs_types_def by simp
    { fix i
      assume "i < length Cs"
      hence "(tys ! i, ts ! i) ∈ set (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts)" using tys_def
        using in_set_conv_nth lengths1 lengths(1) nth_zip by fastforce 
      hence subts_in_layers: "𝔏α (tys ! i) (max_top_persistent (tys ! i) (ts ! i))"
        using f_prop 2 lhs_types_def by blast
      hence "max_top_persistent (tys ! i) (ts ! i) = Cs ! i"
        using tys_def lengths ‹i < length Cs› by simp
      hence "𝔏α (tys ! i) (Cs ! i)" using subts_in_layers by simp
    thus ?thesis using MFun f'_prop lengths by auto
  qed auto
qed auto

lemma max_top_persistent_mfun:
  assumes "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)"
  shows "∃Cs. Cs = (map (case_prod max_top_persistent) (zip tys ts)) ∧
              max_top_persistent α (Fun f ts) = MFun f Cs ∧ length Cs = length ts"
using assms arity lhs_types_def by simp

lemma top_less_eq: "max_top_persistent α t ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
proof (induction t rule: max_top_persistent.induct)
  case (2 β f ts) thus ?case
  proof (cases "∃tys. sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β)")
    case True 
      then obtain tys where f_props: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β)" 
                                     "length ts = length tys" "lhs_types (f, length ts) = tys"
        using arity lhs_types_def by fastforce
      have lengths: "length (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts) = length ts"
        using f_props by (metis (no_types) length_zip min_def)
      { fix i
        assume "i < length ts"
        hence "(tys ! i, ts ! i) ∈ set (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts)"
          using f_props in_set_conv_nth length_zip by fastforce
        hence "map (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y) (zip (lhs_types (f, length ts)) ts) ! i
               ≤ map mctxt_of_term ts ! i"
          using 2 ‹i < length ts› lhs_types_def f_props(1) arity by simp 
      } note inner = this
      thus ?thesis using lengths f_props(1)
        by (metis max_top_persistent.simps(2) mctxt_of_term.simps(2) length_map mfun_leq_mfunI)
  qed simp
qed simp

lemma max_top_var_α: "max_topC_α α (mctxt_of_term (Var x)) = MVar x"
proof -
  have mvar_in_topsC: "MVar x ∈ topsC_α α (MVar x)"
    unfolding layer_system_sig.topsC_def by blast
  from max_top_not_hole[of "Var x"] have "max_top (Var x) ≠ MHole" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using mvar_in_topsC unfolding layer_system_sig.max_topC_def 
          layer_system_sig.topsC_def by fastforce

lemma max_top_unique_α:
  shows "∃!M. M ∈ topsC_α α C ∧ (∀L ∈ topsC_α α C. L ≤ M)"
proof -
  let ?topsC' = "layer_system_sig.topsC { L . ∃α. 𝔏α α L }" and
      ?topsC_α = "topsC_α α"
  have mhole_in_tops_α: "∀C. MHole ∈ topsC_α α C"
    using layer_system_sig.topsC_def less_eq_mctxtI1(1) by blast
  have "topsC C = ?topsC' C"
    using topsC_def[of C] 𝔏_def layer_system_sig.topsC_def[of "{ L . ∃α. 𝔏α α L }" C] by simp
  hence "∃!M. M ∈ ?topsC' C ∧ (∀L∈?topsC' C. L ≤ M)"
    using max_top_unique by (metis (no_types, lifting))
  then obtain M β where M_props: "M ∈ ?topsC' C" "∀L∈?topsC' C. L ≤ M" "𝔏α β M"
      using layer_system_sig.topsC_def[of "{L. ∃α. 𝔏α α L}" C] by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases "β = α")
    case True
    hence "M ∈ topsC_α α C" using M_props by (simp add: layer_system_sig.topsC_def)
    moreover have "∀L∈topsC_α α C. L ≤ M" using M_props(2)
      by (simp add: layer_system_sig.topsC_def) blast
    ultimately show ?thesis using dual_order.antisym by (simp add: layer_system_sig.topsC_def) blast
    case β_neq_α: False thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "M = MHole ∨ (∃x. M = MVar x)")
      case True
      hence "M ∈ topsC_α α C" using M_props by (auto simp: layer_system_sig.topsC_def)
      moreover have "∀L∈topsC_α α C. L ≤ M" using M_props(2)
        by (simp add: layer_system_sig.topsC_def) blast
      ultimately show ?thesis using dual_order.antisym by blast
      case False
      then obtain f Cs where M_def: "M = MFun f Cs" using mctxt_neq_mholeE by blast
      then obtain tys where f_prop: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, β)"
        using M_props 𝔏α.simps by blast
      have "M ≤ C" using M_props layer_system_sig.topsC_def by blast
      then obtain Cs' where C_def: "C = MFun f Cs'" "length Cs' = length Cs"
        using M_def less_eq_mctxt_MFunE1 by metis
      { fix L :: "('f, 'v) mctxt"
        assume "L ∈ topsC_α α C"
        hence "L ≤ C" using M_props layer_system_sig.topsC_def by blast
        hence "L = MHole"
        proof (cases L)
          case MVar thus ?thesis using ‹L ≤ C› C_def by (meson less_eq_mctxt_MVarE1 mctxt.simps(6))
          case (MFun f' Cs'')
          hence "f' = f ∧ length Cs'' = length Cs'"
            using ‹L ≤ C› C_def(1) less_eq_mctxt_MFunE1 mctxt.inject(2) by fastforce
          hence "¬ (∃tys. sigF (f', length Cs'') = Some (tys, α))"
            using f_prop C_def(2) β_neq_α by simp
          thus ?thesis using MFun ‹L ∈ topsC_α α C› layer_system_sig.topsC_def[of "{L. 𝔏α α L}" C]
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) consistent_𝔏α mem_Collect_eq)
      thus ?thesis using mhole_in_tops_α by blast

lemma max_top_persist_mono:
  assumes "L ≤ mctxt_of_term t" and "𝔏α α L"
  shows "L ≤ max_top_persistent α t"
using assms
proof (induction L "mctxt_of_term t" arbitrary: t α rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
  case (2 x)
  thus ?case by (metis eq_iff max_top_persistent.simps(1) term_of_mctxt.simps(1)
  case (3 Cs Ds f)
  from 3(5) obtain tys where f_prop: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α)" "length tys = length Cs"
    using consistent_𝔏α arity by blast
  obtain ts where t_def: "t = Fun f ts" "map mctxt_of_term ts = Ds" "length ts = length Ds"
    using 3(4) mctxt_of_term.simps(2)
    by (metis length_map mctxt.inject(2) term_of_mctxt.simps(2) term_of_mctxt_mctxt_of_term_id)
  hence unfolded_max_top_persist: "max_top_persistent α t = MFun f (map (case_prod max_top_persistent)
          (zip tys ts))" using f_prop 3(1) max_top_persistent_mfun by force
  { fix i
    assume i_props: "i < length Cs" "Ds ! i = mctxt_of_term (ts ! i)"
    hence "Cs ! i ≤ Ds ! i" using 3 by fast
    moreover have "𝔏α (tys ! i) (Cs ! i)" using consistent_𝔏α f_prop i_props 3(5) by force
    ultimately have "Cs ! i ≤ max_top_persistent (tys ! i) (ts ! i)" using i_props 3(3) by simp
  thus ?case using 3(1) 3(4) f_prop t_def unfolded_max_top_persist
                   mfun_leq_mfunI[of f f Cs "(map (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y) (zip tys ts))"]
    by (simp add: map_nth_eq_conv)
qed auto

lemma max_topC_props_α[simp]:
  shows "max_topC_α α C ∈ topsC_α α C" and "⋀L. L ∈ topsC_α α C ⟹ L ≤ max_topC_α α C"
by (auto simp: theI'[OF max_top_unique_α] layer_system_sig.max_topC_def)

lemma max_top_persistent_correct_α:
  "max_top_persistent α t = layer_system_sig.max_top { L . 𝔏α α L } t"
proof (induction t)
  case (Var x) thus ?case using max_top_var_α by simp
  case (Fun f ts) thus ?case
  proof (cases "∃tys. sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)")
    case True
    then obtain tys where f_props: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)"
                                   "length ts = length tys" "lhs_types (f, length ts) = tys"
      using arity lhs_types_def by fastforce
    let ?Cs = "map (case_prod max_top_persistent) (zip tys ts)"
    have unfold_max_top_persist: "max_top_persistent α (Fun f ts) = MFun f ?Cs"
      using f_props by simp 
    { fix L
      assume L_props: "L ≤ MFun f (map mctxt_of_term ts)" "𝔏α α L"
      hence "L ≤ MFun f ?Cs" using max_top_persist_mono[of L]
        by (metis mctxt_of_term.simps(2) unfold_max_top_persist)
    hence less_than_max_top_persistent: "𝔏α α L ∧ L ≤ MFun f (map mctxt_of_term ts)
                                      ⟶ L ≤ MFun f ?Cs" for L by auto
    hence in_𝔏α: "𝔏α α (MFun f ?Cs)" using max_top_persistent_in_layers f_props by auto
    have is_top: "MFun f ?Cs ≤ MFun f (map mctxt_of_term ts)"
      using unfold_max_top_persist by (metis (full_types) mctxt_of_term.simps(2) top_less_eq)
    have max_top_lt_max_top_persist: "layer_system_sig.max_top { L . 𝔏α α L } (Fun f ts) ≤ MFun f ?Cs"
      using less_than_max_top_persistent max_topC_props_α(1)
            layer_system_sig.topsC_def[of "{ L . 𝔏α α L }"]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) mctxt_of_term.simps(2) mem_Collect_eq)
    have "MFun f ?Cs ≤ max_topC_α α (MFun f (map mctxt_of_term ts))"
      using is_top in_𝔏α layer_system_sig.topsC_def max_topC_props_α(2) by blast
    thus ?thesis
      using max_top_lt_max_top_persist unfold_max_top_persist dual_order.antisym by auto
    case False
    hence "length cs = length ts ⟶ ¬ 𝔏α α (MFun f cs)" for cs by (metis consistent_𝔏α)
    hence top_is_hole: "𝔏α α L ∧ L ≤ MFun f (map mctxt_of_term ts) ⟶ L = MHole" for L 
      by (auto elim: less_eq_mctxt_MFunE2)
    { fix L
      assume "layer_system_sig.max_topC {L. 𝔏α α L} (mctxt_of_term (Fun f ts)) = L"
      hence L_props: "L ∈ layer_system_sig.topsC {L'. 𝔏α α L'} (mctxt_of_term (Fun f ts)) ∧
            (∀L'∈layer_system_sig.topsC {L'. 𝔏α α L'} (mctxt_of_term (Fun f ts)). L' ≤ L)"
        using layer_system_sig.max_topC_def[of "{L. 𝔏α α L}" "(mctxt_of_term (Fun f ts))"]
              max_top_unique_α[of α "(mctxt_of_term (Fun f ts))"] by (auto dest!: theI')
      hence "𝔏α α L" using layer_system_sig.topsC_def[of "{L. 𝔏α α L}"] by blast
      have "L ≤ MFun f (map mctxt_of_term ts)" using layer_system_sig.topsC_def L_props by auto
      hence "L = MHole" using top_is_hole ‹𝔏α α L› by simp
    hence "layer_system_sig.max_topC {L. 𝔏α α L} (mctxt_of_term (Fun f ts)) = MHole" by blast
    thus ?thesis using False by simp

lemma L_not_in_𝔏β: 
  assumes f_in_ℱα: "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α)"
  shows "L ∈ 𝔏 ∧ L ≤ MFun f Cs ⟷ 𝔏α α L ∧ L ≤ MFun f Cs"
proof (cases "L ≤ MFun f Cs")
  case True thus ?thesis
  proof (cases L)
    case (MFun f' Cs')
    hence "f' = f" "length Cs' = length Cs"
      using True less_eq_mctxt_MFunE2
      by (fastforce, metis mctxt.distinct(5) mctxt.inject(2))
    hence "α ≠ β ⟶ ¬ 𝔏α β L" for β using MFun f_in_ℱα 𝔏α.cases by fastforce
    thus ?thesis using 𝔏_def by fast
  qed auto
qed simp

(* important *)
lemma max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α) ⟹
      max_top_persistent α (Fun f ts) = max_top (Fun f ts) ∧
      (β ≠ α ⟶ max_top_persistent β (Fun f ts) = MHole)"
using max_top_persistent_correct_α[of α "Fun f ts"] 
by (auto simp: layer_system_sig.max_topC_def layer_system_sig.topsC_def L_not_in_𝔏β)

lemma max_top_MFun_α:
  assumes "max_top t = MFun f Cs"
  shows "∃α. max_top t = max_top_persistent α t"
using assms
proof (induction t arbitrary: f Cs)
  case Var thus ?case using max_top_var by auto
  case (Fun f' ts)
  have similar: "f = f' ∧ length Cs = length ts" using Fun(2) max_topC_props(1) unfolding topsC_def 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) length_map less_eq_mctxt_MFunE1
        mctxt.inject(2) mctxt_of_term.simps(2) mem_Collect_eq)
  have "MFun f Cs ∈ 𝔏" using Fun max_topC_layer[of "MFun f' (map mctxt_of_term ts)"] by simp
  then obtain α tys where "sigF (f, length Cs) = Some (tys, α)"
    using 𝔏_def consistent_𝔏α by blast
  hence "max_top (Fun f' ts) = max_top_persistent α (Fun f' ts)"
    using max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα[of f' ts tys α] similar by auto
  thus ?case by blast

lemma max_top_Fun_α:
  shows "∃α. max_top (Fun f ts) = max_top_persistent α (Fun f ts)"
using max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα max_top_MFun_α
  by (metis less_eq_mctxtE2(3) max_top_persistent.simps(2) max_top_prefix mctxt_of_term.simps(2)) 

lemma max_top_var_weak1:
  "max_top t = MVar x ⟷ Var x = t"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) less_eq_mctxt_MVarE1 max_topC_props(1)  
    max_top_var mem_Collect_eq term_of_mctxt_mctxt_of_term_id topsC_def)

lemma mctxt_leq_𝔏α:
  assumes "L ≤ N" "𝔏α α N"
  shows "𝔏α α L"
using assms
proof (induction "L :: ('f, 'v) mctxt" N arbitrary: α rule: less_eq_mctxt_induct)
  case (3 Cs Ds f α)
  then obtain tys where f_prop: "sigF (f, length Ds) = Some (tys, α)" using consistent_𝔏α by blast
  { fix i
    assume "i < length Cs"
    hence "𝔏α (tys ! i) (Ds ! i)" using f_prop 3 consistent_𝔏α by fastforce
    hence "𝔏α (tys ! i) (Cs ! i)" using ‹i < length Cs› 3(3) 3(4) by blast
  thus ?case using 3(1) f_prop by auto
qed auto

lemma mctxt_leq_subm_at_𝔏α:
  assumes "L ≤ N" "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt L" "𝔏α α (subm_at N p)"
  shows "𝔏α α (subm_at L p)"
using mctxt_leq_𝔏α[OF less_eq_subm_at[OF assms(2) assms(1)], OF assms(3)] .

lemma max_max_top: "max_top_persistent α t ≤ max_top t"
using max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα
by (induction α t rule: "max_top_persistent.induct") auto

abbreviation mtp where "mtp ≡ λα x. mctxt_term_conv (max_top_persistent α x)"
abbreviation push_in_ctxt where
  "push_in_ctxt s t C α D β ≡ mtp α C⟨s⟩ = D⟨mtp β s⟩ ∧ mtp α C⟨t⟩ = D⟨mtp β t⟩ ∧
                               hole_pos C = hole_pos D"

lemma push_mt_ctxt:
  assumes "p = hole_pos C" "p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top_persistent α C⟨s⟩)"
  shows "∃D γ. push_in_ctxt s t C α D γ"
using assms(2) unfolding assms(1)
proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
  case Hole
  hence "push_in_ctxt s t □ α □ α" by simp
  thus ?case by blast
  case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
  let ?Cs = "ss1 @ C'⟨s⟩ # ss2"
  show ?case
  proof (cases "∃tys. sigF (f, length ?Cs) = Some (tys, α)")
    case True
    then obtain tys where f_props: "sigF (f, length ?Cs) = Some (tys, α)"
                                   "length ?Cs = length tys" "lhs_types (f, length ?Cs) = tys"
      using arity lhs_types_def by fastforce
    let ?Ds = "map (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y) (zip (take (length ss1) tys) ss1) @
              max_top_persistent (tys ! length ss1) C'⟨s⟩ # 
              map (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y) (zip (drop (Suc (length ss1)) tys) ss2)"
    have "tys = (take (length ss1) tys) @ (tys ! length ss1) # (drop (Suc (length ss1)) tys)"
      using f_props(2) id_take_nth_drop[of "length ss1" tys] by fastforce
    then obtain tys1 ty tys2 where tys_def: "tys = tys1 @ ty # tys2" "length tys1 = length ss1"
      by fastforce
    have mt_unfold: "max_top_persistent α (More f ss1 C' ss2)⟨s⟩ = MFun f ?Ds"
      using f_props tys_def(2) unfolding tys_def(1) by (auto simp: append_Cons_nth_middle)
    have "length (map (mctxt_term_conv ∘ (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y)) (zip tys1 ss1)) = length ss1"
      using length_map length_zip tys_def(2) by force
    hence "hole_pos C' ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top_persistent (tys ! length ss1) C'⟨s⟩)"
      using f_props More(2) tys_def(2) nth_append_length
        [of "map (mctxt_term_conv ∘ (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y)) (zip tys1 ss1)"]
      unfolding tys_def(1) mt_unfold by (auto simp: funposs_mctxt_def)
    then obtain D' β' where inner: "push_in_ctxt s t C' (tys ! length ss1) D' β'"
      using More(1) by fast
    let ?D = "More f (map (mctxt_term_conv ∘ (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y)) (zip tys1 ss1)) D'
                     (map (mctxt_term_conv ∘ (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x y)) (zip tys2 ss2))"
    have "push_in_ctxt s t (More f ss1 C' ss2) α ?D β'"
      using inner f_props tys_def(2) unfolding tys_def(1)
      by (simp add: append_Cons_nth_middle)
    thus ?thesis by blast
    case False thus ?thesis using More(2) by (simp add: funposs_mctxt_def)

lemma map_equiv:
  assumes "length ls2 = length ls1" "∀i < length ls2. f (ls1 ! i, ls2 ! i) = g (ls2 ! i)"
  shows "map f (zip ls1 ls2) = map g ls2"
using assms
proof (induction ls2 arbitrary: ls1)
  case (Cons a ls2')
  then obtain b ls1' where "ls1 = b # ls1'" by (cases ls1) auto
  thus ?case using Cons by fastforce
qed simp

lemma push_mt_subst:
  assumes "𝒯α α t"
  shows "mtp α (t ⋅ σ) = t ⋅ (λx. mtp (the (sigV x)) (σ x))"
using assms
proof (induction t)
  case (funs f ts tys β)
  hence lengths: "length ts = length tys" using arity by simp
  let ?f = "mctxt_term_conv ∘ (λ(x, y). max_top_persistent x (y ⋅ σ))" and
      ?g = "λt. t ⋅ (λx. mtp (the (sigV x)) (σ x))"
  have "map ?f (zip tys ts) = map ?g ts"
    using funs(2) map_equiv[OF lengths, of ?f ?g] unfolding map_zip_map2 by simp
  thus ?case using funs lhs_types_def by (auto simp: map_zip_map2)
qed simp

text ‹main lemma for condition C_1 in proof of layered›
lemma lemma_C1:
  fixes p :: pos and s t :: "('f, 'v) term" and r and σ
  assumes "s ∈ 𝒯" and "t ∈ 𝒯" and p_funposs: "p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top s)" and
          rstep_s_t: "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p σ" and
          s_def_t_def: "s = C⟨fst r ⋅ σ⟩" "t = C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩" "r ∈ ℛ" and
          p_def: "p = hole_pos C" and
          root_s: "∃f ts. s = Fun f ts ∧ sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)"
  shows "∃τ. (mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv (max_top t)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ ∨
             (mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv MHole) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ"
proof -
  let ?M = "max_top s" and ?L = "max_top t"
  obtain f ts where s_def: "s = Fun f ts"
              and f_props: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)" "length ts = length tys"
                           "lhs_types (f, length ts) = tys"
    using root_s arity lhs_types_def by fastforce
  hence mtp_eq: "max_top_persistent α s = max_top s" 
    using max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα by blast
  have p_funposs_max_top: "p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top_persistent α s)" 
    using mtp_eq ‹p ∈ funposs_mctxt ?M› by simp
  hence p_in_poss_max_top: "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt (max_top_persistent α C⟨t⟩)" for t
    unfolding s_def_t_def p_def
    using funposs_mctxt_subset_all_poss_mctxt[of "max_top_persistent α t"]
    proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
      case More thus ?case using funposs_mctxt_def funposs_mctxt_subset_all_poss_mctxt
        by (auto simp: nth_append_length[of "map f xs" for f xs, unfolded length_map]
            funposs_mctxt_def split: if_splits) blast
    qed auto
  let  = "λx. mtp (the (sigV x)) (σ x)"
  have "∃D β. push_in_ctxt (fst r ⋅ σ) t C α D β" for t
    using push_mt_ctxt[OF p_def p_funposs_max_top[unfolded s_def_t_def]] by simp
  then obtain D β where in_ctxt: "mtp α C⟨(fst r ⋅ σ)⟩ = D⟨mtp β (fst r ⋅ σ)⟩ ∧
                                  mtp α C⟨(snd r ⋅ σ)⟩ = D⟨mtp β (snd r ⋅ σ)⟩"
                                  "hole_pos C = hole_pos D" by blast
  obtain β' where rule_type: "𝒯α β' (fst r)" "𝒯α β' (snd r)"
    using ‹r ∈ ℛ› R_def[of "fst r" "snd r"] by auto
  { assume "β' ≠ β"
    obtain g ss where lhs_def: "fst r = Fun g ss"
      using wf ‹r ∈ ℛ› unfolding wf_trs_def by (metis prod.collapse)
    obtain tys' where "sigF (g, length ss) = Some (tys', β')"
      using rule_type(1) lhs_def by (metis 𝒯α.simps term.distinct(1) term.inject(2))
    hence "max_top_persistent β (fst r ⋅ σ) = MHole"
      using max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα ‹β' ≠ β› lhs_def by simp
    moreover have "hole_pos D ∈ funposs D⟨mtp β (fst r ⋅ σ)⟩"
      using p_funposs_max_top in_ctxt
      unfolding s_def_t_def(1) funposs_mctxt_def p_def by argo
    ultimately have False by (induction D) auto
  hence "β' = β" by blast
  hence part2: "mtp β ((fst r) ⋅ σ) = (fst r) ⋅ ?σ"
    and part3: "mtp β ((snd r) ⋅ σ) = (snd r) ⋅ ?σ"
    using push_mt_subst rule_type by simp+
  have first_half: "mctxt_term_conv (max_top s) = D⟨fst r ⋅ ?σ⟩"
    using mtp_eq in_ctxt part2 unfolding s_def_t_def(1) by simp
  moreover have second_half: "D⟨snd r ⋅ ?σ⟩ = mtp α (C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩)"
    using part3 in_ctxt by metis
  ultimately have "(mctxt_term_conv (max_top C⟨fst r ⋅ σ⟩), mtp α (C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩))
                                                       ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p ?σ" 
    using mtp_eq rstep_s_t ‹r ∈ ℛ› in_ctxt(2) p_def s_def_t_def(1)
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) rstep_r_p_s'.rstep_r_p_s')
  hence W: "∃ τ. max_top_persistent α (C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩) ∈ 𝔏 ∧
           (mctxt_term_conv ?M, mtp α (C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ"
    using max_top_persistent_in_layers 𝔏_def Un_iff s_def_t_def(1) [folded p_def] by blast
  then obtain τ where step_to_L: "(mctxt_term_conv ?M, mtp α (C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases t)
    case (Var x)
    then show ?thesis using s_def_t_def(2) step_to_L by auto
    case (Fun g ss)
    thus ?thesis using step_to_L s_def_t_def(2) max_top_persistent_correct_ℱα
      by (metis Fun max_top_persistent.simps(2)) 

sublocale layered "ℱ" "𝔏"
proof (* trs *)
  show "wf_trs ℛ" using wf .
next (* ℛ_sig *)
  show "funas_trs ℛ ⊆ ℱ"
    fix fn
    assume "fn ∈ funas_trs ℛ"
    then obtain l r :: "('f, 'v) term" where "fn ∈ funas_rule (l, r)" "(l, r) ∈ ℛ"
       unfolding funas_trs_def by fast
    thus "fn ∈ ℱ"
      using R_def[OF ‹(l, r) ∈ ℛ›] funas_𝒯α 
      by (metis funas_rule_def Un_iff fst_conv snd_conv)
next (* C1 *)
  fix p :: pos and s t :: "('f, 'v) term" and r and σ
  let ?M = "max_top s" and ?L = "max_top t"
  assume assms: "s ∈ 𝒯" "t ∈ 𝒯" "p ∈ funposs_mctxt ?M" and
         rstep_s_t: "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p σ"
  then obtain C where
    s_def_t_def: "s = C⟨fst r ⋅ σ⟩" "t = C⟨snd r ⋅ σ⟩" "r ∈ ℛ" and
    p_def: "p = hole_pos C"
    by auto
  show "∃τ. (mctxt_term_conv ?M, mctxt_term_conv ?L) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ ∨
            (mctxt_term_conv ?M, mctxt_term_conv MHole) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ"
  proof -
    consider "∃f ts. s = Fun f ts ∧ (f, length ts) ∈ ℱ"
           | "∃x. s = Var x" using ‹s ∈ 𝒯› 𝒯_def by (cases s) auto
    thus ?thesis
    proof cases
      case 1
      then obtain f ts tys α where "s = Fun f ts" "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, α)"
        unfolding ℱ_def by auto
      thus ?thesis using lemma_C1[OF assms rstep_s_t s_def_t_def p_def] by auto
      case 2 thus ?thesis 
      using rstep_s_t wf NF_Var rstep_eq_rstep' rstep'_iff_rstep_r_p_s' prod.collapse
      by metis
next (* C2 *) (* this has to be changed to be similar to lemma mreplace_at_𝔏α *)
  fix L N :: "('f, 'v) mctxt" and p :: pos
  assume my_assms: "N ∈ 𝔏" "L ∈ 𝔏" "L ≤ N" "p ∈ hole_poss L"
  thus "mreplace_at L p (subm_at N p) ∈ 𝔏"
  proof -
    obtain α where "𝔏α α N" using ‹N ∈ 𝔏› 𝔏_def by auto
    hence "𝔏α α L" using ‹L ∈ 𝔏› 𝔏_def ‹L ≤ N›
    proof (induction N rule: 𝔏α.induct)
      case mhole thus ?case using by auto
      case mvar thus ?case using less_eq_mctxtE2(2) 𝔏_def by (metis 𝔏α.mvar mhole)
      case (mfun f Cs tys β) thus ?case using L_not_in_𝔏β by blast
    have "p ∈ all_poss_mctxt N"
      using ‹p ∈ hole_poss L› ‹L ≤ N› all_poss_mctxt_conv all_poss_mctxt_mono[of L N]
      by auto
    then obtain β where "𝔏α β (subm_at N p)" using 𝔏_subm[OF ‹N ∈ 𝔏›] 𝔏_def by auto
    hence "𝔏α β (subm_at L p)" using mctxt_leq_subm_at_𝔏α[OF ‹L ≤ N›, of p β] ‹p ∈ hole_poss L›
      by auto
    consider "(L = MHole ∨ (∃x. L = MVar x))" | "𝔏α α (mreplace_at L p (subm_at N p))"
      using mreplace_at_𝔏α'[OF my_assms(3) ‹𝔏α α L› my_assms(1) ‹𝔏α β (subm_at L p)› ‹𝔏α β (subm_at N p)›] 
            my_assms(4) UnCI all_poss_mctxt_conv by fastforce 
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases)
      case 1 thus ?thesis using ‹p ∈ hole_poss L› ‹N ∈ 𝔏› by fastforce
      case 2 thus ?thesis using 𝔏_def by auto

lemma conserv_subst:
  assumes "𝒯α α (t ⋅ σ)" and "⋀x β. (sigV x = Some β ⟷ 𝒯α β (Var x ⋅ σ))"
  shows "𝒯α α t"
using assms(1)
proof (induction t arbitrary: α)
  case (Var x β)
  hence "sigV x = Some β" using assms(2) by simp
  thus ?case by auto
  case (Fun f ts β)
  have "length (map (λt. t ⋅ σ) ts) = length ts" by simp
  then obtain tys where "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β)" "∀i<length ts. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (ts ! i)"
    using Fun 𝒯α.cases[of β "Fun f ts ⋅ σ"] subst_apply_term.simps(2)[of f ts σ] nth_map
    proof -
      assume a1: "⋀tys. ⟦sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β); ∀i<length ts. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (ts ! i)⟧ ⟹ thesis"
      have "(∃v t. β = t ∧ Fun f ts ⋅ σ = Var v ∧ sigV v = Some t) ∨ (∃fa tsa tsb t. β = t ∧ Fun f ts ⋅ σ = Fun fa tsa ∧ sigF (fa, length tsa) = Some (tsb, t) ∧ (∀n. ¬ n < length tsa ∨ 𝒯α (tsb ! n) (tsa ! n)))"
        by (meson Fun.prems ‹⋀P. ⟦𝒯α β (Fun f ts ⋅ σ); ⋀x α. ⟦β = α; Fun f ts ⋅ σ = Var x; sigV x = Some α⟧ ⟹ P; ⋀fa tsa tys α. ⟦β = α; Fun f ts ⋅ σ = Fun fa tsa; sigF (fa, length tsa) = Some (tys, α); ∀i<length tsa. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (tsa ! i)⟧ ⟹ P⟧ ⟹ P›)
      thus ?thesis
        using a1 Fun by auto
  thus ?case using Fun 𝒯α.cases by blast

lemma 𝒯α_subt_at:
  assumes "𝒯α α C⟨t⟩"
  shows "∃β. 𝒯α β t"
using assms
proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
  case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
  let ?ts = "ss1 @ C'⟨t⟩ # ss2"
  obtain tys where "sigF (f, length ?ts) = Some (tys, α)" using More(2) by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
  with More(2) have "∀i<length ?ts. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (?ts ! i)"
    by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
  hence "𝒯α (tys ! length ss1) (?ts ! length ss1)"
    by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append less_add_Suc1)
  thus ?case using More(1) unfolding nth_append_length[of ss1 "C'⟨t⟩" ss2] by blast
qed auto

lemma 𝒯α_subst: 
  assumes "𝒯α α t" "⋀y γ. y ∈ vars_term t ⟹ (sigV y = Some γ ⟶ 𝒯α γ (Var y ⋅ σ))"
  shows "𝒯α α (t ⋅ σ)"
using assms
proof (induction t)
  case (funs f ts tys α)
  { fix i
    assume "i < length ts"
    hence "𝒯α (tys ! i) (ts ! i ⋅ σ)" using funs by fastforce
  then show ?case using funs(1) by auto
qed simp

lemma 𝔏α_subst: 
  assumes "𝒯α α t"
          "⋀y γ. y ∈ vars_term t ⟹ (sigV y = Some γ ⟶ 𝔏α γ (mctxt_of_term (Var y ⋅ σ)))"
  shows "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term (t ⋅ σ))"
using assms
proof (induction t rule: 𝒯α.induct)
  case (funs f ts tys α)
  { fix i
    assume "i < length ts"
    hence "𝔏α (tys ! i) (mctxt_of_term (ts ! i ⋅ σ))" using funs by fastforce
  thus ?case using funs(1) by auto
qed simp

lemma conserv_𝒯α:
  assumes "𝒯α α s"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ rstep ℛ ⟹ 𝒯α α t"
proof -
  assume "(s, t) ∈ rstep ℛ"
  from this and assms show "𝒯α α t"
  proof (induction rule: rstep_induct)
    case (IH C σ l r)
    then obtain β where type_lσ: "𝒯α β (l ⋅ σ)" using 𝒯α_subt_at by blast
    obtain β' where rule_type: "𝒯α β' l" "𝒯α β' r"
      using R_def[OF IH(1)] by auto
    have "is_Fun l" using IH wf unfolding wf_trs_def by blast
    hence "β' = β" using rule_type(1) type_lσ by (cases l) (auto elim!: 𝒯α.cases)
    have σ_types: "⋀y γ. y ∈ vars_term l ⟹ (sigV y = Some γ ⟶ 𝒯α γ (Var y ⋅ σ))"
      using type_lσ rule_type(1) unfolding ‹β' = β›
      proof (induction l arbitrary: β)
        case (Fun f ts)
        obtain tys where type_f: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β)"
          using Fun(3) by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
        { fix ti
          assume asms: "ti ∈ set ts" "y ∈ vars_term ti"
          then obtain i where ti_def: "ti = ts ! i" "i < length ts" by (meson in_set_idx)
          hence "𝒯α (tys ! i) ti" "𝒯α (tys ! i) (ti ⋅ σ)" using type_f Fun(3-) by (auto elim!: 𝒯α.cases)
          hence "(sigV y = Some γ) ⟶ 𝒯α γ (Var y ⋅ σ)" using Fun(1)[OF asms, of "tys ! i" γ] by fast
        then show ?case using Fun(2) by auto
      qed (auto elim!: 𝒯α.cases)
    have sub_vars: "vars_term r ⊆ vars_term l" using IH wf by (simp add: wf_trs_def)
    from IH(2) show ?case
    proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
      case Hole
      hence "β = α" using type_lσ by (auto elim!: 𝒯α.cases)
      hence "𝒯α α r" using rule_type ‹β' = β› by blast
      from 𝒯α_subst[OF this] show ?case using sub_vars σ_types by auto
      case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
      let ?ts = "ss1 @ C'⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ # ss2" and ?ts' = "ss1 @ C'⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ # ss2"
      obtain tys where type_f: "sigF (f, length ?ts) = Some (tys, α)"
        using More(2) by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
      with More(2) have sub_typed: "∀i<length ?ts. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (?ts ! i)"
        by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
      hence "𝒯α (tys ! length ss1) (?ts ! length ss1)"
        by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append less_add_Suc1)
      hence "𝒯α (tys ! length ss1) (?ts' ! length ss1)"
        using More(1) by simp
      hence "∀i<length ?ts'. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (?ts' ! i)"
        using arity sub_typed unfolding ctxt_apply_term.simps
        by (metis append_Cons_nth_not_middle length_Cons length_append)
      thus ?case using type_f by auto

lemma conserv_𝔏α:
  assumes "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term s)"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ rstep ℛ ⟹ 𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term t)"
proof -
  assume "(s, t) ∈ rstep ℛ"
  from this and assms show "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term t)"
  proof (induction rule: rstep_induct)
    case (IH C σ l r)
    then obtain β where type_lσ: "𝔏α β (mctxt_of_term (l ⋅ σ))"
      using 𝔏_sub 𝔏_def by blast
    obtain β' where rule_type: "𝒯α β' l" "𝒯α β' r"
      using R_def[OF IH(1)] by auto
    have "is_Fun l" using IH wf unfolding wf_trs_def by blast
    hence "β' = β" using rule_type(1) type_lσ by (cases l) (auto elim!: 𝒯α.cases 𝔏α.cases)
    have σ_types: "⋀y γ. y ∈ vars_term l ⟹
                          (sigV y = Some γ ⟶ 𝔏α γ (mctxt_of_term (Var y ⋅ σ)))"
      using rule_type(1) type_lσ unfolding ‹β' = β›
      proof (induction β l rule: 𝒯α.induct)
        case (funs f ts tys α)
        { fix ti
          assume asms: "ti ∈ set ts" "y ∈ vars_term ti"
          then obtain i where ti_def: "ti = ts ! i" "i < length ts" by (meson in_set_idx)
          hence "𝔏α (tys ! i) (mctxt_of_term ti)" using funs(2) 𝒯α_𝔏α by simp
          moreover have "𝔏α (tys ! i) (mctxt_of_term (ti ⋅ σ))"
            using funs(1,4) ti_def by (auto elim: 𝔏α.cases)
          ultimately have "(sigV y = Some γ) ⟶ 𝔏α γ (mctxt_of_term (Var y ⋅ σ))"
            using funs(2) asms ti_def by blast
        then show ?case using funs(3) by auto
      qed auto
    have sub_vars: "vars_term r ⊆ vars_term l" using IH wf by (simp add: wf_trs_def)
    from IH(2) show ?case
    proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
      case Hole
      hence "β = α" using type_lσ ‹is_Fun l› by (auto elim!: 𝔏α.cases)
      hence "𝒯α α r" using rule_type ‹β' = β› by blast
      from 𝔏α_subst[OF this] show ?case using sub_vars σ_types by auto
      case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
      let ?ts = "ss1 @ C'⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ # ss2" and ?ts' = "ss1 @ C'⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ # ss2"
      obtain tys where type_f: "sigF (f, length ?ts) = Some (tys, α)"
        using More(2) by (auto elim: 𝔏α.cases)
      with More(2) have sub_typed: "∀i<length ?ts. 𝔏α (tys ! i) (mctxt_of_term (?ts ! i))"
        by (auto elim!: 𝔏α.cases)
           (metis (no_types, lifting) arity list.simps(9) map_append nth_map type_f)
      hence "𝔏α (tys ! length ss1) (mctxt_of_term (?ts ! length ss1))"
        by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append less_add_Suc1)
      hence "𝔏α (tys ! length ss1) (mctxt_of_term (?ts' ! length ss1))"
        using More(1) by simp
      hence "∀i<length ?ts'. 𝔏α (tys ! i) (mctxt_of_term (?ts' ! i))"
        using arity sub_typed unfolding ctxt_apply_term.simps
        by (metis append_Cons_nth_not_middle length_Cons length_append)
      thus ?case using type_f arity nth_map[of _ "ss1 @ C'⟨r ⋅ σ⟩ # ss2" mctxt_of_term]
        by (auto simp: map_nth_eq_conv)

lemma conserv_star_𝒯α:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" and "𝒯α α s"
  shows "𝒯α α t"
using assms conserv_𝒯α
by (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct) auto

lemma conserv_star_𝔏α:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" and "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term s)"
  shows "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term t)"
using assms conserv_𝔏α
by (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct) auto

lemma needed_types_subt_at:
  assumes "𝒯α α C⟨t⟩" "𝒯α β t"
  shows "needed_types α β"
using assms
proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
  case Hole
  hence "β = α" by (auto elim!: 𝒯α.cases)
  thus ?case by blast
  case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
  let ?ts = "ss1 @ C'⟨t⟩ # ss2"
  obtain tys where props: "sigF (f, length ?ts) = Some (tys, α)" "∀i<length ?ts. 𝒯α (tys ! i) (?ts ! i)"
    using More(2) by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
  hence "needed_types α (tys ! length ss1)" using arity by auto
  moreover have "𝒯α (tys ! length ss1) C'⟨t⟩" using props
    by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons nth_append_length length_append less_add_Suc1)
  ultimately show ?case using More(1,3) by blast

lemma needed_rules_𝒯α:
  assumes "𝒯α α s" "(s, t) ∈ rstep (ℛα β)"
  shows "needed_types α β"
using assms
proof (induction s arbitrary: t)
  case (var x α)
  then show ?case using NF_Var[OF wf] by blast
  case (funs f ts tys α)
  then obtain l r p σ where step: "(Fun f ts, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s (ℛα β) (l, r) p σ"
    using rstep_iff_rstep_r_p_s[of "Fun f ts" t "ℛα β"] by blast
  obtain C where props: "Fun f ts = C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩" "t = C⟨r ⋅ σ⟩" "p = hole_pos C" "(l, r) ∈ ℛα β"
    using hole_pos_ctxt_of_pos_term Product_Type.Collect_case_prodD[OF step[unfolded rstep_r_p_s_def]]
    unfolding fst_conv snd_conv by metis
  then obtain g ss where l_def: "l = Fun g ss" using wf unfolding wf_trs_def by blast
  then obtain tys' where type_β: "sigF (g, length ss) = Some (tys', β)"
    using props(4) by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
  obtain β' where "𝒯α β' (l ⋅ σ)" using 𝒯α_subt_at[of α C "l ⋅ σ"] props(1) funs(1,2) by auto
  hence "β' = β" using type_β l_def by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
  thus ?case using ‹𝒯α β' (l ⋅ σ)› needed_types_subt_at[of α C "l ⋅ σ"]
    funs(1,2) props(1) by auto

abbreviation nα where "ℛnα ≡ λα. ⋃{ ℛα β |β. needed_types α β}"

lemma needed_rules_𝒯α_single:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ rstep ℛ" "𝒯α α s"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ rstep (ℛnα α)"
proof -
  obtain l r p σ where st_step: "(s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s ℛ (l, r) p σ"
    using rstep_iff_rstep_r_p_s[of s t ] assms(1) by blast
  then obtain β where "𝒯α β l" "𝒯α β r" "(l, r) ∈ ℛ"
    using R_def Product_Type.Collect_case_prodD[OF st_step[unfolded rstep_r_p_s_def]] by meson
  hence "(s, t) ∈ rstep (ℛα β)"
    using st_step rstep_r_p_s_imp_rstep[of s t "(ℛα β)" "(l, r)" p σ]
    by (simp add: rstep_r_p_s_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using needed_rules_𝒯α[OF assms(2), of t β] by blast

lemma rstep_on_𝒯α_iff_needed:
  "Restr (rstep ℛ) {t. 𝒯α α t} = Restr (rstep (ℛnα α)) {t. 𝒯α α t}"
  using needed_rules_𝒯α_single by auto

lemma CR_on_𝒯α_by_needed_rules:
  "CR_on (rstep ℛ) {t. 𝒯α α t} ⟷ CR_on (rstep (ℛnα α)) {t. 𝒯α α t}"
  by (subst (1 2) CR_on_iff_CR_Restr) (auto 0 3 intro: conserv_𝒯α simp: rstep_on_𝒯α_iff_needed)

lemma 𝒯α_𝒯: "{ t. 𝒯α α t } ⊆ 𝒯"
using funas_𝒯α unfolding 𝒯_def by blast                          

text ‹The following lemma establishes the easy direction of persistence of confluence.›
lemma CR_persist':
  assumes CR_union: "CR_on (rstep ℛ) 𝒯"
  shows "CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. 𝒯α α t }"
using 𝒯α_𝒯 assms unfolding CR_on_def by blast


locale persistent_cr_infinite_vars = persistent_cr sigF sigV  for 
        sigF :: "('f × nat) ⇒ ('t list × 't) option" and
        sigV :: "'v :: infinite ⇒ 't option" and
         :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) trs" +
  assumes inf_vars: "⋀α. infinite { v ∈ 𝒱. sigV v = Some α }"

fun add_types :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ 't ⇒ ('f, 'v * 't) term" where
  "add_types (Var x) α = Var (x, α)"
| "add_types (Fun f ts) α = (case sigF (f, length ts) of
     Some (tys, α) ⇒ Fun f (map (λ(t,α). add_types t α) (zip ts tys))
   | None ⇒ Fun f (map (λt. add_types t undefined) ts))"

lemma drop_take_nth: "n < length ls ⟹ drop n (take (Suc n) ls) = [ls ! n]"
by (induction ls arbitrary: n) (simp, metis List.append_eq_append_conv
    Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_eq_plus1_left take_Suc_conv_app_nth take_add take_drop) 

lemma 𝒯α_add_types_subst:
  assumes "𝒯α α t"
  shows "add_types (t ⋅ σ) α = t ⋅ (λx. add_types (σ x) (the (sigV x)))"
using assms
proof (induction rule: 𝒯α.induct)
  case (funs f ts tys α)
  thus ?case using arity[OF funs(1)]
    by (simp add: map_nth_eq_conv)
qed simp

lemma add_types_preserves_step:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ rstep ℛ" "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term s)"
  shows "(add_types s α, add_types t α) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: α)
  case (IH C σ l r)
  obtain β where rule_type: "𝒯α β l" "𝒯α β r" using R_def[OF IH(1)] by blast
  hence "add_types (l ⋅ σ) β = l ⋅ (λx. add_types (σ x) (the (sigV x)))"
        "add_types (r ⋅ σ) β = r ⋅ (λx. add_types (σ x) (the (sigV x)))"
    using 𝒯α_add_types_subst by blast+
  hence step': "(add_types (l ⋅ σ) β, add_types (r ⋅ σ) β) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
    using rstep'[OF IH(1), of ] by auto
  obtain f ts where l_def: "l = Fun f ts"
    using wf IH(1) unfolding wf_trs_def by blast
  then obtain tys where type_l: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β)"
    using rule_type by (auto elim: 𝒯α.cases)
  show ?case using IH(2)
  proof (induction C arbitrary: α)
    case Hole
    hence "α = β" using type_l unfolding l_def by (auto elim: 𝔏α.cases)
    then show ?case using step' by auto
    case (More f ss1 C' ss2)
    then obtain tys where tys: "sigF (f, Suc (length ss1 + length ss2)) = Some (tys, α)"
      by (auto elim!: 𝔏α.cases)
    hence in_𝔏α: "𝔏α (tys ! length ss1) (mctxt_of_term C'⟨l ⋅ σ⟩)"
      using More(2) arity[OF tys] by (auto elim!: 𝔏α.cases)
      (metis (no_types) length_map less_add_Suc1 nth_append_length)
    let ?C = "More f (map (λ(t,α). add_types t α) (zip ss1 (take (length ss1) tys))) □
                     (map (λ(t,α). add_types t α) (zip ss2 (drop (Suc (length ss1)) tys)))"
    show ?case using tys rstep'_mono[OF More(1)[OF in_𝔏α], of ?C] arity[OF tys]
      by (simp add: zip_append1 zip_append1[of "[C'⟨_⟩]" _ "drop (length ss1) tys",
          unfolded drop_drop[of _ "length ss1"], simplified]
          take_drop drop_take_nth[of "length ss1" tys])

lemma add_types_preserves_steps:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term s)"
  shows "(add_types s α, add_types t α) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
using assms
proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
  case (step y z)
  hence "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term z)" using conserv_star_𝔏α by blast
  moreover have "(add_types y α, add_types z α) ∈ rstep' ℛ"
    using add_types_preserves_step[OF step(1,4)] .
  ultimately show ?case using step(3) by simp
qed auto

lemma 𝔏α_add_types_𝒯α:
  assumes "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term s)"
  shows "∃σ τ. 𝒯α α (add_types s α ⋅ σ) ∧ (add_types s α ⋅ σ) ⋅ τ = add_types s α"
proof -
  let ?typed_vts = "λs α β. { (x, β) |x. (x, β) ∈ vars_term (add_types s α) }"
  (* ?f maps a type α to the set of variables (_, α) in term t *)
  (* ?g maps a type to all variables of that type (wrt. sigV) *)
  let ?f = "?typed_vts s α"
  let ?g = "λβ. { x ∈ 𝒱 . sigV x = Some β }"
  have fin: "finite (?f β)" for β
    by (auto intro: rev_finite_subset[OF finite_vars_term[of "add_types s α"]])
  have inf: "infinite (?g β)" for β using inf_vars .
  have disj_f: "⋀α' β. ?f α' ∩ ?f β ≠ {} ⟹ α' = β" by auto
  have disj_g: "⋀α β. ?g α ∩ ?g β ≠ {} ⟹ α = β" by auto
  obtain h where h_inj: "inj_on h (⋃α. ?f α)" "(∀α. h ` ?f α ⊆ ?g α)"
    using finites_into_infinites[of ?f ?g, OF disj_f fin disj_g inf] by blast
  let  = "Var ∘ h" and  = "Var ∘ (inv_into (⋃α. ?f α) h)"
  have "add_types s α = add_types s α ⋅ Var" by simp
  have "(add_types s α ⋅ ?σ) ⋅ ?τ = add_types s α ⋅ Var" using h_inj(1)
    unfolding subst_subst_compose[symmetric] term_subst_eq_conv
    by (auto simp: subst_compose_def)
  moreover have "𝒯α α (add_types s α ⋅ ?σ)"
  using assms h_inj(2)
  proof (induction "mctxt_of_term s" arbitrary: s rule: 𝔏α.induct)
    case (mhole α)
    thus ?case by (cases s) auto
    case (mvar β x)
    hence s_def: "s = Var x" by (cases s) auto
    hence "(x, α) ∈ vars_term (add_types s α)" by simp
    thus ?case using mvar(2) unfolding s_def by auto
    case (mfun f Cs tys β)
    then obtain ts where s_def: "s = Fun f ts" "Cs = map mctxt_of_term ts" by (cases s) auto
    let ?ts = "map ((λt. t ⋅ (Var ∘ h)) ∘ (λ(x, y). add_types x y)) (zip ts tys)"
    have lengths: "length ?ts = length ts" using arity[OF mfun(1)] unfolding s_def by simp
    { fix i
      assume "i < length Cs"
      hence "map mctxt_of_term ts ! i = mctxt_of_term (ts ! i)" unfolding s_def by auto
      have subs: "?typed_vts (ts ! i) (tys ! i) γ ⊆ ?typed_vts (Fun f ts) β γ" for γ
        using mfun(1) ‹i < length Cs› arity[OF mfun(1)] nth_mem[of i "zip ts tys"]
        unfolding s_def by (auto split: if_splits prod.splits)
      have "∀α. h ` ?typed_vts (ts ! i) (tys ! i) α ⊆ {x ∈ 𝒱. sigV x = Some α}"
        using mfun(4) image_mono[OF subs, of h] unfolding s_def by (meson subset_trans)
      hence "𝒯α (tys ! i) (add_types (ts ! i) (tys ! i) ⋅ ?σ)"
        using mfun ‹i < length Cs› unfolding s_def by fastforce
    thus ?case using mfun(1) arity[OF mfun(1)] unfolding s_def
      by (auto simp: nth_mem[of _ "zip ts tys"] split: if_splits prod.splits)
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma CR_on_union:
  assumes CR_α: "∀α. CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. 𝒯α α t }"
  shows "CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏 }"
  fix a b c
  assume a_in_L: "a ∈ { t. mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏 }"  and
         a_to_b: "(a, b) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" and
         a_to_c: "(a, c) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
  obtain α where a_in_𝔏α: "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term a)" using a_in_L 𝔏_def by blast
  hence b_in_𝔏α: "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term b)" and
        c_in_𝔏α: "𝔏α α (mctxt_of_term c)" using conserv_star_𝔏α a_to_b a_to_c by blast+
  have a_to_b': "(add_types a α, add_types b α) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*" and
       a_to_c': "(add_types a α, add_types c α) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
    using a_in_𝔏α add_types_preserves_steps a_to_b a_to_c by blast+
  obtain σ τ where in_𝒯α: "𝒯α α (add_types a α ⋅ σ)" and
                   inv_τ: "add_types a α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ = add_types a α"
    using 𝔏α_add_types_𝒯α[OF a_in_𝔏α] by blast
  have a_to_b'': "(add_types a α ⋅ σ, add_types b α ⋅ σ) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
    using a_to_b'
    proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
      case (step y z)
      have "(y ⋅ σ, z ⋅ σ) ∈ (rstep ℛ)" using rstep'_stable[OF step(1)] rstep_eq_rstep' by auto
      thus ?case using step(3) by auto
    qed auto
  moreover have a_to_b'': "(add_types a α ⋅ σ, add_types c α ⋅ σ) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
    using a_to_c'
    proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
      case (step y z)
      have "(y ⋅ σ, z ⋅ σ) ∈ (rstep ℛ)" using rstep'_stable[OF step(1)] rstep_eq_rstep' by auto
      thus ?case using step(3) by auto
    qed auto
  ultimately have "(add_types b α ⋅ σ, add_types c α ⋅ σ) ∈ (rstep ℛ)"
    using CR_α in_𝒯α unfolding CR_on_def by auto
  then obtain d where join1: "(add_types b α ⋅ σ, d) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*" and
                      join2: "(add_types c α ⋅ σ, d) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
    using joinD by fastforce
  from join1 have join1': "(add_types b α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ, d ⋅ τ) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
    case (step y z)
    thus ?case using rstep'_stable[of y z  τ] by fastforce
  qed auto
  from join2 have join2': "(add_types c α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ, d ⋅ τ) ∈ (rstep' ℛ)*"
  proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
    case (step y z)
    thus ?case using rstep'_stable[of y z  τ] by fastforce
  qed auto
  have remove_types: "add_types t α ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x) = t" for α t
  proof (induction t α rule: add_types.induct)
    case (2 f ts α) thus ?case
    proof (cases "sigF (f, length ts)")
      case None
      thus ?thesis using 2(1)[OF None] by (simp add: map_idI)
      case (Some a)
      then obtain β tys where types: "sigF (f, length ts) = Some (tys, β)" by force
      have l_zip: "length (zip ts tys) = length ts"
        using length_zip[of ts tys] arity[OF types] by auto
      { fix i
        assume "i < length ts"
        hence "(λ(t, α). add_types t α ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x)) ((zip ts tys) ! i) = ts ! i"
          using 2(2)[OF types, of tys β "zip ts tys ! i" "ts ! i" "tys ! i"]
          by (auto split: prod.splits)
             (metis fst_conv snd_conv nth_mem nth_zip arity[OF types] l_zip)
      thus ?thesis using types arity[OF types] zip_nth_conv
        by (simp add: map_nth_eq_conv)
  qed auto
  from join1' have join1'':
      "(add_types b α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x), d ⋅ τ ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x)) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
  proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
    case (step y z)
    have "(y ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x), z ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x)) ∈ rstep ℛ"
      using rstep'_stable[OF step(1)] by (auto simp: rstep_eq_rstep')
    thus ?case using step(3) by fastforce
  qed auto
  from join2' have join2'':
      "(add_types c α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x), d ⋅ τ ⋅ (λ(x, α). Var x)) ∈ (rstep ℛ)*"
  proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
    case (step y z)
    have "(y ⋅ (λa. case a of (x, α) ⇒ Var x), z ⋅ (λa. case a of (x, α) ⇒ Var x)) ∈ rstep ℛ"
      using rstep'_stable[OF step(1)] by (auto simp: rstep_eq_rstep')
    thus ?case using step(3) by fastforce
  qed auto
  have "∀x∈vars_term (add_types a α). (σ ∘s τ) x = Var x"
    using inv_τ term_subst_eq_conv[of _ "σ ∘s τ" Var] by simp
  hence "add_types b α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ = add_types b α" "add_types c α ⋅ σ ⋅ τ = add_types c α"
    using rstep'_sub_vars[OF _ wf] a_to_b' a_to_c' term_subst_eq_conv[of _ "σ ∘s τ" Var] by auto
  thus "(b, c) ∈ (rstep ℛ)" using join1'' join2'' remove_types by auto

text ‹The following lemma is the interesting direction of persistence of confluence @{cite ‹Theorem 5.13› FMZvO15}.›
lemma CR_persist:
  assumes "∀α. CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. 𝒯α α t}"
  shows "CR_on (rstep ℛ) 𝒯"
  using assms by (rule CR[OF CR_on_union])


subsection ‹Persistent decomposition›

lemma (in persistent_cr) root_step_𝒯α_in_ℛα:
  assumes "𝒯α α s" "(s, t) ∈ rrstep ℛ"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ rrstep (ℛα α)"
proof -
  obtain l r σ where lr: "(l, r) ∈ ℛ" "s = l ⋅ σ" "t = r ⋅ σ" using assms(2) by (auto elim: rrstepE)
  then obtain β where β: "𝒯α β l" "𝒯α β r" using R_def by blast
  have "β = α" using assms(1) β(1) lr(1) trs unfolding lr(2)
    by (cases l) (auto simp: wf_trs_def elim!: 𝒯α.cases)
  then show ?thesis using β lr by auto

context persistent_cr_infinite_vars

interpretation persistent_nα: persistent_cr_infinite_vars sigF sigV "ℛnα α"
  using trs by (unfold_locales) (auto simp: wf_trs_def R_def inf_vars)

lemma nrrsteps_Fun_imp_arg_rsteps:
  "(Fun f ss, Fun f ts) ∈ (nrrstep R)* ⟹ i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep R)*"
  apply (induct "Fun f ts" arbitrary: ts rule: rtrancl_induct)
   apply auto
  by (metis (no_types, hide_lams) nrrsteps_imp_arg_rsteps rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl term.sel(4))

lemma persistent_decomposition:
  assumes "⋀β. ℛnα β = {} ∨ (∃α ∈ S. needed_types α β)"
  shows "CR_on (rstep ℛ) 𝒯 ⟷ (∀α ∈ S. CR_on (rstep (ℛnα α)) 𝒯)"
proof (intro iffI ballI, goal_cases L R)
  case (L α) show ?case
  proof (intro persistent_nα.CR_persist allI CR_onI, goal_cases peak)
    case (peak β s t u) then show ?case unfolding mem_Collect_eq
    proof (induct s arbitrary: β t u rule: wf_induct[OF SN_imp_wf[OF SN_supt]])
      case (1 s) show ?case
      proof (cases "needed_types α β")
        case True
        then have *: "persistent_nα.ℛnα α β = ℛnα β" by auto
        have "CR_on (rstep (ℛnα α)) {a. 𝒯α β a}" using CR_persist'[OF L(1), of β]
          unfolding CR_on_𝒯α_by_needed_rules persistent_nα.CR_on_𝒯α_by_needed_rules * .
        then show ?thesis using 1(2,3,4) by (simp add: CR_on_def)
        case False
        have *: "persistent_nα.ℛα α β = {}" using False
          by auto (metis ctxt_apply_term.simps(1) needed_types.trans needed_types_subt_at)
        have "(s, t) ∈ (rstep (ℛnα α))* ⟹ 𝒯α β s ⟹ (s, t) ∈ (nrrstep (ℛnα α))*" for s t
        proof (induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
          case (step s s')
          have "(s, s') ∈ nrrstep (ℛnα α)" using step(1,4) persistent_nα.root_step_𝒯α_in_ℛα[of β s s' α]
            unfolding * by (auto simp: rstep_iff_rrstep_or_nrrstep)
          moreover have "𝒯α β s'" using step(1,4) conserv_𝒯α[of β s s'] R_def by blast
          ultimately show ?case using step(2,3) by auto
        qed auto
        note nrpeak = this[OF 1(3,2)] this[OF 1(4,2)]
        show ?thesis using 1(2)
        proof (cases β s rule: 𝒯α.cases)
          case (var x)
          from NF_Var[OF persistent_nα.wf, of x] show ?thesis using var(1) 1(3,4)
            by (auto elim: converse_rtranclE)
          case (funs f ss tys)
          obtain ts where t: "t = Fun f ts" "length ts = length ss" "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ (rstep (ℛnα α))*"
            using nrpeak(1) nrrsteps_preserve_root' nrrsteps_Fun_imp_arg_rsteps unfolding funs(1)
            by (metis (no_types, lifting))
          obtain us where u: "u = Fun f us" "length us = length ss" "⋀i. i < length ss ⟹ (ss ! i, us ! i) ∈ (rstep (ℛnα α))*"
            using nrpeak(2) nrrsteps_preserve_root' nrrsteps_Fun_imp_arg_rsteps unfolding funs(1)
            by (metis (no_types, lifting))
          show ?thesis using 1(1)[rule_format, OF _ funs(3)[rule_format] t(3) u(3)]
            by (auto intro: args_joinable_imp_joinable simp: funs(1) t(1,2) u(1,2))
  case R note R = this[rule_format] show ?case
  proof (intro CR_persist[unfolded CR_on_𝒯α_by_needed_rules] allI, goal_cases)
    case (1 β)
    consider (e) "ℛnα β = {}" | (n) α where "α ∈ S" "needed_types α β"
      using assms(1)[of β] by blast
    then show ?case
    proof (cases)
      case e show ?thesis unfolding e by (auto simp: CR_on_def)
      case n
      have *: "persistent_nα.ℛnα α β = ℛnα β" using n(2) by auto
      show ?thesis using persistent_nα.CR_persist'[OF R[OF n(1)], of β]
        unfolding persistent_nα.CR_on_𝒯α_by_needed_rules * .

