Theory LS_Prelude

theory LS_Prelude
imports LS_Extras
Author:  Bertram Felgenhauer <> (2015-2017)
Author:  Franziska Rapp <> (2015-2017)
License: LGPL (see file COPYING.LESSER)

section ‹Layer systems definitions and main results›

theory LS_Prelude
  imports LS_Extras

text ‹
  This formalization is based on the layer framework by Felgenhauer et al.\ @{cite FMZvO15}.
  In this file we formalize the layer system definitions and the main results as locales.
  This way, the applications of layer systems are decoupled from the proofs of the main theorems.

subsection ‹Definitions›

text ‹Layer systems @{cite ‹Definition 3.3› FMZvO15}.›

locale layer_system_sig =
  fixes  :: "'f sig" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v) mctxt set"

definition 𝒯 where "𝒯 = { t :: ('f,'v) term. funas_term t ⊆ ℱ }"
definition 𝒞 where "𝒞 = { C :: ('f,'v) mctxt. funas_mctxt C ⊆ ℱ }"

text ‹Tops and max-top @{cite ‹Definition 3.1› FMZvO15}.›

definition topsC :: "('f, 'v) mctxt ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt set" where
  "topsC C = { L ∈ 𝔏. L ≤ C }"

abbreviation tops where
  "tops t ≡ topsC (mctxt_of_term t)"

definition max_topC :: "('f, 'v) mctxt ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt" where
  "max_topC C = (THE M. M ∈ topsC C ∧ (∀L ∈ topsC C. L ≤ M))"

abbreviation max_top where
  "max_top t ≡ max_topC (mctxt_of_term t)"

abbreviation aliensC where
  "aliensC C ≡ unfill_holes_mctxt (max_topC C) C"

abbreviation aliens where
  "aliens t ≡ unfill_holes (max_top t) t"

end (* layer_system_sig *)

locale layer_system = layer_system_sig  𝔏 for  :: "('f × nat) set" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) mctxt set" +
  assumes 𝔏_sig: "𝔏 ⊆ 𝒞"
  and L1: "funas_term t ⊆ ℱ ⟹ ∃L ∈ 𝔏. L ≠ MHole ∧ L ≤ mctxt_of_term t"
  and L2: "p ∈ poss_mctxt C ⟹ mreplace_at C p (MVar x) ∈ 𝔏 ⟷ mreplace_at C p MHole ∈ 𝔏"
  and L3: "L ∈ 𝔏 ⟹ N ∈ 𝔏 ⟹ p ∈ funposs_mctxt L ⟹ (subm_at L p, N) ∈ comp_mctxt ⟹
    mreplace_at L p (subm_at L p ⊔ N) ∈ 𝔏"

text ‹Weakly layered TRSs @{cite ‹Definition 3.3› FMZvO15}.›

locale weakly_layered = layer_system  𝔏 for  :: "('f × nat) set" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) mctxt set" +
  fixes  :: "('f, 'v) trs"
  assumes trs: "wf_trs ℛ" and ℛ_sig: "funas_trs ℛ ⊆ ℱ"
  and W: "s ∈ 𝒯 ⟹ t ∈ 𝒯 ⟹ p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top s) ⟹ (s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p σ ⟹
    ∃D τ. D ∈ 𝔏 ∧ (mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv D) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ"

text ‹Layered TRSs @{cite ‹Definition 3.3› FMZvO15}.›

locale layered = layer_system  𝔏 for  :: "('f × nat) set" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) mctxt set" +
  fixes  :: "('f, 'v) trs"
  assumes trs: "wf_trs ℛ" and ℛ_sig: "funas_trs ℛ ⊆ ℱ"
  and C1: "s ∈ 𝒯 ⟹ t ∈ 𝒯 ⟹ p ∈ funposs_mctxt (max_top s) ⟹ (s, t) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p σ ⟹
    ∃τ. (mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv (max_top t)) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ ∨
        (mctxt_term_conv (max_top s), mctxt_term_conv MHole) ∈ rstep_r_p_s' ℛ r p τ"
  and C2: "L ∈ 𝔏 ⟹ N ∈ 𝔏 ⟹ L ≤ N ⟹ p ∈ hole_poss L ⟹ mreplace_at L p (subm_at N p) ∈ 𝔏"

text ‹
  Layered TRSs are also weakly layered, i.e., @{locale layered} is a sublocale of
  @{locale weakly_layered}. However, (W) is omitted from the Isabelle definition of layered TRSs,
  making this statement non-trivial, because we have to show that (C1) implies (W). We do this in
  @{file "LS_Basics.thy"}.

subsection ‹Claims›

text ‹Confluence of weakly layered, left-linear TRSs @{cite ‹Theorem 4.1› FMZvO15}.›

locale weakly_layered_cr_ll = weakly_layered +
  assumes CR_ll: "left_linear_trs ℛ ⟹
    CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏 } ⟹ CR_on (rstep ℛ) 𝒯"

text ‹
  Proving @{cite ‹Theorem 4.1› FMZvO15} amounts to showing that @{locale weakly_layered_cr_ll}
  is a sublocale of @{locale weakly_layered}. This will be done in @{file "LS_Left_Linear.thy"}.

text ‹
  Confluence of weakly layered, bounded duplicating TRSs @{cite ‹Theorem 4.3› FMZvO15}.

locale weakly_layered_cr_bd = weakly_layered +
  assumes CR_bd: "bounded_duplicating ℛ ⟹
    CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏 } ⟹ CR_on (rstep ℛ) 𝒯"

text ‹Confluence of weakly layered, non-duplicating TRSs @{cite ‹Lemma 4.4› FMZvO15}.›

lemmas CR_nd = CR_bd[OF non_duplicating_imp_bounded_duplicating]

end (* weakly_layered_bd *)

text ‹
  We have to show that @{locale weakly_layered_cr_bd} is a sublocale of @{locale weakly_layered}.
  This is still open (but see @{file "LS_Bounded_Duplicating.thy"}).

text ‹Confluence of layered TRSs @{cite ‹Theorem 4.4› FMZvO15}.›

locale layered_cr = layered +
  assumes CR: "CR_on (rstep ℛ) { t. mctxt_of_term t ∈ 𝔏 } ⟹ CR_on (rstep ℛ) 𝒯"

text ‹
  We show that @{locale layered_cr} is a sublocale of @{locale layered} in @{file "LS_General.thy"}.

end (* LS_Prelude *)