Welcome to the logic puzzles site of the computational logic group. On this site we present tools for various logic puzzles that have been developed by students as their bachelor project.
The tool for Heyawake was developed by Thomas Wohlfarter.It is written in Java.
For using the tool, just download, extract the .zip-file and follow the instructions in the README-file.
The tool for Kurodoko was developed by Johannes Koch. It was developed as an webapp and is accessible at
The tool for masyu was developed by Manfred Gratt and Daniel Rieder.
It is entirely written in Java.
For using the tool, just download, extract the .zip-file and double-click on Masyu.jar.
It is assumed
that a java runtime environment (version 6 or newer) is installed.
The tool for norinori was developed by Alexander Jungmann.
It is written in Java.
For using the tool, just download, and follow the README file for
further instructions.
The tool for numberlink was developed by Benjamin Rupprechter. It is written in Python and C++ using the QT-library. As observed by Otto Janko, the tool does not implement exactly the numberlink rules of Nikoli, since it imposes two additional rules:
- Every cell has to be filled by a line.
- A line may not touch itself, e.g., it is not a allowed to build a 2x2 square with a line.
For using the tool, it is required that the following programs are installed on your computer:
- The C++-compiler g++ within the gcc-compiler-suite
- The QT-library (version 4.x)
- Python (version 2.6)
- The Python binding for QT (PyQt4)
- Mac OS X
- (If Python, g++ / gcc, QT, and PyQt4 are not installed)
Install Python, QT, and PyQt4 by first installing MacPorts and then calling sudo port install py26-pyqt4. Usually, this will also install a the g++ compiler, otherwise call sudo port install gcc42. - Extract the archive and change into the NumberLink directory
- Compile the generator and the solver by sh
- Start the program by python
- (If Python, g++ / gcc, QT, and PyQt4 are not installed)
- Linux
- (If Python, g++ / gcc, QT, and PyQt4 are not installed)
Install all these programs using the package manager of your distribution or visit the PyQt4-website and Python-website to download these programs. - Proceed as in step 2 of the Mac OS X description.
- (If Python, g++ / gcc, QT, and PyQt4 are not installed)
- Windows
- (If Python, QT, and PyQt4 are not installed)
Install Python 2.6.x, QT, and PyQt4 (QT and PyQt4 are both included in PyQt-Py2.6-gpl-4.6.1-1.exe from the PyQt4-website) - (If g++ / gcc are not installed)
Install cygwin where you have to select the package gcc-g++ of the Devel-category. - Proceed as in step 2 of the Mac OS X description within a cygwin shell.
This might look as follows after extracting the .zip-file.- cd /cygdrive/c/Users/myname/NumberLink
- sh
- /cygdrive/c/Python26/python
- (If Python, QT, and PyQt4 are not installed)
Ripple Effect
The tool for ripple effect was developed by Wilfried Pasquazzo.
It is entirely written in Java.
For using the tool, just download, extract the .zip-file and double-click on rippleEffect.jar.
It is assumed
that a java runtime environment (version 6 or newer) is installed.
The tool for slitherlink was developed by Lorenz Thuile. It is entirely written in Java.
For using the tool, just download, extract the .zip-file and double-click on SlitherLink.jar. It is assumed
that a java runtime environment (version 6 or newer) is installed.
The tool for Shakashaka was developed by Stefan Pedratscher. It is entirely written in Java.
For using the tool, just download, extract the .zip-file, run the executable for your operating system and
find the tool in your browser at http://localhost:8080. Consult the README file within the .zip-file for further details. It is assumed
that a java runtime environment is installed.
The tool for Tentai-Show was developed by Michaela Egger. It is entirely written in Java. For using the tool, just download, extract the .zip-file, run the executable for your operating system and find the tool in your browser at http://localhost:8080. Consult the README file within the .zip-file for further details. It is assumed that a java runtime environment is installed.
In case of questions or problems do not hesitate to contact René Thiemann.