Syntactic errors: 6 Costabs-CoFloCo-TermDepth/avanzini.abs:29:37:extraneous input 'f' expecting ')' def Pair,List> partition(f)(List l) = ------------------------------------^ Costabs-CoFloCo-TermDepth/avanzini.abs:29:39:missing '=' at '(' def Pair,List> partition(f)(List l) = --------------------------------------^ Costabs-CoFloCo-TermDepth/avanzini.abs:29:51:mismatched input '=' expecting {';', '-', '*', '/', '%', '+', '<=', '>=', '<', '>', '&&', '||', '==', '!='} def Pair,List> partition(f)(List l) = --------------------------------------------------^ Costabs-CoFloCo-TermDepth/avanzini.abs:31:9:no viable alternative at input 'Nil=>' Nil => Pair(Nil, Nil); --------^ Costabs-CoFloCo-TermDepth/avanzini.abs:32:16:mismatched input '=>' expecting {';', '-', '*', '/', '%', '+', '<=', '>=', '<', '>', '&&', '||', '==', '!='} Cons(x,xs) => case partition(xs) { // For recursion inside the body of a partially defined ---------------^ Costabs-CoFloCo-TermDepth/avanzini.abs:37:2:extraneous input ';' expecting {, 'stateupdate', 'productline', 'extension', 'module', 'root', 'delta', 'product'} }; -^ Compilation failed with syntax errors.