#!/usr/bin/runhaskell import Prelude hiding (fail, uncurry) import Tct.Configuration import Tct.Interactive import Tct.Instances import Tct.Processor.Args.Instances (Nat (..)) import qualified Tct.Instances as Instance import qualified Tct.Processors as Processor import qualified Termlib.Repl as TR -- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Tct.Processor as P import qualified Tct.Certificate as Cert import Data.List (subsequences) config :: Config config = defaultConfig { processors = procs , recompile = False } where procs = mycomp "matrix" (\ i -> mx i i) <|> mycomp "poly" polys <|> mycomp "both" (\ i -> polys i `orFaster` mx i i) <|> bs "popstar" popstarSmall <|> bs "popstarps" popstarSmallPS <|> fromInstance Description { as = "polys" , descr = [] , args = naturalArg} (\ (Nat i) -> polys i) <|> processors defaultConfig bs n f = fromAction Description { as = "bsearch-" ++ n , descr = [] , args = Unit } (\ () -> bsearch f) mycomp n f = fromInstance Description { as = "compose-" ++ n , descr = [] , args = naturalArg { name = "steps" } } (mycompose f) main :: IO () main = tct config -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- abbreviations dos dim deg = defaultOptions { cbits = Just (bits + 1) , bits = bits , cert = Automaton , dim = dim' , degree = if dim' > deg' then Just deg' else Nothing } where bits | dim <= 2 = 3 | dim <= 4 = 2 | otherwise = 1 dim' = max 1 dim deg' = max 0 deg wg dim deg = weightgap $ dos dim deg mx dim deg = matrix $ dos dim deg t >>! p = t >>| empty `before` p t >>!! p = t >>|| empty `before` p -- base processors matchbounds = bounds Minimal Match `orFaster` bounds PerSymbol Match matrices i = fastest [ mx i i, mx (i + 2) i] -- transformations dpi = dependencyTuples >>> dpsimps polys 1 = poly linearPolynomial polys n = poly $ (customPolynomial inter) { pbits = 2, pcbits = Nothing } where inter vs = [mono [v^^^1 | v <- vs'] | vs' <- subsequences vs , length vs <= n] ++ [mono [v^^^2] | v <- vs] -- where inter vs = [mono []] -- ++ [mono [v^^^1] | v <- vs] -- ++ [mono [v^^^2] | v <- vs] -- ++ [mono [v^^^1,w^^^1] | v <- vs, w <- vs, v < w] mycompose direct (Nat steps) = try irr >>| (forDegree 1 `orFaster` (dpi >>| step [0..steps] (try . trans) forDegree)) where forDegree 0 = some $ named "For Degree 0" empty forDegree 1 = some $ named "For Degree 1" $ mx 1 1 `orFaster` timeout 3 matchbounds forDegree i = some $ named ("For Degree " ++ show i) proc where proc = direct i `orFaster` (comp >>| forDegree (i - 1)) -- step [ (k,j) | k <- [1], j <- [i - k]] comp procA comp = composeRC composeRCselect `solveBWith` forDegree 1 procA (_,j) = try (trans j) >>| forDegree j procB (k,_) = try (trans k) >>| forDegree k -- step [1..k] trans forDegree trans i = try (exhaustively (try removeTails >>> try simpDPRHS >>> simpKP)) >>> usableRules -- try $ try (wgs i) >>> exhaustively (dpsimps >>> wgs i) wgs i = (wg i i) -- <> wg (i + 2) i bsearch :: (P.SolverM m, P.Processor proc) => (Maybe Int -> P.InstanceOf proc) -> TR.Problem -> m (P.ProofOf proc) bsearch mkinst prob = do proof <- P.solve (mkinst Nothing) prob case ub proof of Just 0 -> return proof Just n -> search proof 0 (n - 1) _ -> return proof where search proof l u | l > u = return proof | otherwise = do let mean = floor $ (fromIntegral $ u + l) / 2 -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ (show l ++ "/" ++ show mean ++ "/" ++ show u) proof' <- P.solve (mkinst $ Just mean) prob case ub proof' of Just n -> search proof' l (n - 1) Nothing -> search proof (mean + 1) u ub proof = case Cert.upperBound $ P.certificate proof of Cert.Poly b -> b _ -> Nothing