Tool CaT
lcm(x,y) -> lcmIter(x,y,0(),times(x,y))
lcmIter(x,y,z,u) -> if(or(ge(0(),x),ge(z,u)),x,y,z,u)
if(true(),x,y,z,u) -> z
if(false(),x,y,z,u) -> if2(divisible(z,y),x,y,z,u)
if2(true(),x,y,z,u) -> z
if2(false(),x,y,z,u) -> lcmIter(x,y,plus(x,z),u)
plus(0(),y) -> y
plus(s(x),y) -> s(plus(x,y))
times(x,y) -> ifTimes(ge(0(),x),x,y)
ifTimes(true(),x,y) -> 0()
ifTimes(false(),x,y) -> plus(y,times(y,p(x)))
p(s(x)) -> x
p(0()) -> s(s(0()))
ge(x,0()) -> true()
ge(0(),s(y)) -> false()
ge(s(x),s(y)) -> ge(x,y)
or(true(),y) -> true()
or(false(),y) -> y
divisible(0(),s(y)) -> true()
divisible(s(x),s(y)) -> div(s(x),s(y),s(y))
div(x,y,0()) -> divisible(x,y)
div(0(),y,s(z)) -> false()
div(s(x),y,s(z)) -> div(x,y,z)
a() -> b()
a() -> c()
OpenTool IRC1
Tool IRC2
'Fastest (timeout of 60.0 seconds)'
Input Problem: innermost runtime-complexity with respect to
{ lcm(x, y) -> lcmIter(x, y, 0(), times(x, y))
, lcmIter(x, y, z, u) -> if(or(ge(0(), x), ge(z, u)), x, y, z, u)
, if(true(), x, y, z, u) -> z
, if(false(), x, y, z, u) -> if2(divisible(z, y), x, y, z, u)
, if2(true(), x, y, z, u) -> z
, if2(false(), x, y, z, u) -> lcmIter(x, y, plus(x, z), u)
, plus(0(), y) -> y
, plus(s(x), y) -> s(plus(x, y))
, times(x, y) -> ifTimes(ge(0(), x), x, y)
, ifTimes(true(), x, y) -> 0()
, ifTimes(false(), x, y) -> plus(y, times(y, p(x)))
, p(s(x)) -> x
, p(0()) -> s(s(0()))
, ge(x, 0()) -> true()
, ge(0(), s(y)) -> false()
, ge(s(x), s(y)) -> ge(x, y)
, or(true(), y) -> true()
, or(false(), y) -> y
, divisible(0(), s(y)) -> true()
, divisible(s(x), s(y)) -> div(s(x), s(y), s(y))
, div(x, y, 0()) -> divisible(x, y)
, div(0(), y, s(z)) -> false()
, div(s(x), y, s(z)) -> div(x, y, z)
, a() -> b()
, a() -> c()}
Proof Output:
Computation stopped due to timeout after 60.0 secondsTool RC1
Tool RC2
'Fastest (timeout of 60.0 seconds)'
Input Problem: runtime-complexity with respect to
{ lcm(x, y) -> lcmIter(x, y, 0(), times(x, y))
, lcmIter(x, y, z, u) -> if(or(ge(0(), x), ge(z, u)), x, y, z, u)
, if(true(), x, y, z, u) -> z
, if(false(), x, y, z, u) -> if2(divisible(z, y), x, y, z, u)
, if2(true(), x, y, z, u) -> z
, if2(false(), x, y, z, u) -> lcmIter(x, y, plus(x, z), u)
, plus(0(), y) -> y
, plus(s(x), y) -> s(plus(x, y))
, times(x, y) -> ifTimes(ge(0(), x), x, y)
, ifTimes(true(), x, y) -> 0()
, ifTimes(false(), x, y) -> plus(y, times(y, p(x)))
, p(s(x)) -> x
, p(0()) -> s(s(0()))
, ge(x, 0()) -> true()
, ge(0(), s(y)) -> false()
, ge(s(x), s(y)) -> ge(x, y)
, or(true(), y) -> true()
, or(false(), y) -> y
, divisible(0(), s(y)) -> true()
, divisible(s(x), s(y)) -> div(s(x), s(y), s(y))
, div(x, y, 0()) -> divisible(x, y)
, div(0(), y, s(z)) -> false()
, div(s(x), y, s(z)) -> div(x, y, z)
, a() -> b()
, a() -> c()}
Proof Output:
Computation stopped due to timeout after 60.0 seconds