(COMMENT Append two lists, but don't be too obvious. Count up to the sum of each list's length. In each step take the element defined by the counter [and determine if it is in the first or second list]. ) (VAR x y z ys zs c l) (RULES app(x, y) -> helpa(0, plus(length(x), length(y)), x, y) plus(x, 0) -> x plus(x, s(y)) -> s(plus(x, y)) length(nil) -> 0 length(cons(x, y)) -> s(length(y)) helpa(c, l, ys, zs) -> if(ge(c, l), c, l, ys, zs) ge(x, 0) -> true ge(0, s(x)) -> false ge(s(x), s(y)) -> ge(x, y) if(true, c, l, ys, zs) -> nil if(false, c, l, ys, zs) -> helpb(c, l, ys, zs) take(0, cons(x, xs), ys) -> x take(0, nil, cons(y, ys)) -> y take(s(c), cons(x, xs), ys) -> take(c, xs, ys) take(s(c), nil, cons(y, ys)) -> take(c, nil, ys) helpb(c, l, ys, zs) -> cons(take(c, ys, zs), helpa(s(c), l, ys, zs)) )