theory Demo08 imports Main begin section \Sets and Lists in Isabelle\ term "(\)" (* membership *) term "(\)" (* subset *) term "(\)" (* strict subset *) term Ball (* all elements satisfy predicate *) term Bex (* at least one element satisfies predicate *) term "(\)" (* union *) term "(\)" (* intersection *) term "\" (* big-union *) term "\" (* big-intersection *) term "- (A :: 'a set)" (* complement *) term "A - (B :: 'a set)" (* difference *) term "{}" (* empty set *) term "UNIV :: 'a set" (* all elements (of a specific type) *) term "{x}" (* singleton *) term insert (* add single element *) term finite (* is set finite? *) term card (* cardinality (0 for infinite sets *) term "(`)" (* image, apply function to all set elements *) term "(-`)" (* inverse image, detected via: *) find_consts "(?'a \ ?'b) \ ?'b set \ ?'a set" term Collect (* convert predicate to set *) term "{x . P x}" (* basic set comprehension *) term "{ (x,y + z) | x y z u . x - y = u \ u \ 5 \ P z}" (* more complex set comprehension *) term "sum f A" (* sum_{a in A} f(a) *) term "prod" (* product, similar to sum *) term "Max A" (* maximum of finite non-empty set *) term "Min A" (* minimum of finite non-empty set *) lemma "card { (x * 3, y) :: nat \ bool | x y. x < 10 \ P y } \ 20" (is "card ?S \ _") proof - show ?thesis sorry qed lemma "infinite S \ prod f S = 1 \ sum f S = 0" by auto lemma "sum (\ i. i) {..< (n :: nat)} \ n^2" proof - show ?thesis sorry qed text \Functions on Lists\ term set term hd term tl term take term drop term append term "(@)" term filter term map term foldr term foldl term nth term "(!)" term concat term distinct term sorted term sorted_list_of_set term sum_list term prod_list term list_update term "xs [ i := n ]" term "f (x := n)" term "[ (a, 2 * b) . a <- [0 ..< n], even a, b <- [2 .. 5]]" thm sum.cong thm sum_mono thm sum.neutral thm nth_equalityI thm set_conv_nth thm split_list find_theorems "sum _ (_ \ _) = _ + _" section \Binary Search Trees\ datatype 'a tree = Leaf | Node "'a tree" 'a "'a tree" fun set_t :: "'a tree \ 'a set" where "set_t Leaf = {}" | "set_t (Node l x r) = set_t l \ {x} \ set_t r" inductive ordered :: "'a :: linorder tree \ bool" where oLeaf: "ordered Leaf" | oNode: "ordered l \ ordered r \ Ball (set_t l) (\ y. y < x) \ Ball (set_t r) (\ y. y > x) \ ordered (Node l x r)" fun member:: "'a :: linorder \ 'a tree \ bool" where "member x Leaf = False" | "member y (Node l x r) = (if x = y then True else if y < x then member y l else member y r)" lemma member_correct: "ordered t \ member x t = (x \ set_t t)" by (induction rule: ordered.induct, auto) fun insert_t :: "'a :: linorder \ 'a tree \ 'a tree" where "insert_t y Leaf = undefined" | "insert_t y (Node l x r) = undefined" lemma insert_t: undefined oops fun delete_right :: "'a :: linorder tree \ 'a tree \ 'a" where "delete_right (Node l x r) = undefined" fun delete :: "'a :: linorder \ 'a tree \ 'a tree" where "delete x t = undefined" lemma delete_right: "undefined (delete_right t)" oops lemma delete: "undefined (delete x t)" oops end