module S09 (
  -- * Exercise 2
  -- * Exercise 3
  -- * Exercise 4
  -- * Exercise 5
  -- * Exercise 6
  ) where

import S05
import Arith
import Parser

The term 'alpha-equivalence' is used in the literature to denote equality
modulo renaming of bound variables. E.g., '\x y.x y' does behave the same
(as a function) as '\a b.a b', but is not alpha-equivalent to '\x y.y x'.
alphaEq _     (Var x)   (Var y)    =  x == y
alphaEq fresh (Lab x s) (Lab y t)  =  alphaEq ('*':fresh) s' t'
  where subst x = applySubst x (Var fresh)
        s'      = subst x s
        t'      = subst y t
alphaEq fresh (App s t) (App u v)  =  alphaEq fresh s u && alphaEq fresh t v
alphaEq _     _         _          =  False

instance Eq Term where
  s == t = alphaEq "*" s t

par s   = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
s `app` t = s ++ " " ++ t

showTerm (Var x)                  =  x
showTerm (App s (t @ (App _ _)))  =  showTerm s `app` par (showTerm t)
showTerm (App s t)                =  showTerm s `app` showTerm t
showTerm t                        =  par ("\\" ++ showLambdas t)

showLambdas (Lab x (t @ (Lab _ _)))  =  x ++ " " ++ showLambdas t
showLambdas (Lab x t)                =  x ++ "." ++ showTerm t

instance Show Term where
  show = showTerm

eval :: Exp -> Integer
eval (Nat n)    =  n
eval (Neg e)    =  -(eval e)
eval (Add a b)  =  (eval a) + (eval b)
eval (Sub a b)  =  (eval a) - (eval b)
eval (Mul a b)  =  (eval a) * (eval b)
eval (Div a b)  =  (eval a) `div` (eval b) 

{- Auxiliary Parsers -}
string :: String -> CharP String
string []     = return []
string (c:cs) = do { char c; ss <- string cs; return (c:ss) }

optional :: Parser t a -> Parser t ()
optional p = (p >> return ()) <|> return ()

uibkMail :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
uibkMail = parse p
  where p = do
          forename <- many1 (noneof ".")
          char '.'
          surname  <- many1 (noneof "@")
          char '@'
          optional (string "student.")
          string ""
          return (forename, surname)

isHexDigit :: Char -> Bool
isHexDigit c = c `elem` "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"

digitToInt :: Char -> Int
digitToInt '0' = 0
digitToInt '1' = 1
digitToInt '2' = 2
digitToInt '3' = 3
digitToInt '4' = 4
digitToInt '5' = 5
digitToInt '6' = 6
digitToInt '7' = 7
digitToInt '8' = 8
digitToInt '9' = 9
digitToInt 'a' = 10
digitToInt 'b' = 11
digitToInt 'c' = 12
digitToInt 'd' = 13
digitToInt 'e' = 14
digitToInt 'f' = 15
digitToInt 'A' = 10
digitToInt 'B' = 11
digitToInt 'C' = 12
digitToInt 'D' = 13
digitToInt 'E' = 14
digitToInt 'F' = 15

fromHex :: String -> Maybe Int
fromHex = parse p
  where p = do
          ds <- many1 (sat isHexDigit)
          return (foldl (\i c -> 16 * i + digitToInt c) 0 ds)