true;; false;; (true);; 2;; -4;; max_int;; 3.14;; 3.;; "asd";; "qwe qwe wer \n";; '3';; ();; "a" = "b";; "a" = 3;; 4 <> 5;; compare;; compare "4" "as";;;; min 4 5;; true && false;; 3 + 4;; 3. +. 5.;; 3. + 5.;; 4. ** 6.;; sqrt (3.4);; "asd" ^ "qwe";; "asd".[1];; (4,5);; (4,'a');; ("a",3,4);; type my_ab = A | B;; A;; B;; type my_num = Int of int | Float of float;; Int 3;; type 'a mymany = None | One of 'a | Two of 'a * 'a;; One 'a';; Two (3, 4.);; Two (3, 4);; None;; type mynat = Zero | Suc of mynat;; Suc (Suc (Zero));; let a = 3;; a;; a+2;; let f x = x + 1;; let rec fact n = if n = 1 then 1 else n * (fact (n -1));; fact 5;; let tochar x = match x with Zero -> '0' | Suc n -> '?';; tochar Zero;; tochar (Suc (Suc Zero));;