:-op(140,fy,neg). :-op(160, xfx, [and, or, imp, revimp, nand, nor, notimp, notrevimp]). member(X,[X|_]). member(X,[_|Xs]) :- member(X,Xs). remove(_X,[],[]). remove(X,[X|Xs],Ys) :- remove(X,Xs,Ys). remove(X,[Y|Xs],[Y|Ys]) :- X \== Y, remove(X,Xs,Ys). append([],Xs,Xs). append([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]) :- append(Xs,Ys,Zs). is_unary(neg neg _X). is_unary(neg true). is_unary(neg false). is_conjunctive(_X and _Y). is_conjunctive(neg(_X or _Y)). is_conjunctive(neg(_X imp _Y)). is_conjunctive(neg(_X revimp _Y)). is_conjunctive(neg(_X nand _Y)). is_conjunctive(_X nor _Y). is_conjunctive(_X notimp _Y). is_conjunctive(_X notrevimp _Y). is_disjunctive(neg(_X and _Y)). is_disjunctive(_X or _Y). is_disjunctive(_X imp _Y). is_disjunctive(_X revimp _Y). is_disjunctive(_X nand _Y). is_disjunctive(neg(_X nor _Y)). is_disjunctive(neg(_X notimp _Y)). is_disjunctive(neg(_X notrevimp _Y)). component(neg neg X, X). component(neg true, false). component(neg false, true). components(X and Y, X,Y). components(neg(X and Y), neg X, neg Y). components(X or Y,X,Y). components(neg(X or Y), neg X, neg Y). components(X imp Y, neg X, Y). components(neg(X imp Y), X, neg Y). components(X revimp Y, X, neg Y). components(neg(X revimp Y), neg X, Y). components(X nand Y, neg X, neg Y). components(neg (X nand Y), X,Y). components(X nor Y,neg X, neg Y). components(neg(X nor Y), X,Y). components(X notimp Y, X, neg Y). components(neg(X notimp Y), neg X, Y). components(X notrevimp Y, neg X, Y). components(neg(X notrevimp Y), X, neg Y). stepDNF([C|Cs],NCs) :- member(Formula,C), is_unary(Formula), component(Formula,Newformula), remove(Formula,C,NC0), append(NC0,[Newformula],NC), append(Cs,[NC],NCs). stepDNF([C|Cs],NCs) :- member(Alpha,C), is_conjunctive(Alpha), components(Alpha,Alpha1,Alpha2), remove(Alpha,C,NC0), append(NC0,[Alpha1,Alpha2],NC), append(Cs,[NC],NCs). stepDNF([C|Cs],NCs) :- member(Beta,C), is_disjunctive(Beta), components(Beta,Beta1,Beta2), remove(Beta,C,NC0), append(NC0,[Beta1],NC1), append(NC0,[Beta2],NC2), append(Cs,[NC1,NC2],NCs). stepDNF([C|Cs],[C|NCs]) :- stepDNF(Cs,NCs). % tests :-stepDNF([[neg neg p]],[[p]]). :-stepDNF([[p or q]],[[p],[q]]). :-stepDNF([[p and q]],[[p,q]]). :-stepDNF([[(p imp (q imp r)) imp ((p imp q) imp (p imp r))]],_X). expand1(Cs,Cs). expand1(Cs,NCs) :- stepDNF(Cs,Cs0), expand1(Cs0,NCs). expand2(Cs,NCs) :- stepDNF(Cs,Cs0), expand2(Cs0,NCs). expand2(Cs,Cs). towards_DNF(X,Y) :- expand1([[X]],Y). dualclauseform(X,Y) :- expand2([[X]],Y), !. % tableau prover closed([]). closed([B|Bs]) :- member(false,B), closed(Bs). closed([B|Bs]) :- member(X, B), member(neg X, B), closed(Bs). tableau_thm(X) :- expand2([[neg X]],Y), closed(Y). expand_and_close(T) :- closed(T). expand_and_close(T0) :- stepDNF(T0,T1), expand_and_close(T1). tableau_thm2(X) :- expand_and_close([[neg X]]). % tests :-tableau_thm(x or neg x). :-tableau_thm2(x or neg x). :-tableau_thm2(((p and (q imp (r or s))) imp (p or q))). :-tableau_thm(((p and (q imp (r or s))) imp (p or q))).