{- To be compiled with

$ ghc --make -main-is Calc Calc.hs
-- |
-- = A simple stack-based calculator
module Calc where
import Stack (Stack)
import qualified Stack
import System.IO

-- | The supported commands of the calculator.
data Cmd = Push Int
         | Pop
         | Add
  deriving (Show, Read)

-- | Executing a single command on a given 'Stack'.
exec :: Cmd -> Stack Int -> Stack Int
exec (Push i) s = Stack.push i s
exec Pop s = snd $ Stack.pop s
exec Add s =
  let (x, s1) = Stack.pop s in
  let (y, s2) = Stack.pop s1 in
  Stack.push (x + y) s2

-- | The REPL of the calculator.
calc :: Stack Int -> IO ()
calc s = do
  putStrLn $ "stack: " ++ show s
  putStr "> "
  hFlush stdout
  l <- getLine
  if l == "exit" then return ()
  else calc (exec (read l) s)

-- | Initialize the REPL with the empty 'Stack'.
main = calc Stack.empty