-- |
-- = A Module for FIFO Queues.
module Queue where

-- | A queue is represented by a pair of lists, with the intended meaning the
-- the first list is the first half of the queue and the second list is the
-- second half of the queue in reversed order. That is, given a queue @(xs,
-- ys)@, the \"content\" of the queue is @xs ++ reverse ys@. This representation
-- allows reasonably efficient access to both the head and the tail of a queue.
type Queue a = ([a], [a])

-- | The empty queue.
empty :: Queue a
empty = ([], [])

-- | Test whether a queue is empty.
isEmpty :: Queue a -> Bool
isEmpty ([], []) = True
isEmpty (_, _) = False

-- | Enqueue an element at the end of the queue.
enqueue :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
enqueue x (xs, ys) = (xs, x:ys)

-- | Dequeue the first element of the queue. The result pair consists of this
-- element together with the remaining queue.
dequeue :: Queue a -> (a, Queue a)
dequeue (x:xs, ys) = (x, (xs, ys))
dequeue ([], ys)
  | null ys = error "empty queue"
  | otherwise = (z, (zs, []))
      z:zs = reverse ys