-- |
-- = A program for printing a calendar year
module Year where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Calendar
import Picture
import S03
import Data.List

{-| 'rjustify n xs' right-justifies its String argument
'xs' inside a box of width 'n'. -}
rjustify :: Int -> String -> String
rjustify n xs
  | l <= n = replicate (n - l) ' ' ++ xs
  | otherwise = error ("text of length " ++ show l ++ " does not fit in box of width " ++ show n)
    l = length xs

-- | The names of all months in a year.
months :: [String]
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
  "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]

{-| 'groupsOfSize n xs' splits the list 'xs' into segments
of length 'n' (the last one may be shorter). -}
groupsOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOfSize n xs = if null ys then [] else ys : groupsOfSize n zs
    (ys, zs) = splitAt n xs

-- | A list of pictures of days of a given month in a given year.
daysOfMonth :: Month -> Year -> [Picture]
daysOfMonth m y =
  map (row . rjustify 3 . pic) [1-d..42-d]
    (d, t) = monthInfo m y
    pic n = if 1 <= n && n <= t then show n else ""

-- | A picture containing all days of a given month in a given year.
month :: Month -> Year -> Picture
month m y = tile $ groupsOfSize 7 $ daysOfMonth m y

-- | A picture of all days of a given month in a given year with weekday header.
monthPic :: Year -> Month -> Picture
monthPic y m = smartStack [header, weekdays, month m y]
    weekdays = row " Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"
    header = row (months !! (m-1))

-- | A picture for all 12 months of a given year.
yearPic :: Year -> Int -> Picture
yearPic y c = smartTile $
  map (intersperse (row "  ")) $ -- insert 2 spaces between columns
  groupsOfSize c $ map (monthPic y) [1..12]

-- | Print a given year with month distributed over a given number of columns.
printYear y c = putStr $ showPic $ smartStack [row (show y), row "", yearPic y c]

-- | The main entry point of the program.
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    [y]    -> printYear (read y) 3
    [y, c] -> printYear (read y) (read c)
    _      -> error "expecting 1 or 2 arguments (year and optional number of columns)"