from z3 import * NUM_BITS = 8 INT_MAX = 2**(NUM_BITS - 1) - 1 INT_MIN = - (2**(NUM_BITS-1)) """ Compute the minimum (min) or maximum (max) of two integers without branching: int x; // we want to find the minimum of x and y int y; int r; // the result goes here r = y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)); // min(x, y) """ x = BitVec("x", NUM_BITS) y = BitVec("y", NUM_BITS) zero = BitVecVal(0, NUM_BITS) one = BitVecVal(1, NUM_BITS) print("variant 1, signed") r_s = y ^ ((x ^ y) & (zero -(If(x < y, one, zero)))) min_s = If(x> 31) | b & (~(a-b) >> 31); """ print("variant 2, signed") r2_s = (x & ((x-y) >> (NUM_BITS - 1))) | (y & (~(x-y) >> (NUM_BITS - 1))) solve(r2_s != min_s) print("variant 2, unsigned") min_u = If(ULT(x, y), x, y) r2_u = (x & (LShR(x-y, (NUM_BITS - 1)))) | (y & LShR(~(x-y), (NUM_BITS - 1))) solve(r2_u != min_u) """ If you know that INT_MIN <= x - y <= INT_MAX, then you can use the following, which are faster because (x - y) only needs to be evaluated once. r = y + ((x - y) & ((x - y) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1))); // min(x, y) """ print("variant 3, signed") r3 = y + ((x - y) & ((x - y) >> (NUM_BITS - 1))) overflow = If(y < 0, x > INT_MAX + y, x < INT_MIN + y) solve(And(Not(overflow), r3 != min_s))