FORT 2.0
Franziska Rapp and Aart Middeldorp
Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Automated
Reasoning (IJCAR 2018), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 10900,
pp. 81 – 88, 2018
FORT is a tool that implements the first-order theory of rewriting for the decidable class of left-linear right-ground rewrite systems. It can be used to decide properties of a given rewrite system and to synthesize rewrite systems that satisfy arbitrary properties expressible in the first-order theory of rewriting. In this paper we report on the extensions that were incorporated in the latest release (2.0) of FORT. These include witness generation for existentially quantified variables in formulas, support for combinations of rewrite systems, as well as an extension to deal with non-ground terms for properties related to confluence.BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{RM-IJCAR18, author = "Franziska Rapp and Aart Middeldorp", title = "{FORT} 2.0", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning", editor = "Didier Galmiche and Stephan Schulz and Roberto Sebastiani", series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", volume = 10900, pages = "81--88", year = 2018, doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-94205-6\_6" }
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