Once installed, cdisolver can be executed by the command

$ ./cdiSolver <filename> [-v]

The <filename> specifies the path to the input file that shall be read.
If the flag -v is set, then cdisolver will output additional information
about the communication between the main program and Mathematica. The
input files have to obey the following grammar in Table 6.2 of the master
A specification consists of five parts. The first part declares a list of
variables that is going to be used in the parts below. Otherwise, it would
not be possible to differentiate between variables and constant function
symbols when parsing a file. The second part declares the rewrite rules of
the considered TRS. The third part declares the stub of the context-dependent
interpretation. The fourth part declares a list of pairs (a,b), which means
that the Delta-monotonicity constraint has to be checked for the function
symbol "a" and argument position "b". The optional fifth part of the input
file declares a list of terms. If a context-dependent interpretation which
induces termination can be constructed from the stub in the given input
file, then the upper bounds on the derivation height are computed for
these terms.