Cdiprover can be executed with the command $ ./cdiprover <options> <file>.trs <timeout> - <timeout> specifies the number of seconds until cdiprover stops looking for a polynomial interpretation and context-dependent interpretation stubs. - <filename> specifies the path to the file which contains the TRS that shall be considered. - For <options>, the following switches are available: --- -o <filename2>: specifies that the output should go to a file with the path <filename>/<filename2>.txt instead of standard output. --- -c <class>: sets the parametric polynomial that is used for searching a suitable polynomial interpretation. Legal values for <class> are "linear", "simple", "simplemixed", "quadratic". --- -b <bound>: sets the upper bound for the coefficient variables to <bound>. In addition to the normal output, cdiprover also outputs stubs of context-dependent interpretations into files <filename>.solution<n>.con where <n> is a running number. These files can be directly used as input for cdisolver. The grammar of the .con files is given in Table 6.1 of the master thesis. A specification consists of four parts. The first part declares a list of variables that is going to be used in the parts below. Otherwise, it would not be possible to differentiate between variables and constant function symbols when parsing a file. The second part declares the rewrite rules of the considered TRS. The third part declares the stub of the context-dependent interpretation. The last part declares a list of pairs (a,b), which means that the Delta-monotonicity constraint has to be checked for the function symbol "a" and argument position "b". The input files have to follow the same syntax as the files in the termination problems database. The format specification for this database is available at \texttt{}.