Tool Bounds
We consider the following Problem:
Strict Trs:
{ id(x) -> f(x, s(0()))
, f(s(0()), y) -> y
, f(s(x), y) -> f(half(s(x)), double(y))
, half(x) -> g(h(), x)
, double(x) -> g(d(), x)
, g(h(), s(s(x))) -> s(g(h(), x))
, g(h(), s(0())) -> 0()
, g(d(), s(x)) -> s(s(g(d(), x)))
, g(x, 0()) -> 0()}
StartTerms: all
Strategy: none
Certificate: TIMEOUT
Computation stopped due to timeout after 60.0 seconds.
Arrrr..Tool CDI
Number of monomials: 1847
Last formula building started for bound 3
Last SAT solving started for bound 3Tool EDA
We consider the following Problem:
Strict Trs:
{ id(x) -> f(x, s(0()))
, f(s(0()), y) -> y
, f(s(x), y) -> f(half(s(x)), double(y))
, half(x) -> g(h(), x)
, double(x) -> g(d(), x)
, g(h(), s(s(x))) -> s(g(h(), x))
, g(h(), s(0())) -> 0()
, g(d(), s(x)) -> s(s(g(d(), x)))
, g(x, 0()) -> 0()}
StartTerms: all
Strategy: none
Certificate: TIMEOUT
Computation stopped due to timeout after 60.0 seconds.
Arrrr..Tool IDA
We consider the following Problem:
Strict Trs:
{ id(x) -> f(x, s(0()))
, f(s(0()), y) -> y
, f(s(x), y) -> f(half(s(x)), double(y))
, half(x) -> g(h(), x)
, double(x) -> g(d(), x)
, g(h(), s(s(x))) -> s(g(h(), x))
, g(h(), s(0())) -> 0()
, g(d(), s(x)) -> s(s(g(d(), x)))
, g(x, 0()) -> 0()}
StartTerms: all
Strategy: none
Certificate: MAYBE
None of the processors succeeded.
Details of failed attempt(s):
1) 'matrix-interpretation of dimension 3' failed due to the following reason:
The input cannot be shown compatible
2) 'matrix-interpretation of dimension 3' failed due to the following reason:
The input cannot be shown compatible
3) 'matrix-interpretation of dimension 3' failed due to the following reason:
The input cannot be shown compatible
4) 'matrix-interpretation of dimension 2' failed due to the following reason:
The input cannot be shown compatible
5) 'matrix-interpretation of dimension 2' failed due to the following reason:
The input cannot be shown compatible
6) 'matrix-interpretation of dimension 1' failed due to the following reason:
The input cannot be shown compatible
Arrrr..Tool TRI
We consider the following Problem:
Strict Trs:
{ id(x) -> f(x, s(0()))
, f(s(0()), y) -> y
, f(s(x), y) -> f(half(s(x)), double(y))
, half(x) -> g(h(), x)
, double(x) -> g(d(), x)
, g(h(), s(s(x))) -> s(g(h(), x))
, g(h(), s(0())) -> 0()
, g(d(), s(x)) -> s(s(g(d(), x)))
, g(x, 0()) -> 0()}
StartTerms: all
Strategy: none
Certificate: TIMEOUT
Computation stopped due to timeout after 60.0 seconds.
Arrrr..Tool TRI2
We consider the following Problem:
Strict Trs:
{ id(x) -> f(x, s(0()))
, f(s(0()), y) -> y
, f(s(x), y) -> f(half(s(x)), double(y))
, half(x) -> g(h(), x)
, double(x) -> g(d(), x)
, g(h(), s(s(x))) -> s(g(h(), x))
, g(h(), s(0())) -> 0()
, g(d(), s(x)) -> s(s(g(d(), x)))
, g(x, 0()) -> 0()}
StartTerms: all
Strategy: none
Certificate: MAYBE
The input cannot be shown compatible