Automated Resource Analysis


In [1]:
cd /tools/ && ls
ceta  minismt  pwhile  tct-its  tct-trs      z3-z3-4.8.4
gubs  paicc    share   tct-jbc  yices-2.6.1

Complexity Framework

Central to automating the analysis is a simple yet powerful framework for complexity.

In the following let $P_i$ denote a complexity problem and $f_i$ denote a bounding function. The precise notion of $P$ and $f$ depends on the analysis and is kept abstract within the framework. The complexity judgement $\;\vdash P \colon f$ indicates that problem $P$ is bounded by function $f$.

Example: Consider the judgement $\vdash \langle \mathtt{insertionSort}(es), \#\text{comparison wrt. } n = len(es) \rangle \colon \mathcal{O}(n^2)$. Here, the complexity problem $P$ is a sorting program associated with the resource of interest and the bounding function $f$ is expressed in big-$\mathcal{O}$ notation.

The heart of the complexity framework is the inference rule

$$\frac{Pre(P) \quad \vdash P_1 \colon f_1 \cdots \vdash P_n \colon f_n}{\vdash P \colon f}\;,$$

which is sound if under precondition $Pre(P)$ the validity of judgements is preserved, that is,

$$Pre(P) \wedge \vdash P_1 \colon f_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge P_n \colon f_n \Rightarrow P \colon f\;.$$

Using this inference rule we can express and combine a variety of problem transformations that origin from compiler design, program analysis, termination and resource analysis, etc. For instance,

  • program transformations (SSA, ...)
  • program simplifications (dead code elimination, ...)
  • invariant analysis (sign, polyedra, ...)
  • program decomposition (loop, SCC, function, ...)
  • ranking functions ...

The inference rules provides us a formal notion of complexity proofs. To facilitate the proof search we provide a strategy combinator language. Most prominent are the following combinators:

s1 >>> s2   (sequential composition)
s1 <|> s2   (alternative)
try s       (trackbacking)

Example: An illustrating pattern for a strategy is:

inferInvariants >>> simplify >>> try decompose >>> (linearBound <|> quadraticBound <|> cubicBound)

Morally, at first we infer additional informations that support the rest of the analysis. Then, we apply simplifications to reduce the complexity of subsequent problem transformations. Afterwards, we try to decompose the problem into smaller subproblems. Finally, we apply dedicated techniques for the inference of linear, qudratic and cubic bounding functions.

Term Rewriting

In [1]:
ls /tools/tct-trs
CHANGELOG  src         stack.yaml.lock  tct-trs.cabal
examples   LICENSE    Setup.hs   stack.yaml  tct-trs

Term Rewriting is a declarative computation module. A Term rewrite System $\mathcal{R}$ is a set of directed equations.

In [3]:
cat /tools/share/bfs.trs
(VAR x xs y ys t t1 t2 ts)

    appendreverse(::(x,xs), ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
    appendreverse(nil,      ys) -> ys

    reverse(xs)                 -> appendreverse(xs, nil)

    eq(s(x), s(y)) ->= eq(x, y)
    eq(0, 0)       ->= #true
    eq(x,y)        ->= #false

    bfs(xs, ys, x) -> bfs#1(xs,ys,x)

    bfs#1(nil,      ys, x) -> bfs#2(ys, x)
    bfs#1(::(t,ts), ys, x) -> bfs#3(t, ys, ts, x)

    bfs#2(::(t,ts), x) -> bfs(reverse(::(t, ts)), nil, x)
    bfs#2(nil     , x) -> leaf

    bfs#3(leaf,          ys, ts, x) -> bfs(ts, ys, x)
    bfs#3(node(y,t1,t2), ys, ts, x) -> bfs#4(eq(x,y), ys, t1, t2, ts, x, y)

    bfs#4(#true,  ys, t1, t2, ts, x, y) -> node(y, t1, t2)
    bfs#4(#false, ys, t1, t2, ts, x, y) -> bfs(ts, ::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x)

    dobfs(t, x) -> bfs(::(t,nil), nil, x)

    main(t,x) -> dobfs(t, x)

main(t, x) = dobfs(t, x)

dobfs(t, x) = bfs([t],[],x)

bfs(xs, ys, x) = match xs with
  | [] -> match ys with
    | []      -> leaf
    | (t::ts) -> bfs(reverse(t::ts), [], x)
  | (t::ts) -> match t with
    | leaf            -> bfs(ts, ys, x) 
    | node(y, t1, t2) -> if x == y then node (y, t1, t2) else bfs(ts, t2 :: t1 :: ys, x)
In [28]:
tct-trs --complexity rci --strategy "dependencyPairs :kind WIDP >>> try dpsimps >>> matrices :from 0 :to 2" /tools/share/bfs.trs
* Step 1: DependencyPairs WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            bfs(xs,ys,x) -> bfs#1(xs,ys,x)
            bfs#1(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> bfs#3(t,ys,ts,x)
            bfs#1(nil(),ys,x) -> bfs#2(ys,x)
            bfs#2(::(t,ts),x) -> bfs(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x)
            bfs#2(nil(),x) -> leaf()
            bfs#3(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> bfs(ts,ys,x)
            bfs#3(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> bfs#4(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y)
            bfs#4(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> bfs(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x)
            bfs#4(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> node(y,t1,t2)
            dobfs(t,x) -> bfs(::(t,nil()),nil(),x)
            main(t,x) -> dobfs(t,x)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
        - Signature:
            {appendreverse/2,bfs/3,bfs#1/3,bfs#2/2,bfs#3/4,bfs#4/7,dobfs/2,eq/2,main/2,reverse/1} / {#false/0,#true/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse,bfs,bfs#1,bfs#2,bfs#3,bfs#4,dobfs,eq,main
            ,reverse} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        DependencyPairs {dpKind_ = WIDP}
    + Details:
        We add the following weak innermost dependency pairs:
        Strict DPs
          appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
          appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
          bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
          bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
          bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
          bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
          bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
          bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
          bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
          bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
          dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
          main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
          reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        Weak DPs
          eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
          eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
          eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
        and mark the set of starting terms.
* Step 2: PredecessorEstimation WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            bfs(xs,ys,x) -> bfs#1(xs,ys,x)
            bfs#1(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> bfs#3(t,ys,ts,x)
            bfs#1(nil(),ys,x) -> bfs#2(ys,x)
            bfs#2(::(t,ts),x) -> bfs(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x)
            bfs#2(nil(),x) -> leaf()
            bfs#3(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> bfs(ts,ys,x)
            bfs#3(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> bfs#4(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y)
            bfs#4(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> bfs(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x)
            bfs#4(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> node(y,t1,t2)
            dobfs(t,x) -> bfs(::(t,nil()),nil(),x)
            main(t,x) -> dobfs(t,x)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Weak DPs:
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        PredecessorEstimation {onSelection = all simple predecessor estimation selector}
    + Details:
        We estimate the number of application of
        by application of
          Pre({2,7,11}) = {1,5,9,14}.
        Here rules are labelled as follows:
          1: appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
          2: appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
          3: bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
          4: bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
          5: bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
          6: bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
          7: bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
          8: bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
          9: bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          10: bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
          11: bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
          12: dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
          13: main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
          14: reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
          15: eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
          16: eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
          17: eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
* Step 3: UsableRules WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            bfs(xs,ys,x) -> bfs#1(xs,ys,x)
            bfs#1(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> bfs#3(t,ys,ts,x)
            bfs#1(nil(),ys,x) -> bfs#2(ys,x)
            bfs#2(::(t,ts),x) -> bfs(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x)
            bfs#2(nil(),x) -> leaf()
            bfs#3(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> bfs(ts,ys,x)
            bfs#3(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> bfs#4(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y)
            bfs#4(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> bfs(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x)
            bfs#4(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> node(y,t1,t2)
            dobfs(t,x) -> bfs(::(t,nil()),nil(),x)
            main(t,x) -> dobfs(t,x)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
    + Details:
        We replace rewrite rules by usable rules:
          appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
          appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
          eq(x,y) -> #false()
          eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
          eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
          reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
          appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
          appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
          bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
          bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
          bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
          bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
          bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
          bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
          bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
          bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
          dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
          eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
          eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
          eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
          main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
          reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
* Step 4: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [0]                  
                     p(#true) = [0]                  
                         p(0) = [2]                  
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [5]         
             p(appendreverse) = [2] x2 + [0]         
                       p(bfs) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#1) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#3) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#4) = [0]                  
                     p(dobfs) = [0]                  
                        p(eq) = [4]                  
                      p(leaf) = [0]                  
                      p(main) = [0]                  
                       p(nil) = [0]                  
                      p(node) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                   p(reverse) = [3]                  
                         p(s) = [1] x1 + [0]         
            p(appendreverse#) = [2] x1 + [1] x2 + [5]
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [5]         
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#2#) = [0]                  
                    p(bfs#3#) = [1] x3 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [1] x5 + [0]
                    p(dobfs#) = [0]                  
                       p(eq#) = [1] x1 + [2] x2 + [4]
                     p(main#) = [0]                  
                  p(reverse#) = [2] x1 + [2]         
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [2]         
                       p(c_2) = [5]                  
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_7) = [0]                  
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_11) = [0]                  
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [3]         
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_15) = [4]                  
                      p(c_16) = [1]                  
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [0]         
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) = [2] xs + [1] ys + [15]          
                                      > [2] xs + [1] ys + [12]          
                                      = c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
                        bfs#(xs,ys,x) = [1] xs + [5]                    
                                      > [1] xs + [0]                    
                                      = c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))            
                bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) = [1] ts + [5]                    
                                      > [1] ts + [0]                    
                                      = c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))          
                          reverse(xs) = [3]                             
                                      > [0]                             
                                      = appendreverse(xs,nil())         
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                  appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [1] ys + [5]                        
                                           >= [5]                                 
                                           =  c_2()                               
                        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [8]                                 
                                           =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
                           bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_7()                               
                    bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [5]                        
                                           =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                  
             bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [4]                        
                                           =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [5]                        
                                           =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
           bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_11()                              
                               dobfs#(t,x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [13]                                
                                           =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))     
                                  eq#(x,y) =  [1] x + [2] y + [4]                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_15()                              
                              eq#(0(),0()) =  [10]                                
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_16()                              
                            eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [1] x + [2] y + [4]                 
                                           >= [1] x + [2] y + [4]                 
                                           =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                                main#(t,x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
                              reverse#(xs) =  [2] xs + [2]                        
                                           >= [2] xs + [5]                        
                                           =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))      
                appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [2] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [2] ys + [10]                       
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                   appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [2] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           =  ys                                  
                                   eq(x,y) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #false()                            
                               eq(0(),0()) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #true()                             
                             eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  eq(x,y)                             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 5: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [0]                  
                     p(#true) = [0]                  
                         p(0) = [2]                  
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [0]         
             p(appendreverse) = [4] x2 + [0]         
                       p(bfs) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#1) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#3) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#4) = [0]                  
                     p(dobfs) = [0]                  
                        p(eq) = [0]                  
                      p(leaf) = [0]                  
                      p(main) = [0]                  
                       p(nil) = [0]                  
                      p(node) = [1] x3 + [0]         
                   p(reverse) = [0]                  
                         p(s) = [1] x1 + [0]         
            p(appendreverse#) = [1] x2 + [3]         
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#2#) = [3]                  
                    p(bfs#3#) = [1] x3 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [1] x5 + [5]
                    p(dobfs#) = [1] x1 + [4] x2 + [0]
                       p(eq#) = [4] x1 + [1] x2 + [4]
                     p(main#) = [1] x1 + [4] x2 + [4]
                  p(reverse#) = [2]                  
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_2) = [3]                  
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [1]         
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_7) = [2]                  
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [3]         
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_11) = [5]                  
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_15) = [0]                  
                      p(c_16) = [0]                  
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [0]         
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) = [3]                                 
                                           > [0]                                 
                                           = c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) = [1] ts + [5]                        
                                           > [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           = c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
                                main#(t,x) = [1] t + [4] x + [4]                 
                                           > [1] t + [4] x + [0]                 
                                           = c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
              appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [1] ys + [3]                        
                                          >= [1] ys + [3]                        
                                          =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))    
                 appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [1] ys + [3]                        
                                          >= [3]                                 
                                          =  c_2()                               
                            bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [1] xs + [0]                        
                                          >= [1] xs + [0]                        
                                          =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                
                    bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                          >= [1] ts + [0]                        
                                          =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))              
                       bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [0]                                 
                                          >= [4]                                 
                                          =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                          bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [3]                                 
                                          >= [2]                                 
                                          =  c_7()                               
                   bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                          >= [1] ts + [3]                        
                                          =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                  
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                          >= [1] ts + [5]                        
                                          =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [5]                        
                                          >= [5]                                 
                                          =  c_11()                              
                              dobfs#(t,x) =  [1] t + [4] x + [0]                 
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))     
                                 eq#(x,y) =  [4] x + [1] y + [4]                 
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  c_15()                              
                             eq#(0(),0()) =  [14]                                
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  c_16()                              
                           eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [4] x + [1] y + [4]                 
                                          >= [4] x + [1] y + [4]                 
                                          =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                             reverse#(xs) =  [2]                                 
                                          >= [3]                                 
                                          =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))      
               appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [4] ys + [0]                        
                                          >= [4] ys + [0]                        
                                          =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                  appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [4] ys + [0]                        
                                          >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                          =  ys                                  
                                  eq(x,y) =  [0]                                 
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  #false()                            
                              eq(0(),0()) =  [0]                                 
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  #true()                             
                            eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [0]                                 
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  eq(x,y)                             
                              reverse(xs) =  [0]                                 
                                          >= [0]                                 
                                          =  appendreverse(xs,nil())             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 6: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [4]                                                      
                     p(#true) = [0]                                                      
                         p(0) = [5]                                                      
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [1]                                             
             p(appendreverse) = [4] x2 + [0]                                             
                       p(bfs) = [0]                                                      
                     p(bfs#1) = [2] x1 + [1] x2 + [1] x3 + [0]                           
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                                                      
                     p(bfs#3) = [1] x3 + [0]                                             
                     p(bfs#4) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [2] x4 + [2] x5 + [2] x6 + [1] x7 + [0]
                     p(dobfs) = [0]                                                      
                        p(eq) = [5]                                                      
                      p(leaf) = [2]                                                      
                      p(main) = [0]                                                      
                       p(nil) = [0]                                                      
                      p(node) = [1] x1 + [1] x3 + [1]                                    
                   p(reverse) = [0]                                                      
                         p(s) = [1] x1 + [0]                                             
            p(appendreverse#) = [6] x1 + [1]                                             
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [3]                                    
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [1]                                    
                    p(bfs#2#) = [6]                                                      
                    p(bfs#3#) = [1] x2 + [1] x3 + [1]                                    
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [1] x5 + [5]                           
                    p(dobfs#) = [2] x2 + [0]                                             
                       p(eq#) = [2] x2 + [0]                                             
                     p(main#) = [4] x2 + [2]                                             
                  p(reverse#) = [6] x1 + [6]                                             
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [1]                                             
                       p(c_2) = [1]                                                      
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [1]                                             
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [1]                                             
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [1]                                             
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [3]                                             
                       p(c_7) = [0]                                                      
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [0]                                             
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [0]                                             
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [4]                                             
                      p(c_11) = [5]                                                      
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [0]                                             
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [0]                                             
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [4]                                             
                      p(c_15) = [0]                                                      
                      p(c_16) = [4]                                                      
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [0]                                             
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          reverse#(xs) = [6] xs + [6]                  
                       > [6] xs + [5]                  
                       = c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
               appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [6] xs + [7]                        
                                           >= [6] xs + [2]                        
                                           =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))    
                  appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_2()                               
                             bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [1] xs + [1] ys + [3]               
                                           >= [1] xs + [1] ys + [2]               
                                           =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                
                     bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [1] ts + [1] ys + [2]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [1] ys + [2]               
                                           =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))              
                        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [1] ys + [1]                        
                                           >= [7]                                 
                                           =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [6]                                 
                                           >= [6]                                 
                                           =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
                           bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [6]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_7()                               
                    bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [1] ys + [1]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [1] ys + [3]               
                                           =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                  
             bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [1] ys + [1]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [1] ys + [10]              
                                           =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [1] ys + [9]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [1] ys + [9]               
                                           =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
           bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [1] ys + [5]               
                                           >= [5]                                 
                                           =  c_11()                              
                               dobfs#(t,x) =  [2] x + [0]                         
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))     
                                  eq#(x,y) =  [2] y + [0]                         
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_15()                              
                              eq#(0(),0()) =  [10]                                
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_16()                              
                            eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [2] y + [0]                         
                                           >= [2] y + [0]                         
                                           =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                                main#(t,x) =  [4] x + [2]                         
                                           >= [2] x + [0]                         
                                           =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
                appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [4] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [4] ys + [4]                        
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                   appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [4] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           =  ys                                  
                                   eq(x,y) =  [5]                                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  #false()                            
                               eq(0(),0()) =  [5]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #true()                             
                             eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [5]                                 
                                           >= [5]                                 
                                           =  eq(x,y)                             
                               reverse(xs) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,nil())             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 7: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [0]                  
                     p(#true) = [0]                  
                         p(0) = [0]                  
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [1]         
             p(appendreverse) = [4] x2 + [3]         
                       p(bfs) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#1) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#3) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#4) = [1] x5 + [0]         
                     p(dobfs) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                        p(eq) = [5]                  
                      p(leaf) = [1]                  
                      p(main) = [4] x1 + [2] x2 + [0]
                       p(nil) = [0]                  
                      p(node) = [0]                  
                   p(reverse) = [4]                  
                         p(s) = [1] x1 + [5]         
            p(appendreverse#) = [3]                  
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#2#) = [4]                  
                    p(bfs#3#) = [1] x3 + [1]         
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [1] x5 + [4]
                    p(dobfs#) = [1] x1 + [4] x2 + [0]
                       p(eq#) = [1] x2 + [3]         
                     p(main#) = [2] x1 + [5] x2 + [5]
                  p(reverse#) = [5] x1 + [7]         
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_2) = [1]                  
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [4]         
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_7) = [4]                  
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [1]         
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [3]         
                      p(c_11) = [0]                  
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [5]         
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [4]         
                      p(c_15) = [0]                  
                      p(c_16) = [3]                  
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [0]         
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          appendreverse(nil(),ys) = [4] ys + [3]
                                  > [1] ys + [0]
                                  = ys          
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
               appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [3]                                 
                                           =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))    
                  appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_2()                               
                             bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [1] xs + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] xs + [0]                        
                                           =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                
                     bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))              
                        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [8]                                 
                                           =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
                           bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_7()                               
                    bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                  
             bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [9]                        
                                           =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [4]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [3]                        
                                           =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
           bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [4]                        
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_11()                              
                               dobfs#(t,x) =  [1] t + [4] x + [0]                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))     
                                  eq#(x,y) =  [1] y + [3]                         
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_15()                              
                              eq#(0(),0()) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [3]                                 
                                           =  c_16()                              
                            eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [1] y + [8]                         
                                           >= [1] y + [3]                         
                                           =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                                main#(t,x) =  [2] t + [5] x + [5]                 
                                           >= [1] t + [4] x + [5]                 
                                           =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
                              reverse#(xs) =  [5] xs + [7]                        
                                           >= [7]                                 
                                           =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))      
                appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [4] ys + [3]                        
                                           >= [4] ys + [7]                        
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                                   eq(x,y) =  [5]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #false()                            
                               eq(0(),0()) =  [5]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #true()                             
                             eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [5]                                 
                                           >= [5]                                 
                                           =  eq(x,y)                             
                               reverse(xs) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [3]                                 
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,nil())             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 8: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [2]                           
                     p(#true) = [1]                           
                         p(0) = [0]                           
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [0]                  
             p(appendreverse) = [1] x2 + [0]                  
                       p(bfs) = [0]                           
                     p(bfs#1) = [0]                           
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                           
                     p(bfs#3) = [0]                           
                     p(bfs#4) = [0]                           
                     p(dobfs) = [0]                           
                        p(eq) = [3]                           
                      p(leaf) = [4]                           
                      p(main) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(nil) = [0]                           
                      p(node) = [1] x1 + [1] x3 + [2]         
                   p(reverse) = [0]                           
                         p(s) = [1] x1 + [1]                  
            p(appendreverse#) = [1]                           
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [2] x3 + [2]         
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [2] x3 + [2]         
                    p(bfs#2#) = [2] x2 + [3]                  
                    p(bfs#3#) = [1] x3 + [2] x4 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [1] x5 + [2] x6 + [2]
                    p(dobfs#) = [2] x1 + [4] x2 + [5]         
                       p(eq#) = [1] x2 + [0]                  
                     p(main#) = [2] x1 + [7] x2 + [7]         
                  p(reverse#) = [1]                           
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_2) = [1]                           
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [2]                  
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [1]                  
                       p(c_7) = [0]                           
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [6]                  
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [7]                  
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [2]                  
                      p(c_11) = [0]                           
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [2]                  
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [2]                  
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                      p(c_15) = [0]                           
                      p(c_16) = [0]                           
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          dobfs#(t,x) = [2] t + [4] x + [5]            
                      > [2] x + [4]                    
                      = c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
               appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))    
                  appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_2()                               
                             bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [2] x + [1] xs + [2]                
                                           >= [2] x + [1] xs + [2]                
                                           =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                
                     bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [1] ts + [2] x + [2]                
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] x + [2]                
                                           =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))              
                        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [2] x + [2]                         
                                           >= [2] x + [3]                         
                                           =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [2] x + [3]                         
                                           >= [2] x + [3]                         
                                           =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
                           bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [2] x + [3]                         
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_7()                               
                    bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [2] x + [0]                
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] x + [8]                
                                           =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                  
             bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [2] x + [0]                
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] x + [12]               
                                           =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [2] x + [4]                
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] x + [4]                
                                           =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
           bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [2] x + [3]                
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_11()                              
                                  eq#(x,y) =  [1] y + [0]                         
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_15()                              
                              eq#(0(),0()) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_16()                              
                            eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [1] y + [1]                         
                                           >= [1] y + [0]                         
                                           =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                                main#(t,x) =  [2] t + [7] x + [7]                 
                                           >= [2] t + [4] x + [7]                 
                                           =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
                              reverse#(xs) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))      
                appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                   appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           =  ys                                  
                                   eq(x,y) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [2]                                 
                                           =  #false()                            
                               eq(0(),0()) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  #true()                             
                             eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [3]                                 
                                           =  eq(x,y)                             
                               reverse(xs) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,nil())             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 9: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [4]                           
                     p(#true) = [3]                           
                         p(0) = [5]                           
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [1]                  
             p(appendreverse) = [2] x2 + [0]                  
                       p(bfs) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [1]         
                     p(bfs#1) = [1] x2 + [1] x3 + [1]         
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                           
                     p(bfs#3) = [4] x2 + [2] x4 + [1]         
                     p(bfs#4) = [1] x2 + [2] x3 + [1] x5 + [2]
                     p(dobfs) = [4] x1 + [1] x2 + [2]         
                        p(eq) = [7]                           
                      p(leaf) = [1]                           
                      p(main) = [1] x2 + [2]                  
                       p(nil) = [0]                           
                      p(node) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [1] x3 + [0]
                   p(reverse) = [0]                           
                         p(s) = [1] x1 + [1]                  
            p(appendreverse#) = [1] x1 + [4]                  
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [2] x2 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [2] x2 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#2#) = [1] x1 + [3]                  
                    p(bfs#3#) = [2] x2 + [1] x3 + [1]         
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [2] x2 + [1] x5 + [2]
                    p(dobfs#) = [2]                           
                       p(eq#) = [1] x1 + [5]                  
                     p(main#) = [2] x1 + [2]                  
                  p(reverse#) = [1] x1 + [4]                  
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_2) = [4]                           
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [4]                  
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [4]                  
                       p(c_7) = [0]                           
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [4]                  
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [2]                  
                      p(c_11) = [0]                           
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [0]                  
                      p(c_15) = [0]                           
                      p(c_16) = [1]                           
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [1]                  
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) = [1] ts + [2] ys + [1]
                                 > [1] ts + [2] ys + [0]
                                 = c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))   
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
               appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [1] xs + [5]                        
                                           >= [1] xs + [4]                        
                                           =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))    
                  appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [4]                                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_2()                               
                             bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [1] xs + [2] ys + [0]               
                                           >= [1] xs + [2] ys + [0]               
                                           =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                
                     bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [1] ts + [2] ys + [1]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] ys + [1]               
                                           =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))              
                        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [2] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [7]                        
                                           =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [1] ts + [4]                        
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
                           bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_7()                               
             bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [2] ys + [1]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] ys + [13]              
                                           =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [2] ys + [6]               
                                           >= [1] ts + [2] ys + [6]               
                                           =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
           bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [2] ys + [5]               
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_11()                              
                               dobfs#(t,x) =  [2]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))     
                                  eq#(x,y) =  [1] x + [5]                         
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_15()                              
                              eq#(0(),0()) =  [10]                                
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_16()                              
                            eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [1] x + [6]                         
                                           >= [1] x + [6]                         
                                           =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                                main#(t,x) =  [2] t + [2]                         
                                           >= [2]                                 
                                           =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
                              reverse#(xs) =  [1] xs + [4]                        
                                           >= [1] xs + [4]                        
                                           =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))      
                appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [2] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [2] ys + [2]                        
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                   appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [2] ys + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           =  ys                                  
                                   eq(x,y) =  [7]                                 
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  #false()                            
                               eq(0(),0()) =  [7]                                 
                                           >= [3]                                 
                                           =  #true()                             
                             eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [7]                                 
                                           >= [7]                                 
                                           =  eq(x,y)                             
                               reverse(xs) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,nil())             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 10: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 0, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnAny}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following nonconstant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(bfs#) = {1},
            uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
            uargs(c_1) = {1},
            uargs(c_3) = {1},
            uargs(c_4) = {1},
            uargs(c_5) = {1},
            uargs(c_6) = {1},
            uargs(c_8) = {1},
            uargs(c_9) = {1},
            uargs(c_10) = {1},
            uargs(c_12) = {1},
            uargs(c_13) = {1},
            uargs(c_14) = {1},
            uargs(c_17) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                    p(#false) = [0]                  
                     p(#true) = [0]                  
                         p(0) = [0]                  
                        p(::) = [1] x2 + [1]         
             p(appendreverse) = [4] x2 + [2]         
                       p(bfs) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#1) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#2) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#3) = [0]                  
                     p(bfs#4) = [1] x7 + [0]         
                     p(dobfs) = [0]                  
                        p(eq) = [0]                  
                      p(leaf) = [0]                  
                      p(main) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [1]
                       p(nil) = [0]                  
                      p(node) = [1] x2 + [1] x3 + [1]
                   p(reverse) = [3]                  
                         p(s) = [0]                  
            p(appendreverse#) = [3] x1 + [1]         
                      p(bfs#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#1#) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                    p(bfs#2#) = [3]                  
                    p(bfs#3#) = [1] x3 + [1]         
                    p(bfs#4#) = [1] x1 + [1] x5 + [0]
                    p(dobfs#) = [1] x1 + [4]         
                       p(eq#) = [1]                  
                     p(main#) = [3] x1 + [4]         
                  p(reverse#) = [4] x1 + [2]         
                       p(c_1) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_2) = [1]                  
                       p(c_3) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_4) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_5) = [1] x1 + [2]         
                       p(c_6) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                       p(c_7) = [1]                  
                       p(c_8) = [1] x1 + [1]         
                       p(c_9) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_10) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_11) = [0]                  
                      p(c_12) = [1] x1 + [3]         
                      p(c_13) = [1] x1 + [0]         
                      p(c_14) = [1] x1 + [1]         
                      p(c_15) = [0]                  
                      p(c_16) = [1]                  
                      p(c_17) = [1] x1 + [0]         
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) = [1] ts + [1]                        
                                        > [1] ts + [0]                        
                                        = c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
               appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [3] xs + [4]                        
                                           >= [3] xs + [1]                        
                                           =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))    
                  appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_2()                               
                             bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [1] xs + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] xs + [0]                        
                                           =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                
                     bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))              
                        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [5]                                 
                                           =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                   
                        bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [3]                                 
                                           =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
                           bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_7()                               
                    bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [1]                        
                                           =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                  
          bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           >= [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))   
           bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [1] ts + [0]                        
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_11()                              
                               dobfs#(t,x) =  [1] t + [4]                         
                                           >= [4]                                 
                                           =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))     
                                  eq#(x,y) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  c_15()                              
                              eq#(0(),0()) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_16()                              
                            eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [1]                                 
                                           >= [1]                                 
                                           =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                      
                                main#(t,x) =  [3] t + [4]                         
                                           >= [1] t + [4]                         
                                           =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                   
                              reverse#(xs) =  [4] xs + [2]                        
                                           >= [3] xs + [2]                        
                                           =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))      
                appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [4] ys + [2]                        
                                           >= [4] ys + [6]                        
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))          
                   appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [4] ys + [2]                        
                                           >= [1] ys + [0]                        
                                           =  ys                                  
                                   eq(x,y) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #false()                            
                               eq(0(),0()) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  #true()                             
                             eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [0]                                 
                                           >= [0]                                 
                                           =  eq(x,y)                             
                               reverse(xs) =  [3]                                 
                                           >= [2]                                 
                                           =  appendreverse(xs,nil())             
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 11: NaturalMI WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        NaturalMI {miDimension = 2, miDegree = 1, miKind = Algebraic, uargs = UArgs, urules = URules, selector = Just any strict-rules}
    + Details:
        We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation (containing no more than 1 non-zero interpretation-entries in the diagonal of the component-wise maxima):
        The following argument positions are considered usable:
          uargs(bfs#) = {1},
          uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
          uargs(c_1) = {1},
          uargs(c_3) = {1},
          uargs(c_4) = {1},
          uargs(c_5) = {1},
          uargs(c_6) = {1},
          uargs(c_8) = {1},
          uargs(c_9) = {1},
          uargs(c_10) = {1},
          uargs(c_12) = {1},
          uargs(c_13) = {1},
          uargs(c_14) = {1},
          uargs(c_17) = {1}
        Following symbols are considered usable:
        TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                  p(#false) = [0]                                                                  
                   p(#true) = [0]                                                                  
                       p(0) = [2]                                                                  
                      p(::) = [1 1] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [0]                                            
                              [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]                                            
           p(appendreverse) = [1 1] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [0]                                            
                              [2 1]      [0 1]      [0]                                            
                     p(bfs) = [2]                                                                  
                   p(bfs#1) = [0]                                                                  
                   p(bfs#2) = [2]                                                                  
                   p(bfs#3) = [0 0] x3 + [0 0] x4 + [1]                                            
                              [0 1]      [0 2]      [1]                                            
                   p(bfs#4) = [2 0] x1 + [0 0] x5 + [1]                                            
                              [1 1]      [0 1]      [1]                                            
                   p(dobfs) = [2]                                                                  
                      p(eq) = [0]                                                                  
                    p(leaf) = [0]                                                                  
                    p(main) = [0]                                                                  
                     p(nil) = [0]                                                                  
                    p(node) = [1 2] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [1 1] x3 + [0]                                 
                              [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [3]                                 
                 p(reverse) = [1 1] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [2 2]      [0]                                                       
                       p(s) = [0]                                                                  
          p(appendreverse#) = [0 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]                                            
                              [2 2]      [2 0]      [3]                                            
                    p(bfs#) = [2 0] x1 + [2 3] x2 + [1]                                            
                              [0 2]      [0 0]      [2]                                            
                  p(bfs#1#) = [2 0] x1 + [2 3] x2 + [0 0] x3 + [1]                                 
                              [2 0]      [2 0]      [0 1]      [0]                                 
                  p(bfs#2#) = [2 3] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [2 2]      [1]                                                       
                  p(bfs#3#) = [2 2] x1 + [2 3] x2 + [2 2] x3 + [0 0] x4 + [1]                      
                              [0 0]      [2 0]      [0 2]      [2 3]      [2]                      
                  p(bfs#4#) = [2 3] x1 + [2 2] x2 + [2 2] x3 + [2 2] x4 + [2 0] x5 + [1 1] x7 + [1]
                              [0 2]      [0 0]      [0 2]      [0 0]      [2 2]      [0 2]      [3]
                  p(dobfs#) = [3 2] x1 + [2 0] x2 + [1]                                            
                              [1 1]      [0 0]      [1]                                            
                     p(eq#) = [0 0] x2 + [0]                                                       
                              [2 0]      [0]                                                       
                   p(main#) = [3 3] x1 + [2 2] x2 + [3]                                            
                              [3 2]      [2 0]      [1]                                            
                p(reverse#) = [0 0] x1 + [2]                                                       
                              [2 1]      [2]                                                       
                     p(c_1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [2 0]      [3]                                                       
                     p(c_2) = [1]                                                                  
                     p(c_3) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [2]                                                       
                     p(c_4) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [0]                                                       
                     p(c_5) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [0]                                                       
                     p(c_6) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [0]                                                       
                     p(c_7) = [0]                                                                  
                     p(c_8) = [1 1] x1 + [1]                                                       
                              [0 1]      [0]                                                       
                     p(c_9) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [2]                                                       
                    p(c_10) = [1 0] x1 + [1]                                                       
                              [0 1]      [0]                                                       
                    p(c_11) = [2]                                                                  
                    p(c_12) = [1 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [0]                                                       
                    p(c_13) = [1 0] x1 + [2]                                                       
                              [1 0]      [0]                                                       
                    p(c_14) = [2 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [2 0]      [0]                                                       
                    p(c_15) = [0]                                                                  
                    p(c_16) = [0]                                                                  
                    p(c_17) = [2 0] x1 + [0]                                                       
                              [0 0]      [0]                                                       
        Following rules are strictly oriented:
        bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) = [0 0] x + [2 3] ys + [1]
                             [0 1]     [2 0]      [0]
                           > [2 3] ys + [0]          
                             [0 0]      [0]          
                           = c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))       
        Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
             appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [0 0] x + [0 0] xs + [0 0] ys + [1]                                
                                            [2 2]     [2 2]      [2 0]      [5]                                
                                         >= [1]                                                                
                                         =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))                                   
                appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [0 0] ys + [1]                                                     
                                            [2 0]      [3]                                                     
                                         >= [1]                                                                
                                         =  c_2()                                                              
                           bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [2 0] xs + [2 3] ys + [1]                                          
                                            [0 2]      [0 0]      [2]                                          
                                         >= [2 0] xs + [2 3] ys + [1]                                          
                                            [0 0]      [0 0]      [2]                                          
                                         =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                                               
                   bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [2 2] t + [2 2] ts + [0 0] x + [2 3] ys + [1]                      
                                            [2 2]     [2 2]      [0 1]     [2 0]      [0]                      
                                         >= [2 2] t + [2 2] ts + [2 3] ys + [1]                                
                                            [0 0]     [0 0]      [0 0]      [0]                                
                                         =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))                                             
                      bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [2 2] t + [2 2] ts + [3]                                           
                                            [2 2]     [2 2]      [3]                                           
                                         >= [2 2] t + [2 2] ts + [3]                                           
                                            [0 0]     [0 0]      [0]                                           
                                         =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))                               
                         bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  c_7()                                                              
                  bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [2 2] ts + [0 0] x + [2 3] ys + [5]                                
                                            [0 2]      [2 3]     [2 0]      [2]                                
                                         >= [2 2] ts + [2 3] ys + [4]                                          
                                            [0 2]      [0 0]      [2]                                          
                                         =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                                                 
           bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [2 2] t1 + [2 2] t2 + [2 2] ts + [0 0] x + [2 4] y + [2 3] ys + [7]
                                            [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 2]      [2 3]     [0 0]     [2 0]      [2]
                                         >= [2 2] t1 + [2 2] t2 + [2 0] ts + [1 1] y + [2 2] ys + [7]          
                                            [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]     [0 0]      [2]          
                                         =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))                               
        bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [2 2] t1 + [2 2] t2 + [2 0] ts + [1 1] y + [2 2] ys + [7]          
                                            [0 2]      [0 0]      [2 2]      [0 2]     [0 0]      [7]          
                                         >= [2 2] t1 + [2 2] t2 + [2 0] ts + [2 2] ys + [7]                    
                                            [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 2]      [0 0]      [2]                    
                                         =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))                                  
         bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [2 2] t1 + [2 2] t2 + [2 0] ts + [1 1] y + [2 2] ys + [7]          
                                            [0 2]      [0 0]      [2 2]      [0 2]     [0 0]      [7]          
                                         >= [2]                                                                
                                         =  c_11()                                                             
                             dobfs#(t,x) =  [3 2] t + [2 0] x + [1]                                            
                                            [1 1]     [0 0]     [1]                                            
                                         >= [2 2] t + [1]                                                      
                                            [0 0]     [0]                                                      
                                         =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))                                    
                                eq#(x,y) =  [0 0] y + [0]                                                      
                                            [2 0]     [0]                                                      
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  c_15()                                                             
                            eq#(0(),0()) =  [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  c_16()                                                             
                          eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                                                     
                              main#(t,x) =  [3 3] t + [2 2] x + [3]                                            
                                            [3 2]     [2 0]     [1]                                            
                                         >= [3 2] t + [2 0] x + [3]                                            
                                            [3 2]     [2 0]     [1]                                            
                                         =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                                                  
                            reverse#(xs) =  [0 0] xs + [2]                                                     
                                            [2 1]      [2]                                                     
                                         >= [2]                                                                
                                         =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))                                     
              appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) =  [1 1] x + [1 1] xs + [1 1] ys + [1]                                
                                            [2 2]     [2 2]      [0 1]      [1]                                
                                         >= [1 1] x + [1 1] xs + [1 1] ys + [1]                                
                                            [0 0]     [2 1]      [0 0]      [1]                                
                                         =  appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))                                         
                 appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [1 1] ys + [0]                                                     
                                            [0 1]      [0]                                                     
                                         >= [1 0] ys + [0]                                                     
                                            [0 1]      [0]                                                     
                                         =  ys                                                                 
                                 eq(x,y) =  [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  #false()                                                           
                             eq(0(),0()) =  [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  #true()                                                            
                           eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                
                                         =  eq(x,y)                                                            
                             reverse(xs) =  [1 1] xs + [0]                                                     
                                            [2 2]      [0]                                                     
                                         >= [1 1] xs + [0]                                                     
                                            [2 1]      [0]                                                     
                                         =  appendreverse(xs,nil())                                            
* Step 12: NaturalMI WORST_CASE(?,O(n^2))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
        NaturalMI {miDimension = 3, miDegree = 2, miKind = Algebraic, uargs = UArgs, urules = URules, selector = Just any strict-rules}
    + Details:
        We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation (containing no more than 2 non-zero interpretation-entries in the diagonal of the component-wise maxima):
        The following argument positions are considered usable:
          uargs(bfs#) = {1},
          uargs(bfs#4#) = {1},
          uargs(c_1) = {1},
          uargs(c_3) = {1},
          uargs(c_4) = {1},
          uargs(c_5) = {1},
          uargs(c_6) = {1},
          uargs(c_8) = {1},
          uargs(c_9) = {1},
          uargs(c_10) = {1},
          uargs(c_12) = {1},
          uargs(c_13) = {1},
          uargs(c_14) = {1},
          uargs(c_17) = {1}
        Following symbols are considered usable:
        TcT has computed the following interpretation:
                  p(#false) = [1]                                                                                           
                   p(#true) = [0]                                                                                           
                       p(0) = [1]                                                                                           
                      p(::) = [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                 
                              [0 1 1] x1 + [0 1 0] x2 + [1]                                                                 
                              [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                 
           p(appendreverse) = [0 1 0]      [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                 
                              [1 1 0] x1 + [1 1 0] x2 + [0]                                                                 
                              [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]      [0]                                                                 
                     p(bfs) = [0]                                                                                           
                   p(bfs#1) = [0]                                                                                           
                   p(bfs#2) = [0]                                                                                           
                   p(bfs#3) = [0]                                                                                           
                   p(bfs#4) = [0]                                                                                           
                   p(dobfs) = [0]                                                                                           
                      p(eq) = [0 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                    p(leaf) = [0]                                                                                           
                    p(main) = [0]                                                                                           
                     p(nil) = [0]                                                                                           
                    p(node) = [0 1 0]      [1 0 1]      [0 1 0]      [1]                                                    
                              [0 1 1] x1 + [0 1 1] x2 + [0 1 1] x3 + [1]                                                    
                              [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [1]                                                    
                 p(reverse) = [0 1 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [1 1 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
                       p(s) = [1 0 1]      [1]                                                                              
                              [0 1 1] x1 + [1]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
          p(appendreverse#) = [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [1 1 0] x1 + [1]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
                    p(bfs#) = [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]                                                    
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0 0 1] x2 + [0 0 0] x3 + [0]                                                    
                              [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]      [1 0 0]      [0]                                                    
                  p(bfs#1#) = [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]                                                    
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0 1 1] x2 + [0 0 1] x3 + [0]                                                    
                              [0 0 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 1 1]      [1]                                                    
                  p(bfs#2#) = [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]                                                                 
                              [0 1 0] x1 + [0 1 0] x2 + [1]                                                                 
                              [0 1 1]      [1 1 0]      [1]                                                                 
                  p(bfs#3#) = [0 1 1]      [0 1 0]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]                                       
                              [1 1 1] x1 + [1 1 0] x2 + [1 1 1] x3 + [0 1 1] x4 + [0]                                       
                              [1 0 0]      [0 1 1]      [1 1 0]      [0 1 0]      [1]                                       
                  p(bfs#4#) = [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 1 1]      [1]
                              [1 0 0] x1 + [0 0 0] x2 + [0 1 0] x3 + [0 1 1] x4 + [1 0 0] x5 + [0 1 0] x6 + [0 0 0] x7 + [1]
                              [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]      [0 0 0]      [0]
                  p(dobfs#) = [0 1 1]      [1 1 1]      [1]                                                                 
                              [1 1 1] x1 + [0 1 0] x2 + [1]                                                                 
                              [1 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                 
                     p(eq#) = [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]      [1]                                                                 
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0 0 1] x2 + [1]                                                                 
                              [1 1 1]      [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                 
                   p(main#) = [1 1 1]      [1 1 1]      [1]                                                                 
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0 1 0] x2 + [0]                                                                 
                              [0 1 0]      [0 0 1]      [0]                                                                 
                p(reverse#) = [1 1 1]      [1]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [1 1 1]      [1]                                                                              
                     p(c_1) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 1 0] x1 + [1]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                     p(c_2) = [0]                                                                                           
                     p(c_3) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                     p(c_4) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
                     p(c_5) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                     p(c_6) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0] x1 + [1]                                                                              
                              [0 0 1]      [1]                                                                              
                     p(c_7) = [0]                                                                                           
                     p(c_8) = [1 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0] x1 + [1]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                     p(c_9) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 1 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                    p(c_10) = [1 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [1]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                    p(c_11) = [1]                                                                                           
                    p(c_12) = [1 0 1]      [0]                                                                              
                              [1 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                    p(c_13) = [1 0 1]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0]      [0]                                                                              
                    p(c_14) = [1 0 0]      [1]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 1 0]      [0]                                                                              
                    p(c_15) = [0]                                                                                           
                    p(c_16) = [0]                                                                                           
                    p(c_17) = [1 1 0]      [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 0] x1 + [0]                                                                              
                              [0 0 1]      [0]                                                                              
        Following rules are strictly oriented:
        appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) = [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [1 0 0]      [1]
                                     [0 2 2] x + [1 1 0] xs + [1 1 0] ys + [1]
                                     [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]      [0]
                                   > [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [1 0 0]      [0]
                                     [0 2 2] x + [1 1 0] xs + [1 1 0] ys + [1]
                                     [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0]
                                   = appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))               
        Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
             appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) =  [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0]                                                   
                                            [0 2 2] x + [1 1 0] xs + [2]                                                   
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [1]                                                   
                                         >= [0 0 0]      [0]                                                               
                                            [1 1 0] xs + [2]                                                               
                                            [0 0 0]      [0]                                                               
                                         =  c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))                                               
                appendreverse#(nil(),ys) =  [0]                                                                            
                                         >= [0]                                                                            
                                         =  c_2()                                                                          
                           bfs#(xs,ys,x) =  [0 1 0]     [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]                                      
                                            [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] xs + [0 0 1] ys + [0]                                      
                                            [1 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]      [0]                                      
                                         >= [0 1 0]     [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]                                      
                                            [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] xs + [0 0 0] ys + [0]                                      
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0]                                      
                                         =  c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))                                                           
                   bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) =  [0 1 1]     [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [0]                          
                                            [0 0 0] t + [0 0 0] ts + [0 0 1] x + [0 1 1] ys + [0]                          
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [1 1 1]     [0 1 1]      [1]                          
                                         >= [0 1 1]     [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [0]                          
                                            [0 0 0] t + [0 0 0] ts + [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] ys + [0]                          
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [1]                          
                                         =  c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))                                                         
                      bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) =  [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [0]                                                   
                                            [0 0 1] x + [0 1 1] ys + [0]                                                   
                                            [1 1 1]     [0 1 1]      [2]                                                   
                                         >= [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [0]                                                   
                                            [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] ys + [0]                                                   
                                            [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [0]                                                   
                                         =  c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))                                                              
                      bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) =  [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]     [1]                                       
                                            [0 1 1] t + [0 1 0] ts + [0 1 0] x + [2]                                       
                                            [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [1 1 0]     [2]                                       
                                         >= [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]     [1]                                       
                                            [0 1 1] t + [0 1 0] ts + [0 1 0] x + [2]                                       
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [1 0 0]     [2]                                       
                                         =  c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))                                           
                         bfs#2#(nil(),x) =  [0 1 0]     [0]                                                                
                                            [0 1 0] x + [1]                                                                
                                            [1 1 0]     [2]                                                                
                                         >= [0]                                                                            
                                         =  c_7()                                                                          
                  bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) =  [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [1]                                      
                                            [1 1 1] ts + [0 1 1] x + [1 1 0] ys + [1]                                      
                                            [1 1 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]      [1]                                      
                                         >= [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [1]                                      
                                            [1 0 0] ts + [0 1 0] x + [0 1 0] ys + [1]                                      
                                            [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [0]                                      
                                         =  c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))                                                             
           bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) =  [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [2]
                                            [1 1 2] t1 + [0 2 1] t2 + [1 1 1] ts + [0 1 1] x + [0 2 1] y + [1 1 0] ys + [3]
                                            [1 0 1]      [0 1 0]      [1 1 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]      [2]
                                         >= [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [2]
                                            [0 1 0] t1 + [0 1 1] t2 + [1 0 0] ts + [0 1 0] x + [0 0 0] y + [0 0 0] ys + [2]
                                            [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0]
                                         =  c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))                                           
        bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [2]
                                            [0 1 0] t1 + [0 1 1] t2 + [1 0 0] ts + [0 1 0] x + [0 0 0] y + [0 0 0] ys + [2]
                                            [0 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]     [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0]
                                         >= [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]      [2]            
                                            [0 0 0] t1 + [0 0 0] t2 + [0 0 0] ts + [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] ys + [1]            
                                            [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0]            
                                         =  c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))                                              
         bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) =  [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1 0 0]      [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]     [0 1 0]      [1]
                                            [0 1 0] t1 + [0 1 1] t2 + [1 0 0] ts + [0 1 0] x + [0 0 0] y + [0 0 0] ys + [1]
                                            [0 0 0]      [0 1 0]      [0 0 0]      [0 0 1]     [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]      [0]
                                         >= [1]                                                                            
                                         =  c_11()                                                                         
                             dobfs#(t,x) =  [0 1 1]     [1 1 1]     [1]                                                    
                                            [1 1 1] t + [0 1 0] x + [1]                                                    
                                            [1 0 0]     [0 0 0]     [0]                                                    
                                         >= [0 1 1]     [1 1 0]     [1]                                                    
                                            [0 1 1] t + [0 1 0] x + [0]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]     [0]                                                    
                                         =  c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))                                                
                                eq#(x,y) =  [0 1 0]     [0 1 0]     [1]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0] x + [0 0 1] y + [1]                                                    
                                            [1 1 1]     [0 0 0]     [0]                                                    
                                         >= [0]                                                                            
                                         =  c_15()                                                                         
                            eq#(0(),0()) =  [1]                                                                            
                                         >= [0]                                                                            
                                         =  c_16()                                                                         
                          eq#(s(x),s(y)) =  [0 1 1]     [0 1 1]     [3]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] y + [2]                                                    
                                            [1 1 2]     [0 0 0]     [3]                                                    
                                         >= [0 1 0]     [0 1 1]     [2]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0] x + [0 0 0] y + [0]                                                    
                                            [1 1 1]     [0 0 0]     [0]                                                    
                                         =  c_17(eq#(x,y))                                                                 
                              main#(t,x) =  [1 1 1]     [1 1 1]     [1]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0] t + [0 1 0] x + [0]                                                    
                                            [0 1 0]     [0 0 1]     [0]                                                    
                                         >= [1 1 1]     [1 1 1]     [1]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0] t + [0 0 0] x + [0]                                                    
                                            [0 0 0]     [0 0 0]     [0]                                                    
                                         =  c_13(dobfs#(t,x))                                                              
                            reverse#(xs) =  [1 1 1]      [1]                                                               
                                            [1 0 0] xs + [0]                                                               
                                            [1 1 1]      [1]                                                               
                                         >= [0 0 0]      [1]                                                               
                                            [0 0 0] xs + [0]                                                               
                                            [1 1 0]      [1]                                                               
                                         =  c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))                                                 
                 appendreverse(nil(),ys) =  [1 0 0]      [0]                                                               
                                            [1 1 0] ys + [0]                                                               
                                            [0 0 1]      [0]                                                               
                                         >= [1 0 0]      [0]                                                               
                                            [0 1 0] ys + [0]                                                               
                                            [0 0 1]      [0]                                                               
                                         =  ys                                                                             
                                 eq(x,y) =  [0 0 0]     [1]                                                                
                                            [1 0 0] x + [0]                                                                
                                            [0 0 0]     [0]                                                                
                                         >= [1]                                                                            
                                         =  #false()                                                                       
                             eq(0(),0()) =  [1]                                                                            
                                         >= [0]                                                                            
                                         =  #true()                                                                        
                           eq(s(x),s(y)) =  [0 0 0]     [1]                                                                
                                            [1 0 1] x + [1]                                                                
                                            [0 0 0]     [0]                                                                
                                         >= [0 0 0]     [1]                                                                
                                            [1 0 0] x + [0]                                                                
                                            [0 0 0]     [0]                                                                
                                         =  eq(x,y)                                                                        
                             reverse(xs) =  [0 1 0]      [0]                                                               
                                            [1 1 0] xs + [0]                                                               
                                            [1 0 0]      [1]                                                               
                                         >= [0 1 0]      [0]                                                               
                                            [1 1 0] xs + [0]                                                               
                                            [0 0 0]      [1]                                                               
                                         =  appendreverse(xs,nil())                                                        
* Step 13: EmptyProcessor WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Weak DPs:
            appendreverse#(::(x,xs),ys) -> c_1(appendreverse#(xs,::(x,ys)))
            appendreverse#(nil(),ys) -> c_2()
            bfs#(xs,ys,x) -> c_3(bfs#1#(xs,ys,x))
            bfs#1#(::(t,ts),ys,x) -> c_4(bfs#3#(t,ys,ts,x))
            bfs#1#(nil(),ys,x) -> c_5(bfs#2#(ys,x))
            bfs#2#(::(t,ts),x) -> c_6(bfs#(reverse(::(t,ts)),nil(),x))
            bfs#2#(nil(),x) -> c_7()
            bfs#3#(leaf(),ys,ts,x) -> c_8(bfs#(ts,ys,x))
            bfs#3#(node(y,t1,t2),ys,ts,x) -> c_9(bfs#4#(eq(x,y),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y))
            bfs#4#(#false(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_10(bfs#(ts,::(t2,::(t1,ys)),x))
            bfs#4#(#true(),ys,t1,t2,ts,x,y) -> c_11()
            dobfs#(t,x) -> c_12(bfs#(::(t,nil()),nil(),x))
            eq#(x,y) -> c_15()
            eq#(0(),0()) -> c_16()
            eq#(s(x),s(y)) -> c_17(eq#(x,y))
            main#(t,x) -> c_13(dobfs#(t,x))
            reverse#(xs) -> c_14(appendreverse#(xs,nil()))
        - Weak TRS:
            appendreverse(::(x,xs),ys) -> appendreverse(xs,::(x,ys))
            appendreverse(nil(),ys) -> ys
            eq(x,y) -> #false()
            eq(0(),0()) -> #true()
            eq(s(x),s(y)) -> eq(x,y)
            reverse(xs) -> appendreverse(xs,nil())
        - Signature:
            ,bfs#1#/3,bfs#2#/2,bfs#3#/4,bfs#4#/7,dobfs#/2,eq#/2,main#/2,reverse#/1} / {#false/0,#true/0,0/0,::/2,leaf/0
        - Obligation:
            innermost runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {appendreverse#,bfs#,bfs#1#,bfs#2#,bfs#3#,bfs#4#,dobfs#
            ,eq#,main#,reverse#} and constructors {#false,#true,0,::,leaf,nil,node,s}
    + Applied Processor:
    + Details:
        The problem is already closed. The intended complexity is O(1).

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