Sized-type inference for higher-order functional programs

HoSA performs inference of sized-types for higher-order functional programs, as explained in our recent paper.

Download and installation

HoSA is open source and can be downloaded from its github page.


HoSA is implemented in Haskell and relies on a recent version of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.


HoSA requires various auxiliary libraries and tools, such as our GUBS solver. Thus, the easiest way to install HoSA is via stack. To install HoSA via stack, navigate to the source distribution folder in a terminal and type:

stack install

This will install HoSA together with all its requirements. Note however that GUBS solver needs an SMT-solver installed, such as Microsoft’s Z3.


HoSA is invoked by the command line by

hosa <file>

where <file> is the functional program that should be analysed. For additional command line flags, type

hosa --help

In particular the flag -a time allows to switch on runtime complexity analysis via code-ticking. HoSA is still under development and features currently just a simple format for higher-order programs, see the example folder for the syntax of input programs.


HoSA is still work in progress. For issues and limitations, see the github issue tracker.

An Example

$ cat examples/product.atrs 
foldr f b [] = b;
foldr f b (l : ls) = f l (foldr f b ls);

lam1 n m l = (n,m) : l;
lam2 ms n l = foldr (lam1 n) l ms;
product ns ms = foldr (lam2 ms) [] ns;

$ hosa examples/product.atrs
Input program:
  foldr :: (β -> α -> α) -> α -> L(β) -> α
  foldr f b ((:) l ls) = f l (foldr f b ls)
  foldr f b [] = b
  lam1 :: β -> α -> L((β,α)) -> L((β,α))
  lam1 n m l = (:) (n,m) l
  lam2 :: L(α) -> β -> L((β,α)) -> L((β,α))
  lam2 ms n l = foldr (lam1 n) l ms
  product :: L(β) -> L(α) -> L((β,α))
  product ns ms = foldr (lam2 ms) [] ns
    (:) :: α -> L(α) -> L(α)
    [] :: L(α)

Calling-context annotated program:
  foldr :: (γ -> L((β,α)) -> L((β,α))) -> L((β,α)) -> L(γ) -> L((β,α))
  foldr f b ((:) l ls) = f l (foldr f b ls)
  foldr f b [] = b
  lam1 :: β -> α -> L((β,α)) -> L((β,α))
  lam1 n m l = (:) (n,m) l
  lam2 :: L(α) -> β -> L((β,α)) -> L((β,α))
  lam2 ms n l = foldr (lam1 n) l ms
  product :: L(β) -> L(α) -> L((β,α))
  product ns ms = foldr (lam2 ms) [] ns
    (:) :: α -> L(α) -> L(α)
    [] :: L(α)

Sized-type annotated program:
  foldr :: ∀ x2 x3 x4.(∀ x1.α -> L[x1]((β,γ)) -> L[x1+x2]((β,γ))) -> L[x3]((β,γ)) -> L[x4](α) -> L[x2*x4+x3]((β,γ))
  foldr f b ((:) l ls) = f l (foldr f b ls)
  foldr f b [] = b
  lam1 :: ∀ x1.α -> β -> L[x1]((α,β)) -> L[1+x1]((α,β))
  lam1 n m l = (:) (n,m) l
  lam2 :: ∀ x1 x2.L[x1](α) -> β -> L[x2]((β,α)) -> L[x1+x2]((β,α))
  lam2 ms n l = foldr (lam1 n) l ms
  product :: ∀ x1 x2.L[x1](α) -> L[x2](β) -> L[1+x1*x2]((α,β))
  product ns ms = foldr (lam2 ms) [] ns
    (:) :: ∀ x1.α -> L[x1](α) -> L[1+x1](α)
    [] :: L[1](α)

What is happening here: