Modular Semantic Labeling and Unlabeling Termination of term rewrite systems is an interesting and popular research area. In the last years several methods have been developed to automatically prove termination of term rewrite systems. Two popular methods are the dependency pair framework and semantic labeling where termination proofs are done by iteratively modifying the rewrite systems by sound techniques until termination is trivially achieved. For such an iterative method it is often useful to remove those labels that have been introduced by the semantic labeling technique. The reason is that otherwise, the rewrite systems easily become too large to process them further. Here, it is essential that the decreasing rules are removed before unlabeling is performed. We show that unlabeling without decreasing rules is unsound in general and show our solution to this problem. Moreover, we also investigate semantic labeling and unlabeling in the setting of dependency pairs where additional problems arise when dealing with minimal chains. Our work has been formally verified in the library IsaFoR (Isabelle Formalization of Rewriting) and is used to certify termination proofs of sizes up to several megabytes.