KBCV – Knuth-Bendix Completion Visualizer
Thomas Sternagel and Harald ZanklProceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2012), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7364, pp. 530 – 536, 2012.
This paper describes a tool for Knuth-Bendix completion. In its interactive
mode the user only has to select the orientation of equations into rewrite
rules; all other computations (including necessary termination checks) are
performed internally. Apart from the interactive mode, the tool also
provides a fully automatic mode. Moreover, the generation of (dis)proofs in
equational logic is supported. Finally, the tool outputs proofs in a
certifiable format.
inproceedings{TSHZ-IJCAR12, author = "Thomas Sternagel and Harald Zankl", title = "{KBCV} - {Knuth-Bendix} Completion Visualizer", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning", series = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", volume = 7364, pages = "530--536", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 2012 }