Theory Compute_Nonempty_Infinite_Sorts

section ‹Computing Nonempty and Infinite sorts›

text ‹This theory provides two algorithms, which both take a description of a set of sorts with
  their constructors. The first algorithm computes the set of sorts that are nonempty, i.e., those
  sorts that are inhabited by ground terms; 
  and the second algorithm computes the set of sorts that are infinite,
  i.e., where one can build arbitrary large ground terms.›

theory Compute_Nonempty_Infinite_Sorts

subsection ‹Deciding the nonemptyness of all sorts under consideration›

function compute_nonempty_main :: " set  (('f ×  list) × ) list   set" where
  "compute_nonempty_main ne ls = (let rem_ls = filter (λ f. snd f  ne) ls in
     case partition (λ ((_,args),_). set args  ne) rem_ls of
      (new, rem)  if new = [] then ne else compute_nonempty_main (ne  set (map snd new)) rem)"
  by pat_completeness auto

proof (relation "measure (length o snd)", goal_cases)
  case (2 ne ls rem_ls new rem)   
  have "length new + length rem = length rem_ls" 
    using 2(2) sum_length_filter_compl[of _ rem_ls] by (auto simp: o_def)
  with 2(3) have "length rem < length rem_ls" by (cases new, auto)
  also have "  length ls" using 2(1) by auto
  finally show ?case by simp
qed simp

declare compute_nonempty_main.simps[simp del]

definition compute_nonempty_sorts :: "(('f ×  list) × ) list   set" where
  "compute_nonempty_sorts Cs = compute_nonempty_main {} Cs" 

lemma compute_nonempty_sorts:  
  assumes "distinct (map fst Cs)" (* no conflicting asssignments in list-representation *)
  and "map_of Cs = C" (* list-representation corresponds to function representation *)
shows "compute_nonempty_sorts Cs = {τ.  t :: ('f,'v)term. t : τ in 𝒯(C,)}" (is "_ = ?NE")
proof -
  let ?TC = "𝒯(C,( :: 'v  _))" 
  have "ne  ?NE  set ls  set Cs  snd ` (set Cs - set ls)  ne 
    compute_nonempty_main ne ls = ?NE" for ne ls
  proof (induct ne ls rule: compute_nonempty_main.induct)
    case (1 ne ls)
    note ne = 1(2)
    define rem_ls where "rem_ls = filter (λ f. snd f  ne) ls" 
    have rem_ls: "set rem_ls  set Cs"
       "snd ` (set Cs - set rem_ls)  ne" 
      using 1(2-) by (auto simp: rem_ls_def)
    obtain new rem where part: "partition (λ((f, args), target). set args  ne) rem_ls = (new,rem)" by force
    have [simp]: "compute_nonempty_main ne ls = (if new = [] then ne else compute_nonempty_main (ne  set (map snd new)) rem)" 
      unfolding compute_nonempty_main.simps[of ne ls] Let_def rem_ls_def[symmetric] part by auto
    have new: "set (map snd new)  ?NE"
      fix τ
      assume "τ  set (map snd new)" 
      then obtain f args where "((f,args),τ)  set rem_ls" and args: "set args  ne" using part by auto
      with rem_ls have "((f,args),τ)  set Cs" by auto
      with assms have "C (f,args) = Some τ" by auto
      hence fC: "f : args  τ in C" by (simp add: hastype_in_ssig_def)
      from args ne have " tau.  t. tau  set args  t : tau in ?TC" by auto
      from choice[OF this] obtain ts where " tau. tau  set args  ts tau : tau in ?TC" by auto
      hence "Fun f (map ts args) : τ in ?TC" 
        apply (intro Fun_hastypeI[OF fC]) 
        by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth)
      thus "τ  ?NE" by auto
    show ?case
    proof (cases "new = []")
      case False
      note IH = 1(1)[OF rem_ls_def part[symmetric] False]
      have "compute_nonempty_main ne ls = compute_nonempty_main (ne  set (map snd new)) rem" using False by simp
      also have " = ?NE" 
      proof (rule IH)
        show "ne  set (map snd new)  ?NE" using new ne by auto
        show "set rem  set Cs" using rem_ls part by auto
        show "snd ` (set Cs - set rem)  ne  set (map snd new)"
          fix τ
          assume "τ  snd ` (set Cs - set rem)" 
          then obtain f args where in_ls: "((f,args),τ)  set Cs" and nrem: "((f,args),τ)  set rem" by force
          thus "τ  ne  set (map snd new)" using new part rem_ls by force (* takes a few seconds *)
      finally show ?thesis .
      case True
      have "compute_nonempty_main ne ls = ne" using True by simp
      also have " = ?NE" 
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ ?thesis" 
        with ne obtain τ t where counter: "t : τ in ?TC" "τ  ne" by auto
        thus False 
        proof (induct t τ)
          case (Fun f ts τs τ)
          from Fun(1) have "C (f,τs) = Some τ" by (simp add: hastype_in_ssig_def)
          with assms(2) have mem: "((f,τs),τ)  set Cs" by (meson map_of_SomeD)
          from Fun(3) have τs: "set τs  ne" by (induct, auto)
          from rem_ls mem Fun(4) have "((f,τs),τ)  set rem_ls" by auto
          with τs have "((f,τs),τ)  set new" using part by auto
          with True show ?case by auto
        qed auto
      finally show ?thesis .
  from this[of "{}" Cs] show ?thesis unfolding compute_nonempty_sorts_def by auto

definition decide_nonempty_sorts :: "'t list  (('f × 't list) × 't)list  't option" where
  "decide_nonempty_sorts τs Cs = (let ne = compute_nonempty_sorts Cs in
   find (λ τ. τ  ne) τs)" 

lemma decide_nonempty_sorts:  
  assumes "distinct (map fst Cs)" (* no conflicting asssignments in list-representation *)
  and "map_of Cs = C" (* list-representation corresponds to function representation *)
shows "decide_nonempty_sorts τs Cs = None   τ  set τs.  t :: ('f,'v)term. t : τ in 𝒯(C,)"
  "decide_nonempty_sorts τs Cs = Some τ  τ  set τs  ¬ ( t :: ('f,'v)term. t : τ in 𝒯(C,))" 
  unfolding decide_nonempty_sorts_def Let_def compute_nonempty_sorts[OF assms, where ?'v = 'v]
    find_None_iff find_Some_iff by auto

subsection ‹Deciding infiniteness of a sort›

text ‹We provide an algorithm, that given a list of sorts with constructors, computes the
  set of those sorts that are infinite. Here a sort is defined as infinite iff 
   there is no upper bound on the size of the ground terms of that sort.›

(* second argument: take list of types combined with constructors *)
function compute_inf_main :: " set  ( × ('f ×  list)list) list   set" where
  "compute_inf_main m_inf ls = (
   let (fin, ls') = 
         partition (λ (τ,fs).  τs  set (map snd fs).  τ  set τs. τ  m_inf) ls 
    in if fin = [] then m_inf else compute_inf_main (m_inf - set (map fst fin)) ls')" 
  by pat_completeness auto

proof (relation "measure (length o snd)", goal_cases)
  case (2 m_inf ls pair fin ls')   
  have "length fin + length ls' = length ls" 
    using 2 sum_length_filter_compl[of _ ls] by (auto simp: o_def)
  with 2(3) have "length ls' < length ls" by (cases fin, auto)
  thus ?case by auto
qed simp

lemma compute_inf_main: fixes E :: "'v  't" and C :: "('f,'t)ssig"
  assumes E: "E = " 
  and C_Cs: "C = map_of Cs'" 
  and Cs': "set Cs' = set (concat (map ((λ (τ, fs). map (λ f. (f,τ)) fs)) Cs))" 
  and arg_types_inhabitet: " f τs τ τ'. f : τs  τ in C  τ'  set τs  ( t. t : τ' in 𝒯(C,E))" 
  and dist: "distinct (map fst Cs)" "distinct (map fst Cs')"
  and inhabitet: " τ fs. (τ,fs)  set Cs  set fs  {}" 
  and " τ. τ  m_inf  bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})" 
  and "set ls  set Cs" 
  and "fst ` (set Cs - set ls)  m_inf = {}" 
  and "m_inf  fst ` set ls" 
shows "compute_inf_main m_inf ls = {τ. ¬ bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})}" 
  using assms(8-)
proof (induct m_inf ls rule: compute_inf_main.induct)
  case (1 m_inf ls)
  let ?fin = "λ τ. bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})" 
  define crit where "crit = (λ (τ :: 't,fs :: ('f × 't list) list).  τs  set (map snd fs).  τ  set τs. τ  m_inf)" 
  define S where "S τ' = size ` {t. t : τ' in 𝒯(C,E)}" for τ'
  define M where "M τ' = Maximum (S τ')" for τ'
  define M' where "M' σs = sum_list (map M σs) + (1 + length σs)" for σs
  define L where "L = [ σs . (τ,cs) <- Cs, (f,σs) <- cs]" 
  define N where "N = max_list (map M' L)" 
  obtain fin ls' where part: "partition crit ls = (fin, ls')" by force
    fix τ cs
    assume inCs: "(τ,cs)  set Cs" 
    have nonempty:" t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)"
    proof -
      from inhabitet[rule_format, OF inCs] obtain f σs where "(f,σs)  set cs" by (cases cs,auto )
      with inCs have "((f,σs),τ)  set Cs'" unfolding Cs' by auto
      hence fC: "f : σs  τ in C" using dist(2) unfolding C_Cs
        by (meson hastype_in_ssig_def map_of_is_SomeI)
      hence "σ.  t. σ  set σs  t : σ in 𝒯(C,E)" using arg_types_inhabitet[rule_format, of f σs τ] by auto
      from choice[OF this] obtain t where "σ  set σs  t σ : σ in 𝒯(C,E)" for σ by auto
      hence "Fun f (map t σs) : τ in 𝒯(C,E)" using list_all2_conv_all_nth 
        apply (intro Fun_hastypeI[OF fC]) by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth)
      then show ?thesis by auto
  } note inhabited = this
    fix τ
    assume asm: "τ  fst ` set fin"
    hence "?fin τ"
    proof(cases "τ  m_inf")
      case True
      then obtain fs where taufs:"(τ, fs)  set fin" using asm by auto 
        fix τ' and t and args
        assume *: "τ'  set args" "args  snd ` set fs" "t : τ' in 𝒯(C,E)" 
        from * have "τ'  m_inf" using taufs unfolding compute_inf_main.simps[of m_inf] 
          using crit_def part by fastforce
        hence "?fin τ'" using crit_def part 1(2) by auto
        hence hM: "bdd_above (S τ')" unfolding S_def .
        from *(3) have "size t  S τ'" unfolding S_def by auto
        from this hM have "size t  M τ'" unfolding M_def by (metis bdd_above_Maximum_nat)
      } note arg_type_bounds = this
        fix t
        assume t: "t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)" 
        then obtain f ts where tF: "t = Fun f ts" unfolding E by (induct, auto)
        from t[unfolded tF Fun_hastype]
        obtain σs where f: "f : σs  τ in C" and args: "ts :l σs in 𝒯(C,E)" by auto
        from part[simplified] asm 1(3) obtain cs where inCs: "(τ,cs)  set Cs" and crit: "crit (τ,cs)" by auto
          from f[unfolded hastype_in_ssig_def C_Cs]
          have "map_of Cs' (f, σs) = Some τ" by auto
          hence "((f,σs), τ)  set Cs'" by (metis map_of_SomeD)
          from this[unfolded Cs', simplified] obtain cs' where 2: "(τ,cs')  set Cs" and mem: "(f,σs)  set cs'" by auto
          from inCs 2 dist have "cs' = cs" by (metis eq_key_imp_eq_value)
          with mem have mem: "(f,σs)  set cs" by auto
        } note mem = this
        from mem inCs have inL: "σs  set L" unfolding L_def by force
          fix σ ti
          assume "σ  set σs" and ti: "ti : σ in 𝒯(C,E)" 
          with mem crit have "σ  m_inf" unfolding crit_def by auto
          hence "?fin σ" using 1(2) by auto
          hence hM: "bdd_above (S σ)" unfolding S_def .
          from ti have "size ti  S σ" unfolding S_def by auto
          from this hM have "size ti  M σ" unfolding M_def by (metis bdd_above_Maximum_nat)
        } note arg_bound = this
        have len: "length σs = length ts" using args by (auto simp: list_all2_conv_all_nth)
        have "size t = sum_list (map size ts) + (1 + length ts)" unfolding tF by (simp add: size_list_conv_sum_list)
        also have "  sum_list (map M σs) + (1 + length ts)" unfolding tF args 
        proof -
          have id1: "map size ts = map (λ i. size (ts ! i)) [0 ..< length ts]" by (intro nth_equalityI, auto)
          have id2: "map M σs = map (λ i. M (σs ! i)) [0 ..< length ts]" using len by (intro nth_equalityI, auto)
          have "sum_list (map size ts)  sum_list (map M σs)" unfolding id1 id2
            apply (rule sum_list_mono) using arg_bound args
            by (auto, simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth)
          thus ?thesis by auto
        also have " = sum_list (map M σs) + (1 + length σs)" using args unfolding M_def using list_all2_lengthD by auto
        also have " = M' σs" unfolding M'_def by auto
        also have "  max_list (map M' L)" 
          by (rule max_list, insert inL, auto)
        also have " = N" unfolding N_def ..
        finally have "size t  N" .
      hence " s. s  S τ  s  N" unfolding S_def by auto
      hence "finite (S τ)"
        using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by auto
      have nonempty:" t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)"
      proof -
        from part[simplified] asm 1(3) obtain cs where inCs: "(τ,cs)  set Cs" by auto
        thus ?thesis using inhabited by auto
      hence "S τ  {}" unfolding S_def by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis unfolding S_def[symmetric] by (metis Max_ge bdd_above_def)
      case False
      then show ?thesis using 1(2) by simp
  } note fin = this
  show ?case 
  proof (cases "fin = []")
    case False
    hence "compute_inf_main m_inf ls = compute_inf_main (m_inf - set (map fst fin)) ls'" 
      unfolding compute_inf_main.simps[of m_inf] part[unfolded crit_def] by auto
    also have " = {τ. ¬ ?fin τ}" 
    proof (rule 1(1)[OF refl part[unfolded crit_def, symmetric] False])
      show "set ls'  set Cs" using 1(3) part by auto
      show "fst ` (set Cs - set ls')  (m_inf - set (map fst fin)) = {}" using 1(3-4) part by force
      show "τ. τ  m_inf - set (map fst fin)  ?fin τ" using 1(2) fin by force
      show "m_inf - set (map fst fin)  fst ` set ls'" using 1(5) part by force
    finally show ?thesis .
    case True
    hence "compute_inf_main m_inf ls = m_inf" 
      unfolding compute_inf_main.simps[of m_inf] part[unfolded crit_def] by auto
    also have " = {τ. ¬ ?fin τ}" 
      show "{τ. ¬ ?fin τ}  m_inf" using fin 1(2) by auto
        fix τ
        assume "τ  m_inf" 
        with 1(5) obtain cs where mem: "(τ,cs)  set ls" by auto
        from part True have ls': "ls' = ls" by (induct ls arbitrary: ls', auto)
        from partition_P[OF part, unfolded ls']
        have " e. e  set ls  ¬ crit e" by auto
        from this[OF mem, unfolded crit_def split]
        obtain c τs τ' where *: "(c,τs)  set cs" "τ'  set τs" "τ'  m_inf" by auto
        from mem 1(2-) have "(τ,cs)  set Cs" by auto
        with * have "((c,τs),τ)  set Cs'" unfolding Cs' by force
        with dist(2) have "map_of Cs' ((c,τs)) = Some τ" by simp
        from this[folded C_Cs] have c: "c : τs  τ in C" unfolding hastype_in_ssig_def .
        from arg_types_inhabitet this have " σ.  t. σ  set τs  t : σ in 𝒯(C,E)" by auto
        from choice[OF this] obtain t where " σ. σ  set τs  t σ : σ in 𝒯(C,E)" by auto
        hence list: "map t τs :l τs in 𝒯(C,E)" by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth)
        with c have "Fun c (map t τs) : τ in 𝒯(C,E)" by (intro Fun_hastypeI)
        with * c list have " c τs τ' ts. Fun c ts : τ in 𝒯(C,E)  ts :l τs in 𝒯(C,E)  c : τs  τ in C  τ'  set τs  τ'  m_inf" 
          by blast
      } note m_invD = this
        fix n :: nat
        have "τ  m_inf   t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)  size t  n" for τ
        proof (induct n arbitrary: τ)
          case (0 τ)
          from m_invD[OF 0] show ?case by blast
          case (Suc n τ)
          from m_invD[OF Suc(2)] obtain c τs τ' ts
            where *: "ts :l τs in 𝒯(C,E)" "c : τs  τ in C" "τ'  set τs" "τ'  m_inf" 
            by auto
          from *(1)[unfolded list_all2_conv_all_nth] *(3)[unfolded set_conv_nth]
          obtain i where i: "i < length τs" and tsi:"ts ! i : τ' in 𝒯(C,E)" and len: "length ts = length τs" by auto
          from Suc(1)[OF *(4)] obtain t where t:"t : τ' in 𝒯(C,E)" and ns:"n  size t" by auto
          define ts' where "ts' = ts[i := t]" 
          have "ts' :l τs in 𝒯(C,E)" using list_all2_conv_all_nth unfolding ts'_def 
            by (metis "*"(1) tsi has_same_type i list_all2_update_cong list_update_same_conv t(1))
          hence **:"Fun c ts' : τ in 𝒯(C,E)" apply (intro Fun_hastypeI[OF *(2)]) by fastforce 
          have "t  set ts'" unfolding ts'_def using t 
            by (simp add: i len set_update_memI)
          hence "size (Fun c ts')  Suc n" using * 
            by (simp add: size_list_estimation' ns)
          thus ?case using ** by blast
      } note main = this
      show "m_inf  {τ. ¬ ?fin τ}"  
      proof (standard, standard)
        fix τ
        assume asm: "τ  m_inf"         
        have "t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)  n < size t" for n using main[OF asm, of "Suc n"] by auto
        thus "¬ ?fin τ"
          by (metis bdd_above_Maximum_nat imageI mem_Collect_eq order.strict_iff)
    finally show ?thesis .

definition compute_inf_sorts :: "(('f × 't list) × 't)list  't set" where
  "compute_inf_sorts Cs = (let 
       Cs' = map (λ τ. (τ, map fst (filter(λf. snd f = τ) Cs))) (remdups (map snd Cs))
    in compute_inf_main (set (map fst Cs')) Cs')" 

lemma compute_inf_sorts:
  fixes E :: "'v  't" and C :: "('f,'t)ssig"
  assumes E: "E = " 
  and C_Cs: "C = map_of Cs" 
  and arg_types_inhabitet: " f τs τ τ'. f : τs  τ in C  τ'  set τs  ( t. t : τ' in 𝒯(C,E))"
  and dist: "distinct (map fst Cs)" 
shows "compute_inf_sorts Cs = {τ. ¬ bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})}"
proof -
  define taus where "taus = remdups (map snd Cs)" 
  define Cs' where "Cs' = map (λ τ. (τ, map fst (filter(λf. snd f = τ) Cs))) taus" 
  have "compute_inf_sorts Cs = compute_inf_main (set (map fst Cs')) Cs'" 
    unfolding compute_inf_sorts_def taus_def Cs'_def Let_def by auto
  also have " = {τ. ¬ bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})}"
  proof (rule compute_inf_main[OF E C_Cs _ arg_types_inhabitet _ dist _ _ subset_refl])  
    have "distinct taus" unfolding taus_def by auto
    thus "distinct (map fst Cs')" unfolding Cs'_def map_map o_def fst_conv by auto
    show "set Cs = set (concat (map (λ(τ, fs). map (λf. (f, τ)) fs) Cs'))" 
      unfolding Cs'_def taus_def by force
    show "τ fs. (τ, fs)  set Cs'  set fs  {}" 
      unfolding Cs'_def taus_def by (force simp: filter_empty_conv)
    show "fst ` (set Cs' - set Cs')  set (map fst Cs') = {}" by auto
    show "set (map fst Cs')  fst ` set Cs'" by auto
    show "τ. τ  set (map fst Cs')  bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})" 
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix τ
      assume "τ  set (map fst Cs')" 
      hence "τ  snd ` set Cs" unfolding Cs'_def taus_def by auto
      hence diff: "C f  Some τ" for f unfolding C_Cs
        by (metis Some_eq_map_of_iff dist imageI snd_conv)
        fix t
        assume "t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)" 
        hence False using diff unfolding E
        proof induct
          case (Fun f ss σs τ)
          from Fun(1,4) show False unfolding hastype_in_ssig_def by auto
        qed auto
      hence id: "{t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)} = {}" by auto
      show "bdd_above (size ` {t. t : τ in 𝒯(C,E)})" unfolding id by auto
  finally show ?thesis .