Theory LS_Bounded_Duplicating

theory LS_Bounded_Duplicating
imports LS_Common
Author:  Bertram Felgenhauer <> (2015-2017)
Author:  Franziska Rapp <> (2015-2017)
License: LGPL (see file COPYING.LESSER)

section ‹Main result for bounded duplicating systems›

theory LS_Bounded_Duplicating
  imports LS_Common

fun map_funs_mctxt :: "('f ⇒ 'g) ⇒ ('f, 'v) mctxt ⇒ ('g, 'v) mctxt" where
  "map_funs_mctxt _ MHole = MHole"
| "map_funs_mctxt _ (MVar x) = MVar x"
| "map_funs_mctxt f (MFun g Cs) = MFun (f g) (map (map_funs_mctxt f) Cs)"

locale weakly_layered_induct_bounded_duplicating = weakly_layered_induct  𝔏  rk
  for  :: "('f × nat) set" and 𝔏 :: "('f, 'v :: infinite) mctxt set" and  :: "('f, 'v) trs" and
      rk :: nat +
  fixes R :: "('f, 'v) term rel" and label :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f option, 'v) term"
  assumes bd: "bounded_duplicating ℛ"
  defines "label ≡ λs. fill_holes (map_funs_mctxt Some (max_top s)) (map (λt. Fun None [map_funs_term Some s]) (aliens s))"
  defines "R ≡ {(s, t) | s t. (label t, label s) ∈ (relto (rstep {(Fun None [Var undefined], Var undefined)}) (rstep (map_funs_trs Some ℛ)))+ }"

lemma wfR:
  "wf R"
  using wf_inv_image[OF wf_trancl[OF bd[unfolded bounded_duplicating_def SN_rel_on_def SN_iff_wf]]]
  unfolding R_def trancl_converse converse_inv_image[symmetric] by (auto simp: converse_def)

lemma transR:
  "trans R"
  using trans_inv_image[OF trans_trancl[of "_¯"]]
  unfolding R_def trancl_converse converse_inv_image[symmetric] by (auto simp: converse_def)

lemma short_short_peak:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ short_step_s s0" "(s, u) ∈ short_step_s s1"
  shows "(t, u) ∈ ((⋃i∈under R s0. short_step_s i))* O (short_step_s s1)= O
    ((⋃i∈under R s0 ∪ under R s1. short_step_s i))* O
    ((short_step_s s0)¯)= O ((⋃i∈under R s1. short_step_s i))*"

sublocale weakly_layered_induct_dd
  by (unfold_locales) (fact wfR transR short_short_peak)+


sublocale weakly_layered ⊆ weakly_layered_cr_bd
proof (standard, unfold rstep_eq_rstep', intro CR_main_lemma[where R = "λ_. {}"], goal_cases _ step)
  case (step rk)
  then interpret weakly_layered_induct_bounded_duplicating ℱ 𝔏 ℛ rk "{}" by (unfold_locales) simp_all
  show ?case by unfold_locales
qed simp_all

lemmas (in weakly_layered) CR_bd = CR_bd

text ‹@{cite ‹Theorem 4.3› FMZvO15}›
thm weakly_layered.CR_bd
